open System.IO let lines = File.ReadAllLines "day20.txt" |> (fun x -> x.Split "-") |> (fun x -> (int64 x[0], int64 x[1])) |> Array.sortBy fst |> List.ofArray let rec minIP blocked inputs= match inputs with | (lo, hi)::rest -> if lo > blocked + 1L then blocked + 1L else minIP (max blocked hi) rest | _ -> 0L let getAllowed blockedRanges = let rec mergeRanges n ranges = seq { match ranges with | [] -> yield (n,4294967295L) | (lo,hi)::tail -> if n < lo then yield (n,lo-1L) yield! mergeRanges (max n (hi+1L)) tail } mergeRanges 0L blockedRanges minIP 0L lines |> printfn "%A" getAllowed lines |> Seq.sumBy (fun (lo, hi) -> hi - lo + 1L) |> printfn "%d"