#+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: index #+TITLE: Grus Grus is a simple word unjumbler written in Go. | Project Home | [[https://andinus.nand.sh/grus/][Grus]] | | Source Code | [[https://tildegit.org/andinus/grus][Andinus / Grus]] | | GitHub (Mirror) | [[https://github.com/andinus/grus][Grus - GitHub]] | *Tested on*: - OpenBSD 6.6 (with /unveil/) * Working - Grus takes a word as input from the user - Input is ordered in [[https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexicographical_order][lexical order]] - Ordered input is searched in grus's database It returns unjumbled word along with all the anagrams. * Examples Run =grus help= to get the usage printed. #+BEGIN_SRC sh grus tinesl # will unjumble tinesl #+END_SRC You can also use the =grus-add= python script to add words to grus. * Installation ** Pre-built binaries Pre-built binaries are available for OpenBSD. *** v0.1.0 #+BEGIN_SRC sh curl -s \ https://tildegit.org/andinus/grus/raw/tag/v0.1.0/scripts/install.sh | sh # Download the initialization scripts. curl -o grus-add \ https://tildegit.org/andinus/grus/raw/tag/v0.1.0/scripts/grus-add curl -o init \ https://tildegit.org/andinus/grus/raw/tag/v0.1.0/scripts/init # Initialize the database. chmod +x init && \ ./init #+END_SRC * History Initial version of Grus was just a simple shell script that used the slowest method of unjumbling words, it checked every permutation of the word with all words in the file with same length. Later I rewrote the above logic in python, I wanted to use a better method. Next version used logic similar to the current one. It still had to iterate through all the words in the file but it eliminated lots of cases very quickly so it was faster. It first used the length check then it used this little thing to match the words. #+BEGIN_SRC python import collections match = lambda s1, s2: collections.Counter(s1) == collections.Counter(s2) #+END_SRC I don't understand how it works but it's fast, faster than convert the string to list & sorting the list. Actually I did that initially & you'll still find it in grus-add script. #+BEGIN_SRC python lexical = ''.join(sorted(word)) if word == lexical: print(word) #+END_SRC This is equivalent to lexical.SlowSort in current version. #+BEGIN_SRC go package lexical import ( "sort" "strings" ) // SlowSort returns string in lexical order. This function is slower // than Lexical. func SlowSort(word string) (sorted string) { // Convert word to a slice, sort the slice. t := strings.Split(word, "") sort.Strings(t) sorted = strings.Join(t, "") return } #+END_SRC Next version was also in python & it was stupid, for some reason using a database didn't cross my mind then. It sorted the word & then created a file with name as lexical order of that word (if word is "test" then filename would be "estt"), and it appended the word to that file. It took user input & sorted the word, then it just had to print the file (if word is "test" then it had to print "estt"). This was a lot faster than iterating through all the words but we had to prepare the files before we could do this. This was very stupid because the dictionary I was using had around 1/2 million words so this meant we got around half a million files, actually less than that because anagrams got appended into a single file but it was still a lot of small files. Handling that many small files is stupid. I don't have previous versions of this program. I decided to rewrite this in Go, this version does things differently & is faster than all previous versions. Currently we first sort the word in lexical order, we do that by converting the string to =[]rune= & sorting it, this is faster than lexical.SlowSort. lexical.SlowSort converts the string to =[]string= & sorts it. #+BEGIN_SRC go package lexical import "sort" // Sort takes a string as input and returns the lexical order. func Sort(word string) (sorted string) { // Convert the string to []rune. var r []rune for _, char := range word { r = append(r, char) } sort.Slice(r, func(i, j int) bool { return r[i] < r[j] }) sorted = string(r) return } #+END_SRC Instead of creating lots of small files, entries are stored in a sqlite3 database.