/* * win_types.h * vim: expandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4 * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019 James Booth * * This file is part of Profani-tty. * * Profani-tty is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profani-tty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profani-tty. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #ifndef UI_WIN_TYPES_H #define UI_WIN_TYPES_H #include "config.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_NCURSESW_NCURSES_H #include #elif HAVE_NCURSES_H #include #elif HAVE_CURSES_H #include #endif #include "tools/autocomplete.h" #include "ui/buffer.h" #include "xmpp/chat_state.h" #include "xmpp/vcard.h" #define LAYOUT_SPLIT_MEMCHECK 12345671 #define PROFCHATWIN_MEMCHECK 22374522 #define PROFMUCWIN_MEMCHECK 52345276 #define PROFPRIVATEWIN_MEMCHECK 77437483 #define PROFCONFWIN_MEMCHECK 64334685 #define PROFXMLWIN_MEMCHECK 87333463 #define PROFPLUGINWIN_MEMCHECK 43434777 #define PROFVCARDWIN_MEMCHECK 68947523 typedef enum { FIELD_HIDDEN, FIELD_TEXT_SINGLE, FIELD_TEXT_PRIVATE, FIELD_TEXT_MULTI, FIELD_BOOLEAN, FIELD_LIST_SINGLE, FIELD_LIST_MULTI, FIELD_JID_SINGLE, FIELD_JID_MULTI, FIELD_FIXED, FIELD_UNKNOWN } form_field_type_t; typedef struct form_option_t { char* label; char* value; } FormOption; typedef struct form_field_t { char* label; char* type; form_field_type_t type_t; char* var; char* description; gboolean required; GSList* values; GSList* options; Autocomplete value_ac; } FormField; typedef struct data_form_t { char* type; char* title; char* instructions; GSList* fields; GHashTable* var_to_tag; GHashTable* tag_to_var; Autocomplete tag_ac; gboolean modified; } DataForm; typedef enum { LAYOUT_SIMPLE, LAYOUT_SPLIT } layout_type_t; typedef struct prof_layout_t { layout_type_t type; WINDOW* win; ProfBuff buffer; int y_pos; int paged; } ProfLayout; typedef struct prof_layout_simple_t { ProfLayout base; } ProfLayoutSimple; typedef struct prof_layout_split_t { ProfLayout base; WINDOW* subwin; int sub_y_pos; unsigned long memcheck; } ProfLayoutSplit; typedef enum { WIN_CONSOLE, WIN_CHAT, WIN_MUC, WIN_CONFIG, WIN_PRIVATE, WIN_XML, WIN_PLUGIN, WIN_VCARD } win_type_t; typedef struct prof_win_t { win_type_t type; ProfLayout* layout; Autocomplete urls_ac; Autocomplete quotes_ac; } ProfWin; typedef struct prof_console_win_t { ProfWin window; } ProfConsoleWin; typedef struct prof_chat_win_t { ProfWin window; char* barejid; int unread; ChatState* state; gboolean is_otr; gboolean otr_is_trusted; gboolean pgp_send; gboolean pgp_recv; gboolean is_omemo; gboolean is_ox; // XEP-0373: OpenPGP for XMPP char* resource_override; gboolean history_shown; unsigned long memcheck; char* enctext; char* incoming_char; char* outgoing_char; // For LMC char* last_message; char* last_msg_id; gboolean has_attention; } ProfChatWin; typedef struct prof_muc_win_t { ProfWin window; char* roomjid; char* room_name; int unread; gboolean unread_mentions; gboolean unread_triggers; gboolean showjid; gboolean showoffline; gboolean is_omemo; unsigned long memcheck; char* enctext; char* message_char; GDateTime* last_msg_timestamp; // For LMC char* last_message; char* last_msg_id; gboolean has_attention; } ProfMucWin; typedef struct prof_conf_win_t ProfConfWin; typedef void (*ProfConfWinCallback)(ProfConfWin*); struct prof_conf_win_t { ProfWin window; char* roomjid; DataForm* form; unsigned long memcheck; ProfConfWinCallback submit; ProfConfWinCallback cancel; const void* userdata; }; typedef struct prof_private_win_t { ProfWin window; char* fulljid; int unread; unsigned long memcheck; gboolean occupant_offline; gboolean room_left; } ProfPrivateWin; typedef struct prof_xml_win_t { ProfWin window; unsigned long memcheck; } ProfXMLWin; typedef struct prof_plugin_win_t { ProfWin window; char* tag; char* plugin_name; unsigned long memcheck; } ProfPluginWin; typedef struct prof_vcard_win_t { ProfWin window; vCard* vcard; unsigned long memcheck; } ProfVcardWin; #endif