/* * console.c * vim: expandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019 James Booth * Copyright (C) 2019 - 2022 Michael Vetter * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H #include #elif HAVE_NCURSES_H #include #elif HAVE_CURSES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_QRENCODE #include #endif #include "common.h" #include "log.h" #include "config/files.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "config/theme.h" #include "command/cmd_defs.h" #include "ui/window_list.h" #include "ui/ui.h" #include "ui/window.h" #include "ui/statusbar.h" #include "xmpp/xmpp.h" #include "xmpp/muc.h" #include "xmpp/roster_list.h" #ifdef HAVE_GIT_VERSION #include "gitversion.h" #endif static void _cons_splash_logo(void); static void _show_roster_contacts(GSList* list, gboolean show_groups); static GList* alert_list; void cons_debug(const char* const msg, ...) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); if (strcmp(PACKAGE_STATUS, "development") == 0) { va_list arg; va_start(arg, msg); GString* fmt_msg = g_string_new(NULL); g_string_vprintf(fmt_msg, msg, arg); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s", fmt_msg->str); g_string_free(fmt_msg, TRUE); va_end(arg); } } void cons_show(const char* const msg, ...) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); va_list arg; va_start(arg, msg); GString* fmt_msg = g_string_new(NULL); g_string_vprintf(fmt_msg, msg, arg); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s", fmt_msg->str); g_string_free(fmt_msg, TRUE); va_end(arg); } void cons_show_padded(int pad, const char* const msg, ...) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); va_list arg; va_start(arg, msg); GString* fmt_msg = g_string_new(NULL); g_string_vprintf(fmt_msg, msg, arg); win_println_indent(console, pad, "%s", fmt_msg->str); g_string_free(fmt_msg, TRUE); va_end(arg); } void cons_show_help(const char* const cmd, CommandHelp* help) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); cons_show(""); win_println(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, "-", "%s", &cmd[1]); win_print(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, "-", ""); int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(cmd) - 1; i++) { win_append(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, "-"); } win_appendln(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, ""); cons_show(""); win_println(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, "-", "Synopsis"); ui_show_lines(console, help->synopsis); cons_show(""); win_println(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, "-", "Description"); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s", help->desc); int maxlen = 0; for (i = 0; help->args[i][0] != NULL; i++) { if (strlen(help->args[i][0]) > maxlen) maxlen = strlen(help->args[i][0]); } if (i > 0) { cons_show(""); win_println(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, "-", "Arguments"); for (i = 0; help->args[i][0] != NULL; i++) { win_println_indent(console, maxlen + 3, "%-*s: %s", maxlen + 1, help->args[i][0], help->args[i][1]); } } if (g_strv_length((gchar**)help->examples) > 0) { cons_show(""); win_println(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, "-", "Examples"); ui_show_lines(console, help->examples); } } void cons_bad_cmd_usage(const char* const cmd) { GString* msg = g_string_new(""); g_string_printf(msg, "Invalid usage, see '/help %s' for details.", &cmd[1]); cons_show(""); cons_show(msg->str); g_string_free(msg, TRUE); } void cons_show_error(const char* const msg, ...) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); va_list arg; va_start(arg, msg); GString* fmt_msg = g_string_new(NULL); g_string_vprintf(fmt_msg, msg, arg); win_println(console, THEME_ERROR, "-", "%s", fmt_msg->str); g_string_free(fmt_msg, TRUE); va_end(arg); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_tlscert_summary(const TLSCertificate* cert) { if (!cert) { return; } cons_show("Subject : %s", cert->subject_commonname); cons_show("Issuer : %s", cert->issuer_commonname); cons_show("Fingerprint : %s", cert->fingerprint); } void cons_show_tlscert(const TLSCertificate* cert) { if (!cert) { return; } cons_show("Certificate:"); cons_show(" Subject:"); if (cert->subject_commonname) { cons_show(" Common name : %s", cert->subject_commonname); } if (cert->subject_distinguishedname) { cons_show(" Distinguished name : %s", cert->subject_distinguishedname); } if (cert->subject_organisation) { cons_show(" Organisation : %s", cert->subject_organisation); } if (cert->subject_organisation_unit) { cons_show(" Organisation unit : %s", cert->subject_organisation_unit); } if (cert->subject_email) { cons_show(" Email : %s", cert->subject_email); } if (cert->subject_state) { cons_show(" State : %s", cert->subject_state); } if (cert->subject_country) { cons_show(" Country : %s", cert->subject_country); } if (cert->subject_serialnumber) { cons_show(" Serial number : %s", cert->subject_serialnumber); } cons_show(" Issuer:"); if (cert->issuer_commonname) { cons_show(" Common name : %s", cert->issuer_commonname); } if (cert->issuer_distinguishedname) { cons_show(" Distinguished name : %s", cert->issuer_distinguishedname); } if (cert->issuer_organisation) { cons_show(" Organisation : %s", cert->issuer_organisation); } if (cert->issuer_organisation_unit) { cons_show(" Organisation unit : %s", cert->issuer_organisation_unit); } if (cert->issuer_email) { cons_show(" Email : %s", cert->issuer_email); } if (cert->issuer_state) { cons_show(" State : %s", cert->issuer_state); } if (cert->issuer_country) { cons_show(" Country : %s", cert->issuer_country); } if (cert->issuer_serialnumber) { cons_show(" Serial number : %s", cert->issuer_serialnumber); } cons_show(" Version : %d", cert->version); if (cert->serialnumber) { cons_show(" Serial number : %s", cert->serialnumber); } if (cert->key_alg) { cons_show(" Key algorithm : %s", cert->key_alg); } if (cert->signature_alg) { cons_show(" Signature algorithm : %s", cert->signature_alg); } cons_show(" Start : %s", cert->notbefore); cons_show(" End : %s", cert->notafter); cons_show(" Fingerprint : %s", cert->fingerprint); } void cons_show_typing(const char* const barejid) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); const char* display_usr = NULL; PContact contact = roster_get_contact(barejid); if (contact) { if (p_contact_name(contact)) { display_usr = p_contact_name(contact); } else { display_usr = barejid; } } else { display_usr = barejid; } win_println(console, THEME_TYPING, "-", "!! %s is typing a message...", display_usr); cons_alert(NULL); } char* _room_triggers_to_string(GList* triggers) { GString* triggers_str = g_string_new(""); GList* curr = triggers; while (curr) { g_string_append_printf(triggers_str, "\"%s\"", (char*)curr->data); curr = g_list_next(curr); if (curr) { g_string_append(triggers_str, ", "); } } char* result = triggers_str->str; g_string_free(triggers_str, FALSE); return result; } void cons_show_incoming_room_message(const char* const nick, const char* const room, const int win_index, gboolean mention, GList* triggers, int unread, ProfWin* const window) { ProfWin* const console = wins_get_console(); int ui_index = win_index; if (ui_index == 10) { ui_index = 0; } char* muc_show = prefs_get_string(PREF_CONSOLE_MUC); // 'mention' if (g_strcmp0(muc_show, "mention") == 0) { if (mention) { win_println(console, THEME_MENTION, "-", "<< room mention: %s in %s (win %d)", nick, room, ui_index); cons_alert(window); } // 'all' or 'first' } else { if (mention) { win_println(console, THEME_MENTION, "-", "<< room mention: %s in %s (win %d)", nick, room, ui_index); } else if (triggers) { char* triggers_str = _room_triggers_to_string(triggers); win_println(console, THEME_TRIGGER, "-", "<< room trigger %s: %s in %s (win %d)", triggers_str, nick, room, ui_index); free(triggers_str); } else { // 'all' or 'first' if its the first message if ((g_strcmp0(muc_show, "all") == 0) || ((g_strcmp0(muc_show, "first") == 0) && (unread == 0))) { win_println(console, THEME_INCOMING, "-", "<< room message: %s in %s (win %d)", nick, room, ui_index); } cons_alert(window); } } free(muc_show); } void cons_show_incoming_message(const char* const short_from, const int win_index, int unread, ProfWin* const window) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); int ui_index = win_index; if (ui_index == 10) { ui_index = 0; } char* chat_show = prefs_get_string(PREF_CONSOLE_CHAT); if (g_strcmp0(chat_show, "all") == 0 || ((g_strcmp0(chat_show, "first") == 0) && unread == 0)) { win_println(console, THEME_INCOMING, "-", "<< chat message: %s (win %d)", short_from, ui_index); cons_alert(window); } g_free(chat_show); } void cons_show_incoming_private_message(const char* const nick, const char* const room, const int win_index, int unread, ProfWin* const window) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); int ui_index = win_index; if (ui_index == 10) { ui_index = 0; } char* priv_show = prefs_get_string(PREF_CONSOLE_PRIVATE); if (g_strcmp0(priv_show, "all") == 0 || ((g_strcmp0(priv_show, "first") == 0) && (unread == 0))) { win_println(console, THEME_INCOMING, "-", "<< private message: %s in %s (win %d)", nick, room, ui_index); cons_alert(window); } free(priv_show); } static void _cons_welcome_first_start(void) { gchar* prefs_loc = files_get_config_path(FILE_PROFANITY_IDENTIFIER); if (!g_file_test(prefs_loc, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "This seems to be your first time starting Profanity."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "You can connect to an existing XMPP account via /connect myjid@domain.org."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "If you plan to connect to this XMPP account regularly we suggest you set up an account:"); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "/account add myaccount"); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "/account set myaccount jid myjid@domain.org"); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "See /help account for more details."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "If you want to register a new XMPP account with a server use:"); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "/register myjid myserver.org"); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); } g_free(prefs_loc); } void cons_about(void) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); int rows, cols; getmaxyx(stdscr, rows, cols); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_SPLASH)) { _cons_splash_logo(); } else { if (strcmp(PACKAGE_STATUS, "development") == 0) { #ifdef HAVE_GIT_VERSION win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Welcome to Profanity, version %sdev.