/* * theme.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H #include #elif HAVE_NCURSES_H #include #endif #include "common.h" #include "log.h" #include "theme.h" static GString *theme_loc; static GKeyFile *theme; static GHashTable *bold_items; struct colour_string_t { char *str; NCURSES_COLOR_T colour; }; static int num_colours = 9; static struct colour_string_t colours[] = { { "default", -1 }, { "white", COLOR_WHITE }, { "green", COLOR_GREEN }, { "red", COLOR_RED }, { "yellow", COLOR_YELLOW }, { "blue", COLOR_BLUE }, { "cyan", COLOR_CYAN }, { "black", COLOR_BLACK }, { "magenta", COLOR_MAGENTA }, }; // colour preferences static struct colours_t { NCURSES_COLOR_T bkgnd; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebar; NCURSES_COLOR_T statusbar; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebartext; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebarbrackets; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebarunencrypted; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebarencrypted; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebaruntrusted; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebartrusted; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebaronline; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebaroffline; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebaraway; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebarxa; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebardnd; NCURSES_COLOR_T titlebarchat; NCURSES_COLOR_T statusbartext; NCURSES_COLOR_T statusbarbrackets; NCURSES_COLOR_T statusbaractive; NCURSES_COLOR_T statusbarnew; NCURSES_COLOR_T maintext; NCURSES_COLOR_T maintextme; NCURSES_COLOR_T maintextthem; NCURSES_COLOR_T inputtext; NCURSES_COLOR_T timetext; NCURSES_COLOR_T splashtext; NCURSES_COLOR_T subscribed; NCURSES_COLOR_T unsubscribed; NCURSES_COLOR_T online; NCURSES_COLOR_T away; NCURSES_COLOR_T xa; NCURSES_COLOR_T dnd; NCURSES_COLOR_T chat; NCURSES_COLOR_T offline; NCURSES_COLOR_T typing; NCURSES_COLOR_T gone; NCURSES_COLOR_T error; NCURSES_COLOR_T incoming; NCURSES_COLOR_T roominfo; NCURSES_COLOR_T roommention; NCURSES_COLOR_T me; NCURSES_COLOR_T them; NCURSES_COLOR_T otrstartedtrusted; NCURSES_COLOR_T otrstarteduntrusted; NCURSES_COLOR_T otrended; NCURSES_COLOR_T otrtrusted; NCURSES_COLOR_T otruntrusted; NCURSES_COLOR_T rosterheader; NCURSES_COLOR_T occupantsheader; } colour_prefs; static NCURSES_COLOR_T _lookup_colour(const char * const colour); static void _set_colour(gchar *val, NCURSES_COLOR_T *pref, NCURSES_COLOR_T def, theme_item_t theme_item); static void _load_colours(void); static gchar * _get_themes_dir(void); void _theme_list_dir(const gchar * const dir, GSList **result); static GString * _theme_find(const char * const theme_name); void theme_init(const char * const theme_name) { if (!theme_load(theme_name) && !theme_load("default")) { log_error("Theme initialisation failed"); } } gboolean theme_load(const char * const theme_name) { // use default theme if (theme_name == NULL || strcmp(theme_name, "default") == 0) { if (theme != NULL) { g_key_file_free(theme); } theme = g_key_file_new(); // load theme from file } else { GString *new_theme_file = _theme_find(theme_name); if (new_theme_file == NULL) { log_info("Theme does not exist \"%s\"", theme_name); return FALSE; } if (theme_loc != NULL) { g_string_free(theme_loc, TRUE); } theme_loc = new_theme_file; log_info("Loading theme \"%s\"", theme_name); if (theme != NULL) { g_key_file_free(theme); } theme = g_key_file_new(); g_key_file_load_from_file(theme, theme_loc->str, G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_COMMENTS, NULL); } _load_colours(); return TRUE; } GSList * theme_list(void) { GSList *result = NULL; _theme_list_dir(_get_themes_dir(), &result); #ifdef THEMES_PATH _theme_list_dir(THEMES_PATH, &result); #endif return result; } void theme_close(void) { if (theme != NULL) { g_key_file_free(theme); } if (theme_loc != NULL) { g_string_free(theme_loc, TRUE); } if (bold_items) { g_hash_table_destroy(bold_items); } } void theme_init_colours(void) { // main text init_pair(1, colour_prefs.maintext, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(2, colour_prefs.maintextme, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(3, colour_prefs.maintextthem, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(4, colour_prefs.splashtext, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(5, colour_prefs.error, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(6, colour_prefs.incoming, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(7, colour_prefs.inputtext, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(8, colour_prefs.timetext, colour_prefs.bkgnd); // title bar init_pair(9, colour_prefs.titlebartext, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(10, colour_prefs.titlebarbrackets, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(11, colour_prefs.titlebarunencrypted, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(12, colour_prefs.titlebarencrypted, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(13, colour_prefs.titlebaruntrusted, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(14, colour_prefs.titlebartrusted, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(15, colour_prefs.titlebaronline, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(16, colour_prefs.titlebaroffline, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(17, colour_prefs.titlebaraway, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(18, colour_prefs.titlebarchat, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(19, colour_prefs.titlebardnd, colour_prefs.titlebar); init_pair(20, colour_prefs.titlebarxa, colour_prefs.titlebar); // status bar init_pair(21, colour_prefs.statusbartext, colour_prefs.statusbar); init_pair(22, colour_prefs.statusbarbrackets, colour_prefs.statusbar); init_pair(23, colour_prefs.statusbaractive, colour_prefs.statusbar); init_pair(24, colour_prefs.statusbarnew, colour_prefs.statusbar); // chat init_pair(25, colour_prefs.me, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(26, colour_prefs.them, colour_prefs.bkgnd); // room chat init_pair(27, colour_prefs.roominfo, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(28, colour_prefs.roommention, colour_prefs.bkgnd); // statuses init_pair(29, colour_prefs.online, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(30, colour_prefs.offline, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(31, colour_prefs.away, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(32, colour_prefs.chat, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(33, colour_prefs.dnd, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(34, colour_prefs.xa, colour_prefs.bkgnd); // states init_pair(35, colour_prefs.typing, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(36, colour_prefs.gone, colour_prefs.bkgnd); // subscription status init_pair(37, colour_prefs.subscribed, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(38, colour_prefs.unsubscribed, colour_prefs.bkgnd); // otr messages init_pair(39, colour_prefs.otrstartedtrusted, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(40, colour_prefs.otrstarteduntrusted, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(41, colour_prefs.otrended, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(42, colour_prefs.otrtrusted, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(43, colour_prefs.otruntrusted, colour_prefs.bkgnd); // subwin headers init_pair(44, colour_prefs.rosterheader, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(45, colour_prefs.occupantsheader, colour_prefs.bkgnd); // raw init_pair(46, COLOR_WHITE, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(47, COLOR_GREEN, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(48, COLOR_RED, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(49, COLOR_YELLOW, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(50, COLOR_BLUE, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(51, COLOR_CYAN, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(52, COLOR_BLACK, colour_prefs.bkgnd); init_pair(53, COLOR_MAGENTA, colour_prefs.bkgnd); } static