#!/bin/sh -eu # Simple script to quickly set up a DSCIP install. # Get directory where script is running from. As we'll need to come back here # when the setup script is done. CWD="$(dirname "$0")" PROJECT_NAME="" PROJECT_LOCATION="" PROJECT_URL="" PROJECT_BRANCH="master" TEMPLATE_DIR="" # For use when making new releases on gitlab. DSCIP_VERSION="" REALPATH="" # Detect if system has realpath, if not, try to see if GNU Coreutils is # installed and use that. if which realpath > /dev/null; then REALPATH="realpath" elif which grealpath > /dev/null; then REALPATH="grealpath" else echo "realpath or grealpath wasn't found. If your OS doesn't contain it. Try" echo "to see GNU Coreutils is in your package manager, and install those." exit 1 fi show_license() { echo 'Copyright 2022 Charadon Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.' } help_screen() { echo "USAGE: $0: -n [name] -d [/path/to/install/at] -u [https://example.com/example.git] -b [branch_name] -t [/path/to/templates] (-h|-l)" echo "========================================================================" echo "-n | Name of Project. (Required)" echo "-d | Path where you want dscip to install. (Required)" echo "-u | URL to Git Repo. (Required)" echo "-b | Branch to build. (Default: master)" echo "-t | Path to Templates. (Optional)" echo "-h | Shows this screen." echo "-l | Shows license." echo "If no argument is supplied. Program goes into interactive mode." return 0 } check_config() { ERROR_MSG="not set. Aborting. See -h for help." if [ "$PROJECT_NAME" = "" ]; then echo "-n/Name $ERROR_MSG" && exit 1 elif [ "$PROJECT_LOCATION" = "" ]; then echo "-d/Install Directory $ERROR_MSG" && exit 1 elif [ "$PROJECT_URL" = "" ]; then echo "-u/Git URL $ERROR_MSG" && exit 1 elif [ "$PROJECT_BRANCH" = "" ]; then echo "-b/branch $ERROR_MSG" fi return 0 } install_templates() { if [ ! "$TEMPLATE_DIR" = "" ]; then install -m755 "$TEMPLATE_DIR"/* . return 0 else return 1 fi } install_dscip() { echo "Installing dscip..." set -x mkdir -p "$PROJECT_LOCATION" PROJECT_LOCATION="$($REALPATH "$PROJECT_LOCATION")" cd "$PROJECT_LOCATION" || return 1 if [ -d "/usr/share/charadon/dscip" ]; # See if dscip is packaged/installed on system. then DSCIP_PATH="/usr/share/charadon/dscip" ln -s "$DSCIP_PATH"/dscip "$PROJECT_LOCATION"/dscip || \ cp "$DSCIP_PATH"/dscip "$PROJECT_LOCATION"/dscip install -m755 "$DSCIP_PATH"/config.sh "$PROJECT_LOCATION"/config.sh install_templates || cp "$DSCIP_PATH"/*.sh . elif [ -d /usr/local/share/charadon/dscip ]; then DSCIP_PATH="/usr/local/share/charadon/dscip" ln -s "$DSCIP_PATH"/dscip "$PROJECT_LOCATION"/dscip || \ cp "$DSCIP_PATH"/dscip "$PROJECT_LOCATION"/dscip install -m755 "$DSCIP_PATH"/config.sh "$PROJECT_LOCATION"/config.sh install_templates || cp "$DSCIP_PATH"/*.sh . else # If not, clone it from upstream. if [ -z "$DSCIP_VERSION" ]; then # Check if using a release setup.sh, if not, clone from master. git clone "https://opencode.net/charadon/dscip" --depth 1 --branch "$DSCIP_VERSION" "$PROJECT_LOCATION" else git clone "https://opencode.net/charadon/dscip" "$PROJECT_LOCATION" fi install_templates || echo "Skipping templates as no Template Directory was set..." fi # Modifying config.sh with variables obtained from setup.sh sed -i "s}DSCIP_GITREPO=.*}DSCIP_GITREPO=\"$PROJECT_URL\"}g" config.sh sed -i "s/DSCIP_NAME=.*/DSCIP_NAME=\"$PROJECT_NAME\"/g" config.sh sed -i "s/DSCIP_BRANCH=.