%s.%s", PACKAGE_VERSION, PROF_GIT_BRANCH, PROF_GIT_REVISION); #else win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "Welcome to Profanity, version %sdev", PACKAGE_VERSION); #endif } else { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Welcome to Profanity, version %s", PACKAGE_VERSION); } } win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019 James Booth ."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Copyright (C) 2019 - 2022 Michael Vetter ."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later "); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Type '/help' to show complete help."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_VERCHECK)) { cons_check_version(FALSE); } _cons_welcome_first_start(); pnoutrefresh(console->layout->win, 0, 0, 1, 0, rows - 3, cols - 1); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_check_version(gboolean not_available_msg) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); char* latest_release = release_get_latest(); if (latest_release) { gboolean relase_valid = g_regex_match_simple("^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$", latest_release, 0, 0); if (relase_valid) { if (release_is_new(latest_release)) { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "A new version of Profanity is available: %s", latest_release); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Check for details."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); } else { if (not_available_msg) { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "No new version available."); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", ""); } } cons_alert(NULL); } free(latest_release); } } void cons_show_login_success(ProfAccount* account, gboolean secured) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); const char* fulljid = connection_get_fulljid(); win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s logged in successfully, ", fulljid); resource_presence_t presence = accounts_get_login_presence(account->name); const char* presence_str = string_from_resource_presence(presence); theme_item_t presence_colour = theme_main_presence_attrs(presence_str); win_append(console, presence_colour, "%s", presence_str); win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, " (priority %d)", accounts_get_priority_for_presence_type(account->name, presence)); win_appendln(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "."); if (!secured) { cons_show_error("TLS connection not established"); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_wins(gboolean unread) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); cons_show(""); GSList* window_strings = wins_create_summary(unread); if (unread && window_strings == NULL) { cons_show("No windows with unread messages."); return; } else if (unread) { cons_show("Unread:"); } else { cons_show("Active windows:"); } GSList* curr = window_strings; while (curr) { if (g_strstr_len(curr->data, strlen(curr->data), " unread") > 0) { win_println(console, THEME_CMD_WINS_UNREAD, "-", "%s", curr->data); } else { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s", curr->data); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } g_slist_free_full(window_strings, free); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_wins_attention() { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); cons_show(""); GSList* window_strings = wins_create_summary_attention(); GSList* curr = window_strings; while (curr) { if (g_strstr_len(curr->data, strlen(curr->data), " unread") > 0) { win_println(console, THEME_CMD_WINS_UNREAD, "-", "%s", curr->data); } else { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "%s", curr->data); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } g_slist_free_full(window_strings, free); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_room_invites(GList* invites) { cons_show(""); if (invites == NULL) { cons_show("No outstanding chat room invites."); } else { cons_show("Chat room invites, use /join or /decline commands:"); while (invites) { cons_show(" %s", invites->data); invites = g_list_next(invites); } } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_info(PContact pcontact) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); win_show_info(console, pcontact); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_caps(const char* const fulljid, resource_presence_t presence) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); cons_show(""); EntityCapabilities* caps = caps_lookup(fulljid); if (caps) { const char* resource_presence = string_from_resource_presence(presence); theme_item_t presence_colour = theme_main_presence_attrs(resource_presence); win_print(console, presence_colour, "-", "%s", fulljid); win_appendln(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ":"); // show identity if (caps->identity) { DiscoIdentity* identity = caps->identity; win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Identity: "); if (identity->name) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", identity->name); if (identity->category || identity->type) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, " "); } } if (identity->type) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", identity->type); if (identity->category) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, " "); } } if (identity->category) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", identity->category); } win_newline(console); } if (caps->software_version) { SoftwareVersion* software_version = caps->software_version; if (software_version->software) { win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Software: %s", software_version->software); } if (software_version->software_version) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ", %s", software_version->software_version); } if (software_version->software || software_version->software_version) { win_newline(console); } if (software_version->os) { win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "OS: %s", software_version->os); } if (software_version->os_version) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ", %s", software_version->os_version); } if (software_version->os || software_version->os_version) { win_newline(console); } } if (caps->features) { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Features:"); GSList* feature = caps->features; while (feature) { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " %s", feature->data); feature = g_slist_next(feature); } } caps_destroy(caps); } else { cons_show("No capabilities found for %s", fulljid); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_received_subs(void) { GList* received = presence_get_subscription_requests(); if (received == NULL) { cons_show("No outstanding subscription requests."); } else { cons_show("Outstanding subscription requests from:", g_list_length(received)); while (received) { cons_show(" %s", received->data); received = g_list_next(received); } g_list_free_full(received, g_free); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_sent_subs(void) { if (roster_has_pending_subscriptions()) { GSList* contacts = roster_get_contacts(ROSTER_ORD_NAME); PContact contact = NULL; cons_show("Awaiting subscription responses from:"); GSList* curr = contacts; while (curr) { contact = (PContact)curr->data; if (p_contact_pending_out(contact)) { cons_show(" %s", p_contact_barejid(contact)); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } g_slist_free(contacts); } else { cons_show("No pending requests sent."); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_room_list(GSList* rooms, const char* const conference_node) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); if (rooms && (g_slist_length(rooms) > 0)) { cons_show("Chat rooms at %s:", conference_node); while (rooms) { DiscoItem* room = rooms->data; win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " %s", room->jid); if (room->name) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ", (%s)", room->name); } win_newline(console); rooms = g_slist_next(rooms); } } else { cons_show("No chat rooms at %s", conference_node); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_bookmarks(const GList* list) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); if (list == NULL) { cons_show(""); cons_show("No bookmarks found."); } else { cons_show(""); cons_show("Bookmarks:"); while (list) { Bookmark* item = list->data; theme_item_t presence_colour = THEME_TEXT; ProfWin* roomwin = (ProfWin*)wins_get_muc(item->barejid); if (muc_active(item->barejid) && roomwin) { presence_colour = THEME_ONLINE; } if (item->name) { win_print(console, presence_colour, "-", " %s - %s", item->name, item->barejid); } else { win_print(console, presence_colour, "-", " %s", item->barejid); } if (item->nick) { win_append(console, presence_colour, "/%s", item->nick); } if (item->autojoin) { win_append(console, presence_colour, " (autojoin)"); } if (item->password) { win_append(console, presence_colour, " (private)"); } if (muc_active(item->barejid) && roomwin) { int num = wins_get_num(roomwin); win_append(console, presence_colour, " (win %d)", num); } win_newline(console); list = g_list_next(list); } } cons_show(""); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_BOOKMARK_INVITE)) { cons_show("Automatic invite bookmarking (/bookmark invites): ON"); } else { cons_show("Automatic invite bookmarking (/bookmark invites): OFF"); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_bookmark(Bookmark* item) { cons_show(""); if (!item) { cons_show("No such bookmark"); } else { cons_show("Bookmark details:"); cons_show("Room jid : %s", item->barejid); if (item->name) { cons_show("name : %s", item->name); } if (item->nick) { cons_show("nick : %s", item->nick); } if (item->password) { cons_show("password : %s", item->password); } if (item->autojoin) { cons_show("autojoin : ON"); } else { cons_show("autojoin : OFF"); } } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_disco_info(const char* jid, GSList* identities, GSList* features) { if ((identities && (g_slist_length(identities) > 0)) || (features && (g_slist_length(features) > 0))) { cons_show(""); cons_show("Service discovery info for %s", jid); if (identities) { cons_show(" Identities"); } while (identities) { DiscoIdentity* identity = identities->data; // anme trpe, cat GString* identity_str = g_string_new(" "); if (identity->name) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, identity->name); identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, " "); } if (identity->type) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, identity->type); identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, " "); } if (identity->category) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, identity->category); } cons_show(identity_str->str); g_string_free(identity_str, TRUE); identities = g_slist_next(identities); } if (features) { cons_show(" Features:"); } while (features) { cons_show(" %s", features->data); features = g_slist_next(features); } cons_alert(NULL); } } void cons_show_disco_items(GSList* items, const char* const jid) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); if (items && (g_slist_length(items) > 0)) { cons_show(""); cons_show("Service discovery items for %s:", jid); while (items) { DiscoItem* item = items->data; win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " %s", item->jid); if (item->name) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ", (%s)", item->name); } win_appendln(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ""); items = g_slist_next(items); } } else { cons_show(""); cons_show("No service discovery items for %s", jid); } cons_alert(NULL); } static void _cons_print_contact_information_item(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { cons_show(" %s", (char*)data); } static void _cons_print_contact_information_hashlist_item(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer userdata) { cons_show(" %s:", (char*)key); g_slist_foreach((GSList*)value, _cons_print_contact_information_item, NULL); } void cons_show_disco_contact_information(GHashTable* addresses) { if (addresses && g_hash_table_size(addresses) > 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show("Server contact information:"); g_hash_table_foreach(addresses, _cons_print_contact_information_hashlist_item, NULL); } } void cons_show_qrcode(const char* const text) { #ifdef HAVE_QRENCODE static const size_t ZOOM_SIZE = 10; QRcode* qrcode = QRcode_encodeString(text, 0, QR_ECLEVEL_L, QR_MODE_8, 1); int width = (qrcode->width * ZOOM_SIZE); unsigned char* data = qrcode->data; ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); char* buf = calloc((width * 4) + 1, 1); char* pad = calloc((width * 4) + 5, 1); if (!buf || !pad) { free(pad); free(buf); return; } for (int i = 0; i < width + 2 * ZOOM_SIZE; i += ZOOM_SIZE) { strcat(pad, "\u2588\u2588"); } win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "", pad); for (size_t y = 0; y < width; y += ZOOM_SIZE) { for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x += ZOOM_SIZE) { strcat(buf, !(*data & 1) ? "\u2588\u2588" : "\u2800\u2800"); data++; } // The extra squares are for padding, so that the QR code doesn't // "blend in" with the rest of the terminal window. win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "", "\u2588\u2588%s\u2588\u2588", buf); buf[0] = '\0'; } win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "", "%s", pad); free(pad); free(buf); QRcode_free(qrcode); #else cons_show("This version of Profanity has not been built with libqrencode"); #endif } void cons_show_status(const char* const barejid) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); PContact pcontact = roster_get_contact(barejid); if (pcontact) { win_show_contact(console, pcontact); } else { cons_show("No such contact \"%s\" in roster.", barejid); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_room_invite(const char* const invitor, const char* const room, const char* const reason) { char* display_from = NULL; PContact contact = roster_get_contact(invitor); if (contact) { if (p_contact_name(contact)) { display_from = strdup(p_contact_name(contact)); } else { display_from = strdup(invitor); } } else { display_from = strdup(invitor); } cons_show(""); cons_show("Chat room invite received:"); cons_show(" From : %s", display_from); cons_show(" Room : %s", room); if (reason) { cons_show(" Message: %s", reason); } cons_show("Use '/join %s' to accept the invitation", room); cons_show("Use '/invite decline %s' to decline the invitation", room); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_INVITE)) { notify_invite(display_from, room, reason); } free(display_from); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_account_list(gchar** accounts) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); int size = g_strv_length(accounts); if (size > 0) { cons_show("Accounts:"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if ((connection_get_status() == JABBER_CONNECTED) && (g_strcmp0(session_get_account_name(), accounts[i]) == 0)) { resource_presence_t presence = accounts_get_last_presence(accounts[i]); theme_item_t presence_colour = theme_main_presence_attrs(string_from_resource_presence(presence)); win_println(console, presence_colour, "-", "%s", accounts[i]); } else { cons_show(accounts[i]); } } cons_show(""); } else { cons_show("No accounts created yet."); cons_show(""); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_account(ProfAccount* account) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); cons_show(""); cons_show("Account %s:", account->name); if (account->enabled) { cons_show("enabled : TRUE"); } else { cons_show("enabled : FALSE"); } cons_show("jid : %s", account->jid); if (account->eval_password) { cons_show("eval_password : %s", account->eval_password); } else if (account->password) { cons_show("password : [redacted]"); } if (account->resource) { cons_show("resource : %s", account->resource); } if (account->server) { cons_show("server : %s", account->server); } if (account->port != 0) { cons_show("port : %d", account->port); } if (account->muc_service) { cons_show("muc service : %s", account->muc_service); } if (account->muc_nick) { cons_show("muc nick : %s", account->muc_nick); } if (account->tls_policy) { cons_show("TLS policy : %s", account->tls_policy); } if (account->auth_policy) { cons_show("Auth policy : %s", account->auth_policy); } if (account->last_presence) { cons_show("Last presence : %s", account->last_presence); } if (account->login_presence) { cons_show("Login presence : %s", account->login_presence); } if (account->startscript) { cons_show("Start script : %s", account->startscript); } if (account->theme) { cons_show("Theme : %s", account->theme); } if (account->otr_policy) { cons_show("OTR policy : %s", account->otr_policy); } if (g_list_length(account->otr_manual) > 0) { GString* manual = g_string_new("OTR manual : "); GList* curr = account->otr_manual; while (curr) { g_string_append(manual, curr->data); if (curr->next) { g_string_append(manual, ", "); } curr = curr->next; } cons_show(manual->str); g_string_free(manual, TRUE); } if (g_list_length(account->otr_opportunistic) > 0) { GString* opportunistic = g_string_new("OTR opportunistic : "); GList* curr = account->otr_opportunistic; while (curr) { g_string_append(opportunistic, curr->data); if (curr->next) { g_string_append(opportunistic, ", "); } curr = curr->next; } cons_show(opportunistic->str); g_string_free(opportunistic, TRUE); } if (g_list_length(account->otr_always) > 0) { GString* always = g_string_new("OTR always : "); GList* curr = account->otr_always; while (curr) { g_string_append(always, curr->data); if (curr->next) { g_string_append(always, ", "); } curr = curr->next; } cons_show(always->str); g_string_free(always, TRUE); } if (account->pgp_keyid) { cons_show("PGP Key ID : %s", account->pgp_keyid); } cons_show("Priority : chat:%d, online:%d, away:%d, xa:%d, dnd:%d", account->priority_chat, account->priority_online, account->priority_away, account->priority_xa, account->priority_dnd); if ((connection_get_status() == JABBER_CONNECTED) && (g_strcmp0(session_get_account_name(), account->name) == 0)) { GList* resources = connection_get_available_resources(); GList* ordered_resources = NULL; GList* curr = resources; if (curr) { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Resources:"); // sort in order of availability while (curr) { Resource* resource = curr->data; ordered_resources = g_list_insert_sorted(ordered_resources, resource, (GCompareFunc)resource_compare_availability); curr = g_list_next(curr); } } g_list_free(resources); curr = ordered_resources; while (curr) { Resource* resource = curr->data; const char* resource_presence = string_from_resource_presence(resource->presence); theme_item_t presence_colour = theme_main_presence_attrs(resource_presence); win_print(console, presence_colour, "-", " %s (%d), %s", resource->name, resource->priority, resource_presence); if (resource->status) { win_append(console, presence_colour, ", \"%s\"", resource->status); } win_appendln(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ""); Jid* jidp = jid_create_from_bare_and_resource(account->jid, resource->name); EntityCapabilities* caps = caps_lookup(jidp->fulljid); jid_destroy(jidp); if (caps) { // show identity if (caps->identity) { DiscoIdentity* identity = caps->identity; win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Identity: "); if (identity->name) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", identity->name); if (identity->category || identity->type) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, " "); } } if (identity->type) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", identity->type); if (identity->category) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, " "); } } if (identity->category) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", identity->category); } win_newline(console); } if (caps->software_version) { SoftwareVersion* software_version = caps->software_version; if (software_version->software) { win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " Software: %s", software_version->software); } if (software_version->software_version) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ", %s", software_version->software_version); } if (software_version->software || software_version->software_version) { win_newline(console); } if (software_version->os) { win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " OS: %s", software_version->os); } if (software_version->os_version) { win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, ", %s", software_version->os_version); } if (software_version->os || software_version->os_version) { win_newline(console); } } caps_destroy(caps); } curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_list_free(ordered_resources); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_aliases(GList* aliases) { if (aliases == NULL) { cons_show("No aliases configured."); return; } GList* curr = aliases; cons_show("Command aliases:"); while (curr) { ProfAlias* alias = curr->data; cons_show(" /%s -> %s", alias->name, alias->value); curr = g_list_next(curr); } cons_show(""); } void cons_theme_setting(void) { char* theme = prefs_get_string(PREF_THEME); if (theme == NULL) { cons_show("Theme (/theme) : default"); } else { cons_show("Theme (/theme) : %s", theme); } g_free(theme); } void cons_privileges_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_MUC_PRIVILEGES)) cons_show("MUC privileges (/privileges) : ON"); else cons_show("MUC privileges (/privileges) : OFF"); } void cons_beep_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_BEEP)) cons_show("Terminal beep (/beep) : ON"); else cons_show("Terminal beep (/beep) : OFF"); } void cons_resource_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_RESOURCE_TITLE)) cons_show("Resource title (/resource) : ON"); else cons_show("Resource title (/resource) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_RESOURCE_MESSAGE)) cons_show("Resource message (/resource) : ON"); else cons_show("Resource message (/resource) : OFF"); } void cons_wrap_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_WRAP)) cons_show("Word wrap (/wrap) : ON"); else cons_show("Word wrap (/wrap) : OFF"); } void cons_titlebar_setting(void) { cons_winpos_setting(); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_TLS_SHOW)) { cons_show("TLS show (/titlebar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("TLS show (/titlebar) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ENC_WARN)) { cons_show("Warn unencrypted (/titlebar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Warn unencrypted (/titlebar) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_RESOURCE_TITLE)) { cons_show("Resource show (/titlebar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Resource show (/titlebar) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_PRESENCE)) { cons_show("Titlebar presence (/titlebar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Titlebar presence (/titlebar) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_TITLEBAR_MUC_TITLE_NAME)) { cons_show("Titlebar show MUC name (/titlebar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Titlebar show MUC name (/titlebar) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_TITLEBAR_MUC_TITLE_JID)) { cons_show("Titlebar show MUC JID (/titlebar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Titlebar show MUC JID (/titlebar) : OFF"); } } void cons_console_setting(void) { char* chatsetting = prefs_get_string(PREF_CONSOLE_CHAT); cons_show("Console chat messages (/console) : %s", chatsetting); g_free(chatsetting); char* mucsetting = prefs_get_string(PREF_CONSOLE_MUC); cons_show("Console MUC messages (/console) : %s", mucsetting); g_free(mucsetting); char* privsetting = prefs_get_string(PREF_CONSOLE_PRIVATE); cons_show("Console private messages (/console) : %s", privsetting); g_free(privsetting); } void cons_presence_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_PRESENCE)) cons_show("Titlebar presence (/presence) : ON"); else cons_show("Titlebar presence (/presence) : OFF"); char* console = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CONSOLE); char* chat = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_CHAT); char* room = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSES_MUC); cons_show("Console presence (/presence) : %s", console); cons_show("Chat presence (/presence) : %s", chat); cons_show("Room presence (/presence) : %s", room); g_free(console); g_free(chat); g_free(room); } void cons_flash_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_FLASH)) cons_show("Terminal flash (/flash) : ON"); else cons_show("Terminal flash (/flash) : OFF"); } void cons_tray_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_TRAY)) cons_show("Tray icon (/tray) : ON"); else cons_show("Tray icon (/tray) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_TRAY_READ)) cons_show("Tray icon read (/tray) : ON"); else cons_show("Tray icon read (/tray) : OFF"); int seconds = prefs_get_tray_timer(); if (seconds == 1) { cons_show("Tray timer (/tray) : 1 second"); } else { cons_show("Tray timer (/tray) : %d seconds", seconds); } } void cons_splash_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_SPLASH)) cons_show("Splash screen (/splash) : ON"); else cons_show("Splash screen (/splash) : OFF"); } void cons_occupants_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS)) cons_show("Occupants (/occupants) : show"); else cons_show("Occupants (/occupants) : hide"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS_JID)) cons_show("Occupant jids (/occupants) : show"); else cons_show("Occupant jids (/occupants) : hide"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS_OFFLINE)) cons_show("Occupants offline (/occupants) : show"); else cons_show("Occupants offline (/occupants) : hide"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS_WRAP)) cons_show("Occupants wrap (/occupants) : ON"); else cons_show("Occupants wrap (/occupants) : OFF"); char* occupants_ch = prefs_get_occupants_char(); if (occupants_ch) { cons_show("Occupants char (/occupants) : %s", occupants_ch); free(occupants_ch); } else { cons_show("Occupants char (/occupants) : none"); } gint occupant_indent = prefs_get_occupants_indent(); cons_show("Occupant indent (/occupants) : %d", occupant_indent); int size = prefs_get_occupants_size(); cons_show("Occupants size (/occupants) : %d", size); char* header_ch = prefs_get_occupants_header_char(); if (header_ch) { cons_show("Occupants header char (/occupants) : %s", header_ch); free(header_ch); } else { cons_show("Occupants header char (/occupants) : none"); } } void cons_rooms_cache_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROOM_LIST_CACHE)) { cons_show("Room list cache (/rooms cache) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Room list cache (/rooms cache) : OFF"); } } void cons_autoconnect_setting(void) { char* pref_connect_account = prefs_get_string(PREF_CONNECT_ACCOUNT); if (pref_connect_account) cons_show("Autoconnect (/autoconnect) : %s", pref_connect_account); else cons_show("Autoconnect (/autoconnect) : OFF"); g_free(pref_connect_account); } void cons_time_setting(void) { char* pref_time_console = prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_CONSOLE); if (g_strcmp0(pref_time_console, "off") == 0) cons_show("Time console (/time) : OFF"); else cons_show("Time console (/time) : %s", pref_time_console); g_free(pref_time_console); char* pref_time_chat = prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_CHAT); if (g_strcmp0(pref_time_chat, "off") == 0) cons_show("Time chat (/time) : OFF"); else cons_show("Time chat (/time) : %s", pref_time_chat); g_free(pref_time_chat); char* pref_time_muc = prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_MUC); if (g_strcmp0(pref_time_muc, "off") == 0) cons_show("Time MUC (/time) : OFF"); else cons_show("Time MUC (/time) : %s", pref_time_muc); g_free(pref_time_muc); char* pref_time_conf = prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_CONFIG); if (g_strcmp0(pref_time_conf, "off") == 0) cons_show("Time config (/time) : OFF"); else cons_show("Time config (/time) : %s", pref_time_conf); g_free(pref_time_conf); char* pref_time_private = prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_PRIVATE); if (g_strcmp0(pref_time_private, "off") == 0) cons_show("Time private (/time) : OFF"); else cons_show("Time private (/time) : %s", pref_time_private); g_free(pref_time_private); char* pref_time_xml = prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_XMLCONSOLE); if (g_strcmp0(pref_time_xml, "off") == 0) cons_show("Time XML Console (/time) : OFF"); else cons_show("Time XML Console (/time) : %s", pref_time_xml); g_free(pref_time_xml); char* pref_time_statusbar = prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_STATUSBAR); if (g_strcmp0(pref_time_statusbar, "off") == 0) cons_show("Time statusbar (/time) : OFF"); else cons_show("Time statusbar (/time) : %s", pref_time_statusbar); g_free(pref_time_statusbar); char* pref_time_lastactivity = prefs_get_string(PREF_TIME_LASTACTIVITY); cons_show("Time last activity (/time) : %s", pref_time_lastactivity); g_free(pref_time_lastactivity); } void cons_vercheck_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_VERCHECK)) cons_show("Version checking (/vercheck) : ON"); else cons_show("Version checking (/vercheck) : OFF"); } void cons_wintitle_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_WINTITLE_SHOW)) { cons_show("Window title show (/wintitle) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Window title show (/wintitle) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_WINTITLE_GOODBYE)) { cons_show("Window title goodbye (/wintitle) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Window title goodbye (/wintitle) : OFF"); } } void cons_roster_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER)) cons_show("Roster (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster (/roster) : hide"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_OFFLINE)) cons_show("Roster offline (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster offline (/roster) : hide"); char* header_ch = prefs_get_roster_header_char(); if (header_ch) { cons_show("Roster header char (/roster) : %s", header_ch); free(header_ch); } else { cons_show("Roster header char (/roster) : none"); } char* contact_ch = prefs_get_roster_contact_char(); if (contact_ch) { cons_show("Roster contact char (/roster) : %s", contact_ch); free(contact_ch); } else { cons_show("Roster contact char (/roster) : none"); } char* resource_ch = prefs_get_roster_resource_char(); if (resource_ch) { cons_show("Roster resource char (/roster) : %s", resource_ch); free(resource_ch); } else { cons_show("Roster resource char (/roster) : none"); } char* room_ch = prefs_get_roster_room_char(); if (room_ch) { cons_show("Roster room char (/roster) : %s", room_ch); free(room_ch); } else { cons_show("Roster room char (/roster) : none"); } char* room_priv_ch = prefs_get_roster_room_private_char(); if (room_priv_ch) { cons_show("Roster room private char (/roster) : %s", room_priv_ch); free(room_priv_ch); } else { cons_show("Roster room private char (/roster) : none"); } char* private_ch = prefs_get_roster_private_char(); if (private_ch) { cons_show("Roster private char (/roster) : %s", private_ch); free(private_ch); } else { cons_show("Roster private char (/roster) : none"); } gint contact_indent = prefs_get_roster_contact_indent(); cons_show("Roster contact indent (/roster) : %d", contact_indent); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_RESOURCE)) cons_show("Roster resource (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster resource (/roster) : hide"); gint resource_indent = prefs_get_roster_resource_indent(); cons_show("Roster resource indent (/roster) : %d", resource_indent); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_RESOURCE_JOIN)) cons_show("Roster resource join (/roster) : on"); else cons_show("Roster resource join (/roster) : off"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_PRESENCE)) cons_show("Roster presence (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster presence (/roster) : hide"); gint presence_indent = prefs_get_roster_presence_indent(); cons_show("Roster presence indent (/roster) : %d", presence_indent); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_STATUS)) cons_show("Roster status (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster status (/roster) : hide"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_EMPTY)) cons_show("Roster empty (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster empty (/roster) : hide"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_PRIORITY)) cons_show("Roster priority (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster priority (/roster) : hide"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_CONTACTS)) cons_show("Roster contacts (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster contacts (/roster) : hide"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_UNSUBSCRIBED)) cons_show("Roster unsubscribed (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster unsubscribed (/roster) : hide"); char* count = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_COUNT); if (g_strcmp0(count, "off") == 0) { cons_show("Roster count (/roster) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("Roster count (/roster) : %s", count); } g_free(count); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_COUNT_ZERO)) cons_show("Roster count zero (/roster) : ON"); else cons_show("Roster count zero (/roster) : OFF"); char* by = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_BY); cons_show("Roster by (/roster) : %s", by); g_free(by); char* order = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_ORDER); cons_show("Roster order (/roster) : %s", order); g_free(order); char* unread = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_UNREAD); if (g_strcmp0(unread, "before") == 0) { cons_show("Roster unread (/roster) : before"); } else if (g_strcmp0(unread, "after") == 0) { cons_show("Roster unread (/roster) : after"); } else { cons_show("Roster unread (/roster) : OFF"); } g_free(unread); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_ROOMS)) cons_show("Roster rooms (/roster) : show"); else cons_show("Roster rooms (/roster) : hide"); char* priv = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_PRIVATE); if (g_strcmp0(priv, "room") == 0) { cons_show("Roster private (/roster) : room"); } else if (g_strcmp0(priv, "group") == 0) { cons_show("Roster private (/roster) : group"); } else { cons_show("Roster private (/roster) : OFF"); } g_free(priv); char* rooms_pos = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_ROOMS_POS); cons_show("Roster rooms position (/roster) : %s", rooms_pos); g_free(rooms_pos); char* rooms_by = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_ROOMS_BY); cons_show("Roster rooms by (/roster) : %s", rooms_by); g_free(rooms_by); char* rooms_use = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_ROOMS_USE_AS_NAME); cons_show("Roster rooms use (/roster) : %s", rooms_use); g_free(rooms_use); char* rooms_order = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_ROOMS_ORDER); cons_show("Roster rooms order (/roster) : %s", rooms_order); g_free(rooms_order); char* roomsunread = prefs_get_string(PREF_ROSTER_ROOMS_UNREAD); if (g_strcmp0(roomsunread, "before") == 0) { cons_show("Roster rooms unread (/roster) : before"); } else if (g_strcmp0(roomsunread, "after") == 0) { cons_show("Roster rooms unread (/roster) : after"); } else { cons_show("Roster rooms unread (/roster) : OFF"); } g_free(roomsunread); int size = prefs_get_roster_size(); cons_show("Roster size (/roster) : %d", size); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_WRAP)) cons_show("Roster wrap (/roster) : ON"); else cons_show("Roster wrap (/roster) : OFF"); } void cons_show_ui_prefs(void) { cons_show("UI preferences:"); cons_show(""); cons_theme_setting(); cons_beep_setting(); cons_flash_setting(); cons_splash_setting(); cons_winpos_setting(); cons_wrap_setting(); cons_time_setting(); cons_resource_setting(); cons_vercheck_setting(); cons_console_setting(); cons_occupants_setting(); cons_roster_setting(); cons_privileges_setting(); cons_wintitle_setting(); cons_presence_setting(); cons_inpblock_setting(); cons_titlebar_setting(); cons_statusbar_setting(); cons_mood_setting(); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_notify_setting(void) { if (!is_notify_enabled()) { cons_show("Notification support was not included in this build."); return; } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_CHAT)) cons_show("Chat message (/notify chat) : ON"); else cons_show("Chat message (/notify chat) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_CHAT_CURRENT)) cons_show("Chat current (/notify chat) : ON"); else cons_show("Chat current (/notify chat) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_CHAT_TEXT)) cons_show("Chat text (/notify chat) : ON"); else cons_show("Chat text (/notify chat) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM)) cons_show("Room message (/notify room) : ON"); else cons_show("Room message (/notify room) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_MENTION)) cons_show("Room mention (/notify room) : ON"); else cons_show("Room mention (/notify room) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_OFFLINE)) cons_show("Room offline messages (/notify room): ON"); else cons_show("Room offline messages (/notify room): OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_MENTION_CASE_SENSITIVE)) cons_show("Room mention case (/notify room) : Case sensitive"); else cons_show("Room mention case (/notify room) : Case insensitive"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_MENTION_WHOLE_WORD)) cons_show("Room mention word (/notify room) : Whole word only"); else cons_show("Room mention word (/notify room) : Part of word"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_TRIGGER)) cons_show("Room trigger (/notify room) : ON"); else cons_show("Room trigger (/notify room) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_CURRENT)) cons_show("Room current (/notify room) : ON"); else cons_show("Room current (/notify room) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_ROOM_TEXT)) cons_show("Room text (/notify room) : ON"); else cons_show("Room text (/notify room) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_TYPING)) cons_show("Composing (/notify typing) : ON"); else cons_show("Composing (/notify typing) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_TYPING_CURRENT)) cons_show("Composing current (/notify typing) : ON"); else cons_show("Composing current (/notify typing) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_INVITE)) cons_show("Room invites (/notify invite) : ON"); else cons_show("Room invites (/notify invite) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_NOTIFY_SUB)) cons_show("Subscription requests (/notify sub) : ON"); else cons_show("Subscription requests (/notify sub) : OFF"); gint remind_period = prefs_get_notify_remind(); if (remind_period == 0) { cons_show("Reminder period (/notify remind) : OFF"); } else if (remind_period == 1) { cons_show("Reminder period (/notify remind) : 1 second"); } else { cons_show("Reminder period (/notify remind) : %d seconds", remind_period); } } void cons_show_desktop_prefs(void) { cons_show("Desktop notification preferences:"); cons_show(""); cons_notify_setting(); cons_tray_setting(); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_states_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_STATES)) cons_show("Send chat states (/states) : ON"); else cons_show("Send chat states (/states) : OFF"); } void cons_outtype_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_OUTTYPE)) cons_show("Send composing (/outtype) : ON"); else cons_show("Send composing (/outtype) : OFF"); } void cons_intype_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_INTYPE)) cons_show("Show typing in titlebar (/intype titlebar) : ON"); else cons_show("Show typing in titlebar (/intype titlebar) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_INTYPE_CONSOLE)) cons_show("Show typing in console (/intype console) : ON"); else cons_show("Show typing in console (/intype console) : OFF"); } void cons_gone_setting(void) { gint gone_time = prefs_get_gone(); if (gone_time == 0) { cons_show("Leave conversation (/gone) : OFF"); } else if (gone_time == 1) { cons_show("Leave conversation (/gone) : 1 minute"); } else { cons_show("Leave conversation (/gone) : %d minutes", gone_time); } } void cons_history_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_HISTORY)) cons_show("Chat history (/history) : ON"); else cons_show("Chat history (/history) : OFF"); } void cons_carbons_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CARBONS)) cons_show("Message carbons (/carbons) : ON"); else cons_show("Message carbons (/carbons) : OFF"); } void cons_receipts_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_RECEIPTS_REQUEST)) cons_show("Request receipts (/receipts) : ON"); else cons_show("Request receipts (/receipts) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_RECEIPTS_SEND)) cons_show("Send receipts (/receipts) : ON"); else cons_show("Send receipts (/receipts) : OFF"); } void cons_show_chat_prefs(void) { cons_show("Chat preferences:"); cons_show(""); cons_states_setting(); cons_outtype_setting(); cons_intype_setting(); cons_gone_setting(); cons_history_setting(); cons_carbons_setting(); cons_receipts_setting(); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_inpblock_setting(void) { cons_show("Input timeout (/inpblock) : %d milliseconds", prefs_get_inpblock()); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_INPBLOCK_DYNAMIC)) { cons_show("Dynamic timeout (/inpblock) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Dynamic