/* * mucwin.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019 James Booth * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "plugins/plugins.h" #include "ui/window.h" #include "ui/win_types.h" #include "ui/window_list.h" void mucwin_role_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const role, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Your role has been changed to: %s", role); if (actor) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", by: %s", actor); } if (reason) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", reason: %s", reason); } win_appendln(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ""); } void mucwin_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const affiliation, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Your affiliation has been changed to: %s", affiliation); if (actor) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", by: %s", actor); } if (reason) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", reason: %s", reason); } win_appendln(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ""); } void mucwin_role_and_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const role, const char *const affiliation, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Your role and affiliation have been changed, role: %s, affiliation: %s", role, affiliation); if (actor) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", by: %s", actor); } if (reason) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", reason: %s", reason); } win_appendln(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ""); } void mucwin_occupant_role_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const role, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "%s's role has been changed to: %s", nick, role); if (actor) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", by: %s", actor); } if (reason) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", reason: %s", reason); } win_appendln(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ""); } void mucwin_occupant_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const affiliation, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "%s's affiliation has been changed to: %s", nick, affiliation); if (actor) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", by: %s", actor); } if (reason) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", reason: %s", reason); } win_appendln(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ""); } void mucwin_occupant_role_and_affiliation_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const role, const char *const affiliation, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "%s's role and affiliation have been changed, role: %s, affiliation: %s", nick, role, affiliation); if (actor) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", by: %s", actor); } if (reason) { win_append(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ", reason: %s", reason); } win_appendln(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ""); } void mucwin_room_info_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const error) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Room info request failed: %s", error); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); } void mucwin_room_disco_info(ProfMucWin *mucwin, GSList *identities, GSList *features) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; if ((identities && (g_slist_length(identities) > 0)) || (features && (g_slist_length(features) > 0))) { if (identities) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Identities:"); } while (identities) { DiscoIdentity *identity = identities->data; // anme trpe, cat GString *identity_str = g_string_new(" "); if (identity->name) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, identity->name); identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, " "); } if (identity->type) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, identity->type); identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, " "); } if (identity->category) { identity_str = g_string_append(identity_str, identity->category); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "%s", identity_str->str); g_string_free(identity_str, TRUE); identities = g_slist_next(identities); } if (features) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Features:"); } while (features) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s", features->data); features = g_slist_next(features); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); } } void mucwin_roster(ProfMucWin *mucwin, GList *roster, const char *const presence) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; if ((roster == NULL) || (g_list_length(roster) == 0)) { if (presence == NULL) { win_println(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Room is empty."); } else { win_println(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "No occupants %s.", presence); } } else { int length = g_list_length(roster); if (presence == NULL) { win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "%d occupants: ", length); } else { win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "%d %s: ", length, presence); } while (roster) { Occupant *occupant = roster->data; const char *presence_str = string_from_resource_presence(occupant->presence); theme_item_t presence_colour = theme_main_presence_attrs(presence_str); win_append(window, presence_colour, "%s", occupant->nick); if (roster->next) { win_append(window, THEME_DEFAULT, ", "); } roster = g_list_next(roster); } win_appendln(window, THEME_ONLINE, ""); } } void