*/DSCIP_BRANCH=\"$PROJECT_BRANCH\"/g" config.sh # Done. Go back to CWD, and tell user how to activate DSCIP. set +x printf "\n" printf "\e[32mAll done. Be sure to add:\e[0m\n" echo "* * * * * $($REALPATH .)/dscip" printf "\e[32mTo your crontab! Usually by using \`crontab -e\`\e[0m\n\n" printf "\e[32mAlternatively, you can run dscip as a daemon by modifying DSCIP_DAEMON in config.sh\n" printf "and creating a daemon for your system's init system.\e[0m\n\n" cd "$CWD" } # Non-interactive Mode set +u if [ ! "$1" = "" ]; then set -u while getopts ':n:d:u:b:t:lh' options; do case "${options}" in n) # Name PROJECT_NAME="$OPTARG" ;; d) # Directory to install to. PROJECT_LOCATION="$OPTARG" ;; u) # Git Repo URL PROJECT_URL="$OPTARG" ;; b) # Git Branch (Optional) PROJECT_BRANCH="$OPTARG" ;; t) # Template Directory (Optional) TEMPLATE_DIR="$OPTARG" ;; h) # Show Help Screen help_screen exit 0 ;; l) # Show License show_license exit 0 ;; *) echo "Invalid command-line switch. Aborting. See -h for more info." exit 1 ;; esac done check_config install_dscip exit 0 fi set -u # Interactive Mode echo "Welcome to DSCIP setup. This script will ask you a few questions." echo "Notes:" echo " 1. This script should be running as the user that will be building the software." echo " 2. Must have a cron daemon with the command: crontab -e, available." echo "By default, the script runs in interactive mode. But you can use command-line switches" echo "to use the set up script non-interactively. Use -h for more info." printf "\n" echo "If you feel you are ready. Press enter, otherwise press Ctrl-C to cancel." read -r ALL_CORRECT="false" question_name() { PROJECT_NAME="" while [ "$PROJECT_NAME" = "" ]; do printf "What is the name of the project?: " read -r PROJECT_NAME done } question_location() { PROJECT_LOCATION="/home/$USER/$PROJECT_NAME" NEW_PROJECT_LOCATION="" printf 'Where do you want to install DSCIP? (Default: %s): ' "$PROJECT_LOCATION" read -r NEW_PROJECT_LOCATION if [ "$NEW_PROJECT_LOCATION" = "" ]; then return 0 else PROJECT_LOCATION="$NEW_PROJECT_LOCATION" fi } question_giturl() { PROJECT_URL="" while [ "$PROJECT_URL" = "" ]; do printf "What is the URL of your Git Repo?: " read -r PROJECT_URL done } question_gitbranch() { PROJECT_BRANCH="master" printf 'What branch from the Git Repo do you want to use? (Default: %s): ' "$PROJECT_BRANCH" read -r PROJECT_BRANCH if [ "$PROJECT_BRANCH" = "" ]; then PROJECT_BRANCH="master" fi } question_templates() { TEMPLATE_DIR="" printf "If you have a template directory of the pre,post,build,failed,config.sh scripts.\nEnter it's location here, otherwise press Enter: " read -r TEMPLATE_DIR } question_allcorrect() { echo "Is all this information correct? Press the number to edit specific variables:" echo "1. Project Name: $PROJECT_NAME" echo "2. DSCIP Location: $PROJECT_LOCATION" echo "3. Git URL: $PROJECT_URL" echo "4. Git Branch: $PROJECT_BRANCH" echo "5. Template Directory: $TEMPLATE_DIR" printf "\nIf all information is correct. Press Enter.\nOtherwise, use a number and then press enter to edit: " } question_name printf "\n" question_location printf "\n" question_giturl printf "\n" question_gitbranch printf "\n" question_templates printf "\n" CHOICE="" while [ "$ALL_CORRECT" = "false" ]; do question_allcorrect read -r CHOICE printf "\n" case "$CHOICE" in 1) question_name ;; 2) question_location ;; 3) question_giturl ;; 4) question_gitbranch ;; 5) question_templates ;; *) ALL_CORRECT="true" ;; esac printf "\n" done check_config install_dscip