/* * server_events.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "chat_session.h" #include "log.h" #include "muc.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "config/account.h" #include "roster_list.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR #include "otr/otr.h" #include #endif #include "ui/ui.h" void handle_room_join_error(const char * const room, const char * const err) { if (muc_room_is_active(room)) { muc_leave_room(room); } ui_handle_room_join_error(room, err); } // handle presence stanza errors void handle_presence_error(const char *from, const char * const type, const char *err_msg) { // handle error from recipient if (from != NULL) { ui_handle_recipient_error(from, err_msg); // handle errors from no recipient } else { ui_handle_error(err_msg); } } // handle message stanza errors void handle_message_error(const char * const from, const char * const type, const char * const err_msg) { // handle errors from no recipient if (from == NULL) { ui_handle_error(err_msg); // handle recipient not found ('from' contains a value and type is 'cancel') } else if (type != NULL && (strcmp(type, "cancel") == 0)) { ui_handle_recipient_not_found(from, err_msg); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_STATES) && chat_session_exists(from)) { chat_session_set_recipient_supports(from, FALSE); } // handle any other error from recipient } else { ui_handle_recipient_error(from, err_msg); } } void handle_login_account_success(char *account_name) { ProfAccount *account = accounts_get_account(account_name); #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR otr_on_connect(account); #endif ui_handle_login_account_success(account); // attempt to rejoin rooms with passwords GList *curr = muc_get_active_room_list(); while (curr != NULL) { char *password = muc_get_room_password(curr->data); if (password != NULL) { char *nick = muc_get_room_nick(curr->data); presence_join_room(curr->data, nick, password); } curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_list_free(curr); log_info("%s logged in successfully", account->jid); account_free(account); } void handle_lost_connection(void) { cons_show_error("Lost connection."); roster_clear(); muc_clear_invites(); chat_sessions_clear(); ui_disconnected(); } void handle_failed_login(void) { cons_show_error("Login failed."); log_info("Login failed"); } void handle_software_version_result(const char * const jid, const char * const presence, const char * const name, const char * const version, const char * const os) { cons_show_software_version(jid, presence, name, version, os); } void handle_disco_info(const char *from, GSList *identities, GSList *features) { cons_show_disco_info(from, identities, features); } void handle_room_list(GSList *rooms, const char *conference_node) { cons_show_room_list(rooms, conference_node); } void handle_disco_items(GSList *items, const char *jid) { cons_show_disco_items(items, jid); } void handle_room_invite(jabber_invite_t invite_type, const char * const invitor, const char * const room, const char * const reason) { if (!muc_room_is_active(room) && !muc_invites_include(room)) { cons_show_room_invite(invitor, room, reason); muc_add_invite(room); } } void handle_room_broadcast(const char *const room_jid, const char * const message) { if (muc_get_roster_received(room_jid)) { ui_room_broadcast(room_jid, message); } else { muc_add_pending_broadcast(room_jid, message); } } void handle_room_subject(const char * const room_jid, const char * const subject) { muc_set_subject(room_jid, subject); if (muc_get_roster_received(room_jid)) { ui_room_subject(room_jid, subject); } } void handle_room_history(const char * const room_jid, const char * const nick, GTimeVal tv_stamp, const char * const message) { ui_room_history(room_jid, nick, tv_stamp, message); } void handle_room_message(const char * const room_jid, const char * const nick, const char * const message) { ui_room_message(room_jid, nick, message); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_GRLOG)) { Jid *jid = jid_create(jabber_get_fulljid()); groupchat_log_chat(jid->barejid, room_jid, nick, message); jid_destroy(jid); } } void handle_duck_result(const char * const result) { ui_duck_result(result); } void handle_incoming_message(char *from, char *message, gboolean priv) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBOTR gboolean was_decrypted = FALSE; char *newmessage; prof_otrpolicy_t policy = otr_get_policy(from); char *whitespace_base = strstr(message,OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_BASE); if (!priv) { //check for OTR whitespace (opportunistic or always) if (policy == PROF_OTRPOLICY_OPPORTUNISTIC || policy == PROF_OTRPOLICY_ALWAYS) { if (whitespace_base) { if (strstr(message, OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_V2) || strstr(message, OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_V1)) { // Remove