mucwin_occupant_offline(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_OFFLINE, '!', "<- %s has left the room.", nick); } void mucwin_occupant_kicked(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; GString *message = g_string_new(nick); g_string_append(message, " has been kicked from the room"); if (actor) { g_string_append(message, " by "); g_string_append(message, actor); } if (reason) { g_string_append(message, ", reason: "); g_string_append(message, reason); } win_println(window, THEME_OFFLINE, '!', "<- %s", message->str); g_string_free(message, TRUE); } void mucwin_occupant_banned(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const actor, const char *const reason) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; GString *message = g_string_new(nick); g_string_append(message, " has been banned from the room"); if (actor) { g_string_append(message, " by "); g_string_append(message, actor); } if (reason) { g_string_append(message, ", reason: "); g_string_append(message, reason); } win_println(window, THEME_OFFLINE, '!', "<- %s", message->str); g_string_free(message, TRUE); } void mucwin_occupant_online(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const role, const char *const affiliation, const char *const show, const char *const status) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_print(window, THEME_ONLINE, '!', "-> %s has joined the room", nick); if (prefs_get_boolean(PREF_MUC_PRIVILEGES)) { if (role) { win_append(window, THEME_ONLINE, ", role: %s", role); } if (affiliation) { win_append(window, THEME_ONLINE, ", affiliation: %s", affiliation); } } win_appendln(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, ""); } void mucwin_occupant_presence(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const show, const char *const status) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_show_status_string(window, nick, show, status, NULL, "++", "online"); } void mucwin_occupant_nick_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const old_nick, const char *const nick) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_THEM, '!', "** %s is now known as %s", old_nick, nick); } void mucwin_nick_change(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_ME, '!', "** You are now known as %s", nick); } void mucwin_history(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, GDateTime *timestamp, const char *const message) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; GString *line = g_string_new(""); if (strncmp(message, "/me ", 4) == 0) { g_string_append(line, "*"); g_string_append(line, nick); g_string_append(line, " "); g_string_append(line, message + 4); } else { g_string_append(line, nick); g_string_append(line, ": "); g_string_append(line, message); } win_print_history(window, timestamp, "%s", line->str); g_string_free(line, TRUE); plugins_on_room_history_message(mucwin->roomjid, nick, message, timestamp); } static void _mucwin_print_mention(ProfWin *window, const char *const message, const char *const nick, GSList *mentions) { int last_pos = 0; int pos = 0; GSList *curr = mentions; while (curr) { pos = GPOINTER_TO_INT(curr->data); char *before_str = g_strndup(message + last_pos, pos - last_pos); win_append_highlight(window, THEME_ROOMMENTION, "%s", before_str); g_free(before_str); char *nick_str = g_strndup(message + pos, strlen(nick)); win_append_highlight(window, THEME_ROOMMENTION_TERM, "%s", nick_str); g_free(nick_str); last_pos = pos + strlen(nick); curr = g_slist_next(curr); } if (last_pos < strlen(message)) { win_appendln_highlight(window, THEME_ROOMMENTION, "%s", &message[last_pos]); } else { win_appendln_highlight(window, THEME_ROOMMENTION, ""); } } gint _cmp_trigger_weight(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { int alen = strlen((char*)a); int blen = strlen((char*)b); if (alen > blen) return -1; if (alen < blen) return 1; return 0; } static void _mucwin_print_triggers(ProfWin *window, const char *const message, GList *triggers) { GList *weighted_triggers = NULL; GList *curr = triggers; while (curr) { weighted_triggers = g_list_insert_sorted(weighted_triggers, curr->data, (GCompareFunc)_cmp_trigger_weight); curr = g_list_next(curr); } char *message_lower = g_utf8_strdown(message, -1); // find earliest trigger in message int first_trigger_pos = -1; int first_trigger_len = -1; curr = weighted_triggers; while (curr) { char *trigger_lower = g_utf8_strdown(curr->data, -1); char *trigger_ptr = g_strstr_len(message_lower, -1, trigger_lower); // not found, try next if (trigger_ptr == NULL) { curr = g_list_next(curr); continue; } // found, repace vars if earlier than previous int trigger_pos = trigger_ptr - message_lower; if (first_trigger_pos == -1 || trigger_pos < first_trigger_pos) { first_trigger_pos = trigger_pos; first_trigger_len = strlen(trigger_lower); } g_free(trigger_lower); curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_free(message_lower); g_list_free(weighted_triggers); // no triggers found if (first_trigger_pos == -1) { win_appendln_highlight(window, THEME_ROOMTRIGGER, "%s", message); } else { if (first_trigger_pos > 0) { char message_section[strlen(message) + 1]; int i = 0; while (i < first_trigger_pos) { message_section[i] = message[i]; i++; } message_section[i] = '\0'; win_append_highlight(window, THEME_ROOMTRIGGER, "%s", message_section); } char trigger_section[first_trigger_len + 1]; int i = 0; while (i < first_trigger_len) { trigger_section[i] = message[first_trigger_pos + i]; i++; } trigger_section[i] = '\0'; if (first_trigger_pos + first_trigger_len < strlen(message)) { win_append_highlight(window, THEME_ROOMTRIGGER_TERM, "%s", trigger_section); _mucwin_print_triggers(window, &message[first_trigger_pos + first_trigger_len], triggers); } else { win_appendln_highlight(window, THEME_ROOMTRIGGER_TERM, "%s", trigger_section); } } } void mucwin_message(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const message, GSList *mentions, GList *triggers) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; char *mynick = muc_nick(mucwin->roomjid); char ch = '-'; if (mucwin->message_char) { ch = mucwin->message_char[0]; } if (g_strcmp0(nick, mynick) != 0) { if (g_slist_length(mentions) > 0) { win_print_them(window, THEME_ROOMMENTION, ch, nick); _mucwin_print_mention(window, message, mynick, mentions); } else if (triggers) { win_print_them(window, THEME_ROOMTRIGGER, ch, nick); _mucwin_print_triggers(window, message, triggers); } else { win_println_them_message(window, ch, nick, "%s", message); } } else { win_println_me_message(window, ch, mynick, "%s", message); } } void mucwin_requires_config(ProfMucWin *mucwin) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; int num = wins_get_num(window); int ui_index = num; if (ui_index == 10) { ui_index = 0; } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); win_println(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Room locked, requires configuration."); win_println(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Use '/room accept' to accept the defaults"); win_println(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Use '/room destroy' to cancel and destroy the room"); win_println(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Use '/room config' to edit the room configuration"); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); // currently in groupchat window if (wins_is_current(window)) { status_bar_active(num, WIN_MUC, mucwin->roomjid); // not currently on groupchat window } else { status_bar_new(num, WIN_MUC, mucwin->roomjid); } } void mucwin_subject(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const subject) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; if (subject) { if (nick) { win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "*%s has set the room subject: ", nick); win_appendln(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", subject); } else { win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Room subject: "); win_appendln(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", subject); } } else { if (nick) { win_println(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "*%s has cleared the room subject.", nick); } else { win_println(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Room subject cleared"); } } } void mucwin_kick_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const error) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_ERROR, '!', "Error kicking %s: %s", nick, error); } void mucwin_broadcast(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const message) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; int num = wins_get_num(window); win_print(window, THEME_ROOMINFO, '!', "Room message: "); win_appendln(window, THEME_DEFAULT, "%s", message); // currently in groupchat window if (wins_is_current(window)) { status_bar_active(num, WIN_MUC, mucwin->roomjid); // not currently on groupchat window } else { status_bar_new(num, WIN_MUC, mucwin->roomjid); } } void mucwin_affiliation_list_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const affiliation, const char *const error) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_ERROR, '!', "Error retrieving %s list: %s", affiliation, error); } void mucwin_handle_affiliation_list(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const affiliation, GSList *jids) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; if (jids) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Affiliation: %s", affiliation); GSList *curr_jid = jids; while (curr_jid) { const char *jid = curr_jid->data; win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s", jid); curr_jid = g_slist_next(curr_jid); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', ""); } else { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No users found with affiliation: %s", affiliation); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', ""); } } void mucwin_show_affiliation_list(ProfMucWin *mucwin, muc_affiliation_t affiliation) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*) mucwin; GSList *occupants = muc_occupants_by_affiliation(mucwin->roomjid, affiliation); if (!occupants) { switch (affiliation) { case MUC_AFFILIATION_OWNER: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No owners found."); break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_ADMIN: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No admins found."); break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_MEMBER: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No members found."); break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_OUTCAST: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No outcasts found."); break; default: break; } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); } else { switch (affiliation) { case MUC_AFFILIATION_OWNER: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Owners:"); break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_ADMIN: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Admins:"); break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_MEMBER: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Members:"); break; case