/* * connection.c * * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2019 James Booth * Copyright (C) 2018 - 2019 Michael Vetter * * This file is part of Profanity. * * Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Profanity. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under * certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and * distribute linked combinations including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the * code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you * may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception * statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all * source files in the program, then also delete it here. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBMESODE #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBSTROPHE #include #endif #include "common.h" #include "log.h" #include "config/files.h" #include "config/preferences.h" #include "event/server_events.h" #include "xmpp/connection.h" #include "xmpp/session.h" #include "xmpp/iq.h" typedef struct prof_conn_t { xmpp_log_t *xmpp_log; xmpp_ctx_t *xmpp_ctx; xmpp_conn_t *xmpp_conn; gboolean xmpp_in_event_loop; jabber_conn_status_t conn_status; xmpp_conn_event_t conn_last_event; char *presence_message; int priority; char *domain; GHashTable *available_resources; GHashTable *features_by_jid; GHashTable *requested_features; } ProfConnection; static ProfConnection conn; static gchar *random_bytes = NULL; static gchar *prof_identifier = NULL; static xmpp_log_t* _xmpp_get_file_logger(void); static void _xmpp_file_logger(void *const userdata, const xmpp_log_level_t level, const char *const area, const char *const msg); static void _connection_handler(xmpp_conn_t *const xmpp_conn, const xmpp_conn_event_t status, const int error, xmpp_stream_error_t *const stream_error, void *const userdata); #ifdef HAVE_LIBMESODE TLSCertificate* _xmppcert_to_profcert(xmpp_tlscert_t *xmpptlscert); static int _connection_certfail_cb(xmpp_tlscert_t *xmpptlscert, const char *const errormsg); #endif static void _random_bytes_init(void); static void _random_bytes_close(void); static void _calculate_identifier(const char *barejid); void connection_init(void) { xmpp_initialize(); conn.xmpp_conn = NULL; conn.xmpp_ctx = NULL; conn.xmpp_in_event_loop = FALSE; conn.conn_status = JABBER_DISCONNECTED; conn.conn_last_event = XMPP_CONN_DISCONNECT; conn.presence_message = NULL; conn.domain = NULL; conn.features_by_jid = NULL; conn.available_resources = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, (GDestroyNotify)resource_destroy); conn.requested_features = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, NULL); _random_bytes_init(); } void connection_check_events(void) { conn.xmpp_in_event_loop = TRUE; xmpp_run_once(conn.xmpp_ctx, 10); conn.xmpp_in_event_loop = FALSE; } void connection_shutdown(void) { connection_clear_data(); xmpp_shutdown(); free(conn.xmpp_log); conn.xmpp_log = NULL; _random_bytes_close(); } jabber_conn_status_t connection_connect(const char *const jid, const char *const passwd, const char *const altdomain, int port, const char *const tls_policy) { assert(jid != NULL); assert(passwd != NULL); Jid *jidp = jid_create(jid); if (jidp == NULL) { log_error("Malformed JID not able to connect: %s", jid); conn.conn_status = JABBER_DISCONNECTED; return conn.conn_status; } _calculate_identifier(jidp->barejid); jid_destroy(jidp); log_info("Connecting as %s", jid); if (conn.xmpp_log) { free(conn.xmpp_log); } conn.xmpp_log = _xmpp_get_file_logger(); if (conn.xmpp_conn) { xmpp_conn_release(conn.xmpp_conn); } if (conn.xmpp_ctx) { xmpp_ctx_free(conn.xmpp_ctx); } conn.xmpp_ctx = xmpp_ctx_new(NULL, conn.xmpp_log); if (conn.xmpp_ctx == NULL) { log_warning("Failed to get libstrophe ctx during connect"); return JABBER_DISCONNECTED; } conn.xmpp_conn = xmpp_conn_new(conn.xmpp_ctx); if (conn.xmpp_conn == NULL) { log_warning("Failed