#+TITLE: Close this website, txEn eht nepO.(JavaScript ahead) 💜 #+AUTHOR: Crystal #+OPTIONS: ^:{} #+OPTIONS: num:nil #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: ../../links.html #+HTML_HEAD: #+HTML_HEAD: #+OPTIONS: \n:y #+OPTIONS: html-style:nil #+OPTIONS: toc:nil #+OPTIONS: title:nil #+HTML_LINK_HOME: https://crystal.tilde.institute/ #+HTML_LINK_UP: https://crystal.tilde.institute/ #+BEGIN_EXPORT html

Close this website,
Open the nExt

#+END_EXPORT * Webrings & Links *This site is a proud member of the geekring! Check some other geeky websites here!* [[http://geekring.net/site/302/previous][Previous site]] -- [[http://geekring.net/site/301/random][Random Site]] -- [[http://geekring.net/site/301/next][Next Site]] *Do you long for a simpler time, when America was Online and the only person you could Ask was Jeeves? Hotline Webring is bringing that time back, with Webrings! /This website is part of the Hotline Webring/* [[https://hotlinewebring.club/crystal/previous][Previous site]] -- [[https://hotlinewebring.club/crystal/next][Next site]] #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
#+END_EXPORT ** Lainchan Webring Lainring is a decentralized [[https://indieweb.org/webring][webring]] created by the users of [[https://www.lainchan.org][Lainchan]], an anonymous image board. If you want to be added, go to the [[https://lainchan.org/%CE%A9/res/70358.html][Lainchan thread]] and post your website there, together with a 240x60 button image. #+BEGIN_EXPORT html
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