(and-record trace [ label:string-address contents:string-address ]) (address trace-address (trace)) (array trace-address-array (trace-address)) (address trace-address-array-address (trace-address-array)) (address trace-address-array-address-address (trace-address-array-address)) (and-record instruction-trace [ call-stack:string-address-array-address pc:string-address ; should be integer? instruction:string-address children:trace-address-array-address ]) (address instruction-trace-address (instruction-trace)) (array instruction-trace-address-array (instruction-trace-address)) (address instruction-trace-address-array-address (instruction-trace-address-array)) (function parse-traces [ ; stream-address -> instruction-trace-address-array-address (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal) ;? ($print (("parse-traces\n" literal))) ;? 2 (in:stream-address <- next-input) ; check input size ($print (("counting lines\n" literal))) (n:integer <- copy 0:literal) { begin (done?:boolean <- end-of-stream? in:stream-address) (break-if done?:boolean) ;? ($start-tracing) ;? 1 (c:character <- read-character in:stream-address) { begin (newline?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\newline literal))) (break-unless newline?:boolean) (n:integer <- add n:integer 1:literal) { begin ;? (print?:boolean <- divides? n:integer 100:literal) ;? (break-unless print?:boolean) ($print ((" " literal))) ($print n:integer) ($print (("\n" literal))) } } ;? ($quit) ;? 1 (loop) } ($print n:integer) ($print ((" lines\n" literal))) (in:stream-address <- rewind-stream in:stream-address) ; prepare result (result:buffer-address <- init-buffer 30:literal) (curr-tail:instruction-trace-address <- copy nil:literal) (ch:buffer-address <- init-buffer 5:literal) ; accumulator for traces between instructions (run:string-address/const <- new "run") ($print (("parsing\n" literal))) (n:integer <- copy 0:literal) ; reading each line from 'in' { begin next-line (done?:boolean <- end-of-stream? in:stream-address) ;? ($print done?:boolean) ;? 1 ;? ($print (("\n" literal))) ;? 1 (break-if done?:boolean) ; parse next line as a generic trace (line:string-address <- read-line in:stream-address) { begin (n:integer <- add n:integer 1:literal) (print?:boolean <- divides? n:integer 100:literal) (break-unless print?:boolean) ($print ((" " literal))) ($print n:integer) ($print (("\n" literal))) } ;? (print-string nil:literal/terminal line:string-address) ;? 1 (f:trace-address <- parse-trace line:string-address) (l:string-address <- get f:trace-address/deref label:offset) { begin ; if it's an instruction trace with label 'run' (inst?:boolean <- string-equal l:string-address run:string-address/const) (break-unless inst?:boolean) ; add accumulated traces to curr-tail { begin (break-unless curr-tail:instruction-trace-address) (c:trace-address-array-address-address <- get-address curr-tail:instruction-trace-address/deref children:offset) (c:trace-address-array-address-address/deref <- to-array ch:buffer-address) ; clear 'ch' (ch:buffer-address <- init-buffer 5:literal) } ; append a new curr-tail to result (curr-tail:instruction-trace-address <- parse-instruction-trace f:trace-address) (result:buffer-address <- append result:buffer-address curr-tail:instruction-trace-address) (jump next-line:offset) ; loop } ; otherwise accumulate trace (loop-unless curr-tail:instruction-trace-address) (ch:buffer-address <- append ch:buffer-address f:trace-address) (loop) } ; add accumulated traces to final curr-tail ; todo: test { begin (break-unless curr-tail:instruction-trace-address) (c:trace-address-array-address-address <- get-address curr-tail:instruction-trace-address/deref children:offset) (c:trace-address-array-address-address/deref <- to-array ch:buffer-address) } (s:instruction-trace-address-array-address <- to-array result:buffer-address) (reply s:instruction-trace-address-array-address) ]) (function parse-instruction-trace [ ; trace-address -> instruction-trace-address (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal) ;? ($print (("parse-instruction-trace\n" literal))) ;? 1 (in:trace-address <- next-input) (buf:string-address <- get in:trace-address/deref contents:offset) ;? (print-string nil:literal buf:string-address) ;? 1 ;? ($print (("\n" literal))) ;? 1 (result:instruction-trace-address <- new instruction-trace:literal) (f1:string-address rest:string-address <- split-first buf:string-address ((#\space literal))) ;? ($print (("call-stack: " literal))) ;? 1 ;? (print-string nil:literal f1:string-address) ;? 1 ;? ($print (("\n" literal))) ;? 1 (cs:string-address-array-address-address <- get-address result:instruction-trace-address/deref call-stack:offset) (cs:string-address-array-address-address/deref <- split f1:string-address ((#\/ literal))) (p:string-address-address <- get-address result:instruction-trace-address/deref pc:offset) (delim:string-address <- new ": ") (p:string-address-address/deref rest:string-address <- split-first-at-substring rest:string-address delim:string-address) (inst:string-address-address <- get-address result:instruction-trace-address/deref instruction:offset) (inst:string-address-address/deref <- copy rest:string-address) (reply result:instruction-trace-address) ]) (function parse-trace [ ; string-address -> trace-address (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal) ;? ($print (("parse-trace\n" literal))) ;? 