use Cro::HTTP::Server; use Cro::HTTP::Router; use Cro::HTTP::Log::File; unit sub MAIN( Bool :$debug = True, #= enable debug mode ); my IO() $store = "store"; mkdir $store; die "Store doesn't exist" unless $store.d; my $application = route { post -> 'create' { request-body -> (:$name) { my Str $id = ('a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', 0...9).roll(32).join; my Str $auth = ('a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', 0...9).roll(32).join; my IO() $user-store = "%s/%s".sprintf: $store, $id; mkdir $user-store; mkdir "$user-store/images"; die "Failed to create user store" unless $user-store.d; spurt "$user-store/name", "$name"; spurt "$user-store/auth", "$auth"; content 'application/json', %(:$id, :$auth); } } post -> 'verify' { request-body -> (:$id, :$auth) { my IO() $user-store = "%s/%s".sprintf: $store, $id; my %res; if $user-store.d { if "$user-store/auth".IO.slurp ne $auth { response.status = 401; } else { %res = "$user-store/name".IO.slurp; } } else { response.status = 404; } content 'application/json', %res; } } post -> 'upload' { request-body -> (:$id is copy, :$auth is copy, :$images) { $id .= body-text; $auth .= body-text; my Bool $skip-loop; my IO() $user-store = "%s/%s".sprintf: $store, $id; if "$user-store/auth".IO.slurp ne $auth { response.status = 401; $skip-loop = True; } my @res; IMAGE: for @($images) -> $img { last IMAGE if $skip-loop; my Bool $stored = True; my Str @messages; @messages.push("Max file size exceeded") if $img.body-blob.bytes > 2097152; # 1024 * 1024 * 2 @messages.push("Only png/jpeg allowed") if $img.content-type ne "image/png"|"image/jpeg"; $stored = False if @messages.elems; if $stored { my Str $filename = ('a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', 0...9).roll(16).join; spurt "$user-store/images/$filename", $img.body-blob; } push @res, %( filename => $img.filename, :@messages, :$stored ); } content 'application/json', @res; } } get -> 'smile', $id { my IO() $user-store = "%s/%s".sprintf: $store, $id; my $img; if "$user-store/images".IO.d { put "huh"; my @imgs = dir("$user-store/images").grep(*.f); if @imgs.elems { $img = @imgs.pick(1).first; } else { response.status = 406; } } else { response.status = 404; } if $img { static $img; $img.unlink; } else { content 'text/plain', ''; } } # Serving static assets. get -> 'js', *@path { static 'dist/js', @path; } get -> 'css', *@path { static 'dist/css', @path; } get -> 'img', *@path { static 'dist/img', @path; } get -> 'fonts', *@path { static 'dist/fonts', @path; } # Serve the app on all paths, it'll handle the routing. get -> *@path { static 'dist/index.html'; } }; my $host = ""; my $port = 9090; my Cro::Service $http = http => <1.1>, host => $host, port => $port, :$application, after => [ => $*OUT, errors => $*ERR) ] ); $http.start; put "Listening at http://{$host}:{$port}"; react { whenever signal(SIGINT) { say "Shutting down..."; $http.stop; done; } }