to get libstrophe conn during connect"); return JABBER_DISCONNECTED; } xmpp_conn_set_jid(conn.xmpp_conn, jid); xmpp_conn_set_pass(conn.xmpp_conn, passwd); if (!tls_policy || (g_strcmp0(tls_policy, "force") == 0)) { xmpp_conn_set_flags(conn.xmpp_conn, XMPP_CONN_FLAG_MANDATORY_TLS); } else if (g_strcmp0(tls_policy, "trust") == 0) { xmpp_conn_set_flags(conn.xmpp_conn, XMPP_CONN_FLAG_MANDATORY_TLS); xmpp_conn_set_flags(conn.xmpp_conn, XMPP_CONN_FLAG_TRUST_TLS); } else if (g_strcmp0(tls_policy, "disable") == 0) { xmpp_conn_set_flags(conn.xmpp_conn, XMPP_CONN_FLAG_DISABLE_TLS); } else if (g_strcmp0(tls_policy, "legacy") == 0) { xmpp_conn_set_flags(conn.xmpp_conn, XMPP_CONN_FLAG_LEGACY_SSL); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBMESODE char *cert_path = prefs_get_tls_certpath(); if (cert_path) { xmpp_conn_tlscert_path(conn.xmpp_conn, cert_path); free(cert_path); } int connect_status = xmpp_connect_client( conn.xmpp_conn, altdomain, port, _connection_certfail_cb, _connection_handler, conn.xmpp_ctx); #else int connect_status = xmpp_connect_client( conn.xmpp_conn, altdomain, port, _connection_handler, conn.xmpp_ctx); #endif if (connect_status == 0) { conn.conn_status = JABBER_CONNECTING; } else { conn.conn_status = JABBER_DISCONNECTED; } return conn.conn_status; } void connection_disconnect(void) { // don't disconnect already disconnected connection, // or we get infinite loop otherwise if (conn.conn_last_event == XMPP_CONN_CONNECT) { conn.conn_status = JABBER_DISCONNECTING; xmpp_disconnect(conn.xmpp_conn); while (conn.conn_status == JABBER_DISCONNECTING) { session_process_events(); } } else { conn.conn_status = JABBER_DISCONNECTED; } // can't free libstrophe objects while we're in the event loop if (!conn.xmpp_in_event_loop) { if (conn.xmpp_conn) { xmpp_conn_release(conn.xmpp_conn); conn.xmpp_conn = NULL; } if (conn.xmpp_ctx) { xmpp_ctx_free(conn.xmpp_ctx); conn.xmpp_ctx = NULL; } } free(prof_identifier); } void connection_set_disconnected(void) { FREE_SET_NULL(conn.presence_message); FREE_SET_NULL(conn.domain); conn.conn_status = JABBER_DISCONNECTED; } void connection_clear_data(void) { if (conn.features_by_jid) { g_hash_table_destroy(conn.features_by_jid); conn.features_by_jid = NULL; } if (conn.available_resources) { g_hash_table_remove_all(conn.available_resources); } if (conn.requested_features) { g_hash_table_remove_all(conn.requested_features); } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBMESODE TLSCertificate* connection_get_tls_peer_cert(void) { xmpp_tlscert_t *xmpptlscert = xmpp_conn_tls_peer_cert(conn.xmpp_conn); TLSCertificate *cert = _xmppcert_to_profcert(xmpptlscert); xmpp_conn_free_tlscert(conn.xmpp_ctx, xmpptlscert); return cert; } #endif gboolean connection_is_secured(void) { if (conn.conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { return xmpp_conn_is_secured(conn.xmpp_conn) == 0 ? FALSE : TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } gboolean connection_send_stanza(const char *const stanza) { if (conn.conn_status != JABBER_CONNECTED) { return FALSE; } else { xmpp_send_raw_string(conn.xmpp_conn, "%s", stanza); return TRUE; } } gboolean connection_supports(const char *const feature) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GList *jids = g_hash_table_get_keys(conn.features_by_jid); GList *curr = jids; while (curr) { char *jid = curr->data; GHashTable *features = g_hash_table_lookup(conn.features_by_jid, jid); if (features && g_hash_table_lookup(features, feature)) { ret = TRUE; break; } curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_list_free(jids); return ret; } char* connection_jid_for_feature(const char *const feature) { if (conn.features_by_jid == NULL) { return NULL; } GList *jids = g_hash_table_get_keys(conn.features_by_jid); GList *curr = jids; while (curr) { char *jid = curr->data; GHashTable *features = g_hash_table_lookup(conn.features_by_jid, jid); if (features && g_hash_table_lookup(features, feature)) { g_list_free(jids); return jid; } curr = g_list_next(curr); } g_list_free(jids); return NULL; } void connection_request_features(void) { /* We don't record it as a requested feature to avoid triggering th * sv_ev_connection_features_received too soon */ iq_disco_info_request_onconnect(conn.domain); } void connection_set_disco_items(GSList *items) { GSList *curr = items; while (curr) { DiscoItem *item = curr->data; g_hash_table_insert(conn.requested_features, strdup(item->jid), NULL); g_hash_table_insert(conn.features_by_jid, strdup(item->jid), g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, NULL)); iq_disco_info_request_onconnect(item->jid); curr = g_slist_next(curr); } } jabber_conn_status_t connection_get_status(void) { return conn.conn_status; } xmpp_conn_t* connection_get_conn(void) { return conn.xmpp_conn; } xmpp_ctx_t* connection_get_ctx(void) { return conn.xmpp_ctx; } const char* connection_get_fulljid(void) { const char *jid = xmpp_conn_get_bound_jid(conn.xmpp_conn); if (jid) { return jid; } else { return xmpp_conn_get_jid(conn.xmpp_conn); } } void connection_features_received(const char *const jid) { if (g_hash_table_remove(conn.requested_features, jid) && g_hash_table_size(conn.requested_features) == 0) { sv_ev_connection_features_received(); } } GHashTable* connection_get_features(const char *const jid) { return g_hash_table_lookup(conn.features_by_jid, jid); } GList* connection_get_available_resources(void) { return g_hash_table_get_values(conn.available_resources); } void connection_add_available_resource(Resource *resource) { g_hash_table_replace(conn.available_resources, strdup(resource->name), resource); } void connection_remove_available_resource(const char *const resource) { g_hash_table_remove(conn.available_resources, resource); } char* connection_create_uuid(void) { return xmpp_uuid_gen(conn.xmpp_ctx); } void connection_free_uuid(char *uuid) { if (uuid) { xmpp_free(conn.xmpp_ctx, uuid); } } char* connection_create_stanza_id(void) { char *msgid = get_random_string(10); assert(msgid != NULL); gchar *hmac = g_compute_hmac_for_string(G_CHECKSUM_SHA256, (guchar*)prof_identifier, strlen(prof_identifier), msgid, strlen(msgid)); GString *signature = g_string_new(""); g_string_printf(signature, "%s%s", msgid, hmac); char *b64 = g_base64_encode((unsigned char*)signature->str, signature->len); g_string_free(signature, TRUE); assert(b64 != NULL); return b64; } char* connection_get_domain(void) { return conn.domain; } char* connection_get_presence_msg(void) { return conn.presence_message; } void connection_set_presence_msg(const char *const message) { FREE_SET_NULL(conn.presence_message); if (message) { conn.presence_message = strdup(message); } } void connection_set_priority(const int priority) { conn.priority = priority; } static void _connection_handler(xmpp_conn_t *const xmpp_conn, const xmpp_conn_event_t status, const int error, xmpp_stream_error_t *const stream_error, void *const userdata) { conn.conn_last_event = status; switch (status) { // login success case XMPP_CONN_CONNECT: log_debug("Connection handler: XMPP_CONN_CONNECT"); conn.conn_status = JABBER_CONNECTED; Jid *my_jid = jid_create(xmpp_conn_get_jid(conn.xmpp_conn)); conn.domain = strdup(my_jid->domainpart); jid_destroy(my_jid); conn.features_by_jid = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, (GDestroyNotify)g_hash_table_destroy); g_hash_table_insert(conn.features_by_jid, strdup(conn.domain), g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, free, NULL)); session_login_success(connection_is_secured()); break; // disconnected case XMPP_CONN_DISCONNECT: log_debug("Connection handler: XMPP_CONN_DISCONNECT"); // lost connection for unknown reason if (conn.conn_status == JABBER_CONNECTED) { log_debug("Connection handler: Lost connection for unknown reason"); session_lost_connection(); // login