WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS IN ANY PRODUCTION UNTIL VERSION 1.0 IS ACTUALLY RELEASED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! dscip: Dead Simple Continuous Integration POSIX ================================================================================ Description: This is a script/daemon that scans a git repo for changes, and runs commands automatically. It's meant to be a dead simple alternative to services like Gitlab-ci and Jenkins. This script was also made to be as POSIX compliant as possible, so it should run on basically every platform with a POSIX shell. ================================================================================ How To Use: 1. Create a directory somewhere like /var/dscip/project_name. 2. Copy all the files from dscip into that new directory. 3. Open dscip in your text editor of choice and modify the variables to your liking. 4. Edit pre.sh, build.sh, and post.sh to fit your needs. 5. Create a user for building. Like `dscip_user` or `project_name` (Depends how separated you want to privileges to be.) 6. Run chown -R /var/dscip So the new user owns it all. Cron: Add: * * * * * /var/dscip/project_name/dscip to your crontab. Daemon: Set DSCIP_DAEMON to true, and create an init script for it, and enable it. ================================================================================ To Do: - Add chroot capabilities. - Better daemon-mode capabilities. - Better how-to instructions...