/* * confwin.c * vim: expandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019 James Booth * * This file is part of Profani-tty. * * Profani-tty is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profani-tty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profani-tty. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/window.h" #include "ui/win_types.h" #include "ui/window_list.h" static void _confwin_form_field(ProfWin* window, char* tag, FormField* field); void confwin_show_form(ProfConfWin* confwin) { ProfWin* window = (ProfWin*)confwin; if (confwin->form->title) { win_print(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Form title: "); win_appendln(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", confwin->form->title); } else { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Configuration for room %s.", confwin->roomjid); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); confwin_form_help(confwin); GSList* fields = confwin->form->fields; GSList* curr_field = fields; while (curr_field) { FormField* field = curr_field->data; if ((g_strcmp0(field->type, "fixed") == 0) && field->values) { if (field->values) { char* value = field->values->data; win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s", value); } } else if (g_strcmp0(field->type, "hidden") != 0 && field->var) { gchar* tag = g_hash_table_lookup(confwin->form->var_to_tag, field->var); _confwin_form_field(window, tag, field); } curr_field = g_slist_next(curr_field); } } void confwin_show_form_field(ProfConfWin* confwin, DataForm* form, char* tag) { assert(confwin != NULL); FormField* field = form_get_field_by_tag(form, tag); ProfWin* window = (ProfWin*)confwin; _confwin_form_field(window, tag, field); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); } void confwin_handle_configuration(ProfConfWin* confwin, DataForm* form) { assert(confwin != NULL); ProfWin* window = (ProfWin*)confwin; ui_focus_win(window); confwin_show_form(confwin); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); if (confwin->submit != NULL) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Use '/form submit' to save changes."); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Use '/form cancel' to cancel changes."); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "See '/form help' for more information."); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); } void confwin_field_help(ProfConfWin* confwin, char* tag) { assert(confwin != NULL); ProfWin* window = (ProfWin*)confwin; FormField* field = form_get_field_by_tag(confwin->form, tag); if (field) { win_print(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s", field->label); if (field->required) { win_appendln(window, THEME_DEFAULT, " (Required):"); } else { win_appendln(window, THEME_DEFAULT, ":"); } if (field->description) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Description : %s", field->description); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Type : %s", field->type); int num_values = 0; GSList* curr_option = NULL; FormOption* option = NULL; switch (field->type_t) { case FIELD_TEXT_SINGLE: case FIELD_TEXT_PRIVATE: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Set : /%s ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Where : is any text"); break; case FIELD_TEXT_MULTI: num_values = form_get_value_count(confwin->form, tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Add : /%s add ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Where : is any text"); if (num_values > 0) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Remove : /%s remove ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Where : between 'val1' and 'val%d'", num_values); } break; case FIELD_BOOLEAN: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Set : /%s ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Where : is either 'on' or 'off'"); break; case FIELD_LIST_SINGLE: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Set : /%s ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Where : is one of"); curr_option = field->options; while (curr_option) { option = curr_option->data; win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " %s", option->value); curr_option = g_slist_next(curr_option); } break; case FIELD_LIST_MULTI: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Add : /%s add ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Remove : /%s remove ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Where : is one of"); curr_option = field->options; while (curr_option) { option = curr_option->data; win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " %s", option->value); curr_option = g_slist_next(curr_option); } break; case FIELD_JID_SINGLE: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Set : /%s ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Where : is a valid Jabber ID"); break; case FIELD_JID_MULTI: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Add : /%s add ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Remove : /%s remove ", tag); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Where : is a valid Jabber ID"); break; case FIELD_FIXED: case FIELD_UNKNOWN: case FIELD_HIDDEN: default: break; } } else { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "No such field %s", tag); } } void confwin_form_help(ProfConfWin* confwin) { assert(confwin != NULL); if (confwin->form->instructions) { ProfWin* window = (ProfWin*)confwin; win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Supplied instructions:"); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s", confwin->form->instructions); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); } } static void _confwin_form_field(ProfWin* window, char* tag, FormField* field) { win_print(window, THEME_AWAY, "-", "[%s] ", tag); win_append(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", field->label); if (field->required) { win_append(window, THEME_DEFAULT, " (required): "); } else { win_append(window, THEME_DEFAULT, ": "); } GSList* curr_value = field->values; GSList* curr_option; switch (field->type_t) { case FIELD_HIDDEN: break; case FIELD_TEXT_SINGLE: if (curr_value) { char* value = curr_value->data; if (value) { if (g_strcmp0(field->var, "muc#roomconfig_roomsecret") == 0) { win_append(window, THEME_ONLINE, "[hidden]"); } else { win_append(window, THEME_ONLINE, "%s", value); } } } win_newline(window); break; case FIELD_TEXT_PRIVATE: if (curr_value) { char* value = curr_value->data; if (value) { win_append(window, THEME_ONLINE, "[hidden]"); } } win_newline(window); break; case FIELD_TEXT_MULTI: win_newline(window); int index = 1; while (curr_value) { char* value = curr_value->data; GString* val_tag = g_string_new(""); g_string_printf(val_tag, "val%d", index++); win_println(window, THEME_ONLINE, "-", " [%s] %s", val_tag->str, value); g_string_free(val_tag, TRUE); curr_value = g_slist_next(curr_value); } break; case FIELD_BOOLEAN: if (curr_value == NULL) { win_appendln(window, THEME_OFFLINE, "FALSE"); } else { char* value = curr_value->data; if (value == NULL) { win_appendln(window, THEME_OFFLINE, "FALSE"); } else { if (g_strcmp0(value, "0") == 0 || g_strcmp0(value, "false") == 0) { win_appendln(window, THEME_OFFLINE, "FALSE"); } else { win_appendln(window, THEME_ONLINE, "TRUE"); } } } break; case FIELD_LIST_SINGLE: win_newline(window); char* value = curr_value ? curr_value->data : NULL; curr_option = field->options; while (curr_option) { FormOption* option = curr_option->data; if (g_strcmp0(option->value, value) == 0) { win_println(window, THEME_ONLINE, "-", " [%s] %s", option->value, option->label); } else { win_println(window, THEME_OFFLINE, "-", " [%s] %s", option->value, option->label); } curr_option = g_slist_next(curr_option); } break; case FIELD_LIST_MULTI: win_newline(window); curr_option = field->options; while (curr_option) { FormOption* option = curr_option->data; if (g_slist_find_custom(curr_value, option->value, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { win_println(window, THEME_ONLINE, "-", " [%s] %s", option->value, option->label); } else { win_println(window, THEME_OFFLINE, "-", " [%s] %s", option->value, option->label); } curr_option = g_slist_next(curr_option); } break; case FIELD_JID_SINGLE: if (curr_value) { char* value = curr_value->data; if (value) { win_append(window, THEME_ONLINE, "%s", value); } } win_newline(window); break; case FIELD_JID_MULTI: win_newline(window); while (curr_value) { char* value = curr_value->data; win_println(window, THEME_ONLINE, "-", " %s", value); curr_value = g_slist_next(curr_value); } break; case FIELD_FIXED: if (curr_value) { char* value = curr_value->data; if (value) { win_append(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", value); } } win_newline(window); break; default: break; } } char* confwin_get_string(ProfConfWin* confwin) { assert(confwin != NULL); return win_get_title((ProfWin*)confwin); }