#+SETUPFILE: ~/.emacs.d/org-templates/projects.org #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: index #+TITLE: Draco Draco is a script to convert reddit thread to Org document. It accepts a url & prints the Org document to STDOUT. It'll also print comments along with their replies. It's limited by the reddit API. | Project Home | [[https://andinus.nand.sh/draco/][Draco]] | | Source Code | [[https://git.tilde.institute/andinus/draco/][Andinus / Draco]] | | GitHub (Mirror) | [[https://github.com/andinus/draco/][Draco - GitHub]] | *Tested on*: - OpenBSD 6.8 (Perl v5.30.3) * Why? I reference things from the web in my Journal & don't want those links to break so I save them locally. Previously I used to manually archive the whole thread, this automates it. * Installation #+BEGIN_SRC sh # Clone the project. git clone https://git.tilde.institute/andinus/draco && \ cd draco # Install dependencies. (OpenBSD) doas pkg_add p5-Text-Wrapper p5-JSON-MaybeXS cpan install HTTP::Tiny # Install. (Use sudo if doas is not present) doas make install #+END_SRC * Dependencies ** Text::Wrapper This is used to wrap the text at 72 characters. Draco can work without this module. ** JSON::MaybeXS This module is required for Draco to work, it can be replaced with any other module that parses JSON & produces same data structure. ** HTTP::Tiny Draco can work without this module if you can get the file some other way.