timeout (/inpblock) : OFF"); } } void cons_statusbar_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_STATUSBAR_SHOW_NAME)) { cons_show("Show tab names (/statusbar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Show tab names (/statusbar) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_STATUSBAR_SHOW_NUMBER)) { cons_show("Show tab numbers (/statusbar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Show tab numbers (/statusbar) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_STATUSBAR_SHOW_NUMBER)) { cons_show("Show tab with no actions (/statusbar) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Show tab with no actions (/statusbar) : OFF"); } cons_show("Max tabs (/statusbar) : %d", prefs_get_statusbartabs()); gint pref_len = prefs_get_statusbartablen(); if (pref_len == 0) { cons_show("Max tab length (/statusbar) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("Max tab length (/statusbar) : %d", pref_len); } char* pref_self = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSBAR_SELF); if (g_strcmp0(pref_self, "off") == 0) { cons_show("Self statusbar display (/statusbar) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("Self statusbar display (/statusbar) : %s", pref_self); } g_free(pref_self); char* pref_chat = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSBAR_CHAT); cons_show("Chat tab display (/statusbar) : %s", pref_chat); g_free(pref_chat); char* pref_room = prefs_get_string(PREF_STATUSBAR_ROOM); cons_show("Room tab display (/statusbar) : %s", pref_room); g_free(pref_room); } void cons_winpos_setting(void) { ProfWinPlacement* placement = prefs_get_win_placement(); cons_show("Title bar position (/titlebar) : %d", placement->titlebar_pos); cons_show("Main window position (/mainwin) : %d", placement->mainwin_pos); cons_show("Status bar position (/statusbar) : %d", placement->statusbar_pos); cons_show("Input window position (/inputwin) : %d", placement->inputwin_pos); prefs_free_win_placement(placement); } void cons_log_setting(void) { cons_show("Log file location : %s", get_log_file_location()); cons_show("Max log size (/log maxsize) : %d bytes", prefs_get_max_log_size()); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_LOG_ROTATE)) cons_show("Log rotation (/log rotate) : ON"); else cons_show("Log rotation (/log rotate) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_LOG_SHARED)) cons_show("Shared log (/log shared) : ON"); else cons_show("Shared log (/log shared) : OFF"); log_level_t filter = log_get_filter(); const gchar* level = log_string_from_level(filter); cons_show("Log level (/log level) : %s", level); } void cons_logging_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CHLOG)) cons_show("Chat logging (/logging chat) : ON"); else cons_show("Chat logging (/logging chat) : OFF"); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_GRLOG)) cons_show("Groupchat logging (/logging group) : ON"); else cons_show("Groupchat logging (/logging group) : OFF"); } void cons_show_log_prefs(void) { cons_show("Logging preferences:"); cons_show(""); cons_log_setting(); cons_logging_setting(); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_autoaway_setting(void) { char* pref_autoaway_mode = prefs_get_string(PREF_AUTOAWAY_MODE); if (strcmp(pref_autoaway_mode, "off") == 0) { cons_show("Autoaway (/autoaway mode) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("Autoaway (/autoaway mode) : %s", pref_autoaway_mode); } g_free(pref_autoaway_mode); int away_time = prefs_get_autoaway_time(); if (away_time == 1) { cons_show("Autoaway away minutes (/autoaway time) : 1 minute"); } else { cons_show("Autoaway away minutes (/autoaway time) : %d minutes", away_time); } int xa_time = prefs_get_autoxa_time(); if (xa_time == 0) { cons_show("Autoaway xa minutes (/autoaway time) : OFF"); } else if (xa_time == 1) { cons_show("Autoaway xa minutes (/autoaway time) : 1 minute"); } else { cons_show("Autoaway xa minutes (/autoaway time) : %d minutes", xa_time); } char* pref_autoaway_message = prefs_get_string(PREF_AUTOAWAY_MESSAGE); if ((pref_autoaway_message == NULL) || (strcmp(pref_autoaway_message, "") == 0)) { cons_show("Autoaway away message (/autoaway message) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("Autoaway away message (/autoaway message) : \"%s\"", pref_autoaway_message); } g_free(pref_autoaway_message); char* pref_autoxa_message = prefs_get_string(PREF_AUTOXA_MESSAGE); if ((pref_autoxa_message == NULL) || (strcmp(pref_autoxa_message, "") == 0)) { cons_show("Autoaway xa message (/autoaway message) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("Autoaway xa message (/autoaway message) : \"%s\"", pref_autoxa_message); } g_free(pref_autoxa_message); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_AUTOAWAY_CHECK)) { cons_show("Autoaway check (/autoaway check) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Autoaway check (/autoaway check) : OFF"); } } void cons_show_presence_prefs(void) { cons_show("Presence preferences:"); cons_show(""); cons_autoaway_setting(); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_LASTACTIVITY)) { cons_show("Send last activity (/lastactivity) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Send last activity (/lastactivity) : OFF"); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_reconnect_setting(void) { gint reconnect_interval = prefs_get_reconnect(); if (reconnect_interval == 0) { cons_show("Reconnect interval (/reconnect) : OFF"); } else if (reconnect_interval == 1) { cons_show("Reconnect interval (/reconnect) : 1 second"); } else { cons_show("Reconnect interval (/reconnect) : %d seconds", reconnect_interval); } } void cons_autoping_setting(void) { gint autoping_interval = prefs_get_autoping(); if (autoping_interval == 0) { cons_show("Autoping interval (/autoping) : OFF"); } else if (autoping_interval == 1) { cons_show("Autoping interval (/autoping) : 1 second"); } else { cons_show("Autoping interval (/autoping) : %d seconds", autoping_interval); } gint autoping_timeout = prefs_get_autoping_timeout(); if (autoping_timeout == 0) { cons_show("Autoping timeout (/autoping) : OFF"); } else if (autoping_timeout == 1) { cons_show("Autoping timeout (/autoping) : 1 second"); } else { cons_show("Autoping timeout (/autoping) : %d seconds", autoping_timeout); } } void cons_color_setting(void) { char* color_pref = prefs_get_string(PREF_COLOR_NICK); if (!color_pref) { cons_show("Consistent color generation for nicks (/color) : OFF"); return; } if (strcmp(color_pref, "true") == 0) { cons_show("Consistent color generation for nicks (/color) : ON"); } else if (strcmp(color_pref, "redgreen") == 0) { cons_show("Consistent color generation for nicks (/color) : REDGREEN"); } else if (strcmp(color_pref, "blue") == 0) { cons_show("Consistent color generation for nicks (/color) : BLUE"); } else { cons_show("Consistent color generation for nicks (/color) : OFF"); } g_free(color_pref); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_COLOR_NICK_OWN)) { cons_show("Consistent color generation for own nick (/color own) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Consistent color generation for own nick (/color own) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_ROSTER_COLOR_NICK)) { cons_show("Consistent color generation in roster (/roster color) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Consistent color generation in roster (/roster color) : OFF"); } if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_OCCUPANTS_COLOR_NICK)) { cons_show("Consistent color generation for occupants (/occupants color) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Consistent color generation for occupants (/occupants color) : OFF"); } } void cons_os_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_REVEAL_OS)) { cons_show("Reveal OS name when asked for software version (XEP-0092) (/os) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Reveal OS name when asked for software version (XEP-0092) (/os) : OFF"); } } void cons_correction_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_CORRECTION_ALLOW)) { cons_show("Last Message Correction (XEP-0308) (/correction) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Last Message Correction (XEP-0308) (/correction) : OFF"); } char* cc = prefs_get_correction_char(); cons_show("LMC indication char (/correction char) : %s", cc); free(cc); } void cons_executable_setting(void) { gchar* avatar = prefs_get_string(PREF_AVATAR_CMD); cons_show("Default '/avatar open' command (/executable avatar) : %s", avatar); g_free(avatar); // TODO: there needs to be a way to get all the "locales"/schemes so we can // display the default openers for all filetypes gchar* urlopen = prefs_get_string(PREF_URL_OPEN_CMD); cons_show("Default '/url open' command (/executable urlopen) : %s", urlopen); g_free(urlopen); gchar* urlsave = prefs_get_string(PREF_URL_SAVE_CMD); if (urlsave == NULL) { urlsave = g_strdup("(built-in)"); } cons_show("Default '/url save' command (/executable urlsave) : %s", urlsave); g_free(urlsave); gchar* editor = prefs_get_string(PREF_COMPOSE_EDITOR); cons_show("Default '/editor' command (/executable editor) : %s", editor); g_free(editor); } void cons_slashguard_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_SLASH_GUARD)) { cons_show("Slashguard (/slashguard) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Slashguard (/slashguard) : OFF"); } } void cons_mam_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_MAM)) { cons_show("Message Archive Management (XEP-0313) (/mam) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Message Archive Management (XEP-0313) (/mam) : OFF"); } } void cons_silence_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_SILENCE_NON_ROSTER)) { cons_show("Block all messages from JIDs that are not in the roster (/silence) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Block all messages from JIDs that are not in the roster (/silence) : OFF"); } } void cons_show_connection_prefs(void) { cons_show("Connection preferences:"); cons_show(""); cons_reconnect_setting(); cons_autoping_setting(); cons_autoconnect_setting(); cons_rooms_cache_setting(); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_otr_prefs(void) { cons_show("OTR preferences:"); cons_show(""); char* policy_value = prefs_get_string(PREF_OTR_POLICY); cons_show("OTR policy (/otr policy) : %s", policy_value); g_free(policy_value); char* log_value = prefs_get_string(PREF_OTR_LOG); if (strcmp(log_value, "on") == 0) { cons_show("OTR logging (/otr log) : ON"); } else if (strcmp(log_value, "off") == 