NCURSES_COLOR_T _lookup_colour(const char * const colour) { int i; for (i = 0; i < num_colours; i++) { if (strcmp(colours[i].str, colour) == 0) { return colours[i].colour; } } return -99; } static void _set_colour(char *setting, NCURSES_COLOR_T *pref, NCURSES_COLOR_T def, theme_item_t theme_item) { gchar *val = g_key_file_get_string(theme, "colours", setting, NULL); if(!val) { *pref = def; } else { gchar *true_val = val; if (g_str_has_prefix(val, "bold_")) { true_val = &val[5]; if (theme_item != THEME_NONE) { g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(theme_item), GINT_TO_POINTER(theme_item)); } } NCURSES_COLOR_T col = _lookup_colour(true_val); if (col == -99) { *pref = def; } else { *pref = col; } } g_free(val); } static void _load_colours(void) { if (bold_items) { g_hash_table_destroy(bold_items); } bold_items = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_WHITE_BOLD), GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_WHITE_BOLD)); g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_GREEN_BOLD), GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_GREEN_BOLD)); g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_RED_BOLD), GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_RED_BOLD)); g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_YELLOW_BOLD), GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_YELLOW_BOLD)); g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_BLUE_BOLD), GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_BLUE_BOLD)); g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_CYAN_BOLD), GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_CYAN_BOLD)); g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_BLACK_BOLD), GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_BLACK_BOLD)); g_hash_table_insert(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_MAGENTA_BOLD), GINT_TO_POINTER(THEME_MAGENTA_BOLD)); _set_colour("bkgnd", &colour_prefs.bkgnd, -1, THEME_NONE); _set_colour("titlebar", &colour_prefs.titlebar, COLOR_BLUE, THEME_NONE); _set_colour("statusbar", &colour_prefs.statusbar, COLOR_BLUE, THEME_NONE); _set_colour("titlebar.text", &colour_prefs.titlebartext, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_TEXT); _set_colour("titlebar.brackets", &colour_prefs.titlebarbrackets, COLOR_CYAN, THEME_TITLE_BRACKET); _set_colour("titlebar.unencrypted", &colour_prefs.titlebarunencrypted, COLOR_RED, THEME_TITLE_UNENCRYPTED); _set_colour("titlebar.encrypted", &colour_prefs.titlebarencrypted, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_ENCRYPTED); _set_colour("titlebar.untrusted", &colour_prefs.titlebaruntrusted, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_TITLE_UNTRUSTED); _set_colour("titlebar.trusted", &colour_prefs.titlebartrusted, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_TRUSTED); _set_colour("titlebar.online", &colour_prefs.titlebaronline, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_ONLINE); _set_colour("titlebar.offline", &colour_prefs.titlebaroffline, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_OFFLINE); _set_colour("titlebar.away", &colour_prefs.titlebaraway, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_AWAY); _set_colour("titlebar.chat", &colour_prefs.titlebarchat, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_CHAT); _set_colour("titlebar.dnd", &colour_prefs.titlebardnd, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_DND); _set_colour("titlebar.xa", &colour_prefs.titlebarxa, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TITLE_XA); _set_colour("statusbar.text", &colour_prefs.statusbartext, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_STATUS_TEXT); _set_colour("statusbar.brackets", &colour_prefs.statusbarbrackets, COLOR_CYAN, THEME_STATUS_BRACKET); _set_colour("statusbar.active", &colour_prefs.statusbaractive