attempt failed } else if (conn.conn_status != JABBER_DISCONNECTING) { log_debug("Connection handler: Login failed"); session_login_failed(); } // close stream response from server after disconnect is handled conn.conn_status = JABBER_DISCONNECTED; break; // connection failed case XMPP_CONN_FAIL: log_debug("Connection handler: XMPP_CONN_FAIL"); break; // unknown state default: log_error("Connection handler: Unknown status"); break; } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBMESODE static int _connection_certfail_cb(xmpp_tlscert_t *xmpptlscert, const char *const errormsg) { TLSCertificate *cert = _xmppcert_to_profcert(xmpptlscert); int res = sv_ev_certfail(errormsg, cert); tlscerts_free(cert); return res; } TLSCertificate* _xmppcert_to_profcert(xmpp_tlscert_t *xmpptlscert) { return tlscerts_new( xmpp_conn_tlscert_fingerprint(xmpptlscert), xmpp_conn_tlscert_version(xmpptlscert), xmpp_conn_tlscert_serialnumber(xmpptlscert), xmpp_conn_tlscert_subjectname(xmpptlscert), xmpp_conn_tlscert_issuername(xmpptlscert), xmpp_conn_tlscert_notbefore(xmpptlscert), xmpp_conn_tlscert_notafter(xmpptlscert), xmpp_conn_tlscert_key_algorithm(xmpptlscert), xmpp_conn_tlscert_signature_algorithm(xmpptlscert)); } #endif static xmpp_log_t* _xmpp_get_file_logger(void) { log_level_t prof_level = log_get_filter(); xmpp_log_level_t xmpp_level = XMPP_LEVEL_ERROR; switch (prof_level) { case PROF_LEVEL_DEBUG: xmpp_level = XMPP_LEVEL_DEBUG; break; case PROF_LEVEL_INFO: xmpp_level = XMPP_LEVEL_INFO; break; case PROF_LEVEL_WARN: xmpp_level = XMPP_LEVEL_WARN; break; default: xmpp_level = XMPP_LEVEL_ERROR; break; } xmpp_log_t *file_log = malloc(sizeof(xmpp_log_t)); file_log->handler = _xmpp_file_logger; file_log->userdata = &xmpp_level; return file_log; } static void _xmpp_file_logger(void *const userdata, const xmpp_log_level_t xmpp_level, const char *const area, const char *const msg) { log_level_t prof_level = PROF_LEVEL_ERROR; switch (xmpp_level) { case XMPP_LEVEL_DEBUG: prof_level = PROF_LEVEL_DEBUG; break; case XMPP_LEVEL_INFO: prof_level = PROF_LEVEL_INFO; break; case XMPP_LEVEL_WARN: prof_level = PROF_LEVEL_WARN; break; default: prof_level = PROF_LEVEL_ERROR; break; } log_msg(prof_level, area, msg); if ((g_strcmp0(area, "xmpp") == 0) || (g_strcmp0(area, "conn")) == 0) { sv_ev_xmpp_stanza(msg); } } static void _random_bytes_init(void) { char *rndbytes_loc; GKeyFile *rndbytes; rndbytes_loc = files_get_data_path(FILE_PROFANITY_IDENTIFIER); if (g_file_test(rndbytes_loc, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { g_chmod(rndbytes_loc, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); } rndbytes = g_key_file_new(); g_key_file_load_from_file(rndbytes, rndbytes_loc, G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_COMMENTS, NULL); if (g_key_file_has_group(rndbytes, "identifier")) { random_bytes = g_key_file_get_string(rndbytes, "identifier", "random_bytes", NULL); } else { random_bytes = get_random_string(10); g_key_file_set_string(rndbytes, "identifier", "random_bytes", random_bytes); gsize g_data_size; gchar *g_accounts_data = g_key_file_to_data(rndbytes, &g_data_size, NULL); gchar *base = g_path_get_basename(rndbytes_loc); gchar *true_loc = get_file_or_linked(rndbytes_loc, base); g_file_set_contents(true_loc, g_accounts_data, g_data_size, NULL); g_free(base); free(true_loc); g_free(g_accounts_data); } free(rndbytes_loc); g_key_file_free(rndbytes); } static void _random_bytes_close(void) { g_free(random_bytes); } static void _calculate_identifier(const char *barejid) { gchar *hmac = g_compute_hmac_for_string(G_CHECKSUM_SHA256, (guchar*)random_bytes, strlen(random_bytes), barejid, strlen(barejid)); char *b64 = g_base64_encode((guchar*)hmac, XMPP_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE); assert(b64 != NULL); g_free(hmac); prof_identifier = b64; } char *connection_get_profanity_identifier(void) { return prof_identifier; }