#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Path::Tiny; use Getopt::Long; use Term::ANSIColor qw/:pushpop/; my %options; GetOptions( \%options, qw{ verbose help } ) or die "Error in command line arguments\n"; if ($options{help}) { say "pyxis is a simple twtxt client. Commands: fetch Fetch latest feeds. Options: --verbose Verbose operation mode. --help Print this help."; exit 0; } # $feeds_dir will store user's feeds. my $feeds_dir = $ENV{XDG_DATA_HOME} || "$ENV{HOME}/.local/share"; $feeds_dir .= "/pyxis"; # Create $feeds_dir. path($feeds_dir)->mkpath; # Config file for pyxis. my $config_file = $ENV{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} || "$ENV{HOME}/.config"; $config_file .= "/pyxis.pl"; require "$config_file"; my %feeds = get_feeds(); my %dispatch = ( fetch => sub { require HTTP::Tiny; my $http = HTTP::Tiny ->new( verify_SSL => 1, # default user-agent string if ending in space. # agent => "pyxis: https://andinus.nand.sh/pyxis ", ); foreach my $feed (sort keys %feeds) { my $url = $feeds{$feed}; my $file = "$feeds_dir/$feed"; my $res = $http->mirror($url, $file); $res->{success} ? do {say "$feed updated" if $options{verbose}} : warn "failed to fetch $feed - $url\n$!\n"; } }, timeline => sub { my %twtxt; # If $ARGV[1] is passed then only load that feed. my @feeds; shift @ARGV; # Drop `timeline' from @ARGV. # Add all arguments to @feeds, this allows user to run `pyxis # timeline f1 f2' & it'll load both `f1' & `f2'. But user can # also type `pyxis timeline f1 f1' & it'll load `f1' twice. scalar @ARGV ? do {push @feeds, "$feeds_dir/$_" foreach @ARGV} : push @feeds, path($feeds_dir)->children; foreach my $feed (@feeds) { die "pyxis: no such feed\n" unless -e $feed; for my $line ($feed->lines) { chomp $line; next if (substr($line, 0, 1) eq "#" or length $line == 0); my @tmp = split /\t/, $line; # Get $date & $entry from @tmp. This can over-write # entries if they were posted at same time, very # unlikely but possible. my $date = shift @tmp; my $entry = join '', @tmp; $twtxt{$date} = $entry; } } require Time::Moment; my %epoch_twtxt; foreach my $date (sort keys %twtxt) { my $tm = Time::Moment->from_string($date); my $epoch = $tm->epoch; $epoch_twtxt{$epoch} = $twtxt{$date}; } foreach my $epoch (reverse sort keys %epoch_twtxt) { my $tm = Time::Moment->from_epoch($epoch); my $date = LOCALCOLOR MAGENTA $tm->strftime(q{%b %d }); $date .= LOCALCOLOR GREEN $tm->strftime(q{%H:%M}); say "$date $epoch_twtxt{$epoch}"; } }, ); if ($ARGV[0] and $dispatch{$ARGV[0]}) { $dispatch{$ARGV[0]}->(); } else { die "pyxis: no such option\n"; }