, COLOR_CYAN, THEME_STATUS_ACTIVE); _set_colour("statusbar.new", &colour_prefs.statusbarnew, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_STATUS_NEW); _set_colour("main.text", &colour_prefs.maintext, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TEXT); _set_colour("main.text.me", &colour_prefs.maintextme, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TEXT_ME); _set_colour("main.text.them", &colour_prefs.maintextthem, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TEXT_THEM); _set_colour("main.splash", &colour_prefs.splashtext, COLOR_CYAN, THEME_SPLASH); _set_colour("input.text", &colour_prefs.inputtext, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_INPUT_TEXT); _set_colour("main.time", &colour_prefs.timetext, COLOR_WHITE, THEME_TIME); _set_colour("subscribed", &colour_prefs.subscribed, COLOR_GREEN, THEME_SUBSCRIBED); _set_colour("unsubscribed", &colour_prefs.unsubscribed, COLOR_RED, THEME_UNSUBSCRIBED); _set_colour("otr.started.trusted", &colour_prefs.otrstartedtrusted, COLOR_GREEN, THEME_OTR_STARTED_TRUSTED); _set_colour("otr.started.untrusted", &colour_prefs.otrstarteduntrusted, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_OTR_STARTED_UNTRUSTED); _set_colour("otr.ended", &colour_prefs.otrended, COLOR_RED, THEME_OTR_ENDED); _set_colour("otr.trusted", &colour_prefs.otrtrusted, COLOR_GREEN, THEME_OTR_TRUSTED); _set_colour("otr.untrusted", &colour_prefs.otruntrusted, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_OTR_UNTRUSTED); _set_colour("online", &colour_prefs.online, COLOR_GREEN, THEME_ONLINE); _set_colour("away", &colour_prefs.away, COLOR_CYAN, THEME_AWAY); _set_colour("chat", &colour_prefs.chat, COLOR_GREEN, THEME_CHAT); _set_colour("dnd", &colour_prefs.dnd, COLOR_RED, THEME_DND); _set_colour("xa", &colour_prefs.xa, COLOR_CYAN, THEME_XA); _set_colour("offline", &colour_prefs.offline, COLOR_RED, THEME_OFFLINE); _set_colour("typing", &colour_prefs.typing, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_TYPING); _set_colour("gone", &colour_prefs.gone, COLOR_RED, THEME_GONE); _set_colour("error", &colour_prefs.error, COLOR_RED, THEME_ERROR); _set_colour("incoming", &colour_prefs.incoming, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_INCOMING); _set_colour("roominfo", &colour_prefs.roominfo, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_ROOMINFO); _set_colour("roommention", &colour_prefs.roommention, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_ROOMMENTION); _set_colour("me", &colour_prefs.me, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_ME); _set_colour("them", &colour_prefs.them, COLOR_GREEN, THEME_THEM); _set_colour("roster.header", &colour_prefs.rosterheader, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_ROSTER_HEADER); _set_colour("occupants.header", &colour_prefs.occupantsheader, COLOR_YELLOW, THEME_OCCUPANTS_HEADER); } static gchar * _get_themes_dir(void) { gchar *xdg_config = xdg_get_config_home(); GString *themes_dir = g_string_new(xdg_config); g_free(xdg_config); g_string_append(themes_dir, "/profanity/themes"); return g_string_free(themes_dir, FALSE); } void _theme_list_dir(const gchar * const dir, GSList **result) { GDir *themes = g_dir_open(dir, 0, NULL); if (themes != NULL) { const gchar *theme = g_dir_read_name(themes); while (theme != NULL) { *result = g_slist_append(*result, strdup(theme)); theme = g_dir_read_name(themes); } g_dir_close(themes); } } static GString * _theme_find(const char * const theme_name) { GString *path = NULL; gchar *themes_dir = _get_themes_dir(); if (themes_dir != NULL) { path = g_string_new(themes_dir); g_free(themes_dir); g_string_append(path, "/"); g_string_append(path, theme_name); if (!g_file_test(path->str, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_string_free(path, true); path = NULL; } } #ifdef THEMES_PATH if (path == NULL) { path = g_string_new(THEMES_PATH); g_string_append(path, "/"); g_string_append(path, theme_name); if (!g_file_test(path->str, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_string_free(path, true); path = NULL; } } #endif /* THEMES_PATH */ return path; } theme_item_t theme_main_presence_attrs(const char * const presence) { if (g_strcmp0(presence, "online") == 0) { return THEME_ONLINE; } else if (g_strcmp0(presence, "away") == 0) { return THEME_AWAY; } else if (g_strcmp0(presence, "chat") == 0) { return THEME_CHAT; } else if (g_strcmp0(presence, "dnd") == 0) { return THEME_DND; } else if (g_strcmp0(presence, "xa") == 0) { return THEME_XA; } else { return THEME_OFFLINE; } } int theme_attrs(theme_item_t attrs) { int result = 0; switch (attrs) { case THEME_TEXT: result = COLOR_PAIR(1); break; case THEME_TEXT_ME: result = COLOR_PAIR(2); break; case THEME_TEXT_THEM: result = COLOR_PAIR(3); break; case THEME_SPLASH: result = COLOR_PAIR(4); break; case THEME_ERROR: result = COLOR_PAIR(5); break; case THEME_INCOMING: result = COLOR_PAIR(6); break; case THEME_INPUT_TEXT: result = COLOR_PAIR(7); break; case THEME_TIME: result = COLOR_PAIR(8); break; case THEME_TITLE_TEXT: result = COLOR_PAIR(9); break; case THEME_TITLE_BRACKET: result = COLOR_PAIR(10); break; case THEME_TITLE_UNENCRYPTED: result = COLOR_PAIR(11); break; case THEME_TITLE_ENCRYPTED: result = COLOR_PAIR(12); break; case THEME_TITLE_UNTRUSTED: result = COLOR_PAIR(13); break; case THEME_TITLE_TRUSTED: result = COLOR_PAIR(14); break; case THEME_TITLE_ONLINE: result = COLOR_PAIR(15); break; case THEME_TITLE_OFFLINE: result = COLOR_PAIR(16); break; case THEME_TITLE_AWAY: result = COLOR_PAIR(17); break; case THEME_TITLE_CHAT: result = COLOR_PAIR(18); break; case THEME_TITLE_DND: result = COLOR_PAIR(19); break; case THEME_TITLE_XA: result = COLOR_PAIR(20); break; case THEME_STATUS_TEXT: result = COLOR_PAIR(21); break; case THEME_STATUS_BRACKET: result = COLOR_PAIR(22); break; case THEME_STATUS_ACTIVE: result = COLOR_PAIR(23); break; case THEME_STATUS_NEW: result = COLOR_PAIR(24); break; case THEME_ME: result = COLOR_PAIR(25); break; case THEME_THEM: result = COLOR_PAIR(26); break; case THEME_ROOMINFO: result = COLOR_PAIR(27); break; case THEME_ROOMMENTION: result = COLOR_PAIR(28); break; case THEME_ONLINE: result = COLOR_PAIR(29); break; case THEME_OFFLINE: result = COLOR_PAIR(30); break; case THEME_AWAY: result = COLOR_PAIR(31); break; case THEME_CHAT: result = COLOR_PAIR(32); break; case THEME_DND: result = COLOR_PAIR(33); break; case THEME_XA: result = COLOR_PAIR(34); break; case THEME_TYPING: result = COLOR_PAIR(35); break; case THEME_GONE: result = COLOR_PAIR(36); break; case THEME_SUBSCRIBED: result = COLOR_PAIR(37); break; case THEME_UNSUBSCRIBED: result = COLOR_PAIR(38); break; case THEME_OTR_STARTED_TRUSTED: result = COLOR_PAIR(39); break; case THEME_OTR_STARTED_UNTRUSTED: result = COLOR_PAIR(40); break; case THEME_OTR_ENDED: result = COLOR_PAIR(41); break; case THEME_OTR_TRUSTED: result = COLOR_PAIR(42); break; case THEME_OTR_UNTRUSTED: result = COLOR_PAIR(43); break; case THEME_ROSTER_HEADER: result = COLOR_PAIR(44); break; case THEME_OCCUPANTS_HEADER: result = COLOR_PAIR(45); break; case THEME_WHITE: result = COLOR_PAIR(46); break; case THEME_WHITE_BOLD: result = COLOR_PAIR(46); break; case THEME_GREEN: result = COLOR_PAIR(47); break; case THEME_GREEN_BOLD: result = COLOR_PAIR(47); break; case THEME_RED: result = COLOR_PAIR(48); break; case THEME_RED_BOLD: result = COLOR_PAIR(48); break; case THEME_YELLOW: result = COLOR_PAIR(49); break; case THEME_YELLOW_BOLD: result = COLOR_PAIR(49); break; case THEME_BLUE: result = COLOR_PAIR(50); break; case THEME_BLUE_BOLD: result = COLOR_PAIR(50); break; case THEME_CYAN: result = COLOR_PAIR(51); break; case THEME_CYAN_BOLD: result = COLOR_PAIR(51); break; case THEME_BLACK: result = COLOR_PAIR(52); break; case THEME_BLACK_BOLD: result = COLOR_PAIR(52); break; case THEME_MAGENTA: result = COLOR_PAIR(53); break; case THEME_MAGENTA_BOLD: result = COLOR_PAIR(53); break; default: break; } if (g_hash_table_lookup(bold_items, GINT_TO_POINTER(attrs))) { return result | A_BOLD; } else { return result; } }