/* * commands.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chat_session.h" #include "command/commands.h" #include "command/command.h" #include "common.h" #include "config/accounts.h" #include "config/account.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "config/theme.h" #include "config/tlscerts.h" #include "contact.h" #include "roster_list.h" #include "jid.h" #include "log.h" #include "muc.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR #include "otr/otr.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME #include "pgp/gpg.h" #endif #include "profanity.h" #include "tools/autocomplete.h" #include "tools/parser.h" #include "tools/tinyurl.h" #include "xmpp/xmpp.h" #include "xmpp/bookmark.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "window_list.h" #include "event/client_events.h" #include "event/ui_events.h" static void _update_presence(const resource_presence_t presence, const char * const show, gchar **args); static gboolean _cmd_set_boolean_preference(gchar *arg, const char * const command, const char * const display, preference_t pref); //static void _cmd_show_filtered_help(char *heading, gchar *cmd_filter[], int filter_size); static void _who_room(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args); static void _who_roster(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args); extern GHashTable *commands; gboolean cmd_execute_default(ProfWin *window, const char * inp) { // handle escaped commands - treat as normal message if (g_str_has_prefix(inp, "//")) { inp++; // handle unknown commands } else if ((inp[0] == '/') && (!g_str_has_prefix(inp, "/me "))) { cons_show("Unknown command: %s", inp); cons_alert(); return TRUE; } // handle non commands in non chat windows if (window->type != WIN_CHAT && window->type != WIN_MUC && window->type != WIN_PRIVATE) { cons_show("Unknown command: %s", inp); return TRUE; } jabber_conn_status_t status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { ui_current_print_line("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } switch (window->type) { case WIN_CHAT: { ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); cl_ev_send_msg(chatwin, inp); break; } case WIN_PRIVATE: { ProfPrivateWin *privatewin = (ProfPrivateWin*)window; assert(privatewin->memcheck == PROFPRIVATEWIN_MEMCHECK); cl_ev_send_priv_msg(privatewin, inp); break; } case WIN_MUC: { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); cl_ev_send_muc_msg(mucwin, inp); break; } default: break; } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_execute_alias(ProfWin *window, const char * const inp, gboolean *ran) { if (inp[0] != '/') { ran = FALSE; return TRUE; } char *alias = strdup(inp+1); char *value = prefs_get_alias(alias); free(alias); if (value) { *ran = TRUE; return cmd_process_input(window, value); } *ran = FALSE; return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_tls(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "certpath") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "set") == 0) { if (args[2] == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (g_file_test(args[2], G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { prefs_set_string(PREF_CERT_PATH, args[2]); cons_show("Certificate path set to: %s", args[2]); } else { cons_show("Directory %s does not exist.", args[2]); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "clear") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_CERT_PATH, NULL); cons_show("Certificate path cleared"); return TRUE; } else if (args[1] == NULL) { char *path = prefs_get_string(PREF_CERT_PATH); if (path) { cons_show("Trusted certificate path: %s", path); prefs_free_string(path); } else { cons_show("No trusted certificate path set."); } return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "trusted") == 0) { GList *certs = tlscerts_list(); GList *curr = certs; if (curr) { cons_show("Trusted certificates:"); cons_show(""); } else { cons_show("No trustes certificates found."); } while (curr) { TLSCertificate *cert = curr->data; if (cert->fingerprint) { cons_show("Fingerprint : %s", cert->fingerprint); } if (cert->domain) { cons_show("Domain : %s", cert->domain); } if (cert->organisation) { cons_show("Organisation : %s", cert->organisation); } if (cert->email) { cons_show("Email : %s", cert->email); } if (cert->notbefore) { cons_show("Start : %s", cert->notbefore); } if (cert->notafter) { cons_show("End : %s", cert->notafter); } cons_show(""); curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_list_free_full(certs, (GDestroyNotify)tlscerts_free); return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "revoke") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { gboolean res = tlscerts_revoke(args[1]); if (res) { cons_show("Trusted certificate revoked: %s", args[1]); } else { cons_show("Could not find certificate: %s", args[0]); } } return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_connect(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if ((conn_status != JABBER_DISCONNECTED) && (conn_status != JABBER_STARTED)) { cons_show("You are either connected already, or a login is in process."); return TRUE; } gchar *opt_keys[] = { "server", "port", NULL }; gboolean parsed; GHashTable *options = parse_options(&args[args[0] ? 1 : 0], opt_keys, &parsed); if (!parsed) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); cons_show(""); return TRUE; } char *altdomain = g_hash_table_lookup(options, "server"); int port = 0; if (g_hash_table_contains(options, "port")) { char *port_str = g_hash_table_lookup(options, "port"); char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(port_str, &port, 1, 65535, &err_msg); if (!res) { cons_show(err_msg); cons_show(""); free(err_msg); port = 0; return TRUE; } } char *user = args[0]; char *def = prefs_get_string(PREF_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT); if (!user) { if (def) { user = def; cons_show("Using default account %s.", user); } else { cons_show("No default account."); g_free(def); return TRUE; } } char *lower = g_utf8_strdown(user, -1); char *jid; g_free(def); // connect with account ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(lower); if (account) { // use password if set if (account->password) { conn_status = cl_ev_connect_account(account); // use eval_password if set } else if (account->eval_password) { gboolean res = account_eval_password(account); if (res) { conn_status = cl_ev_connect_account(account); free(account->password); account->password = NULL; } else { cons_show("Error evaluating password, see logs for details."); g_free(lower); account_free(account); return TRUE; } // no account password setting, prompt } else { account->password = ui_ask_password(); conn_status = cl_ev_connect_account(account); free(account->password); account->password = NULL; } jid = account_create_full_jid(account); account_free(account); // connect with JID } else { jid = strdup(lower); char *passwd = ui_ask_password(); conn_status = cl_ev_connect_jid(jid, passwd, altdomain, port); free(passwd); } if (conn_status == JABBER_DISCONNECTED) { cons_show_error("Connection attempt for %s failed.", jid); log_info("Connection attempt for %s failed", jid); } options_destroy(options); g_free(lower); free(jid); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_account(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *subcmd = args[0]; if (subcmd == NULL) { if (jabber_get_connection_status() != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(jabber_get_account_name()); cons_show_account(account); account_free(account); } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "list") == 0) { gchar **accounts = accounts_get_list(); cons_show_account_list(accounts); g_strfreev(accounts); } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "show") == 0) { char *account_name = args[1]; if (account_name == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(account_name); if (account == NULL) { cons_show("No such account."); cons_show(""); } else { cons_show_account(account); account_free(account); } } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "add") == 0) { char *account_name = args[1]; if (account_name == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { accounts_add(account_name, NULL, 0); cons_show("Account created."); cons_show(""); } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "remove") == 0) { char *account_name = args[1]; if(!account_name) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { char *def = prefs_get_string(PREF_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT); if(accounts_remove(account_name)){ cons_show("Account %s removed.", account_name); if(def && strcmp(def, account_name) == 0){ prefs_set_string(PREF_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, NULL); cons_show("Default account removed because the corresponding account was removed."); } } else { cons_show("Failed to remove account %s.", account_name); cons_show("Either the account does not exist, or an unknown error occurred."); } cons_show(""); g_free(def); } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "enable") == 0) { char *account_name = args[1]; if (account_name == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { if (accounts_enable(account_name)) { cons_show("Account enabled."); cons_show(""); } else { cons_show("No such account: %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "disable") == 0) { char *account_name = args[1]; if (account_name == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { if (accounts_disable(account_name)) { cons_show("Account disabled."); cons_show(""); } else { cons_show("No such account: %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "rename") == 0) { if (g_strv_length(args) != 3) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { char *account_name = args[1]; char *new_name = args[2]; if (accounts_rename(account_name, new_name)) { cons_show("Account renamed."); cons_show(""); } else { cons_show("Either account %s doesn't exist, or account %s already exists.", account_name, new_name); cons_show(""); } } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "default") == 0) { if(g_strv_length(args) == 1){ char *def = prefs_get_string(PREF_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT); if(def){ cons_show("The default account is %s.", def); free(def); } else { cons_show("No default account."); } } else if(g_strv_length(args) == 2){ if(strcmp(args[1], "off") == 0){ prefs_set_string(PREF_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, NULL); cons_show("Removed default account."); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } } else if(g_strv_length(args) == 3) { if(strcmp(args[1], "set") == 0){ if(accounts_get_account(args[2])){ prefs_set_string(PREF_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, args[2]); cons_show("Default account set to %s.", args[2]); } else { cons_show("Account %s does not exist.", args[2]); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "set") == 0) { if (g_strv_length(args) != 4) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { char *account_name = args[1]; char *property = args[2]; char *value = args[3]; if (!accounts_account_exists(account_name)) { cons_show("Account %s doesn't exist", account_name); cons_show(""); } else { if (strcmp(property, "jid") == 0) { Jid *jid = jid_create(args[3]); if (jid == NULL) { cons_show("Malformed jid: %s", value); } else { accounts_set_jid(account_name, jid->barejid); cons_show("Updated jid for account %s: %s", account_name, jid->barejid); if (jid->resourcepart) { accounts_set_resource(account_name, jid->resourcepart); cons_show("Updated resource for account %s: %s", account_name, jid->resourcepart); } cons_show(""); } jid_destroy(jid); } else if (strcmp(property, "server") == 0) { accounts_set_server(account_name, value); cons_show("Updated server for account %s: %s", account_name, value); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "port") == 0) { int port; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(value, &port, 1, 65535, &err_msg); if (!res) { cons_show(err_msg); cons_show(""); free(err_msg); return TRUE; } else { accounts_set_port(account_name, port); cons_show("Updated port for account %s: %s", account_name, value); cons_show(""); } } else if (strcmp(property, "resource") == 0) { accounts_set_resource(account_name, value); if (jabber_get_connection_status() == JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("Updated resource for account %s: %s, you will need to reconnect to pick up the change.", account_name, value); } else { cons_show("Updated resource for account %s: %s", account_name, value); } cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "password") == 0) { if(accounts_get_account(account_name)->eval_password) { cons_show("Cannot set password when eval_password is set."); } else { accounts_set_password(account_name, value); cons_show("Updated password for account %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } } else if (strcmp(property, "eval_password") == 0) { if(accounts_get_account(account_name)->password) { cons_show("Cannot set eval_password when password is set."); } else { accounts_set_eval_password(account_name, value); cons_show("Updated eval_password for account %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } } else if (strcmp(property, "muc") == 0) { accounts_set_muc_service(account_name, value); cons_show("Updated muc service for account %s: %s", account_name, value); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "nick") == 0) { accounts_set_muc_nick(account_name, value); cons_show("Updated muc nick for account %s: %s", account_name, value); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "otr") == 0) { if ((g_strcmp0(value, "manual") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(value, "opportunistic") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(value, "always") != 0)) { cons_show("OTR policy must be one of: manual, opportunistic or always."); } else { accounts_set_otr_policy(account_name, value); cons_show("Updated OTR policy for account %s: %s", account_name, value); cons_show(""); } } else if (strcmp(property, "status") == 0) { if (!valid_resource_presence_string(value) && (strcmp(value, "last") != 0)) { cons_show("Invalid status: %s", value); } else { accounts_set_login_presence(account_name, value); cons_show("Updated login status for account %s: %s", account_name, value); } cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "pgpkeyid") == 0) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME if (!p_gpg_valid_key(value)) { cons_show("Invalid PGP key ID specified, see /pgp keys"); } else { accounts_set_pgp_keyid(account_name, value); cons_show("Updated PGP key ID for account %s: %s", account_name, value); } #else cons_show("PGP support is