#+TITLE: Crystal's Website 💜 #+AUTHOR: Crystal #+OPTIONS: ^:{} #+OPTIONS: num:nil #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: ../../index.html #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+OPTIONS: html-style:nil #+OPTIONS: toc:nil * Welcome to Crystal's Cozy Nook! Hi there, [[./super_secret.html][adorable you!]] I'm Crystal, and you've found my little online diary and treasure trove. 🌟 Here, I'm all about sharing the cutest and neatest things that brighten up my day. Imagine us sitting together, sipping hot cocoa, and having a delightful chat. It's all about those heartwarming moments and the joy of simplicity. I'm over the moon that you're here, adding even more sweetness to this corner! 💕 * Articles ( NEW !!!! ) - *[[./articles/discord.html][Discord : an internet cancer]]* /Sun Sep 10 15:25:22 2023/ * root@localhost $ whoami I'm *Crystal*, your 18 y/o Algerian anarchist transfem, who's also a geek for some reason...and surprisingly still alive!!! My current setup is : - Primary OS: *OpenBSD -current* - Text Editor: *Doom Emacs* - Web Browser: *Ungoogled-chromium* - Desktop Environment: *NsCDE* - Shell: *Ksh* - Secondary OS(For gaming): *OpenSUSE* with *KDE* - Games I play: *Hollow Knight*, *Cult of the lamb*, *Dead Cells* & Rythm games(like *Phigros* and *A dance of fire and ice*) I also host this website on the https://tilde.institute *pubNIX* which also runs *OpenBSD* This might surprise you, but I also listen to music (A shocker, right?) though I mostly listen to *vaporwave* *glitchore* *weirdcore* *synthwave* and *dreamcore* If you want to contact me (which would be really surprising) contact me via mailto:crystal@danwin1210.de My GNUPG (GPG) public key [[./src/txt/pubkey.asc]] [[https://git.tilde.institute/crystal/www][This website is fully open-source with no licensing restrictions, check the source code and feel free to reuse everything!!!]] * Sign my Guestbook (External website warning) Want to leave a message, opinion, review or a salty insult ? Be sure to Sign my Guestbook then, it takes two seconds but it will mean the world to me !!! [[https://crystaltilde.123guestbook.com/][file:./src/gifs/links/sign_my_guestbook-anim.gif]] * Blinkies #+BEGIN_EXPORT html Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict Valid CSS! #+END_EXPORT [[https://nishi.boats/][file:./src/gifs/blinkies/nishiboats.jpg]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/girlsnow.png]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/cookiefree.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/transnow2.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/gaywebring.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/tranarchy.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/button-torrents.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/tyg.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/fuck-google.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/fuck_facebook.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/graphics_by_gimp.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/learn_html.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/leave-twitter.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/stop_microsoft.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/web-pi.png]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/piracy.gif]] [[./src/gifs/blinkies/best_viewed_with_eyes.gif]] [[https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/discord][file:./src/gifs/blinkies/discord-no-way-2.gif]] [[https://yesterweb.org/no-to-web3/][file:./src/gifs/blinkies/roly-saynotoweb3.gif]] [[https://openbsd.org/][file:./src/gifs/blinkies/openbsd.png]] [[https://partysepe13.neocities.org/][file:./src/gifs/blinkies/partysepe.png]] ** My banner If you enjoyed my website, you could link me on your personal website using this banner. If you don't want to, then no pressure 💜 I still love you and I hope that this small shrine of mine will impress you in the future!!! [[./src/gifs/crystal-tilde.gif]] * [[https://crystal.tilde.institute/links.html][Webrings & Links (JAVASCRIPT WARNING)!!]] * Misc : 1. *[[./uni_notes/][My University notes]]*