MUC_AFFILIATION_OUTCAST: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Outcasts:"); break; default: break; } GSList *curr_occupant = occupants; while(curr_occupant) { Occupant *occupant = curr_occupant->data; if (occupant->affiliation == affiliation) { if (occupant->jid) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s (%s)", occupant->nick, occupant->jid); } else { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s", occupant->nick); } } curr_occupant = g_slist_next(curr_occupant); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); } } void mucwin_role_list_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const role, const char *const error) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_ERROR, '!', "Error retrieving %s list: %s", role, error); } void mucwin_handle_role_list(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const role, GSList *nicks) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; if (nicks) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Role: %s", role); GSList *curr_nick = nicks; while (curr_nick) { const char *nick = curr_nick->data; Occupant *occupant = muc_roster_item(mucwin->roomjid, nick); if (occupant) { if (occupant->jid) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s (%s)", nick, occupant->jid); } else { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s", nick); } } else { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s", nick); } curr_nick = g_slist_next(curr_nick); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', ""); } else { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No occupants found with role: %s", role); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', ""); } } void mucwin_show_role_list(ProfMucWin *mucwin, muc_role_t role) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; GSList *occupants = muc_occupants_by_role(mucwin->roomjid, role); if (!occupants) { switch (role) { case MUC_ROLE_MODERATOR: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No moderators found."); break; case MUC_ROLE_PARTICIPANT: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No participants found."); break; case MUC_ROLE_VISITOR: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "No visitors found."); break; default: break; } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); } else { switch (role) { case MUC_ROLE_MODERATOR: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Moderators:"); break; case MUC_ROLE_PARTICIPANT: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Participants:"); break; case MUC_ROLE_VISITOR: win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Visitors:"); break; default: break; } GSList *curr_occupant = occupants; while(curr_occupant) { Occupant *occupant = curr_occupant->data; if (occupant->role == role) { if (occupant->jid) { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s (%s)", occupant->nick, occupant->jid); } else { win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', " %s", occupant->nick); } } curr_occupant = g_slist_next(curr_occupant); } win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); } } void mucwin_affiliation_set_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const jid, const char *const affiliation, const char *const error) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_ERROR, '!', "Error setting %s affiliation for %s: %s", affiliation, jid, error); } void mucwin_role_set_error(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const nick, const char *const role, const char *const error) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_ERROR, '!', "Error setting %s role for %s: %s", role, nick, error); } void mucwin_info(ProfMucWin *mucwin) { assert(mucwin != NULL); char *role = muc_role_str(mucwin->roomjid); char *affiliation = muc_affiliation_str(mucwin->roomjid); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*) mucwin; win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Room: %s", mucwin->roomjid); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Affiliation: %s", affiliation); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '!', "Role: %s", role); win_println(window, THEME_DEFAULT, '-', ""); } void mucwin_update_occupants(ProfMucWin *mucwin) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; if (win_has_active_subwin(window)) { occupantswin_occupants(mucwin->roomjid); } } void mucwin_show_occupants(ProfMucWin *mucwin) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; if (!win_has_active_subwin(window)) { wins_show_subwin(window); occupantswin_occupants(mucwin->roomjid); } } void mucwin_hide_occupants(ProfMucWin *mucwin) { assert(mucwin != NULL); ProfWin *window = (ProfWin*)mucwin; if (win_has_active_subwin(window)) { wins_hide_subwin(window); } } char* mucwin_get_string(ProfMucWin *mucwin) { assert(mucwin != NULL); GString *res = g_string_new("Room "); g_string_append(res, mucwin->roomjid); if (mucwin->unread > 0) { g_string_append_printf(res, ", %d unread", mucwin->unread); } char *resstr = res->str; g_string_free(res, FALSE); return resstr; } void mucwin_set_enctext(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const enctext) { if (mucwin->enctext) { free(mucwin->enctext); } mucwin->enctext = strdup(enctext); } void mucwin_unset_enctext(ProfMucWin *mucwin) { if (mucwin->enctext) { free(mucwin->enctext); mucwin->enctext = NULL; } } void mucwin_set_message_char(ProfMucWin *mucwin, const char *const ch) { if (mucwin->message_char) { free(mucwin->message_char); } mucwin->message_char = strdup(ch); } void mucwin_unset_message_char(ProfMucWin *mucwin) { if (mucwin->message_char) { free(mucwin->message_char); mucwin->message_char = NULL; } }