not included in this build."); #endif cons_show(""); } else if (valid_resource_presence_string(property)) { int intval; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(value, &intval, -128, 127, &err_msg); if (res) { resource_presence_t presence_type = resource_presence_from_string(property); switch (presence_type) { case (RESOURCE_ONLINE): accounts_set_priority_online(account_name, intval); break; case (RESOURCE_CHAT): accounts_set_priority_chat(account_name, intval); break; case (RESOURCE_AWAY): accounts_set_priority_away(account_name, intval); break; case (RESOURCE_XA): accounts_set_priority_xa(account_name, intval); break; case (RESOURCE_DND): accounts_set_priority_dnd(account_name, intval); break; } jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { char *connected_account = jabber_get_account_name(); resource_presence_t last_presence = accounts_get_last_presence(connected_account); if (presence_type == last_presence) { char *message = jabber_get_presence_message(); cl_ev_presence_send(last_presence, message, 0); } } cons_show("Updated %s priority for account %s: %s", property, account_name, value); cons_show(""); } else { cons_show(err_msg); free(err_msg); } } else { cons_show("Invalid property: %s", property); cons_show(""); } } } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "clear") == 0) { if (g_strv_length(args) != 3) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { char *account_name = args[1]; char *property = args[2]; if (!accounts_account_exists(account_name)) { cons_show("Account %s doesn't exist", account_name); cons_show(""); } else { if (strcmp(property, "password") == 0) { accounts_clear_password(account_name); cons_show("Removed password for account %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "eval_password") == 0) { accounts_clear_eval_password(account_name); cons_show("Removed eval password for account %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "server") == 0) { accounts_clear_server(account_name); cons_show("Removed server for account %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "port") == 0) { accounts_clear_port(account_name); cons_show("Removed port for account %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "otr") == 0) { accounts_clear_otr(account_name); cons_show("OTR policy removed for account %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(property, "pgpkeyid") == 0) { accounts_clear_pgp_keyid(account_name); cons_show("Removed PGP key ID for account %s", account_name); cons_show(""); } else { cons_show("Invalid property: %s", property); cons_show(""); } } } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); cons_show(""); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_sub(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are currently not connected."); return TRUE; } char *subcmd, *jid; subcmd = args[0]; jid = args[1]; if (subcmd == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(subcmd, "sent") == 0) { cons_show_sent_subs(); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(subcmd, "received") == 0) { cons_show_received_subs(); return TRUE; } if ((window->type != WIN_CHAT) && (jid == NULL)) { cons_show("You must specify a contact."); return TRUE; } if (jid == NULL) { ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); jid = chatwin->barejid; } Jid *jidp = jid_create(jid); if (strcmp(subcmd, "allow") == 0) { presence_subscription(jidp->barejid, PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBED); cons_show("Accepted subscription for %s", jidp->barejid); log_info("Accepted subscription for %s", jidp->barejid); } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "deny") == 0) { presence_subscription(jidp->barejid, PRESENCE_UNSUBSCRIBED); cons_show("Deleted/denied subscription for %s", jidp->barejid); log_info("Deleted/denied subscription for %s", jidp->barejid); } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "request") == 0) { presence_subscription(jidp->barejid, PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBE); cons_show("Sent subscription request to %s.", jidp->barejid); log_info("Sent subscription request to %s.", jidp->barejid); } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "show") == 0) { PContact contact = roster_get_contact(jidp->barejid); if ((contact == NULL) || (p_contact_subscription(contact) == NULL)) { if (window->type == WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("No subscription information for %s.", jidp->barejid); } else { cons_show("No subscription information for %s.", jidp->barejid); } } else { if (window->type == WIN_CHAT) { if (p_contact_pending_out(contact)) { ui_current_print_line("%s subscription status: %s, request pending.", jidp->barejid, p_contact_subscription(contact)); } else { ui_current_print_line("%s subscription status: %s.", jidp->barejid, p_contact_subscription(contact)); } } else { if (p_contact_pending_out(contact)) { cons_show("%s subscription status: %s, request pending.", jidp->barejid, p_contact_subscription(contact)); } else { cons_show("%s subscription status: %s.", jidp->barejid, p_contact_subscription(contact)); } } } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } jid_destroy(jidp); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_disconnect(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (jabber_get_connection_status() == JABBER_CONNECTED) { char *jid = strdup(jabber_get_fulljid()); cons_show("%s logged out successfully.", jid); jabber_disconnect(); roster_clear(); muc_invites_clear(); chat_sessions_clear(); ui_disconnected(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME p_gpg_on_disconnect(); #endif free(jid); } else { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_quit(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { log_info("Profanity is shutting down..."); exit(0); return FALSE; } gboolean cmd_wins(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (args[0] == NULL) { cons_show_wins(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "tidy") == 0) { if (ui_tidy_wins()) { cons_show("Windows tidied."); } else { cons_show("No tidy needed."); } } else if (strcmp(args[0], "prune") == 0) { ui_prune_wins(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "swap") == 0) { if ((args[1] == NULL) || (args[2] == NULL)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { int source_win = atoi(args[1]); int target_win = atoi(args[2]); if ((source_win == 1) || (target_win == 1)) { cons_show("Cannot move console window."); } else if (source_win == 10 || target_win == 10) { cons_show("Window 10 does not exist"); } else if (source_win != target_win) { gboolean swapped = ui_swap_wins(source_win, target_win); if (swapped) { cons_show("Swapped windows %d <-> %d", source_win, target_win); } else { cons_show("Window %d does not exist", source_win); } } else { cons_show("Same source and target window supplied."); } } } else if (strcmp(args[0], "autotidy") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Window autotidy enabled"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_WINS_AUTO_TIDY, TRUE); ui_tidy_wins(); } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Window autotidy disabled"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_WINS_AUTO_TIDY, FALSE); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_win(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { int num = atoi(args[0]); ProfWin *focuswin = wins_get_by_num(num); if (!focuswin) { cons_show("Window %d does not exist.", num); } else { ui_ev_focus_win(focuswin); } return TRUE; } static void _cmd_help_cmd_list(const char * const tag) { cons_show(""); ProfWin *console = wins_get_console(); if (tag) { win_vprint(console, '-', 0, NULL, 0, THEME_WHITE_BOLD, "", "%s commands", tag); } else { win_print(console, '-', 0, NULL, 0, THEME_WHITE_BOLD, "", "All commands"); } GList *ordered_commands = NULL; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer key; gpointer value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, commands); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) { Command *pcmd = (Command *)value; if (tag) { if (cmd_has_tag(pcmd, tag)) { ordered_commands = g_list_insert_sorted(ordered_commands, pcmd->cmd, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0); } } else { ordered_commands = g_list_insert_sorted(ordered_commands, pcmd->cmd, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0); } } int maxlen = 0; GList *curr = ordered_commands; while (curr) { gchar *cmd = curr->data; int len = strlen(cmd); if (len > maxlen) maxlen = len; curr = g_list_next(curr); } GString *cmds = g_string_new(""); curr = ordered_commands; int count = 0; while (curr) { gchar *cmd = curr->data; if (count == 5) { cons_show(cmds->str); g_string_free(cmds, TRUE); cmds = g_string_new(""); count = 0; } g_string_append_printf(cmds, "%-*s", maxlen + 1, cmd); curr = g_list_next(curr); count++; } cons_show(cmds->str); g_string_free(cmds, TRUE); g_list_free(ordered_commands); g_list_free(curr); cons_show(""); cons_show("Use /help [command] without the leading slash, for help on a specific command"); cons_show(""); } gboolean cmd_help(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { int num_args = g_strv_length(args); if (num_args == 0) { cons_help(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "commands") == 0) { if (args[1]) { if (!cmd_valid_tag(args[1])) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { _cmd_help_cmd_list(args[1]); } } else { _cmd_help_cmd_list(NULL); } } else if (strcmp(args[0], "navigation") == 0) { cons_navigation_help(); } else { char *cmd = args[0]; char cmd_with_slash[1 + strlen(cmd) + 1]; sprintf(cmd_with_slash, "/%s", cmd); Command *command = g_hash_table_lookup(commands, cmd_with_slash); if (command) { cons_show_help(command); } else { cons_show("No such command."); } cons_show(""); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_about(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { ui_about(); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_prefs(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (args[0] == NULL) { cons_prefs(); cons_show("Use the /account command for preferences for individual accounts."); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "ui") == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show_ui_prefs(); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "desktop") == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show_desktop_prefs(); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "chat") == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show_chat_prefs(); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "log") == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show_log_prefs(); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "conn") == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show_connection_prefs(); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "presence") == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show_presence_prefs(); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "otr") == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show_otr_prefs(); cons_show(""); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "pgp") == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show_pgp_prefs(); cons_show(""); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_theme(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { // list themes if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "list") == 0) { GSList *themes = theme_list(); cons_show_themes(themes); g_slist_free_full(themes, g_free); // load a theme } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "load") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else if (theme_load(args[1])) { ui_load_colours(); prefs_set_string(PREF_THEME, args[1]); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER)) { ui_show_roster(); } else { ui_hide_roster(); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS)) { ui_show_all_room_rosters(); } else { ui_hide_all_room_rosters(); } ui_redraw(); cons_show("Loaded theme: %s", args[1]); } else { cons_show("Couldn't find theme: %s", args[1]); } // show colours } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "colours") == 0) { cons_theme_colours(); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } static void _who_room(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if ((g_strv_length(args) == 2) && args[1]) { cons_show("Argument group is not applicable to chat rooms."); return; } // bad arg if (args[0] && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "online") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "available") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "unavailable") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "away") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "chat") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "xa") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "dnd") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "any") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "moderator") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "participant") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "visitor") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "owner") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "admin") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "member") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "outcast") != 0)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); // presence filter if (args[0] == NULL || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "online") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "available") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "unavailable") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "away") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "chat") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "xa") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "dnd") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "any") == 0)) { char *presence = args[0]; GList *occupants = muc_roster(mucwin->roomjid); // no arg, show all contacts if ((presence == NULL) || (g_strcmp0(presence, "any") == 0)) { ui_room_roster(mucwin->roomjid, occupants, NULL); // available } else if (strcmp("available", presence) == 0) { GList *filtered = NULL; while (occupants) { Occupant *occupant = occupants->data; if (muc_occupant_available(occupant)) { filtered = g_list_append(filtered, occupant); } occupants = g_list_next(occupants); } ui_room_roster(mucwin->roomjid, filtered, "available"); // unavailable } else if (strcmp("unavailable", presence) == 0) { GList *filtered = NULL; while (occupants) { Occupant *occupant = occupants->data; if (!muc_occupant_available(occupant)) { filtered = g_list_append(filtered, occupant); } occupants = g_list_next(occupants); } ui_room_roster(mucwin->roomjid, filtered, "unavailable"); // show specific status } else { GList *filtered = NULL; while (occupants) { Occupant *occupant = occupants->data; const char *presence_str = string_from_resource_presence(occupant->presence); if (strcmp(presence_str, presence) == 0) { filtered = g_list_append(filtered, occupant); } occupants = g_list_next(occupants); } ui_room_roster(mucwin->roomjid, filtered, presence); } g_list_free(occupants); // role or affiliation filter } else { if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "moderator") == 0) { ui_show_room_role_list(mucwin, MUC_ROLE_MODERATOR); return; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "participant") == 0) { ui_show_room_role_list(mucwin, MUC_ROLE_PARTICIPANT); return; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "visitor") == 0) { ui_show_room_role_list(mucwin, MUC_ROLE_VISITOR); return; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "owner") == 0) { ui_show_room_affiliation_list(mucwin, MUC_AFFILIATION_OWNER); return; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "admin") == 0) { ui_show_room_affiliation_list(mucwin, MUC_AFFILIATION_ADMIN); return; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "member") == 0) { ui_show_room_affiliation_list(mucwin, MUC_AFFILIATION_MEMBER); return; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "outcast") == 0) { ui_show_room_affiliation_list(mucwin, MUC_AFFILIATION_OUTCAST); return; } } } static void _who_roster(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *presence = args[0]; // bad arg if (presence && (strcmp(presence, "online") != 0) && (strcmp(presence, "available") != 0) && (strcmp(presence, "unavailable") != 0) && (strcmp(presence, "offline") != 0) && (strcmp(presence, "away") != 0) && (strcmp(presence, "chat") != 0) && (strcmp(presence, "xa") != 0) && (strcmp(presence, "dnd") != 0) && (strcmp(presence, "any") != 0)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return; } char *group = NULL; if ((g_strv_length(args) == 2) && args[1]) { group = args[1]; } cons_show(""); GSList *list = NULL; if (group) { list = roster_get_group(group); if (list == NULL) { cons_show("No such group: %s.", group); return; } } else { list = roster_get_contacts(); if (list == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts in roster."); return; } } // no arg, show all contacts if ((presence == NULL) || (g_strcmp0(presence, "any") == 0)) { if (group) { if (list == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts in group %s.", group); } else { cons_show("%s:", group); cons_show_contacts(list); } } else { if (list == NULL) { cons_show("You have no contacts."); } else { cons_show("All contacts:"); cons_show_contacts(list); } } // available } else if (strcmp("available", presence) == 0) { GSList *filtered = NULL; GSList *curr = list; while (curr) { PContact contact = curr->data; if (p_contact_is_available(contact)) { filtered = g_slist_append(filtered, contact); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } if (group) { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts in group %s are %s.", group, presence); } else { cons_show("%s (%s):", group, presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } else { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts are %s.", presence); } else { cons_show("Contacts (%s):", presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } g_slist_free(filtered); // unavailable } else if (strcmp("unavailable", presence) == 0) { GSList *filtered = NULL; GSList *curr = list; while (curr) { PContact contact = curr->data; if (!p_contact_is_available(contact)) { filtered = g_slist_append(filtered, contact); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } if (group) { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts in group %s are %s.", group, presence); } else { cons_show("%s (%s):", group, presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } else { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts are %s.", presence); } else { cons_show("Contacts (%s):", presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } g_slist_free(filtered); // online, available resources } else if (strcmp("online", presence) == 0) { GSList *filtered = NULL; GSList *curr = list; while (curr) { PContact contact = curr->data; if (p_contact_has_available_resource(contact)) { filtered = g_slist_append(filtered, contact); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } if (group) { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts in group %s are %s.", group, presence); } else { cons_show("%s (%s):", group, presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } else { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts are %s.", presence); } else { cons_show("Contacts (%s):", presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } g_slist_free(filtered); // offline, no available resources } else if (strcmp("offline", presence) == 0) { GSList *filtered = NULL; GSList *curr = list; while (curr) { PContact contact = curr->data; if (!p_contact_has_available_resource(contact)) { filtered = g_slist_append(filtered, contact); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } if (group) { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts in group %s are %s.", group, presence); } else { cons_show("%s (%s):", group, presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } else { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts are %s.", presence); } else { cons_show("Contacts (%s):", presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } g_slist_free(filtered); // show specific status } else { GSList *filtered = NULL; GSList *curr = list; while (curr) { PContact contact = curr->data; if (strcmp(p_contact_presence(contact), presence) == 0) { filtered = g_slist_append(filtered, contact); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } if (group) { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts in group %s are %s.", group, presence); } else { cons_show("%s (%s):", group, presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } else { if (filtered == NULL) { cons_show("No contacts are %s.", presence); } else { cons_show("Contacts (%s):", presence); cons_show_contacts(filtered); } } g_slist_free(filtered); } g_slist_free(list); } gboolean cmd_who(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); } else if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { _who_room(window, command, args); } else { _who_roster(window, command, args); } if (window->type != WIN_CONSOLE && window->type != WIN_MUC) { ui_statusbar_new(1); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_msg(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *usr = args[0]; char *msg = args[1]; jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } // send private message when in MUC room if (window->type == WIN_MUC) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); if (muc_roster_contains_nick(mucwin->roomjid, usr)) { GString *full_jid = g_string_new(mucwin->roomjid); g_string_append(full_jid, "/"); g_string_append(full_jid, usr); ProfPrivateWin *privwin = wins_get_private(full_jid->str); if (!privwin) { privwin = ui_ev_new_private_win(full_jid->str); } ui_ev_focus_win((ProfWin*)privwin); if (msg) { cl_ev_send_priv_msg(privwin, msg); } g_string_free(full_jid, TRUE); } else { ui_current_print_line("No such participant \"%s\" in room.", usr); } return TRUE; // send chat message } else { char *barejid = roster_barejid_from_name(usr); if (barejid == NULL) { barejid = usr; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = wins_get_chat(barejid); if (!chatwin) { chatwin = ui_ev_new_chat_win(barejid); } ui_ev_focus_win((ProfWin*)chatwin); if (msg) { cl_ev_send_msg(chatwin, msg); } else { #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR if (otr_is_secure(barejid)) { ui_gone_secure(barejid, otr_is_trusted(barejid)); } #endif } return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_group(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } // list all groups if (args[0] == NULL) { GSList *groups = roster_get_groups(); GSList *curr = groups; if (curr) { cons_show("Groups:"); while (curr) { cons_show(" %s", curr->data); curr = g_slist_next(curr); } g_slist_free_full(groups, g_free); } else { cons_show("No groups."); } return TRUE; } // show contacts in group if (strcmp(args[0], "show") == 0) { char *group = args[1]; if (group == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } GSList *list = roster_get_group(group); cons_show_roster_group(group, list); return TRUE; } // add contact to group if (strcmp(args[0], "add") == 0) { char *group = args[1]; char *contact = args[2]; if ((group == NULL) || (contact == NULL)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } char *barejid = roster_barejid_from_name(contact); if (barejid == NULL) { barejid = contact; } PContact pcontact = roster_get_contact(barejid); if (pcontact == NULL) { cons_show("Contact not found in roster: %s", barejid); return TRUE; } if (p_contact_in_group(pcontact, group)) { const char *display_name = p_contact_name_or_jid(pcontact); ui_contact_already_in_group(display_name, group); } else { roster_send_add_to_group(group, pcontact); } return TRUE; } // remove contact from group if (strcmp(args[0], "remove") == 0) { char *group = args[1]; char *contact = args[2]; if ((group == NULL) || (contact == NULL)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } char *barejid = roster_barejid_from_name(contact); if (barejid == NULL) { barejid = contact; } PContact pcontact = roster_get_contact(barejid); if (pcontact == NULL) { cons_show("Contact not found in roster: %s", barejid); return TRUE; } if (!p_contact_in_group(pcontact, group)) { const char *display_name = p_contact_name_or_jid(pcontact); ui_contact_not_in_group(display_name, group); } else { roster_send_remove_from_group(group, pcontact); } return TRUE; } cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_roster(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); // show roster if (args[0] == NULL) { if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } GSList *list = roster_get_contacts(); cons_show_roster(list); g_slist_free(list); return TRUE; // show roster, only online contacts } else if(g_strcmp0(args[0], "online") == 0){ if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } GSList *list = roster_get_contacts_online(); cons_show_roster(list); g_slist_free(list); return TRUE; // set roster size } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "size") == 0) { if (!args[1]) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } int intval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(args[1], &intval, 1, 99, &err_msg); if (res) { prefs_set_roster_size(intval); cons_show("Roster screen size set to: %d%%", intval); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED && prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER)) { wins_resize_all(); } return TRUE; } else { cons_show(err_msg); free(err_msg); return TRUE; } // show/hide roster } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "show") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_show("Roster enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_ROSTER, TRUE); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { ui_show_roster(); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "offline") == 0) { cons_show("Roster offline enabled"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_OFFLINE, TRUE); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "resource") == 0) { cons_show("Roster resource enabled"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_RESOURCE, TRUE); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "empty") == 0) { cons_show("Roster empty enabled"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_EMPTY, TRUE); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "hide") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_show("Roster disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_ROSTER, FALSE); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { ui_hide_roster(); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "offline") == 0) { cons_show("Roster offline disabled"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_OFFLINE, FALSE); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "resource") == 0) { cons_show("Roster resource disabled"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_RESOURCE, FALSE); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "empty") == 0) { cons_show("Roster empty disabled"); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_EMPTY, FALSE); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } // roster grouping } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "by") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "group") == 0) { cons_show("Grouping roster by roster group"); prefs_set_string(PREF_ROSTER_BY, "group"); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "presence") == 0) { cons_show("Grouping roster by presence"); prefs_set_string(PREF_ROSTER_BY, "presence"); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "none") == 0) { cons_show("Roster grouping disabled"); prefs_set_string(PREF_ROSTER_BY, "none"); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { rosterwin_roster(); } return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } // add contact } else if (strcmp(args[0], "add") == 0) { if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } char *jid = args[1]; if (jid == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { char *name = args[2]; roster_send_add_new(jid, name); } return TRUE; // remove contact } else if (strcmp(args[0], "remove") == 0) { if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } char *jid = args[1]; if (jid == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { roster_send_remove(jid); } return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "remove_all") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "contacts") != 0) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } GSList *all = roster_get_contacts(); GSList *curr = all; while (curr) { PContact contact = curr->data; roster_send_remove(p_contact_barejid(contact)); curr = g_slist_next(curr); } g_slist_free(all); return TRUE; // change nickname } else if (strcmp(args[0], "nick") == 0) { if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } char *jid = args[1]; if (jid == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } char *name = args[2]; if (name == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } // contact does not exist PContact contact = roster_get_contact(jid); if (contact == NULL) { cons_show("Contact not found in roster: %s", jid); return TRUE; } const char *barejid = p_contact_barejid(contact); roster_change_name(contact, name); GSList *groups = p_contact_groups(contact); roster_send_name_change(barejid, name, groups); cons_show("Nickname for %s set to: %s.", jid, name); return TRUE; // remove nickname } else if (strcmp(args[0], "clearnick") == 0) { if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } char *jid = args[1]; if (jid == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } // contact does not exist PContact contact = roster_get_contact(jid); if (contact == NULL) { cons_show("Contact not found in roster: %s", jid); return TRUE; } const char *barejid = p_contact_barejid(contact); roster_change_name(contact, NULL); GSList *groups = p_contact_groups(contact); roster_send_name_change(barejid, NULL, groups); cons_show("Nickname for %s removed.", jid); return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_resource(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *cmd = args[0]; char *setting = NULL; if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "message") == 0) { setting = args[1]; if (!setting) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } else { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(setting, command, "Message resource", PREF_RESOURCE_MESSAGE); } } else if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "title") == 0) { setting = args[1]; if (!setting) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } else { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(setting, command, "Title resource", PREF_RESOURCE_TITLE); } } if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { cons_show("Resource can only be changed in chat windows."