module Solutions.Day7 open System.IO open System.Text.RegularExpressions type Listing = | LS | CD of target: string | Dir of name: string | File of name: string * size: int let (|RegexMatch|_|) pattern line = let matched = Regex.Match(line, pattern) if matched.Success then let groups = matched.Groups |> (fun x -> x.Value) |> Seq.tail |> List.ofSeq Some groups else None let parseListing = function | RegexMatch "\$ cd (\/|\S+)" args -> CD args[0] | RegexMatch "\$ ls" [] -> LS | RegexMatch "dir (\S+)" name -> Dir name[0] | RegexMatch "(\d+) (\S+)" data -> File (data[1], int data[0]) | _ -> failwith "shouldn't happen" let input = File.ReadLines("inputs/day7.txt") |> parseListing |> List.ofSeq let dirSizes listings = let processListing (pwd, tree) listing = match listing with | CD ".." -> (List.tail pwd, tree) | CD target -> (target::pwd, tree) | File (name, size) -> let rec addFileSize rem dirs = match rem with | [] -> dirs | _ :: t -> let addIfExists current = defaultArg current 0 + size let newDirs = Map.change rem (addIfExists >> Some) dirs addFileSize t newDirs pwd, addFileSize pwd tree | _ -> pwd, tree listings |> List.fold processListing ([], Map.empty) |> snd let part1 () = dirSizes input |> Map.values |> Seq.filter (fun size -> size <= 100000) |> Seq.sum let part2 () = let sizes = dirSizes input let totalSpace = 70000000 let targetSpace = 30000000 let usedSpace = sizes[[ "/" ]] let needToFree = usedSpace - (totalSpace - targetSpace) sizes.Values |> Seq.sort |> Seq.find (fun x -> x >= needToFree)