import { compute } from './hamming'; describe('Hamming', () => { test('empty strands', () => { expect(compute('', '')).toEqual(0); }); test('single letter identical strands', () => { expect(compute('A', 'A')).toEqual(0); }); test('single letter different strands', () => { expect(compute('G', 'T')).toEqual(1); }); test('long identical strands', () => { expect(compute('GGACTGAAATCTG', 'GGACTGAAATCTG')).toEqual(0); }); test('long different strands', () => { expect(compute('GGACGGATTCTG', 'AGGACGGATTCT')).toEqual(9); }); test('disallow first strand longer', () => { expect(() => compute('AATG', 'AAA')).toThrow( new Error('left and right strands must be of equal length') ); }); test('disallow second strand longer', () => { expect(() => compute('ATA', 'AGTG')).toThrow( new Error('left and right strands must be of equal length') ); }); test('disallow left empty strand', () => { expect(() => compute('', 'G')).toThrow( new Error('left strand must not be empty') ); }); test('disallow right empty strand', () => { expect(() => compute('G', '')).toThrow( new Error('right strand must not be empty') ); }); });