whitespace pattern for proper display in UI // Handle both BASE+TAGV1/2(16+8) and BASE+TAGV1+TAGV2(16+8+8) int tag_length = 24; if (strstr(message, OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_V2) && strstr(message, OTRL_MESSAGE_TAG_V1)) { tag_length = 32; } memmove(whitespace_base, whitespace_base+tag_length, tag_length); char *otr_query_message = otr_start_query(); cons_show("OTR Whitespace pattern detected. Attempting to start OTR session..."); message_send(otr_query_message, from); } } } newmessage = otr_decrypt_message(from, message, &was_decrypted); // internal OTR message if (newmessage == NULL) { return; } } else { newmessage = message; } if (policy == PROF_OTRPOLICY_ALWAYS && !was_decrypted && !whitespace_base) { char *otr_query_message = otr_start_query(); cons_show("Attempting to start OTR session..."); message_send(otr_query_message, from); } ui_incoming_msg(from, newmessage, NULL, priv); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CHLOG) && !priv) { Jid *from_jid = jid_create(from); const char *jid = jabber_get_fulljid(); Jid *jidp = jid_create(jid); char *pref_otr_log = prefs_get_string(PREF_OTR_LOG); if (!was_decrypted || (strcmp(pref_otr_log, "on") == 0)) { chat_log_chat(jidp->barejid, from_jid->barejid, newmessage, PROF_IN_LOG, NULL); } else if (strcmp(pref_otr_log, "redact") == 0) { chat_log_chat(jidp->barejid, from_jid->barejid, "[redacted]", PROF_IN_LOG, NULL); } prefs_free_string(pref_otr_log); jid_destroy(jidp); jid_destroy(from_jid); } if (!priv) otr_free_message(newmessage); #else ui_incoming_msg(from, message, NULL, priv); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CHLOG) && !priv) { Jid *from_jid = jid_create(from); const char *jid = jabber_get_fulljid(); Jid *jidp = jid_create(jid); chat_log_chat(jidp->barejid, from_jid->barejid, message, PROF_IN_LOG, NULL); jid_destroy(jidp); jid_destroy(from_jid); } #endif } void handle_delayed_message(char *from, char *message, GTimeVal tv_stamp, gboolean priv) { ui_incoming_msg(from, message, &tv_stamp, priv); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CHLOG) && !priv) { Jid *from_jid = jid_create(from); const char *jid = jabber_get_fulljid(); Jid *jidp = jid_create(jid); chat_log_chat(jidp->barejid, from_jid->barejid, message, PROF_IN_LOG, &tv_stamp); jid_destroy(jidp); jid_destroy(from_jid); } } void handle_typing(char *from) { ui_contact_typing(from); } void handle_gone(const char * const from) { ui_recipient_gone(from); } void handle_subscription(const char *from, jabber_subscr_t type) { switch (type) { case PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBE: /* TODO: auto-subscribe if needed */ cons_show("Received authorization request from %s", from); log_info("Received authorization request from %s", from); ui_print_system_msg_from_recipient(from, "Authorization request, type '/sub allow' to accept or '/sub deny' to reject"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_SUB)) { notify_subscription(from); } break; case PRESENCE_SUBSCRIBED: cons_show("Subscription received from %s", from); log_info("Subscription received from %s", from); ui_print_system_msg_from_recipient(from, "Subscribed"); break; case PRESENCE_UNSUBSCRIBED: cons_show("%s deleted subscription", from); log_info("%s deleted subscription", from); ui_print_system_msg_from_recipient(from, "Unsubscribed"); break; default: /* unknown type */ break; } } void handle_contact_offline(char *barejid, char *resource, char *status) { gboolean updated = roster_contact_offline(barejid, resource, status); if (resource != NULL && updated) { char *show_console = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CONSOLE); char *show_chat_win = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CHAT); Jid *jid = jid_create_from_bare_and_resource(barejid, resource); PContact contact = roster_get_contact(barejid); if (p_contact_subscription(contact) != NULL) { if (strcmp(p_contact_subscription(contact), "none") != 0) { // show in console if "all" if (g_strcmp0(show_console, "all") == 0) { cons_show_contact_offline(contact, resource, status); // show in console of "online" } else if (g_strcmp0(show_console, "online") == 0) { cons_show_contact_offline(contact, resource, status); } // show in chat win if "all" if (g_strcmp0(show_chat_win, "all") == 0) { ui_chat_win_contact_offline(contact, resource, status); // show in char win if "online" and presence online } else if (g_strcmp0(show_chat_win, "online") == 0) { ui_chat_win_contact_offline(contact, resource, status); } } } prefs_free_string(show_console); prefs_free_string(show_chat_win); jid_destroy(jid); } } void handle_contact_online(char *barejid, Resource *resource, GDateTime *last_activity) { gboolean updated = roster_update_presence(barejid, resource, last_activity); if (updated) { char *show_console = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CONSOLE); char *show_chat_win = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CHAT); PContact contact = roster_get_contact(barejid); if (p_contact_subscription(contact) != NULL) { if (strcmp(p_contact_subscription(contact), "none") != 0) { // show in console if "all" if (g_strcmp0(show_console, "all") == 0) { cons_show_contact_online(contact, resource, last_activity); // show in console of "online" and presence online } else if (g_strcmp0(show_console, "online") == 0 && resource->presence == RESOURCE_ONLINE) { cons_show_contact_online(contact, resource, last_activity); } // show in chat win if "all" if (g_strcmp0(show_chat_win, "all") == 0) { ui_chat_win_contact_online(contact, resource, last_activity); // show in char win if "online" and presence online } else if (g_strcmp0(show_chat_win, "online") == 0 && resource->presence == RESOURCE_ONLINE) { ui_chat_win_contact_online(contact, resource, last_activity); } } } prefs_free_string(show_console); prefs_free_string(show_chat_win); } } void handle_leave_room(const char * const room) { muc_leave_room(room); } void handle_room_nick_change(const char * const room, const char * const nick) { ui_room_nick_change(room, nick); } void handle_room_requires_config(const char * const room) { muc_set_requires_config(room, TRUE); ui_room_requires_config(room); } void handle_room_destroy(const char * const room) { muc_leave_room(room); ui_room_destroyed(room); } void handle_room_configure(const char * const room, DataForm *form) { ui_handle_room_configuration(room, form); } void handle_room_configuration_form_error(void) { cons_show("Error parsing room configuration form."); } void handle_room_roster_complete(const char * const room) { if (muc_room_is_autojoin(room)) { ui_room_join(room, FALSE); } else { ui_room_join(room, TRUE); } muc_remove_invite(room); muc_set_roster_received(room); GList *roster = muc_get_roster(room); ui_room_roster(room, roster, NULL); char *subject = muc_get_subject(room); if (subject != NULL) { ui_room_subject(room, subject); } GList *pending_broadcasts = muc_get_pending_broadcasts(room); if (pending_broadcasts != NULL) { GList *curr = pending_broadcasts; while (curr != NULL) { ui_room_broadcast(room, curr->data); curr = g_list_next(curr); } } } void handle_room_member_presence(const char * const room, const char * const nick, const char * const show, const char * const status, const char * const caps_str) { gboolean updated = muc_add_to_roster(room, nick, show, status, caps_str); if (updated) { char *muc_status_pref = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_MUC); if (g_strcmp0(muc_status_pref, "all") == 0) { ui_room_member_presence(room, nick, show, status); } prefs_free_string(muc_status_pref); } } void handle_room_member_online(const char * const room, const char * const nick, const char * const show, const char * const status, const char * const caps_str) { muc_add_to_roster(room, nick, show, status, caps_str); char *muc_status_pref = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_MUC); if (g_strcmp0(muc_status_pref, "none") != 0) { ui_room_member_online(room, nick, show, status); } prefs_free_string(muc_status_pref); } void handle_room_member_offline(const char * const room, const char * const nick, const char * const show, const char * const status) { muc_remove_from_roster(room, nick); char *muc_status_pref = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_MUC); if (g_strcmp0(muc_status_pref, "none") != 0) { ui_room_member_offline(room, nick); } prefs_free_string(muc_status_pref); } void handle_room_member_nick_change(const char * const room, const char * const old_nick, const char * const nick) { ui_room_member_nick_change(room, old_nick, nick); } void handle_group_add(const char * const contact, const char * const group) { ui_group_added(contact, group); } void handle_group_remove(const char * const contact, const char * const group) { ui_group_removed(contact, group); } void handle_roster_remove(const char * const barejid) { ui_roster_remove(barejid); } void handle_roster_add(const char * const barejid, const char * const name) { ui_roster_add(barejid, name); } void handle_autoping_cancel(void) { prefs_set_autoping(0); cons_show_error("Server ping not supported, autoping disabled."); } void handle_xmpp_stanza(const char * const msg) { ui_handle_stanza(msg); } void handle_ping_result(const char * const from, int millis) { if (from == NULL) { cons_show("Ping response from server: %dms.", millis); } else { cons_show("Ping response from %s: %dms.", from, millis); } } void handle_ping_error_result(const char * const from, const char * const error) { if (error == NULL) { cons_show_error("Error returned from pinging %s.", from); } else { cons_show_error("Error returned from pinging %s: %s.", from, error); } }