/* * profanity.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "chat_log.h" #include "command.h" #include "common.h" #include "contact.h" #include "contact_list.h" #include "history.h" #include "log.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "profanity.h" #include "room_chat.h" #include "jabber.h" #include "ui.h" static log_level_t _get_log_level(char *log_level); static gboolean _process_input(char *inp); static void _create_config_directory(); static void _init(const int disable_tls, char *log_level); static void _shutdown(void); void prof_run(const int disable_tls, char *log_level) { _init(disable_tls, log_level); log_info("Starting main event loop"); inp_non_block(); GTimer *timer = g_timer_new(); gboolean cmd_result = TRUE; char inp[INP_WIN_MAX]; int size = 0; while(cmd_result == TRUE) { int ch = ERR; size = 0; while(ch != '\n') { gdouble elapsed = g_timer_elapsed(timer, NULL); gint remind_period = prefs_get_notify_remind(); // 0 means to not remind if (remind_period > 0 && elapsed >= remind_period) { win_remind(); g_timer_start(timer); } win_handle_special_keys(&ch); if (ch == KEY_RESIZE) { gui_resize(ch, inp, size); } gui_refresh(); jabber_process_events(); inp_get_char(&ch, inp, &size); } inp[size++] = '\0'; cmd_result = _process_input(inp); } g_timer_destroy(timer); } void prof_handle_typing(char *from) { win_show_typing(from); win_page_off(); } void prof_handle_incoming_message(char *from, char *message) { win_show_incomming_msg(from, message, NULL); win_page_off(); if (prefs_get_chlog()) { char from_cpy[strlen(from) + 1]; strcpy(from_cpy, from); char *short_from = strtok(from_cpy, "/"); const char *jid = jabber_get_jid(); chat_log_chat(jid, short_from, message, IN, NULL); } } void prof_handle_delayed_message(char *from, char *message, GTimeVal tv_stamp) { win_show_incomming_msg(from, message, &tv_stamp); win_page_off(); if (prefs_get_chlog()) { char from_cpy[strlen(from) + 1]; strcpy(from_cpy, from); char *short_from = strtok(from_cpy, "/"); const char *jid = jabber_get_jid(); chat_log_chat(jid, short_from, message, IN, &tv_stamp); } } void prof_handle_error_message(const char *from, const char *err_msg) { if (err_msg != NULL) { cons_bad_show("Error received from server: %s", err_msg); } else { cons_bad_show("Unknown error received from server."); } win_show_error_msg(from, err_msg); } void prof_handle_subscription(const char *from, jabber_subscr_t type) { switch (type) { case PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBE: /* TODO: auto-subscribe if needed */ cons_show("Received authorization request from %s", from); log_info("Received authorization request from %s", from); win_show_system_msg(from, "Authorization request, type '/sub add' to accept or '/sub del' to reject"); win_page_off(); break; case PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBED: cons_show("Subscription received from %s", from); log_info("Subscription received from %s", from); win_show_system_msg(from, "Subscribed"); win_page_off(); break; case PRESENCE_UNSUBSCRIBED: cons_show("%s deleted subscription", from); log_info("%s deleted subscription", from); win_show_system_msg(from, "Unsubscribed"); win_page_off(); break; default: /* unknown type */ break; } } void prof_handle_login_success(const char *jid) { const char *msg = "logged in successfully."; cons_show("%s %s", jid, msg); title_bar_set_status(PRESENCE_ONLINE); log_info("%s %s", jid, msg); win_page_off(); status_bar_print_message(jid); status_bar_refresh(); prefs_add_login(jid); } void prof_handle_gone(const char * const from) { win_show_gone(from); win_page_off(); } void prof_handle_lost_connection(void) { cons_bad_show("Lost connection."); log_info("Lost connection"); win_disconnected(); win_page_off(); log_info("disconnected"); } void prof_handle_failed_login(void) { cons_bad_show("Login failed."); log_info("Login failed"); win_page_off(); log_info("disconnected"); } void prof_handle_room_history(const char * const room_jid, const char * const nick, GTimeVal tv_stamp, const char * const message) { win_show_room_history(room_jid, nick, tv_stamp, message); win_page_off(); } void prof_handle_room_message(const char * const room_jid, const char * const nick, const char * const message) { win_show_room_message(room_jid, nick, message); win_page_off(); } void prof_handle_room_subject(const char * const room_jid, const char * const subject) { win_show_room_subject(room_jid, subject); win_page_off(); } void prof_handle_room_roster_complete(const char * const room) { room_set_roster_received(room); win_show_room_roster(room); win_page_off(); } void prof_handle_room_member_online(const char * const room, const char * const nick, const char * const show, const char * const status) { room_add_to_roster(room, nick); win_show_room_member_online(room, nick); win_page_off(); } void prof_handle_room_member_offline(const char * const room, const char * const nick, const char * const show, const char * const status) { room_remove_from_roster(room, nick); win_show_room_member_offline(room, nick); win_page_off(); } void prof_handle_leave_room(const char * const room) { room_leave(room); } void prof_handle_contact_online(char *contact, char *show, char *status) { gboolean updated = contact_list_update_contact(contact, show, status); if (updated) { PContact result = contact_list_get_contact(contact); if (p_contact_subscription(result) != NULL) { if (strcmp(p_contact_subscription(result), "none") != 0) { win_contact_online(contact, show, status); win_page_off(); } } } } void prof_handle_contact_offline(char *contact, char *show, char *status) { gboolean updated = contact_list_update_contact(contact, "offline", status); if (updated) { PContact result = contact_list_get_contact(contact); if (p_contact_subscription(result) != NULL) { if (strcmp(p_contact_subscription(result), "none") != 0) { win_contact_offline(contact, show, status); win_page_off(); } } } } static void _create_config_directory(void) { GString *dir = g_string_new(getenv("HOME")); g_string_append(dir, "/.profanity"); create_dir(dir->str); g_string_free(dir, TRUE); } static log_level_t _get_log_level(char *log_level) { if (strcmp(log_level, "DEBUG") == 0) { return PROF_LEVEL_DEBUG; } else if (strcmp(log_level, "INFO") == 0) { return PROF_LEVEL_INFO; } else if (strcmp(log_level, "WARN") == 0) { return PROF_LEVEL_WARN; } else { return PROF_LEVEL_ERROR; } } /* * Take a line of input and process it, return TRUE if profanity is to * continue, FALSE otherwise */ static gboolean _process_input(char *inp) { log_debug("Input recieved: %s", inp); gboolean result = FALSE; g_strstrip(inp); // add line to history if something typed if (strlen(inp) > 0) { history_append(inp); } // just carry on if no input if (strlen(inp) == 0) { result = TRUE; // habdle command if input starts with a '/' } else if (inp[0] == '/') { char inp_cpy[strlen(inp) + 1]; strcpy(inp_cpy, inp); char *command = strtok(inp_cpy, " "); result = cmd_execute(command, inp); // call a default handler if input didn't start with '/' } else { result = cmd_execute_default(inp); } inp_clear(); contact_list_reset_search_attempts(); win_page_off(); return result; } static void _init(const int disable_tls, char *log_level) { _create_config_directory(); log_level_t prof_log_level = _get_log_level(log_level); log_init(prof_log_level); log_info("Starting Profanity (%s)...", PACKAGE_VERSION); chat_log_init(); prefs_load(); gui_init(); jabber_init(disable_tls); cmd_init(); log_info("Initialising contact list"); contact_list_init(); atexit(_shutdown); } static void _shutdown(void) { jabber_disconnect(); contact_list_clear(); gui_close(); chat_log_close(); prefs_close(); cmd_close(); log_close(); }