/* * otrlibv4.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include #include #include #include "ui/ui.h" #include "log.h" #include "otr/otr.h" #include "otr/otrlib.h" static GTimer *timer; static unsigned int current_interval; OtrlPolicy otrlib_policy(void) { return OTRL_POLICY_ALLOW_V1 | OTRL_POLICY_ALLOW_V2; } void otrlib_init_timer(void) { OtrlUserState user_state = otr_userstate(); timer = g_timer_new(); current_interval = otrl_message_poll_get_default_interval(user_state); } void otrlib_poll(void) { gdouble elapsed = g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL); if (current_interval != 0 && elapsed > current_interval) { OtrlUserState user_state = otr_userstate(); OtrlMessageAppOps *ops = otr_messageops(); otrl_message_poll(user_state, ops, NULL); g_timer_start(timer); } } char* otrlib_start_query(void) { return "?OTR?v2? This user has requested an Off-the-Record private conversation. However, you do not have a plugin to support that. See http://otr.cypherpunks.ca/ for more information."; } static const char* cb_otr_error_message(void *opdata, ConnContext *context, OtrlErrorCode err_code) { switch(err_code) { case OTRL_ERRCODE_ENCRYPTION_ERROR: return strdup("OTR Error: occurred while encrypting a message"); case OTRL_ERRCODE_MSG_NOT_IN_PRIVATE: return strdup("OTR Error: Sent encrypted message to somebody who is not in a mutual OTR session"); case OTRL_ERRCODE_MSG_UNREADABLE: return strdup("OTR Error: sent an unreadable encrypted message"); case OTRL_ERRCODE_MSG_MALFORMED: return strdup("OTR Error: message sent is malformed"); default: return strdup("OTR Error: unknown"); } } static void cb_otr_error_message_free(void *opdata, const char *err_msg) { free((char *)err_msg); } static void cb_timer_control(void *opdata, unsigned int interval) { current_interval = interval; } static void cb_handle_msg_event(void *opdata, OtrlMessageEvent msg_event, ConnContext *context, const char *message, gcry_error_t err) { GString *err_msg; switch (msg_event) { case OTRL_MSGEVENT_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: Policy requires encryption, but attempting to send an unencrypted message."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_ENCRYPTION_ERROR: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: Error occured while encrypting a message, message not sent."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_CONNECTION_ENDED: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: Message not sent because contact has ended the private conversation."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_SETUP_ERROR: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: A private conversation could not be set up."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_MSG_REFLECTED: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: Received our own OTR message."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_MSG_RESENT: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: The previous message was resent."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_RCVDMSG_NOT_IN_PRIVATE: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: Received an encrypted message but no private connection established."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_RCVDMSG_UNREADABLE: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: Cannot read the received message."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_RCVDMSG_MALFORMED: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: The message received contains malformed data."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_RCVDMSG_GENERAL_ERR: err_msg = g_string_new("OTR: Received error: "); g_string_append(err_msg, message); g_string_append(err_msg, "."); ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, err_msg->str); g_string_free(err_msg, TRUE); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_RCVDMSG_UNENCRYPTED: err_msg = g_string_new("OTR: Received an unencrypted message: "); g_string_append(err_msg, message); ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, err_msg->str); g_string_free(err_msg, TRUE); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_RCVDMSG_UNRECOGNIZED: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: Cannot recognize the type of message received."); break; case OTRL_MSGEVENT_RCVDMSG_FOR_OTHER_INSTANCE: ui_handle_otr_error(context->username, "OTR: Received and discarded a message intended for another instance."); break; default: break; } } static void cb_handle_smp_event(void *opdata, OtrlSMPEvent smp_event, ConnContext *context, unsigned short progress_percent, char *question) { NextExpectedSMP nextMsg = context->smstate->nextExpected; OtrlUserState user_state = otr_userstate(); OtrlMessageAppOps *ops = otr_messageops(); GHashTable *smp_initiators = otr_smpinitators(); switch(smp_event) { case OTRL_SMPEVENT_ASK_FOR_SECRET: ui_smp_recipient_initiated(context->username); g_hash_table_insert(smp_initiators, strdup(context->username), strdup(context->username)); break; case OTRL_SMPEVENT_ASK_FOR_ANSWER: ui_smp_recipient_initiated_q(context->username, question); break; case OTRL_SMPEVENT_SUCCESS: if (context->smstate->received_question == 0) { ui_smp_successful(context->username); ui_trust(context->username); } else { ui_smp_answer_success(context->username); } break; case OTRL_SMPEVENT_FAILURE: if (context->smstate->received_question == 0) { if (nextMsg == OTRL_SMP_EXPECT3) { ui_smp_unsuccessful_sender(context->username); } else if (nextMsg == OTRL_SMP_EXPECT4) { ui_smp_unsuccessful_receiver(context->username); } ui_untrust(context->username); } else { ui_smp_answer_failure(context->username); } break; case OTRL_SMPEVENT_ERROR: otrl_message_abort_smp(user_state, ops, NULL, context); break; case OTRL_SMPEVENT_CHEATED: otrl_message_abort_smp(user_state, ops, NULL, context); break; case OTRL_SMPEVENT_ABORT: ui_smp_aborted(context->username); ui_untrust(context->username); break; case OTRL_SMPEVENT_IN_PROGRESS: break; default: break; } } void otrlib_init_ops(OtrlMessageAppOps *ops) { ops->otr_error_message = cb_otr_error_message; ops->otr_error_message_free = cb_otr_error_message_free; ops->handle_msg_event = cb_handle_msg_event; ops->handle_smp_event = cb_handle_smp_event; ops->timer_control = cb_timer_control; } ConnContext* otrlib_context_find(OtrlUserState user_state, const char *const recipient, char *jid) { return otrl_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid, "xmpp", OTRL_INSTAG_MASTER, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } void otrlib_end_session(OtrlUserState user_state, const char *const recipient, char *jid, OtrlMessageAppOps *ops) { ConnContext *context = otrl_context_find(user_state, recipient, jid, "xmpp", OTRL_INSTAG_MASTER, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (context) { otrl_message_disconnect(user_state, ops, NULL, jid, "xmpp", recipient, 0); } } gcry_error_t otrlib_encrypt_message(OtrlUserState user_state, OtrlMessageAppOps *ops, char *jid, const char *const to, const char *const message, char **newmessage) { gcry_error_t err; err = otrl_message_sending( user_state, ops, NULL, jid, "xmpp", to, OTRL_INSTAG_MASTER, message, 0, newmessage, OTRL_FRAGMENT_SEND_SKIP, NULL, NULL, NULL); return err; } int otrlib_decrypt_message(OtrlUserState user_state, OtrlMessageAppOps *ops, char *jid, const char *const from, const char *const message, char **decrypted, OtrlTLV **tlvs) { return otrl_message_receiving( user_state, ops, NULL, jid, "xmpp", from, message, decrypted, tlvs, NULL, NULL, NULL); } void otrlib_handle_tlvs(OtrlUserState user_state, OtrlMessageAppOps *ops, ConnContext *context, OtrlTLV *tlvs, GHashTable *smp_initiators) { }