open System open System.Collections.Generic open System.IO open System.Text.RegularExpressions let input = File.ReadAllLines "day10.txt" type Target = | Bot of int | Output of int let (|Regex|_|) pattern input = let m = Regex.Match(input, pattern) if m.Success then Some(List.tail [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ]) else None let (|Int|) x = Int32.Parse x let (|Target|) = function | "bot" -> Bot | _ -> Output type Bot = { Number : int Microchips : int list LowTarget : Target HiTarget : Target } let events = let bots = new Dictionary() input |> Array.sort |> Array.iter (fun line -> match line with | Regex "bot (\d*) gives low to (bot|output) (\d*) and high to (bot|output) (\d*)" [ Int botN; Target lowT; Int lowN; Target hiT; Int hiN ] -> let bot = { Number = botN Microchips = [] LowTarget = lowT lowN HiTarget = hiT hiN } bots.Add(botN, bot) | Regex "value (\d*) goes to bot (\d*)" [ Int value; Int botN ] -> let bot = bots.[botN] bots.[botN] <- { bot with Microchips = value::bot.Microchips } | _ -> ()) let give value = function | Bot botN -> let bot = bots.[botN] bots.[botN] <- { bot with Microchips = value::bot.Microchips } | _ -> () let botsWithTwo = bots |> (fun kvp -> kvp.Value) |> Seq.filter (fun bot -> bot.Microchips.Length = 2) seq { while Seq.length botsWithTwo > 0 do for bot in (Array.ofSeq botsWithTwo) do let vals = bot.Microchips |> List.sort let lowVal, hiVal = vals[0], vals[1] bots.[bot.Number] <- { bot with Microchips = [] } give lowVal bot.LowTarget give hiVal bot.HiTarget yield bot.Number, (bot.LowTarget, lowVal), (bot.HiTarget, hiVal) } let part1 = events |> Seq.pick (fun (botN, (_, lowVal), (_, hiVal)) -> if lowVal = 17 && hiVal = 61 then Some botN else None) let part2 = let isOutput0To2 = function | Output 0 | Output 1 | Output 2 -> true | _ -> false events |> Seq.collect (fun (botN, (lowTarget, lowVal), (hiTarget, hiVal)) -> seq { if isOutput0To2 lowTarget then yield lowVal if isOutput0To2 hiTarget then yield hiVal }) |> Seq.take 3 |> Seq.reduce (*) part1 |> printfn "%A" part2 |> printfn "%A"