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "set") == 0) { char *resource = args[1]; if (!resource) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR if (otr_is_secure(chatwin->barejid)) { cons_show("Cannot choose resource during an OTR session."); return TRUE; } #endif PContact contact = roster_get_contact(chatwin->barejid); if (!contact) { cons_show("Cannot choose resource for contact not in roster."); return TRUE; } if (!p_contact_get_resource(contact, resource)) { cons_show("No such resource %s.", resource); return TRUE; } chatwin->resource_override = strdup(resource); chat_state_free(chatwin->state); chatwin->state = chat_state_new(); chat_session_resource_override(chatwin->barejid, resource); return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "off") == 0) { FREE_SET_NULL(chatwin->resource_override); chat_state_free(chatwin->state); chatwin->state = chat_state_new(); chat_session_remove(chatwin->barejid); return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_status(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *usr = args[0]; jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } switch (window->type) { case WIN_MUC: if (usr) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); Occupant *occupant = muc_roster_item(mucwin->roomjid, usr); if (occupant) { win_show_occupant(window, occupant); } else { win_vprint(window, '-', 0, NULL, 0, 0, "", "No such participant \"%s\" in room.", usr); } } else { ui_current_print_line("You must specify a nickname."); } break; case WIN_CHAT: if (usr) { ui_current_print_line("No parameter required when in chat."); } else { ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); PContact pcontact = roster_get_contact(chatwin->barejid); if (pcontact) { win_show_contact(window, pcontact); } else { win_println(window, 0, "Error getting contact info."); } } break; case WIN_PRIVATE: if (usr) { ui_current_print_line("No parameter required when in chat."); } else { ProfPrivateWin *privatewin = (ProfPrivateWin*)window; assert(privatewin->memcheck == PROFPRIVATEWIN_MEMCHECK); Jid *jid = jid_create(privatewin->fulljid); Occupant *occupant = muc_roster_item(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart); if (occupant) { win_show_occupant(window, occupant); } else { win_println(window, 0, "Error getting contact info."); } jid_destroy(jid); } break; case WIN_CONSOLE: if (usr) { char *usr_jid = roster_barejid_from_name(usr); if (usr_jid == NULL) { usr_jid = usr; } cons_show_status(usr_jid); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } break; default: break; } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_info(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *usr = args[0]; jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); PContact pcontact = NULL; if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } switch (window->type) { case WIN_MUC: if (usr) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); Occupant *occupant = muc_roster_item(mucwin->roomjid, usr); if (occupant) { win_show_occupant_info(window, mucwin->roomjid, occupant); } else { ui_current_print_line("No such occupant \"%s\" in room.", usr); } } else { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); iq_room_info_request(mucwin->roomjid, TRUE); ui_show_room_info(mucwin); return TRUE; } break; case WIN_CHAT: if (usr) { ui_current_print_line("No parameter required when in chat."); } else { ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); PContact pcontact = roster_get_contact(chatwin->barejid); if (pcontact) { win_show_info(window, pcontact); } else { win_println(window, 0, "Error getting contact info."); } } break; case WIN_PRIVATE: if (usr) { ui_current_print_line("No parameter required when in chat."); } else { ProfPrivateWin *privatewin = (ProfPrivateWin*)window; assert(privatewin->memcheck == PROFPRIVATEWIN_MEMCHECK); Jid *jid = jid_create(privatewin->fulljid); Occupant *occupant = muc_roster_item(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart); if (occupant) { win_show_occupant_info(window, jid->barejid, occupant); } else { win_println(window, 0, "Error getting contact info."); } jid_destroy(jid); } break; case WIN_CONSOLE: if (usr) { char *usr_jid = roster_barejid_from_name(usr); if (usr_jid == NULL) { usr_jid = usr; } pcontact = roster_get_contact(usr_jid); if (pcontact) { cons_show_info(pcontact); } else { cons_show("No such contact \"%s\" in roster.", usr); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } break; default: break; } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_caps(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); PContact pcontact = NULL; Occupant *occupant = NULL; if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } switch (window->type) { case WIN_MUC: if (args[0]) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); occupant = muc_roster_item(mucwin->roomjid, args[0]); if (occupant) { Jid *jidp = jid_create_from_bare_and_resource(mucwin->roomjid, args[0]); cons_show_caps(jidp->fulljid, occupant->presence); jid_destroy(jidp); } else { cons_show("No such participant \"%s\" in room.", args[0]); } } else { cons_show("No nickname supplied to /caps in chat room."); } break; case WIN_CHAT: case WIN_CONSOLE: if (args[0]) { Jid *jid = jid_create(args[0]); if (jid->fulljid == NULL) { cons_show("You must provide a full jid to the /caps command."); } else { pcontact = roster_get_contact(jid->barejid); if (pcontact == NULL) { cons_show("Contact not found in roster: %s", jid->barejid); } else { Resource *resource = p_contact_get_resource(pcontact, jid->resourcepart); if (resource == NULL) { cons_show("Could not find resource %s, for contact %s", jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart); } else { cons_show_caps(jid->fulljid, resource->presence); } } } jid_destroy(jid); } else { cons_show("You must provide a jid to the /caps command."); } break; case WIN_PRIVATE: if (args[0]) { cons_show("No parameter needed to /caps when in private chat."); } else { ProfPrivateWin *privatewin = (ProfPrivateWin*)window; assert(privatewin->memcheck == PROFPRIVATEWIN_MEMCHECK); Jid *jid = jid_create(privatewin->fulljid); if (jid) { occupant = muc_roster_item(jid->barejid, jid->resourcepart); cons_show_caps(jid->resourcepart, occupant->presence); jid_destroy(jid); } } break; default: break; } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_software(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); Occupant *occupant = NULL; if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } switch (window->type) { case WIN_MUC: if (args[0]) { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); occupant = muc_roster_item(mucwin->roomjid, args[0]); if (occupant) { Jid *jid = jid_create_from_bare_and_resource(mucwin->roomjid, args[0]); iq_send_software_version(jid->fulljid); jid_destroy(jid); } else { cons_show("No such participant \"%s\" in room.", args[0]); } } else { cons_show("No nickname supplied to /software in chat room."); } break; case WIN_CHAT: if (args[0]) { cons_show("No parameter needed to /software when in chat."); } else { ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); char *resource = NULL; ChatSession *session = chat_session_get(chatwin->barejid); if (chatwin->resource_override) { resource = chatwin->resource_override; } else if (session && session->resource) { resource = session->resource; } if (resource) { GString *fulljid = g_string_new(chatwin->barejid); g_string_append_printf(fulljid, "/%s", resource); iq_send_software_version(fulljid->str); g_string_free(fulljid, TRUE); } else { win_println(window, 0, "Unknown resource for /software command."); } } break; case WIN_CONSOLE: if (args[0]) { Jid *myJid = jid_create(jabber_get_fulljid()); Jid *jid = jid_create(args[0]); if (jid == NULL || jid->fulljid == NULL) { cons_show("You must provide a full jid to the /software command."); } else if (g_strcmp0(jid->barejid, myJid->barejid) == 0) { cons_show("Cannot request software version for yourself."); } else { iq_send_software_version(jid->fulljid); } jid_destroy(myJid); jid_destroy(jid); } else { cons_show("You must provide a jid to the /software command."); } break; case WIN_PRIVATE: if (args[0]) { cons_show("No parameter needed to /software when in private chat."); } else { ProfPrivateWin *privatewin = (ProfPrivateWin*)window; assert(privatewin->memcheck == PROFPRIVATEWIN_MEMCHECK); iq_send_software_version(privatewin->fulljid); } break; default: break; } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_join(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (args[0] == NULL) { uuid_t uuid; uuid_generate(uuid); char *uuid_str = malloc(sizeof(char) * 37); uuid_unparse_lower(uuid, uuid_str); char *account_name = jabber_get_account_name(); ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(account_name); GString *room_str = g_string_new(""); g_string_append_printf(room_str, "private-chat-%s@%s", uuid_str, account->muc_service); presence_join_room(room_str->str, account->muc_nick, NULL); muc_join(room_str->str, account->muc_nick, NULL, FALSE); g_string_free(room_str, TRUE); free(uuid_str); account_free(account); return TRUE; } Jid *room_arg = jid_create(args[0]); if (room_arg == NULL) { cons_show_error("Specified room has incorrect format."); cons_show(""); return TRUE; } char *room = NULL; char *nick = NULL; char *passwd = NULL; GString *room_str = g_string_new(""); char *account_name = jabber_get_account_name(); ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(account_name); // full room jid supplied (room@server) if (room_arg->localpart) { room = args[0]; // server not supplied (room), use account preference } else { g_string_append(room_str, args[0]); g_string_append(room_str, "@"); g_string_append(room_str, account->muc_service); room = room_str->str; } // Additional args supplied gchar *opt_keys[] = { "nick", "password", NULL }; gboolean parsed; GHashTable *options = parse_options(&args[1], opt_keys, &parsed); if (!parsed) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); cons_show(""); jid_destroy(room_arg); return TRUE; } nick = g_hash_table_lookup(options, "nick"); passwd = g_hash_table_lookup(options, "password"); options_destroy(options); // In the case that a nick wasn't provided by the optional args... if (!nick) { nick = account->muc_nick; } // When no password, check for invite with password if (!passwd) { passwd = muc_invite_password(room); } if (!muc_active(room)) { presence_join_room(room, nick, passwd); muc_join(room, nick, passwd, FALSE); } else if (muc_roster_complete(room)) { ui_switch_to_room(room); } jid_destroy(room_arg); g_string_free(room_str, TRUE); account_free(account); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_invite(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *contact = args[0]; char *reason = args[1]; jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("You must be in a chat room to send an invite."); return TRUE; } char *usr_jid = roster_barejid_from_name(contact); if (usr_jid == NULL) { usr_jid = contact; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); message_send_invite(mucwin->roomjid, usr_jid, reason); if (reason) { cons_show("Room invite sent, contact: %s, room: %s, reason: \"%s\".", contact, mucwin->roomjid, reason); } else { cons_show("Room invite sent, contact: %s, room: %s.", contact, mucwin->roomjid); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_invites(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { GSList *invites = muc_invites(); cons_show_room_invites(invites); g_slist_free_full(invites, g_free); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_decline(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (!muc_invites_contain(args[0])) { cons_show("No such invite exists."); } else { muc_invites_remove(args[0]); cons_show("Declined invite to %s.", args[0]); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_form_field(ProfWin *window, char *tag, gchar **args) { if (window->type != WIN_MUC_CONFIG) { return TRUE; } ProfMucConfWin *confwin = (ProfMucConfWin*)window; DataForm *form = confwin->form; if (form) { if (!form_tag_exists(form, tag)) { ui_current_print_line("Form does not contain a field with tag %s", tag); return TRUE; } form_field_type_t field_type = form_get_field_type(form, tag); char *cmd = NULL; char *value = NULL; gboolean valid = FALSE; gboolean added = FALSE; gboolean removed = FALSE; switch (field_type) { case FIELD_BOOLEAN: value = args[0]; if (g_strcmp0(value, "on") == 0) { form_set_value(form, tag, "1"); ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } else if (g_strcmp0(value, "off") == 0) { form_set_value(form, tag, "0"); ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } else { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); } break; case FIELD_TEXT_PRIVATE: case FIELD_TEXT_SINGLE: case FIELD_JID_SINGLE: value = args[0]; if (value == NULL) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); } else { form_set_value(form, tag, value); ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } break; case FIELD_LIST_SINGLE: value = args[0]; if ((value == NULL) || !form_field_contains_option(form, tag, value)) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); } else { form_set_value(form, tag, value); ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } break; case FIELD_TEXT_MULTI: cmd = args[0]; if (cmd) { value = args[1]; } if ((g_strcmp0(cmd, "add") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(cmd, "remove"))) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } if (value == NULL) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "add") == 0) { form_add_value(form, tag, value); ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); break; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "remove") == 0) { if (!g_str_has_prefix(value, "val")) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } if (strlen(value) < 4) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } int index = strtol(&value[3], NULL, 10); if ((index < 1) || (index > form_get_value_count(form, tag))) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } removed = form_remove_text_multi_value(form, tag, index); if (removed) { ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } else { ui_current_print_line("Could not remove %s from %s", value, tag); } } break; case FIELD_LIST_MULTI: cmd = args[0]; if (cmd) { value = args[1]; } if ((g_strcmp0(cmd, "add") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(cmd, "remove"))) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } if (value == NULL) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "add") == 0) { valid = form_field_contains_option(form, tag, value); if (valid) { added = form_add_unique_value(form, tag, value); if (added) { ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } else { ui_current_print_line("Value %s already selected for %s", value, tag); } } else { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); } break; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "remove") == 0) { valid = form_field_contains_option(form, tag, value); if (valid == TRUE) { removed = form_remove_value(form, tag, value); if (removed) { ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } else { ui_current_print_line("Value %s is not currently set for %s", value, tag); } } else { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); } } break; case FIELD_JID_MULTI: cmd = args[0]; if (cmd) { value = args[1]; } if ((g_strcmp0(cmd, "add") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(cmd, "remove"))) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } if (value == NULL) { ui_current_print_line("Invalid command, usage:"); ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); ui_current_print_line(""); break; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "add") == 0) { added = form_add_unique_value(form, tag, value); if (added) { ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } else { ui_current_print_line("JID %s already exists in %s", value, tag); } break; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "remove") == 0) { removed = form_remove_value(form, tag, value); if (removed) { ui_current_print_line("Field updated..."); ui_show_form_field(window, form, tag); } else { ui_current_print_line("Field %s does not contain %s", tag, value); } } break; default: break; } } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_form(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC_CONFIG) { cons_show("Command '/form' does not apply to this window."); return TRUE; } if ((g_strcmp0(args[0], "submit") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "cancel") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "show") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "help") != 0)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } ProfMucConfWin *confwin = (ProfMucConfWin*)window; assert(confwin->memcheck == PROFCONFWIN_MEMCHECK); if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "show") == 0) { ui_show_form(confwin); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "help") == 0) { char *tag = args[1]; if (tag) { ui_show_form_field_help(confwin, tag); } else { ui_show_form_help(confwin); const gchar **help_text = NULL; Command *command = g_hash_table_lookup(commands, "/form"); if (command) { help_text = command->help.synopsis; } ui_show_lines((ProfWin*) confwin, help_text); } ui_current_print_line(""); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "submit") == 0) { iq_submit_room_config(confwin->roomjid, confwin->form); } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "cancel") == 0) { iq_room_config_cancel(confwin->roomjid); } if ((g_strcmp0(args[0], "submit") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(args[0], "cancel") == 0)) { if (confwin->form) { cmd_autocomplete_remove_form_fields(confwin->form); } wins_close_current(); ProfWin *new_current = (ProfWin*)wins_get_muc(confwin->roomjid); if (!new_current) { new_current = wins_get_console(); } ui_ev_focus_win(new_current); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_kick(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("Command '/kick' only applies in chat rooms."); return TRUE; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); char *nick = args[0]; if (nick) { if (muc_roster_contains_nick(mucwin->roomjid, nick)) { char *reason = args[1]; iq_room_kick_occupant(mucwin->roomjid, nick, reason); } else { win_vprint((ProfWin*) mucwin, '!', 0, NULL, 0, 0, "", "Occupant does not exist: %s", nick); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_ban(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("Command '/ban' only applies in chat rooms."); return TRUE; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); char *jid = args[0]; if (jid) { char *reason = args[1]; iq_room_affiliation_set(mucwin->roomjid, jid, "outcast", reason); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_subject(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("Command '/room' does not apply to this window."); return TRUE; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); if (args[0] == NULL) { char *subject = muc_subject(mucwin->roomjid); if (subject) { win_vprint(window, '!', 0, NULL, NO_EOL, THEME_ROOMINFO, "", "Room subject: "); win_vprint(window, '!', 0, NULL, NO_DATE, 0, "", "%s", subject); } else { win_print(window, '!', 0, NULL, 0, THEME_ROOMINFO, "", "Room has no subject"); } return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "set") == 0) { if (args[1]) { message_send_groupchat_subject(mucwin->roomjid, args[1]); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "clear") == 0) { message_send_groupchat_subject(mucwin->roomjid, NULL); return TRUE; } cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_affiliation(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("Command '/affiliation' does not apply to this window."); return TRUE; } char *cmd = args[0]; if (cmd == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } char *affiliation = args[1]; if (affiliation && (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "owner") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "admin") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "member") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "none") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "outcast") != 0)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "list") == 0) { if (!affiliation) { iq_room_affiliation_list(mucwin->roomjid, "owner"); iq_room_affiliation_list(mucwin->roomjid, "admin"); iq_room_affiliation_list(mucwin->roomjid, "member"); iq_room_affiliation_list(mucwin->roomjid, "outcast"); } else if (g_strcmp0(affiliation, "none") == 0) { win_print((ProfWin*) mucwin, '!', 0, NULL, 0, 0, "", "Cannot list users with no affiliation."); } else { iq_room_affiliation_list(mucwin->roomjid, affiliation); } return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "set") == 0) { if (!affiliation) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } char *jid = args[2]; if (jid == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } else { char *reason = args[3]; iq_room_affiliation_set(mucwin->roomjid, jid, affiliation, reason); return TRUE; } } cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_role(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("Command '/role' does not apply to this window."); return TRUE; } char *cmd = args[0]; if (cmd == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } char *role = args[1]; if (role && (g_strcmp0(role, "visitor") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(role, "participant") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(role, "moderator") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(role, "none") != 0)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "list") == 0) { if (!role) { iq_room_role_list(mucwin->roomjid, "moderator"); iq_room_role_list(mucwin->roomjid, "participant"); iq_room_role_list(mucwin->roomjid, "visitor"); } else if (g_strcmp0(role, "none") == 0) { win_print((ProfWin*) mucwin, '!', 0, NULL, 0, 0, "", "Cannot list users with no role."); } else { iq_room_role_list(mucwin->roomjid, role); } return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(cmd, "set") == 0) { if (!role) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } char *nick = args[2]; if (nick == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } else { char *reason = args[3]; iq_room_role_set(mucwin->roomjid, nick, role, reason); return TRUE; } } cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_room(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("Command '/room' does not apply to this window."); return TRUE; } if ((g_strcmp0(args[0], "accept") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "destroy") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(args[0], "config") != 0)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); int num = wins_get_num(window); int ui_index = num; if (ui_index == 10) { ui_index = 0; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "accept") == 0) { gboolean requires_config = muc_requires_config(mucwin->roomjid); if (!requires_config) { win_print(window, '!', 0, NULL, 0, THEME_ROOMINFO, "", "Current room does not require configuration."); return TRUE; } else { iq_confirm_instant_room(mucwin->roomjid); muc_set_requires_config(mucwin->roomjid, FALSE); win_print(window, '!', 0, NULL, 0, THEME_ROOMINFO, "", "Room unlocked."); return TRUE; } } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "destroy") == 0) { iq_destroy_room(mucwin->roomjid); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "config") == 0) { ProfMucConfWin *confwin = wins_get_muc_conf(mucwin->roomjid); if (confwin) { ui_ev_focus_win((ProfWin*)confwin); } else { iq_request_room_config_form(mucwin->roomjid); } return TRUE; } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_occupants(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "size") == 0) { if (!args[1]) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } else { int intval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(args[1], &intval, 1, 99, &err_msg); if (res) { prefs_set_occupants_size(intval); cons_show("Occupants screen size set to: %d%%", intval); wins_resize_all(); return TRUE; } else { cons_show(err_msg); free(err_msg); return TRUE; } } } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "default") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "show") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "jid") == 0) { cons_show("Occupant jids enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS_JID, TRUE); } else { cons_show("Occupant list enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS, TRUE); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "hide") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "jid") == 0) { cons_show("Occupant jids disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS_JID, FALSE); } else { cons_show("Occupant list disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS, FALSE); } return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("Cannot apply setting when not in chat room."); return TRUE; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "show") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "jid") == 0) { mucwin->showjid = TRUE; ui_room_update_occupants(mucwin->roomjid); } else { ui_room_show_occupants(mucwin->roomjid); } } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "hide") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "jid") == 0) { mucwin->showjid = FALSE; ui_room_update_occupants(mucwin->roomjid); } else { ui_room_hide_occupants(mucwin->roomjid); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_rooms(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (args[0] == NULL) { ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(jabber_get_account_name()); iq_room_list_request(account->muc_service); account_free(account); } else { iq_room_list_request(args[0]); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_bookmark(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } gchar *cmd = args[0]; if (window->type == WIN_MUC && cmd == NULL) { // default to current nickname, password, and autojoin "on" ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); char *nick = muc_nick(mucwin->roomjid); char *password = muc_password(mucwin->roomjid); gboolean added = bookmark_add(mucwin->roomjid, nick, password, "on"); if (added) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "Bookmark added for %s.", mucwin->roomjid); } else { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "Bookmark already exists for %s.", mucwin->roomjid); } return TRUE; } else { if (cmd == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(cmd, "list") == 0) { const GList *bookmarks = bookmark_get_list(); cons_show_bookmarks(bookmarks); } else { char *jid = args[1]; if (jid == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); cons_show(""); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(cmd, "remove") == 0) { gboolean removed = bookmark_remove(jid); if (removed) { cons_show("Bookmark removed for %s.", jid); } else { cons_show("No bookmark exists for %s.", jid); } return TRUE; } if (strcmp(cmd, "join") == 0) { gboolean joined = bookmark_join(jid); if (!joined) { cons_show("No bookmark exists for %s.", jid); } return TRUE; } gchar *opt_keys[] = { "autojoin", "nick", "password", NULL }; gboolean parsed; GHashTable *options = parse_options(&args[2], opt_keys, &parsed); if (!parsed) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); cons_show(""); return TRUE; } char *nick = g_hash_table_lookup(options, "nick"); char *password = g_hash_table_lookup(options, "password"); char *autojoin = g_hash_table_lookup(options, "autojoin"); if (autojoin) { if ((strcmp(autojoin, "on") != 0) && (strcmp(autojoin, "off") != 0)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); cons_show(""); return TRUE; } } if (strcmp(cmd, "add") == 0) { if (strchr(jid, '@')==NULL) { cons_show("Can't add bookmark with JID '%s'; should be '%s@domain.tld'", jid, jid); } else { gboolean added = bookmark_add(jid, nick, password, autojoin); if (added) { cons_show("Bookmark added for %s.", jid); } else { cons_show("Bookmark already exists, use /bookmark update to edit."); } } } else if (strcmp(cmd, "update") == 0) { gboolean updated = bookmark_update(jid, nick, password, autojoin); if (updated) { cons_show("Bookmark updated."); } else { cons_show("No bookmark exists for %s.", jid); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } options_destroy(options); } } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_disco(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currenlty connected."); return TRUE; } GString *jid = g_string_new(""); if (args[1]) { jid = g_string_append(jid, args[1]); } else { Jid *jidp = jid_create(jabber_get_fulljid()); jid = g_string_append(jid, jidp->domainpart); jid_destroy(jidp); } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "info") == 0) { iq_disco_info_request(jid->str); } else { iq_disco_items_request(jid->str); } g_string_free(jid, TRUE); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_lastactivity(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currenlty connected."); return TRUE; } if (args[0] == NULL) { Jid *jidp = jid_create(jabber_get_fulljid()); GString *jid = g_string_new(jidp->domainpart); iq_last_activity_request(jid->str); g_string_free(jid, TRUE); jid_destroy(jidp); } else { iq_last_activity_request(args[0]); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_nick(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("You can only change your nickname in a chat room window."); return TRUE; } ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); char *nick = args[0]; presence_change_room_nick(mucwin->roomjid, nick); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_alias(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *subcmd = args[0]; if (strcmp(subcmd, "add") == 0) { char *alias = args[1]; if (alias == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } else { char *alias_p = alias; GString *ac_value = g_string_new(""); if (alias[0] == '/') { g_string_append(ac_value, alias); alias_p = &alias[1]; } else { g_string_append(ac_value, "/"); g_string_append(ac_value, alias); } char *value = args[2]; if (value == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); g_string_free(ac_value, TRUE); return TRUE; } else if (cmd_exists(ac_value->str)) { cons_show("Command or alias '%s' already exists.", ac_value->str); g_string_free(ac_value, TRUE); return TRUE; } else { prefs_add_alias(alias_p, value); cmd_autocomplete_add(ac_value->str); cmd_alias_add(alias_p); cons_show("Command alias added %s -> %s", ac_value->str, value); g_string_free(ac_value, TRUE); return TRUE; } } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "remove") == 0) { char *alias = args[1]; if (alias == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } else { if (alias[0] == '/') { alias = &alias[1]; } gboolean removed = prefs_remove_alias(alias); if (!removed) { cons_show("No such command alias /%s", alias); } else { GString *ac_value = g_string_new("/"); g_string_append(ac_value, alias); cmd_autocomplete_remove(ac_value->str); cmd_alias_remove(alias); g_string_free(ac_value, TRUE); cons_show("Command alias removed -> /%s", alias); } return TRUE; } } else if (strcmp(subcmd, "list") == 0) { GList *aliases = prefs_get_aliases(); cons_show_aliases(aliases); prefs_free_aliases(aliases); return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_tiny(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *url = args[0]; if (window->type != WIN_CHAT && window->type != WIN_MUC && window->type != WIN_PRIVATE) { cons_show("/tiny can only be used in chat windows"); return TRUE; } if (!tinyurl_valid(url)) { win_vprint(window, '-', 0, NULL, 0, THEME_ERROR, "", "/tiny, badly formed URL: %s", url); return TRUE; } char *tiny = tinyurl_get(url); if (!tiny) { win_print(window, '-', 0, NULL, 0, THEME_ERROR, "", "Couldn't create tinyurl."); return TRUE; } switch (window->type){ case WIN_CHAT: { ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); cl_ev_send_msg(chatwin, tiny); break; } case WIN_PRIVATE: { ProfPrivateWin *privatewin = (ProfPrivateWin*)window; assert(privatewin->memcheck == PROFPRIVATEWIN_MEMCHECK); cl_ev_send_priv_msg(privatewin, tiny); break; } case WIN_MUC: { ProfMucWin *mucwin = (ProfMucWin*)window; assert(mucwin->memcheck == PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK); cl_ev_send_muc_msg(mucwin, tiny); break; } default: break; } free(tiny); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_clear(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { ui_clear_win(window); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_close(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); int index = 0; int count = 0; if (args[0] == NULL) { index = wins_get_current_num(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "all") == 0) { count = ui_close_all_wins(); if (count == 0) { cons_show("No windows to close."); } else if (count == 1) { cons_show("Closed 1 window."); } else { cons_show("Closed %d windows.", count); } return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "read") == 0) { count = ui_close_read_wins(); if (count == 0) { cons_show("No windows to close."); } else if (count == 1) { cons_show("Closed 1 window."); } else { cons_show("Closed %d windows.", count); } return TRUE; } else { index = atoi(args[0]); } if (index < 0 || index == 10) { cons_show("No such window exists."); return TRUE; } if (index == 1) { cons_show("Cannot close console window."); return TRUE; } ProfWin *toclose = wins_get_by_num(index); if (!toclose) { cons_show("Window is not open."); return TRUE; } // check for unsaved form if (ui_win_has_unsaved_form(index)) { ui_current_print_line("You have unsaved changes, use /form submit or /form cancel"); return TRUE; } // handle leaving rooms, or chat if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { ui_close_connected_win(index); } // close the window ui_close_win(index); cons_show("Closed window %d", index); // Tidy up the window list. if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_WINS_AUTO_TIDY)) { ui_tidy_wins(); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_leave(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); int index = wins_get_current_num(); if (window->type != WIN_MUC) { cons_show("You can only use the /leave command in a chat room."); cons_alert(); return TRUE; } // handle leaving rooms, or chat if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { ui_close_connected_win(index); } // close the window ui_close_win(index); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_privileges(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "MUC privileges", PREF_MUC_PRIVILEGES); ui_redraw_all_room_rosters(); return result; } gboolean cmd_beep(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Sound", PREF_BEEP); } gboolean cmd_presence(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Contact presence", PREF_PRESENCE); } gboolean cmd_wrap(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Word wrap", PREF_WRAP); wins_resize_all(); return result; } gboolean cmd_time(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "lastactivity") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_show("Current last activity time format is '%s'.", prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_LASTACTIVITY)); return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "set") == 0 && args[2] != NULL) { prefs_set_string(PREF_TIME_LASTACTIVITY, args[2]); cons_show("Last activity time format set to '%s'.", args[2]); ui_redraw(); return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Last activity time cannot be disabled."); ui_redraw(); return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "statusbar") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_show("Current status bar time format is '%s'.", prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_STATUSBAR)); return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "set") == 0 && args[2] != NULL) { prefs_set_string(PREF_TIME_STATUSBAR, args[2]); cons_show("Status bar time format set to '%s'.", args[2]); ui_redraw(); return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "off") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_TIME_STATUSBAR, ""); cons_show("Status bar time display disabled."); ui_redraw(); return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "main") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_show("Current time format is '%s'.", prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME)); return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "set") == 0 && args[2] != NULL) { prefs_set_string(PREF_TIME, args[2]); cons_show("Time format set to '%s'.", args[2]); wins_resize_all(); return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "off") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_TIME, ""); cons_show("Time display disabled."); wins_resize_all(); return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_states(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Sending chat states", PREF_STATES); // if disabled, disable outtype and gone if (result == TRUE && (strcmp(args[0], "off") == 0)) { prefs_set_boolean(PREF_OUTTYPE, FALSE); prefs_set_gone(0); } return result; } gboolean cmd_titlebar(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "show") != 0 && g_strcmp0(args[0], "goodbye") != 0) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "show") == 0 && g_strcmp0(args[1], "off") == 0) { ui_clear_win_title(); } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "show") == 0) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[1], command, "Titlebar show", PREF_TITLEBAR_SHOW); } else { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[1], command, "Titlebar goodbye", PREF_TITLEBAR_GOODBYE); } } gboolean cmd_outtype(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Sending typing notifications", PREF_OUTTYPE); // if enabled, enable states if (result == TRUE && (strcmp(args[0], "on") == 0)) { prefs_set_boolean(PREF_STATES, TRUE); } return result; } gboolean cmd_gone(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *value = args[0]; gint period = atoi(value); prefs_set_gone(period); if (period == 0) { cons_show("Automatic leaving conversations after period disabled."); } else if (period == 1) { cons_show("Leaving conversations after 1 minute of inactivity."); } else { cons_show("Leaving conversations after %d minutes of inactivity.", period); } // if enabled, enable states if (period > 0) { prefs_set_boolean(PREF_STATES, TRUE); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_notify(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *kind = args[0]; // bad kind if ((strcmp(kind, "message") != 0) && (strcmp(kind, "typing") != 0) && (strcmp(kind, "remind") != 0) && (strcmp(kind, "invite") != 0) && (strcmp(kind, "sub") != 0) && (strcmp(kind, "room") != 0)) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); // set message setting } else if (strcmp(kind, "message") == 0) { if (strcmp(args[1], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Message notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_MESSAGE, TRUE); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Message notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_MESSAGE, FALSE); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "current") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Current window message notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_MESSAGE_CURRENT, TRUE); } else if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Current window message notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_MESSAGE_CURRENT, FALSE); } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify message current on|off"); } } else if (strcmp(args[1], "text") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Showing text in message notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_MESSAGE_TEXT, TRUE); } else if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Showing text in message notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_MESSAGE_TEXT, FALSE); } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify message text on|off"); } } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify message on|off"); } // set room setting } else if (strcmp(kind, "room") == 0) { if (strcmp(args[1], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Chat room notifications enabled."); prefs_set_string(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM, "on"); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Chat room notifications disabled."); prefs_set_string(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM, "off"); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "mention") == 0) { cons_show("Chat room notifications enabled on mention."); prefs_set_string(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM, "mention"); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "current") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Current window chat room message notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_CURRENT, TRUE); } else if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Current window chat room message notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_CURRENT, FALSE); } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify room current on|off"); } } else if (strcmp(args[1], "text") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Showing text in chat room message notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_TEXT, TRUE); } else if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Showing text in chat room message notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_TEXT, FALSE); } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify room text on|off"); } } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify room on|off|mention"); } // set typing setting } else if (strcmp(kind, "typing") == 0) { if (strcmp(args[1], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Typing notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_TYPING, TRUE); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Typing notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_TYPING, FALSE); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "current") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Current window typing notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_TYPING_CURRENT, TRUE); } else if (g_strcmp0(args[2], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Current