1 (in:string-address <- next-input) (result:trace-address <- new trace:literal) (delim:string-address <- new ": ") (first:string-address rest:string-address <- split-first-at-substring in:string-address delim:string-address) (l:string-address-address <- get-address result:trace-address/deref label:offset) (l:string-address-address/deref <- copy first:string-address) (c:string-address-address <- get-address result:trace-address/deref contents:offset) (c:string-address-address/deref <- copy rest:string-address) (reply result:trace-address) ]) (function print-trace [ (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal) (screen:terminal-address <- next-input) (x:trace-address <- next-input) (l:string-address <- get x:trace-address/deref label:offset) (clear-line screen:terminal-address) (print-string screen:terminal-address l:string-address) (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\space literal))) (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\: literal))) (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\space literal))) (c:string-address <- get x:trace-address/deref contents:offset) (print-string screen:terminal-address c:string-address) ]) (function print-instruction-trace-parent [ (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal) (screen:terminal-address <- next-input) (x:instruction-trace-address <- next-input) (0:space-address/names:browser-state <- next-input) (clear-line screen:terminal-address) (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\- literal))) (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\space literal))) ; print call stack (c:string-address-array-address <- get x:instruction-trace-address/deref call-stack:offset) (i:integer <- copy 0:literal) (len:integer <- length c:string-address-array-address/deref) { begin (done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal i:integer len:integer) (break-if done?:boolean) (s:string-address <- index c:string-address-array-address/deref i:integer) (print-string screen:terminal-address s:string-address) (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\/ literal))) (i:integer <- add i:integer 1:literal) (loop) } ; print pc (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\space literal))) (p:string-address <- get x:instruction-trace-address/deref pc:offset) (print-string screen:terminal-address p:string-address) ; print instruction (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\space literal))) (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\: literal))) (print-character screen:terminal-address ((#\space literal))) (i:string-address <- get x:instruction-trace-address/deref instruction:offset) (print-string screen:terminal-address i:string-address) (add-line 0:space-address/browser-state screen:termi
* account.c
* Copyright (C) 2012 - 2014 James Booth <boothj5@gmail.com>
* This file is part of Profanity.
* Profanity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Profanity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Profanity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to
* link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under
* certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and
* distribute linked combinations including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the
* code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you
* may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not
* obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception
* statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all
* source files in the program, then also delete it here.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "jid.h"
#include "config/account.h"
#include "common.h"
account_new(const gchar * const name, const gchar * const jid,
const gchar * const password, gboolean enabled, const gchar * const server,
int port, const gchar * const resource, const gchar * const last_presence,
const gchar * const login_presence, int priority_online, int priority_chat,
int priority_away, int priority_xa, int priority_dnd,
const gchar * const muc_service, const gchar * const muc_nick,
const gchar * const otr_policy, GList *otr_manual, GList *otr_opportunistic,
GList *otr_always)
ProfAccount *new_account = malloc(sizeof(ProfAccount));
new_account->name = strdup(name);
if (jid != NULL) {
new_account->jid = strdup(jid);
} else {
new_account->jid = strdup(name);
if (password != NULL) {
new_account->password = strdup(password);
} else {
new_account->password = NULL;
new_account->enabled = enabled;
if (server != NULL) {
new_account->server = strdup(server);
} else {
new_account->server = NULL;
if (resource != NULL) {
new_account->resource = strdup(resource);
} else {
new_account->resource = NULL;
new_account->port = port;
if (last_presence == NULL || !valid_resource_presence_string(last_presence)) {
new_account->last_presence = strdup("online");
} else {
new_account->last_presence = strdup(last_presence);
if (login_presence == NULL) {
new_account->login_presence = strdup("online");
} else if (strcmp(login_presence, "last") == 0) {
new_account->login_presence = strdup(login_presence);
} else if (!valid_resource_presence_string(login_presence)) {
new_account->login_presence = strdup("online");
} else {
new_account->login_presence = strdup(login_presence);
new_account->priority_online = priority_online;
new_account->priority_chat = priority_chat;
new_account->priority_away = priority_away;
new_account->priority_xa = priority_xa;
new_account->priority_dnd = priority_dnd;
if (muc_service == NULL) {
GString *g_muc_service = g_string_new("conference.");
Jid *jidp = jid_create(new_account->jid);
g_string_append(g_muc_service, jidp->domainpart);
new_account->muc_service = g_muc_service->str;
g_string_free(g_muc_service, FALSE);
} else {
new_account->muc_service = strdup(muc_service);
if (muc_nick == NULL) {
Jid *jidp = jid_create(new_account->jid);
new_account->muc_nick = strdup(jidp->domainpart);
} else {
new_account->muc_nick = strdup(muc_nick);
if (otr_policy != NULL) {
new_account->otr_policy = strdup(otr_policy);
} else {
new_account->otr_policy = NULL;
new_account->otr_manual = otr_manual;
new_account->otr_opportunistic = otr_opportunistic;
new_account->otr_always = otr_always;
return new_account;
char *
account_create_full_jid(ProfAccount *account)
if (account->resource != NULL) {
return create_fulljid(account->jid, account->resource);
} else {
return strdup(account->jid);
account_free(ProfAccount *account)
if (account != NULL) {
g_list_free_full(account->otr_manual, g_free);
g_list_free_full(account->otr_opportunistic, g_free);
g_list_free_full(account->otr_always, g_free);