use LWP::Simple; use Digest::SHA; #proto MAIN(|) is export { unless so @*ARGS { say $*USAGE; exit }; {*} } multi sub MAIN( Bool :$verbose, #=increase verbosity ) is export { my Str $api = ""; # Gather all `.gpg' files from the store. my @stack = "$*HOME/.password-store".IO; my @files = gather while @stack { with @stack.pop { when :d { @stack.append: .dir } .take when eq 'gpg' } } for @files -> $file { my $proc = run , '--decrypt', '--quiet', $file, :out; my Str $hash = uc buf_to_hex sha1 $proc.out.slurp(:close).lines.head; for LWP::Simple.get( "$api/range/{ $hash.substr(0, 5) }", { Add-Padding => "true", User-Agent => "Andinus / Orion -", } )*.split(":")) -> ($entry, $freq) { next if $freq == 0; if $hash.substr(5, *) eq $entry.split(":").head { say $file.Str.split('.password-store/').tail.split('.gpg').first, " ", "has been seen $freq times before."; }; } } } sub buf_to_hex { [~] $^buf.list».fmt: "%02x" } multi sub MAIN( Bool :$version #= print version ) { say "Orion v" ~ $?DISTRIBUTION.meta; }