#+title: Exercism #+export_file_name: index #+html_link_up: ./index.html #+setupfile: ~/.emacs.d/org-templates/level-1.org My solutions for [[https://exercism.io][Exercism]] exercises. - Source: https://git.tilde.institute/andinus/exercism - GitHub: https://github.com/andinus/exercism - Note: The license only applies to my solutions. * C [16/18] - [X] Hello World - [X] Armstrong Numbers - [X] Resistor Color - [X] Isogram - [X] Gigasecond - [X] Pangram - [X] Hamming - [X] Grains - [X] Space Age - [X] Nucleotide Count - [X] RNA Transcription - [X] Two Fer - [ ] Square Root - [X] Difference of Squares - [ ] Sum of Multiples - [X] Leap - [X] Acronym - [X] Binary Search * Clojure [3/4] - [X] Hello World - [X] Two Fer - [X] Raindrops - [ ] Reverse String * Emacs Lisp [3/4] - [X] Hello World - [X] Two Fer - [X] Leap - [ ] Anagram * Go [4/7] - [X] Hello World - [X] Two Fer - [ ] Space Age - [X] Hamming - [ ] Leap - [X] Raindrops - [ ] Nucleotide Count * JavaScript [4/8] - [X] Hello World - [ ] Square Root - [X] Two Fer - [X] Resistor Color - [X] Raindrops - [ ] Hamming - [ ] Luhn - [ ] Triangle * Python [3/3] - [X] Hello World - [X] Two Fer - [X] Raindrops * Raku [12/14] - [X] Hello World - [X] Two Fer - [X] Leap - [X] Bob - [X] Nucleotide Count - [X] Pangram - [X] Clock - [X] Hamming - [X] Anagram - [X] Word Count - [X] Raindrops - [X] Luhn - [ ] Phone Number - [ ] RNA Transcription - [ ] Acronym * Rust [2/3] - [X] Hello World - [X] Lucian's Luscious Lasagna - [ ] Armstrong Numbers