0) { cons_show("OTR logging (/otr log) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("OTR logging (/otr log) : Redacted"); } g_free(log_value); char* ch = prefs_get_otr_char(); cons_show("OTR char (/otr char) : %s", ch); free(ch); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_OTR_SENDFILE)) { cons_show("Allow sending unencrypted files in an OTR session via /sendfile (/otr sendfile): ON"); } else { cons_show("Allow sending unencrypted files in an OTR session via /sendfile (/otr sendfile): OFF"); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_pgp_prefs(void) { cons_show("PGP preferences:"); cons_show(""); char* log_value = prefs_get_string(PREF_PGP_LOG); if (strcmp(log_value, "on") == 0) { cons_show("PGP logging (/pgp log) : ON"); } else if (strcmp(log_value, "off") == 0) { cons_show("PGP logging (/pgp log) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("PGP logging (/pgp log) : Redacted"); } g_free(log_value); char* ch = prefs_get_pgp_char(); cons_show("PGP char (/pgp char) : %s", ch); free(ch); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_PGP_SENDFILE)) { cons_show("Allow sending unencrypted files via /sendfile while otherwise using PGP (/pgp sendfile): ON"); } else { cons_show("Allow sending unencrypted files via /sendfile while otherwise using PGP (/pgp sendfile): OFF"); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_omemo_prefs(void) { cons_show("OMEMO preferences:"); cons_show(""); char* policy_value = prefs_get_string(PREF_OMEMO_POLICY); cons_show("OMEMO policy (/omemo policy) : %s", policy_value); g_free(policy_value); char* log_value = prefs_get_string(PREF_OMEMO_LOG); if (strcmp(log_value, "on") == 0) { cons_show("OMEMO logging (/omemo log) : ON"); } else if (strcmp(log_value, "off") == 0) { cons_show("OMEMO logging (/omemo log) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("OMEMO logging (/omemo log) : Redacted"); } g_free(log_value); char* ch = prefs_get_omemo_char(); cons_show("OMEMO char (/omemo char) : %s", ch); free(ch); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_ox_prefs(void) { cons_show("OX preferences:"); cons_show(""); char* log_value = prefs_get_string(PREF_OX_LOG); if (strcmp(log_value, "on") == 0) { cons_show("OX logging (/ox log) : ON"); } else if (strcmp(log_value, "off") == 0) { cons_show("OX logging (/ox log) : OFF"); } else { cons_show("OX logging (/ox log) : Redacted"); } g_free(log_value); char* ch = prefs_get_ox_char(); cons_show("OX char (/ox char) : %s", ch); free(ch); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_themes(GSList* themes) { cons_show(""); if (themes == NULL) { cons_show("No available themes."); } else { cons_show("Available themes:"); while (themes) { cons_show(themes->data); themes = g_slist_next(themes); } } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_scripts(GSList* scripts) { cons_show(""); if (scripts == NULL) { cons_show("No scripts available."); } else { cons_show("Scripts:"); while (scripts) { cons_show(scripts->data); scripts = g_slist_next(scripts); } } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_script(const char* const script, GSList* commands) { cons_show(""); if (commands == NULL) { cons_show("Script not found: %s", script); } else { cons_show("%s:", script); while (commands) { cons_show(" %s", commands->data); commands = g_slist_next(commands); } } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_prefs(void) { cons_show(""); cons_show_ui_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_desktop_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_chat_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_log_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_presence_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_connection_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_otr_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_pgp_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_omemo_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_show_ox_prefs(); cons_show(""); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_help(void) { int pad = strlen("/help commands connection") + 3; cons_show(""); cons_show("Choose a help option:"); cons_show(""); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands : List all commands."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands chat : List chat commands."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands groupchat : List groupchat commands."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands roster : List commands for manipulating your roster."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands presence : List commands to change your presence."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands discovery : List service discovery commands."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands connection : List commands related to managing your connection."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands ui : List commands for manipulating the user interface."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help commands plugins : List plugin commands."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help [command] : Detailed help on a specific command."); cons_show_padded(pad, "/help navigation : How to navigate around Profanity."); cons_show(""); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_navigation_help(void) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); cons_show(""); win_println(console, THEME_HELP_HEADER, "-", "Navigation"); cons_show("Alt-1..Alt-0, F1..F10 : Choose window."); cons_show("Alt-LEFT, Alt-RIGHT : Previous/next chat window."); cons_show("PAGEUP, PAGEDOWN : Page the main window."); cons_show("Alt-PAGEUP, Alt-PAGEDOWN : Page occupants/roster panel."); cons_show("Alt-a : Jump to the next unread window."); cons_show("Alt-v : Mark current window with attention flag."); cons_show("Alt-m : Switch between marked windows."); cons_show(""); cons_show("/win : Focus window n, where n is the window number."); cons_show("/win : Focus window with name, where name is the recipient, room or window title."); cons_show(""); cons_show("See '/help win' for more information."); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_roster_group(const char* const group, GSList* list) { cons_show(""); if (list) { cons_show("%s:", group); } else { cons_show("No group named %s exists.", group); } _show_roster_contacts(list, FALSE); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_roster(GSList* list) { cons_show(""); cons_show("Roster: jid (nick) - subscription - groups"); _show_roster_contacts(list, TRUE); cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_show_contact_online(PContact contact, Resource* resource, GDateTime* last_activity) { const char* show = string_from_resource_presence(resource->presence); char* display_str = p_contact_create_display_string(contact, resource->name); ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); win_show_status_string(console, display_str, show, resource->status, last_activity, "++", "online"); free(display_str); } void cons_show_contact_offline(PContact contact, char* resource, char* status) { char* display_str = p_contact_create_display_string(contact, resource); ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); win_show_status_string(console, display_str, "offline", status, NULL, "--", "offline"); free(display_str); } void cons_show_contacts(GSList* list) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); GSList* curr = list; while (curr) { PContact contact = curr->data; if ((strcmp(p_contact_subscription(contact), "to") == 0) || (strcmp(p_contact_subscription(contact), "both") == 0)) { win_show_contact(console, contact); } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } cons_alert(NULL); } void cons_alert(ProfWin* alert_origin_window) { ProfWin* current = wins_get_current(); if (current->type != WIN_CONSOLE) { status_bar_new(1, WIN_CONSOLE, "console"); char* win_name; if (alert_origin_window) { win_name = win_to_string(alert_origin_window); } else { win_name = strdup("console"); } GList* item = g_list_find_custom(alert_list, win_name, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0); if (!item) { alert_list = g_list_append(alert_list, g_strdup(win_name)); } free(win_name); } } char* cons_get_string(ProfConsoleWin* conswin) { assert(conswin != NULL); return strdup("Console"); } void _cons_theme_bar_prop(theme_item_t theme, char* prop) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); GString* propstr = g_string_new(" "); g_string_append_printf(propstr, "%-24s", prop); win_print(console, THEME_TEXT, "-", "%s", propstr->str); g_string_free(propstr, TRUE); GString* valstr = g_string_new(" "); char* setting = theme_get_string(prop); g_string_append_printf(valstr, "%s ", setting); theme_free_string(setting); win_append(console, theme, "%s", valstr->str); win_appendln(console, THEME_TEXT, ""); g_string_free(valstr, TRUE); } void _cons_theme_prop(theme_item_t theme, char* prop) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); GString* propstr = g_string_new(" "); g_string_append_printf(propstr, "%-24s", prop); win_print(console, THEME_TEXT, "-", "%s", propstr->str); g_string_free(propstr, TRUE); GString* valstr = g_string_new(""); char* setting = theme_get_string(prop); g_string_append_printf(valstr, "%s", setting); theme_free_string(setting); win_appendln(console, theme, "%s", valstr->str); g_string_free(valstr, TRUE); } void cons_theme_properties(void) { cons_show("Current