#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use IPC::Run3; use Path::Tiny; use Getopt::Long qw/ GetOptions /; my %options = (); GetOptions( \%options, qw{ verbose encrypt sign delete help } ) or die "Error in command line arguments\n"; $options{encrypt} = $ENV{LEO_ENCRYPT}; $options{sign} = $ENV{LEO_SIGN}; $options{delete} = $ENV{LEO_DELETE}; my $gpg_fingerprint = "D9AE4AEEE1F1B3598E81D9DFB67D55D482A799FD"; my $archive_dir = "/tmp/archive"; my $ymd = ymd(); # YYYY-MM-DD. path($archive_dir)->mkpath; # Create archive directory. my $prof; my %profile = ( journal => [qw( documents/andinus.org.gpg documents/archive.org.gpg )], emacs => [qw( .emacs.d .elfeed .org-timestamps )], config => [qw( .config .kshrc .kshrc.d .tmux.conf .xsession .remind .screenlayout .mg .mbsyncrc .fehbg .profile .plan .authinfo.gpg .Xresources )], ); # Add more directories to %profile. foreach my $tmp_prof (qw( emails music projects documents videos pictures downloads .ssh .password-store .mozilla )) { $profile{$tmp_prof} = [$tmp_prof]; } # Aliases. $profile{ssh} = $profile{".ssh"}; $profile{pass} = $profile{".password-store"}; $profile{mozilla} = $profile{".mozilla"}; HelpMessage() and exit 0 if scalar @ARGV == 0 or $options{help}; foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) { $prof = $arg; # Set $prof. if ( $profile{ $arg } ) { say "++++++++********++++++++"; # No encryption for journal profile. my $tmp = $options{encrypt} and undef $options{encrypt} if $prof eq "journal" and $options{encrypt}; # Deref the array here because we want flattened list. archive("$archive_dir/${arg}_$ymd.tar", $profile{$arg}->@*); $options{encrypt} = $tmp if $prof eq "journal"; } else { warn "[WARN] leo: no such option :: $arg \n"; } } # User must pass $tar_file first. sub archive { my $tar_file = shift @_; my @archive_paths = @_; say "Archive: $tar_file"; warn "[WARN] $tar_file exists, might overwrite.\n" if -e $tar_file; print "\n"; # All paths should be relative to $ENV{HOME}. tar_create($tar_file, "-C", $ENV{HOME}, @_); $? # tar returns 1 on errors. ? die "Archive creation failed :: $?\n" # Print absolute paths for all archived files/directories. : say path($_)->absolute($ENV{HOME}), " archived." foreach @archive_paths; print "\n" and tar_list($tar_file) if $options{verbose}; encrypt_sign($tar_file) if $options{encrypt} or $options{sign}; } # Encrypt, Sign archives. sub encrypt_sign() { my $file = shift @_; my @options = (); push @options, "--recipient", $gpg_fingerprint, "--encrypt" if $options{encrypt}; push @options, "--sign" if $options{sign}; push @options, "--verbose" if $options{verbose}; say "\nEncrypt/Sign: $file"; warn "[WARN] $file.gpg exists, might overwrite.\n" if -e "$file.gpg"; run3 ["gpg2", "--yes", "-o", "$file.gpg", @options, $file]; $? # We assume non-zero is an error. ? die "Encrypt/Sign failed :: $?\n" : print "\nOutput: $file.gpg"; print " [Encrypted]" if $options{encrypt}; print " [Signed]" if $options{sign}; print "\n"; unlink $file and say "$file deleted." or warn "[WARN] Could not delete $file: $!\n" if $options{delete}; } sub HelpMessage { say qq{Archive files to $archive_dir. Profile:}; foreach my $prof (sort keys %profile) { next if substr($prof, 0, 1) eq "."; # Profiles starting with a # dot will have alias. print " $prof\n"; print " $_\n" foreach $profile{$prof}->@*; } say qq{ Options: --encrypt Encrypt files with $gpg_fingerprint --sign Sign files with $gpg_fingerprint --delete Delete the archive after running gpg2 --verbose --help}; } sub tar_create { run3 ["/bin/tar", "cf", @_]; } sub tar_list { run3 ["/bin/tar", "tvf", @_]; } sub ymd { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year += 1900; # $year contains the number of years since 1900. # $mon the month in the range 0..11 , with 0 indicating January # and 11 indicating December. my @months = qw( 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 ); my $month = $months[$mon]; return "$year-$month-$mday"; }