window typing notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_TYPING_CURRENT, FALSE); } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify typing current on|off"); } } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify typing on|off"); } // set invite setting } else if (strcmp(kind, "invite") == 0) { if (strcmp(args[1], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Chat room invite notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_INVITE, TRUE); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Chat room invite notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_INVITE, FALSE); } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify invite on|off"); } // set subscription setting } else if (strcmp(kind, "sub") == 0) { if (strcmp(args[1], "on") == 0) { cons_show("Subscription notifications enabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_SUB, TRUE); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "off") == 0) { cons_show("Subscription notifications disabled."); prefs_set_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_SUB, FALSE); } else { cons_show("Usage: /notify sub on|off"); } // set remind setting } else if (strcmp(kind, "remind") == 0) { gint period = atoi(args[1]); prefs_set_notify_remind(period); if (period == 0) { cons_show("Message reminders disabled."); } else if (period == 1) { cons_show("Message reminder period set to 1 second."); } else { cons_show("Message reminder period set to %d seconds.", period); } } else { cons_show("Unknown command: %s.", kind); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_inpblock(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *subcmd = args[0]; char *value = args[1]; if (g_strcmp0(subcmd, "timeout") == 0) { if (value == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } int intval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(value, &intval, 1, 1000, &err_msg); if (res) { cons_show("Input blocking set to %d milliseconds.", intval); prefs_set_inpblock(intval); ui_input_nonblocking(FALSE); } else { cons_show(err_msg); free(err_msg); } return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(subcmd, "dynamic") == 0) { if (value == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(value, "on") != 0 && g_strcmp0(value, "off") != 0) { cons_show("Dynamic must be one of 'on' or 'off'"); return TRUE; } return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(value, command, "Dynamic input blocking", PREF_INPBLOCK_DYNAMIC); } cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_log(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *subcmd = args[0]; char *value = args[1]; if (strcmp(subcmd, "maxsize") == 0) { if (value == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } int intval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(value, &intval, PREFS_MIN_LOG_SIZE, INT_MAX, &err_msg); if (res) { prefs_set_max_log_size(intval); cons_show("Log maxinum size set to %d bytes", intval); } else { cons_show(err_msg); free(err_msg); } return TRUE; } if (strcmp(subcmd, "rotate") == 0) { if (value == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(value, command, "Log rotate", PREF_LOG_ROTATE); } if (strcmp(subcmd, "shared") == 0) { if (value == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(value, command, "Shared log", PREF_LOG_SHARED); log_reinit(); return result; } if (strcmp(subcmd, "where") == 0) { char *logfile = get_log_file_location(); cons_show("Log file: %s", logfile); return TRUE; } cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); /* TODO: make 'level' subcommand for debug level */ return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_reconnect(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *value = args[0]; int intval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(value, &intval, 0, INT_MAX, &err_msg); if (res) { prefs_set_reconnect(intval); if (intval == 0) { cons_show("Reconnect disabled.", intval); } else { cons_show("Reconnect interval set to %d seconds.", intval); } } else { cons_show(err_msg); cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); free(err_msg); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_autoping(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { char *value = args[0]; int intval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(value, &intval, 0, INT_MAX, &err_msg); if (res) { prefs_set_autoping(intval); iq_set_autoping(intval); if (intval == 0) { cons_show("Autoping disabled.", intval); } else { cons_show("Autoping interval set to %d seconds.", intval); } } else { cons_show(err_msg); cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); free(err_msg); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_ping(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currenlty connected."); return TRUE; } iq_send_ping(args[0]); if (args[0] == NULL) { cons_show("Pinged server..."); } else { cons_show("Pinged %s...", args[0]); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_autoaway(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if ((strcmp(args[0], "mode") != 0) && (strcmp(args[0], "time") != 0) && (strcmp(args[0], "message") != 0) && (strcmp(args[0], "check") != 0)) { cons_show("Setting must be one of 'mode', 'time', 'message' or 'check'"); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(args[0], "mode") == 0) { if ((strcmp(args[1], "idle") != 0) && (strcmp(args[1], "away") != 0) && (strcmp(args[1], "off") != 0)) { cons_show("Mode must be one of 'idle', 'away' or 'off'"); } else { prefs_set_string(PREF_AUTOAWAY_MODE, args[1]); cons_show("Auto away mode set to: %s.", args[1]); } return TRUE; } if (strcmp(args[0], "time") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "away") == 0) { int minutesval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(args[2], &minutesval, 1, INT_MAX, &err_msg); if (res) { prefs_set_autoaway_time(minutesval); if (minutesval == 1) { cons_show("Auto away time set to: 1 minute."); } else { cons_show("Auto away time set to: %d minutes.", minutesval); } } else { cons_show(err_msg); free(err_msg); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "xa") == 0) { int minutesval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(args[2], &minutesval, 0, INT_MAX, &err_msg); if (res) { int away_time = prefs_get_autoaway_time(); if (minutesval != 0 && minutesval <= away_time) { cons_show("Auto xa time must be larger than auto away time."); } else { prefs_set_autoxa_time(minutesval); if (minutesval == 0) { cons_show("Auto xa time disabled."); } else if (minutesval == 1) { cons_show("Auto xa time set to: 1 minute."); } else { cons_show("Auto xa time set to: %d minutes.", minutesval); } } } else { cons_show(err_msg); free(err_msg); } return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } if (strcmp(args[0], "message") == 0) { if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "away") == 0) { if (strcmp(args[2], "off") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_AUTOAWAY_MESSAGE, NULL); cons_show("Auto away message cleared."); } else { prefs_set_string(PREF_AUTOAWAY_MESSAGE, args[2]); cons_show("Auto away message set to: \"%s\".", args[2]); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[1], "xa") == 0) { if (strcmp(args[2], "off") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_AUTOXA_MESSAGE, NULL); cons_show("Auto xa message cleared."); } else { prefs_set_string(PREF_AUTOXA_MESSAGE, args[2]); cons_show("Auto xa message set to: \"%s\".", args[2]); } return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } if (strcmp(args[0], "check") == 0) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[1], command, "Online check", PREF_AUTOAWAY_CHECK); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_priority(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } char *value = args[0]; int intval = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; gboolean res = strtoi_range(value, &intval, -128, 127, &err_msg); if (res) { accounts_set_priority_all(jabber_get_account_name(), intval); resource_presence_t last_presence = accounts_get_last_presence(jabber_get_account_name()); cl_ev_presence_send(last_presence, jabber_get_presence_message(), 0); cons_show("Priority set to %d.", intval); } else { cons_show(err_msg); free(err_msg); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_statuses(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (strcmp(args[0], "console") != 0 && strcmp(args[0], "chat") != 0 && strcmp(args[0], "muc") != 0) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(args[1], "all") != 0 && strcmp(args[1], "online") != 0 && strcmp(args[1], "none") != 0) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(args[0], "console") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_STATUSES_CONSOLE, args[1]); if (strcmp(args[1], "all") == 0) { cons_show("All presence updates will appear in the console."); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "online") == 0) { cons_show("Only online/offline presence updates will appear in the console."); } else { cons_show("Presence updates will not appear in the console."); } } if (strcmp(args[0], "chat") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_STATUSES_CHAT, args[1]); if (strcmp(args[1], "all") == 0) { cons_show("All presence updates will appear in chat windows."); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "online") == 0) { cons_show("Only online/offline presence updates will appear in chat windows."); } else { cons_show("Presence updates will not appear in chat windows."); } } if (strcmp(args[0], "muc") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_STATUSES_MUC, args[1]); if (strcmp(args[1], "all") == 0) { cons_show("All presence updates will appear in chat room windows."); } else if (strcmp(args[1], "online") == 0) { cons_show("Only join/leave presence updates will appear in chat room windows."); } else { cons_show("Presence updates will not appear in chat room windows."); } } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_vercheck(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { int num_args = g_strv_length(args); if (num_args == 0) { cons_check_version(TRUE); return TRUE; } else { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Version checking", PREF_VERCHECK); } } gboolean cmd_xmlconsole(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (!ui_xmlconsole_exists()) { ui_create_xmlconsole_win(); } else { ui_open_xmlconsole_win(); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_flash(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Screen flash", PREF_FLASH); } gboolean cmd_intype(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Show contact typing", PREF_INTYPE); } gboolean cmd_splash(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Splash screen", PREF_SPLASH); } gboolean cmd_autoconnect(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (strcmp(args[0], "off") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_CONNECT_ACCOUNT, NULL); cons_show("Autoconnect account disabled."); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "set") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_CONNECT_ACCOUNT, args[1]); cons_show("Autoconnect account set to: %s.", args[1]); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return true; } gboolean cmd_chlog(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Chat logging", PREF_CHLOG); // if set to off, disable history if (result == TRUE && (strcmp(args[0], "off") == 0)) { prefs_set_boolean(PREF_HISTORY, FALSE); } return result; } gboolean cmd_grlog(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Groupchat logging", PREF_GRLOG); return result; } gboolean cmd_history(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Chat history", PREF_HISTORY); // if set to on, set chlog if (result == TRUE && (strcmp(args[0], "on") == 0)) { prefs_set_boolean(PREF_CHLOG, TRUE); } return result; } gboolean cmd_carbons(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { gboolean result = _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Message carbons preference", PREF_CARBONS); jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { // enable carbons if (strcmp(args[0], "on") == 0) { iq_enable_carbons(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "off") == 0){ iq_disable_carbons(); } } return result; } gboolean cmd_receipts(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "send") == 0) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[1], command, "Send delivery receipts", PREF_RECEIPTS_SEND); } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "request") == 0) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[1], command, "Request delivery receipts", PREF_RECEIPTS_REQUEST); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_away(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { _update_presence(RESOURCE_AWAY, "away", args); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_online(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { _update_presence(RESOURCE_ONLINE, "online", args); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_dnd(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { _update_presence(RESOURCE_DND, "dnd", args); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_chat(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { _update_presence(RESOURCE_CHAT, "chat", args); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_xa(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { _update_presence(RESOURCE_XA, "xa", args); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pgp(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPGME if (args[0] == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(args[0], "char") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else if (strlen(args[1]) != 1) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { prefs_set_pgp_char(args[1][0]); cons_show("PGP char set to %c.", args[1][0]); } return TRUE; } else if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "log") == 0) { char *choice = args[1]; if (g_strcmp0(choice, "on") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_PGP_LOG, "on"); cons_show("PGP messages will be logged as plaintext."); if (!prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CHLOG)) { cons_show("Chat logging is currently disabled, use '/chlog on' to enable."); } } else if (g_strcmp0(choice, "off") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_PGP_LOG, "off"); cons_show("PGP message logging disabled."); } else if (g_strcmp0(choice, "redact") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_PGP_LOG, "redact"); cons_show("PGP messages will be logged as '[redacted]'."); if (!prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CHLOG)) { cons_show("Chat logging is currently disabled, use '/chlog on' to