colours:"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_TEXT, "titlebar.text"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_BRACKET, "titlebar.brackets"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_SCROLLED, "titlebar.scrolled"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_UNENCRYPTED, "titlebar.unencrypted"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_ENCRYPTED, "titlebar.encrypted"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_UNTRUSTED, "titlebar.untrusted"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_TRUSTED, "titlebar.trusted"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_CHAT, "titlebar.chat"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_ONLINE, "titlebar.online"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_AWAY, "titlebar.away"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_XA, "titlebar.xa"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_DND, "titlebar.dnd"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_TITLE_OFFLINE, "titlebar.offline"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_STATUS_TEXT, "statusbar.text"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_STATUS_BRACKET, "statusbar.brackets"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_STATUS_ACTIVE, "statusbar.active"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_STATUS_CURRENT, "statusbar.current"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_STATUS_NEW, "statusbar.new"); _cons_theme_bar_prop(THEME_STATUS_TIME, "statusbar.time"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_TIME, "main.time"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_TEXT, "main.text"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_SPLASH, "main.splash"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ERROR, "error"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_OTR_STARTED_TRUSTED, "otr.started.trusted"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_OTR_STARTED_UNTRUSTED, "otr.started.untrusted"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_OTR_ENDED, "otr.ended"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_OTR_TRUSTED, "otr.trusted"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_OTR_UNTRUSTED, "otr.untrusted"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ME, "me"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_TEXT_ME, "main.text.me"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_THEM, "them"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_TEXT_THEM, "main.text.them"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_TEXT_HISTORY, "main.text.history"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_CHAT, "chat"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ONLINE, "online"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_AWAY, "away"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_XA, "xa"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_DND, "dnd"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_OFFLINE, "offline"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_SUBSCRIBED, "subscribed"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_UNSUBSCRIBED, "unsubscribed"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_INCOMING, "incoming"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_MENTION, "mention"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_TRIGGER, "trigger"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_TYPING, "typing"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_GONE, "gone"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROOMINFO, "roominfo"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROOMMENTION, "roommention"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROOMMENTION_TERM, "roommention.term"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROOMTRIGGER, "roomtrigger"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROOMTRIGGER_TERM, "roomtrigger.term"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_HEADER, "roster.header"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_CHAT, "roster.chat"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_ONLINE, "roster.online"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_AWAY, "roster.away"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_XA, "roster.xa"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_DND, "roster.dnd"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_OFFLINE, "roster.offline"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_CHAT_ACTIVE, "roster.chat.active"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_ONLINE_ACTIVE, "roster.online.active"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_AWAY_ACTIVE, "roster.away.active"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_XA_ACTIVE, "roster.xa.active"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_DND_ACTIVE, "roster.dnd.active"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_OFFLINE_ACTIVE, "roster.offline.active"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_CHAT_UNREAD, "roster.chat.unread"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_ONLINE_UNREAD, "roster.online.unread"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_AWAY_UNREAD, "roster.away.unread"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_XA_UNREAD, "roster.xa.unread"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_DND_UNREAD, "roster.dnd.unread"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_OFFLINE_UNREAD, "roster.offline.unread"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_ROOM, "roster.room"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_ROOM_UNREAD, "roster.room.unread"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_ROOM_TRIGGER, "roster.room.trigger"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_ROSTER_ROOM_MENTION, "roster.room.mention"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_OCCUPANTS_HEADER, "occupants.header"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_RECEIPT_SENT, "receipt.sent"); _cons_theme_prop(THEME_INPUT_TEXT, "input.text"); cons_show(""); } void cons_theme_colours(void) { /* * { "default", -1 }, { "white", COLOR_WHITE }, { "green", COLOR_GREEN }, { "red", COLOR_RED }, { "yellow", COLOR_YELLOW }, { "blue", COLOR_BLUE }, { "cyan", COLOR_CYAN }, { "black", COLOR_BLACK }, { "magenta", COLOR_MAGENTA }, */ ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); cons_show("Available colours:"); win_print(console, THEME_WHITE, "-", " white "); win_appendln(console, THEME_WHITE_BOLD, " bold_white"); win_print(console, THEME_GREEN, "-", " green "); win_appendln(console, THEME_GREEN_BOLD, " bold_green"); win_print(console, THEME_RED, "-", " red "); win_appendln(console, THEME_RED_BOLD, " bold_red"); win_print(console, THEME_YELLOW, "-", " yellow "); win_appendln(console, THEME_YELLOW_BOLD, " bold_yellow"); win_print(console, THEME_BLUE, "-", " blue "); win_appendln(console, THEME_BLUE_BOLD, " bold_blue"); win_print(console, THEME_CYAN, "-", " cyan "); win_appendln(console, THEME_CYAN_BOLD, " bold_cyan"); win_print(console, THEME_MAGENTA, "-", " magenta "); win_appendln(console, THEME_MAGENTA_BOLD, " bold_magenta"); win_print(console, THEME_BLACK, "-", " black "); win_appendln(console, THEME_BLACK_BOLD, " bold_black"); if (COLORS >= 256) { cons_show("Your terminal supports 256 colours."); cons_show("But only basic colours are printed here."); cons_show("To use them use their Xterm colour name."); cons_show("See https://jonasjacek.github.io/colors/"); } cons_show(""); } static void _cons_splash_logo(void) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Welcome to"); win_println(console, THEME_SPLASH, "-", " ___ _ "); win_println(console, THEME_SPLASH, "-", " / __) (_)_ "); win_println(console, THEME_SPLASH, "-", " ____ ___ ___ | |__ ____ ____ _| |_ _ _ "); win_println(console, THEME_SPLASH, "-", "| _ \\ / __) _ \\| __) _ | _ \\| | _) | | |"); win_println(console, THEME_SPLASH, "-", "| | ) | | | (_) | | | ( | | | | | | |_| |_| |"); win_println(console, THEME_SPLASH, "-", "| ||_/|_| \\___/|_| \\_||_|_| |_|_|\\___)__ |"); win_println(console, THEME_SPLASH, "-", "|_| (____/ "); win_println(console, THEME_SPLASH, "-", ""); if (strcmp(PACKAGE_STATUS, "development") == 0) { #ifdef HAVE_GIT_VERSION win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Version %sdev.%s.%s", PACKAGE_VERSION, PROF_GIT_BRANCH, PROF_GIT_REVISION); #else win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "Version %sdev", PACKAGE_VERSION); #endif } else { win_println(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", "Version %s", PACKAGE_VERSION); } } static void _show_roster_contacts(GSList* list, gboolean show_groups) { ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); GSList* curr = list; while (curr) { PContact contact = curr->data; GString* title = g_string_new(" "); title = g_string_append(title, p_contact_barejid(contact)); if (p_contact_name(contact)) { title = g_string_append(title, " ("); title = g_string_append(title, p_contact_name(contact)); title = g_string_append(title, ")"); } const char* presence = p_contact_presence(contact); theme_item_t presence_colour = THEME_TEXT; if (p_contact_subscribed(contact)) { presence_colour = theme_main_presence_attrs(presence); } else { presence_colour = theme_main_presence_attrs("offline"); } win_print(console, presence_colour, "-", "%s", title->str); g_string_free(title, TRUE); win_append(console, THEME_DEFAULT, " - "); GString* sub = g_string_new(""); sub = g_string_append(sub, p_contact_subscription(contact)); if (p_contact_pending_out(contact)) { sub = g_string_append(sub, ", request sent"); } if (presence_sub_request_exists(p_contact_barejid(contact))) { sub = g_string_append(sub, ", request received"); } if (p_contact_subscribed(contact)) { presence_colour = THEME_SUBSCRIBED; } else { presence_colour = THEME_UNSUBSCRIBED; } if (show_groups) { win_append(console, presence_colour, "%s", sub->str); } else { win_appendln(console, presence_colour, "%s", sub->str); } g_string_free(sub, TRUE); if (show_groups) { GSList* groups = p_contact_groups(contact); if (groups) { GString* groups_str = g_string_new(" - "); while (groups) { g_string_append(groups_str, groups->data); if (g_slist_next(groups)) { g_string_append(groups_str, ", "); } groups = g_slist_next(groups); } win_appendln(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", groups_str->str); g_string_free(groups_str, TRUE); } else { win_appendln(console, THEME_DEFAULT, " "); } } curr = g_slist_next(curr); } } void cons_show_bookmarks_ignore(gchar** list, gsize len) { if (len == 0) { cons_show(""); cons_show("No ignored bookmarks"); return; } ProfWin* console = wins_get_console(); cons_show(""); cons_show("Ignored bookmarks:"); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { win_print(console, THEME_DEFAULT, "-", " %s", list[i]); win_newline(console); } } gboolean cons_has_alerts(void) { if (g_list_length(alert_list) > 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void cons_clear_alerts(void) { g_list_free_full(alert_list, g_free); alert_list = NULL; } void cons_remove_alert(ProfWin* window) { char* win_name = win_to_string(window); GList* item = g_list_find_custom(alert_list, win_name, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0); alert_list = g_list_remove_link(alert_list, item); g_list_free_full(item, g_free); free(win_name); } void cons_mood_setting(void) { if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_MOOD)) { cons_show("Display user mood (/mood) : ON"); } else { cons_show("Display user mood (/mood) : OFF"); } }