use CSV::Parser; use Terminal::UI; use Terminal::Spinners; use Text::Table::Simple; #| parses Call Logs unit sub MAIN ( Str $log where *.IO.f, #= input log file to parse UInt :$digits = 10, #= number of significant digits ); my @logs; my Str %contacts{Str}; Promise.start: { my $p =; # 0: Name, 1: Phone number, 2: Call Type, 3: Timestamp, # 4: Duration, 5: Sim used. # Turn the Hash to an Array. @logs = @(${$p.parse($_)})>>.{0..4} # Discard invalid phone numbers. .grep(*.[1].chars >= $digits)); # Discard non-significant digits from phone numbers. .[1] = .[1].substr(*-10) for @logs; # Build contact list. %contacts{.[1]} = .[0] for @logs.grep(*.[0].chars > 0); };