enable."); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "keys") == 0) { GHashTable *keys = p_gpg_list_keys(); if (!keys || g_hash_table_size(keys) == 0) { cons_show("No keys found"); return TRUE; } cons_show("PGP keys:"); GList *keylist = g_hash_table_get_keys(keys); GList *curr = keylist; while (curr) { ProfPGPKey *key = g_hash_table_lookup(keys, curr->data); cons_show(" %s", key->name); cons_show(" ID : %s", key->id); char *format_fp = p_gpg_format_fp_str(key->fp); cons_show(" Fingerprint : %s", format_fp); free(format_fp); if (key->secret) { cons_show(" Type : PUBLIC, PRIVATE"); } else { cons_show(" Type : PUBLIC"); } curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_list_free(keylist); p_gpg_free_keys(keys); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "setkey") == 0) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } char *jid = args[1]; if (!args[1]) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } char *keyid = args[2]; if (!args[2]) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } gboolean res = p_gpg_addkey(jid, keyid); if (!res) { cons_show("Key ID not found."); } else { cons_show("Key %s set for %s.", keyid, jid); } return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "contacts") == 0) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } GHashTable *pubkeys = p_gpg_pubkeys(); GList *jids = g_hash_table_get_keys(pubkeys); if (!jids) { cons_show("No contacts found with PGP public keys assigned."); return TRUE; } cons_show("Assigned PGP public keys:"); GList *curr = jids; while (curr) { char *jid = curr->data; ProfPGPPubKeyId *pubkeyid = g_hash_table_lookup(pubkeys, jid); if (pubkeyid->received) { cons_show(" %s: %s (received)", jid, pubkeyid->id); } else { cons_show(" %s: %s (stored)", jid, pubkeyid->id); } curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_list_free(jids); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "libver") == 0) { const char *libver = p_gpg_libver(); if (!libver) { cons_show("Could not get libgpgme version"); return TRUE; } GString *fullstr = g_string_new("Using libgpgme version "); g_string_append(fullstr, libver); cons_show("%s", fullstr->str); g_string_free(fullstr, TRUE); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "start") == 0) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You must be connected to start PGP encrpytion."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_CHAT && args[1] == NULL) { cons_show("You must be in a regular chat window to start PGP encrpytion."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = NULL; if (args[1]) { char *contact = args[1]; char *barejid = roster_barejid_from_name(contact); if (barejid == NULL) { barejid = contact; } chatwin = wins_get_chat(barejid); if (!chatwin) { chatwin = ui_ev_new_chat_win(barejid); } ui_ev_focus_win((ProfWin*)chatwin); } else { chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); } if (chatwin->is_otr) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You must end the OTR session to start PGP encryption."); return TRUE; } if (chatwin->pgp_send) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You have already started PGP encryption."); return TRUE; } ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(jabber_get_account_name()); if (!p_gpg_valid_key(account->pgp_keyid)) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You must specify a valid PGP key ID for this account to start PGP encryption."); account_free(account); return TRUE; } account_free(account); if (!p_gpg_available(chatwin->barejid)) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "No PGP key found for %s.", chatwin->barejid); return TRUE; } chatwin->pgp_send = TRUE; ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "PGP encyption enabled."); return TRUE; } if (g_strcmp0(args[0], "end") == 0) { jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { cons_show("You must be in a regular chat window to end PGP encrpytion."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; if (chatwin->pgp_send == FALSE) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "PGP encryption is not currently enabled."); return TRUE; } chatwin->pgp_send = FALSE; ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "PGP encyption disabled."); return TRUE; } cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; #else cons_show("This version of Profanity has not been built with PGP support enabled"); return TRUE; #endif } gboolean cmd_otr(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR if (args[0] == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(args[0], "char") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else if (strlen(args[1]) != 1) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else { prefs_set_otr_char(args[1][0]); cons_show("OTR char set to %c.", args[1][0]); } return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "log") == 0) { char *choice = args[1]; if (g_strcmp0(choice, "on") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_LOG, "on"); cons_show("OTR messages will be logged as plaintext."); if (!prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CHLOG)) { cons_show("Chat logging is currently disabled, use '/chlog on' to enable."); } } else if (g_strcmp0(choice, "off") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_LOG, "off"); cons_show("OTR message logging disabled."); } else if (g_strcmp0(choice, "redact") == 0) { prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_LOG, "redact"); cons_show("OTR messages will be logged as '[redacted]'."); if (!prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CHLOG)) { cons_show("Chat logging is currently disabled, use '/chlog on' to enable."); } } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "libver") == 0) { char *version = otr_libotr_version(); cons_show("Using libotr version %s", version); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "policy") == 0) { if (args[1] == NULL) { char *policy = prefs_get_string(PREF_OTR_POLICY); cons_show("OTR policy is now set to: %s", policy); prefs_free_string(policy); return TRUE; } char *choice = args[1]; if ((g_strcmp0(choice, "manual") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(choice, "opportunistic") != 0) && (g_strcmp0(choice, "always") != 0)) { cons_show("OTR policy can be set to: manual, opportunistic or always."); return TRUE; } char *contact = args[2]; if (contact == NULL) { prefs_set_string(PREF_OTR_POLICY, choice); cons_show("OTR policy is now set to: %s", choice); return TRUE; } else { if (jabber_get_connection_status() != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You must be connected to set the OTR policy for a contact."); return TRUE; } char *contact_jid = roster_barejid_from_name(contact); if (contact_jid == NULL) { contact_jid = contact; } accounts_add_otr_policy(jabber_get_account_name(), contact_jid, choice); cons_show("OTR policy for %s set to: %s", contact_jid, choice); return TRUE; } } if (jabber_get_connection_status() != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You must be connected with an account to load OTR information."); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(args[0], "gen") == 0) { ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(jabber_get_account_name()); otr_keygen(account); account_free(account); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "myfp") == 0) { if (!otr_key_loaded()) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You have not generated or loaded a private key, use '/otr gen'"); return TRUE; } char *fingerprint = otr_get_my_fingerprint(); ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "Your OTR fingerprint: %s", fingerprint); free(fingerprint); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "theirfp") == 0) { if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("You must be in a regular chat window to view a recipient's fingerprint."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); if (chatwin->is_otr == FALSE) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are not currently in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } char *fingerprint = otr_get_their_fingerprint(chatwin->barejid); ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "%s's OTR fingerprint: %s", chatwin->barejid, fingerprint); free(fingerprint); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "start") == 0) { // recipient supplied if (args[1]) { char *contact = args[1]; char *barejid = roster_barejid_from_name(contact); if (barejid == NULL) { barejid = contact; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = wins_get_chat(barejid); if (!chatwin) { chatwin = ui_ev_new_chat_win(barejid); } ui_ev_focus_win((ProfWin*)chatwin); if (chatwin->pgp_send) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You must disable PGP encryption before starting an OTR session."); return TRUE; } if (chatwin->is_otr) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are already in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } if (!otr_key_loaded()) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You have not generated or loaded a private key, use '/otr gen'"); return TRUE; } if (!otr_is_secure(barejid)) { char *otr_query_message = otr_start_query(); char *id = message_send_chat_otr(barejid, otr_query_message); free(id); return TRUE; } ui_gone_secure(barejid, otr_is_trusted(barejid)); return TRUE; // no recipient, use current chat } else { if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("You must be in a regular chat window to start an OTR session."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); if (chatwin->pgp_send) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You must disable PGP encryption before starting an OTR session."); return TRUE; } if (chatwin->is_otr) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are already in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } if (!otr_key_loaded()) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You have not generated or loaded a private key, use '/otr gen'"); return TRUE; } char *otr_query_message = otr_start_query(); char *id = message_send_chat_otr(chatwin->barejid, otr_query_message); free(id); return TRUE; } } else if (strcmp(args[0], "end") == 0) { if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("You must be in a regular chat window to use OTR."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); if (chatwin->is_otr == FALSE) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are not currently in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } ui_gone_insecure(chatwin->barejid); otr_end_session(chatwin->barejid); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "trust") == 0) { if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("You must be in an OTR session to trust a recipient."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); if (chatwin->is_otr == FALSE) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are not currently in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } ui_trust(chatwin->barejid); otr_trust(chatwin->barejid); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "untrust") == 0) { if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("You must be in an OTR session to untrust a recipient."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); if (chatwin->is_otr == FALSE) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are not currently in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } ui_untrust(chatwin->barejid); otr_untrust(chatwin->barejid); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "secret") == 0) { if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("You must be in an OTR session to trust a recipient."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); if (chatwin->is_otr == FALSE) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are not currently in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } char *secret = args[1]; if (secret == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } otr_smp_secret(chatwin->barejid, secret); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "question") == 0) { char *question = args[1]; char *answer = args[2]; if (question == NULL || answer == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("You must be in an OTR session to trust a recipient."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); if (chatwin->is_otr == FALSE) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are not currently in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } otr_smp_question(chatwin->barejid, question, answer); return TRUE; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "answer") == 0) { if (window->type != WIN_CHAT) { ui_current_print_line("You must be in an OTR session to trust a recipient."); return TRUE; } ProfChatWin *chatwin = (ProfChatWin*)window; assert(chatwin->memcheck == PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK); if (chatwin->is_otr == FALSE) { ui_current_print_formatted_line('!', 0, "You are not currently in an OTR session."); return TRUE; } char *answer = args[1]; if (answer == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } otr_smp_answer(chatwin->barejid, answer); return TRUE; } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); return TRUE; } #else cons_show("This version of Profanity has not been built with OTR support enabled"); return TRUE; #endif } gboolean cmd_encwarn(ProfWin *window, const char * const command, gchar **args) { return _cmd_set_boolean_preference(args[0], command, "Encryption warning message", PREF_ENC_WARN); } // helper function for status change commands static void _update_presence(const resource_presence_t resource_presence, const char * const show, gchar **args) { char *msg = NULL; int num_args = g_strv_length(args); if (num_args == 1) { msg = args[0]; } jabber_conn_status_t conn_status = jabber_get_connection_status(); if (conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { cons_show("You are not currently connected."); } else { cl_ev_presence_send(resource_presence, msg, 0); ui_update_presence(resource_presence, msg, show); } } // helper function for boolean preference commands static gboolean _cmd_set_boolean_preference(gchar *arg, const char * const command, const char * const display, preference_t pref) { GString *enabled = g_string_new(display); g_string_append(enabled, " enabled."); GString *disabled = g_string_new(display); g_string_append(disabled, " disabled."); if (arg == NULL) { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } else if (strcmp(arg, "on") == 0) { cons_show(enabled->str); prefs_set_boolean(pref, TRUE); } else if (strcmp(arg, "off") == 0) { cons_show(disabled->str); prefs_set_boolean(pref, FALSE); } else { cons_bad_cmd_usage(command); } g_string_free(enabled, TRUE); g_string_free(disabled, TRUE); return TRUE; }