""" This module contains the functions available to plugins to interact with Profanity. The ``prof`` module must be imported :: import prof Profanity accepts both ``str`` and ``unicode`` objects as string arguments, to allow plugins to work with both Python 2 and 3. """ def cons_alert(): """ Highlights the console window in the status bar. """ pass def cons_show(message): """Show a message in the console window. :param message: the message to print :type message: str or unicode Example: :: prof.cons_show("This will appear in the console window") """ pass def cons_show_themed(group, key, default, message): """Show a message in the console, using the specified theme.\n Themes are specified in ``~/.local/share/profanity/plugin_themes`` :param group: the group name in the themes file :param key: the item name within the group :param default: default colour if the theme cannot be found :param message: the message to print :type group: str, unicode or None :type key: str, unicode or None :type default: str, unicode or None :type message: str or unicode Example: :: prof.cons_show_themed("myplugin", "text", None, "Plugin themed message") """ pass def cons_bad_cmd_usage(command): """Show a message indicating the command has been called incorrectly. :param command: the command name with leading slash, e.g. ``"/say"`` :type command: str or unicode Example: :: prof.cons_bad_cmd_usage("/mycommand") """ pass def register_command(name, min_args, max_args, synopsis, description, arguments, examples, callback): """Register a new command, with help information, and callback for command execution.\n Profanity will do some basic validation when the command is called using the argument range. :param name: the command name with leading slash, e.g. ``"/say"`` :param min_args: minimum number or arguments that the command considers to be a valid call :param max_args: maximum number or arguments that the command considers to be a valid call :param synopsis: command usages :param description: a short description of the command :param arguments: argument descriptions, each element should be of the form [arguments, description] :param examples: example usages :param callback: function to call when the command is executed :type name: str or unicode :type min_args: int :type max_args: int :type synopsis: list of str or unicode :type description: str or unicode :type arguments: list of list of str or unicode :type examples: list of str or unicode :type callback: function Example: :: synopsis = [ "/newcommand action1|action2", "/newcommand print ", "/newcommand dosomething []" ] description = "An example for the documentation" args = [ [ "action1|action2", "Perform action1 or action2" ], [ "print ", "Print argument" ], [ "dosomething []", "Do something, optionally with the argument" ] ] examples = [ "/newcommand action1", "/newcommand print \\"Test debug message\\"", "/newcommand dosomething" ] prof.register_command("/newcommand", 1, 2, synopsis, description, args, examples, my_function) """ pass def register_timed(callback, interval): """Register a function that Profanity will call periodically. :param callback: the function to call :param interval: the time between each call to the function, in seconds :type callback: function :type interval: int Example: :: prof.register_timed(some_function, 30) """ pass def completer_add(key, items): """Add values to be autocompleted by Profanity for a command, or command argument. If the key already exists, Profanity will add the items to the existing autocomplete items for that key. :param key: the prefix to trigger autocompletion :param items: the items to return on autocompletion :type key: str or unicode :type items: list of str or unicode Examples: :: prof.completer_add("/mycommand", [ "action1", "action2", "dosomething" ]) prof.completer_add("/mycommand dosomething", [ "thing1", "thing2" ]) """ pass def completer_remove(key, items): """Remove values from autocompletion for a command, or command argument. :param key: the prefix from which to remove the autocompletion items :param items: the items to remove :type key: str or unicode :type items: list of str or unicode Examples: :: prof.completer_remove("/mycommand", [ "action1", "action2" ]) prof.completer_add("/mycommand dosomething", [ "thing1" ]) """ pass def completer_clear(key): """Remove all values from autocompletion for a command, or command argument. :param key: the prefix from which to clear the autocompletion items Examples: :: prof.completer_clear("/mycommand") prof.completer_add("/mycommand dosomething") """ pass def filepath_completer_add(prefix): """Add filepath autocompletion for a command, or command argument. :param prefix: the prefix from which filepath autocompletion will be triggered Examples: :: prof.filepath_completer_add("/filecmd") prof.filepath_completer_add("/mycommand open") """ pass def send_line(line): """Send a line of input to Profanity to execute. :param line: the line to send :type line: str or unicode Example: :: prof.send_line("/who online") """ pass def notify(message, timeout, category): """Send a desktop notification. :param message: the message to display in the notification :param timeout: the length of time before the notification disappears in milliseconds :param category: the category of the notification, also displayed :type message: str or unicode :type timeout: int :type category: str or unicode Example: :: prof.notify("Example notification for 5 seconds", 5000, "Example plugin") """ pass def get_current_recipient(): """Retrieve the Jabber ID of the current chat recipient, when in a chat window. :return: the Jabber ID of the current chat recipient e.g. ``"buddy@chat.org"``, or ``None`` if not in a chat window. :rtype: str """ pass def get_current_muc(): """Retrieve the Jabber ID of the current room, when in a chat room window. :return: the Jabber ID of the current chat room e.g. ``"metalchat@conference.chat.org"``, or ``None`` if not in a chat room window. :rtype: str """ pass def get_current_nick(): """Retrieve the users nickname in a chat room, when in a chat room window. :return: the users nickname in the current chat room e.g. ``"eddie"``, or ``None`` if not in a chat room window. :rtype: str """ pass def get_current_occupants(): """Retrieve nicknames of all occupants in a chat room, when in a chat room window. :return: nicknames of all occupants in the current room or an empty list if not in a chat room window. :rtype: list of str """ pass def get_room_nick(barejid): """Retrieve current nickname used in chat room. :return: Room nickname. :rtype: str """ pass def current_win_is_console(): """Determine whether or not the Console window is currently focussed. :return: ``True`` if the user is currently in the Console window, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: boolean """ pass def log_debug(message): """Write to the Profanity log at level ``DEBUG``. :param message: the message to log :type message: str or unicode """ pass def log_info(): """Write to the Profanity log at level ``INFO``. :param message: the message to log :type message: str or unicode """ pass def log_warning(): """Write to the Profanity log at level ``WARNING``. :param message: the message to log :type message: str or unicode """ pass
;;; init-clojure.el --- Clojure Configuration File -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:

;(require 'init-lisp)

(use-package yasnippet
  :diminish yas-minor-mode)

(use-package flycheck-clj-kondo)

(use-package clojure-mode
  (require 'flycheck-clj-kondo)
  (subword-mode +1))

(use-package hydra)
(use-package clj-refactor
  :after yasnippet
  :bind ("C-c '" . hydra-cljr-help-menu/body)
  (cljr-add-keybindings-with-prefix "C-c C-m")
  (setq cljr-suppress-no-project-warning t)
  (clojure-mode .
    (lambda ()
      (clj-refactor-mode 1)
      (yas-minor-mode 1))))

(use-package cider
  (setq cider-repl-pop-to-buffer-on-connect 'display-only
        cider-repl-display-help-banner nil
        cider-repl-history-highlight-current-entry t
        cider-repl-history-highlight-inserted-item t
        cider-repl-use-clojure-font-lock t
        cider-repl-use-pretty-printing t
        cider-save-file-on-load t
        ;; cider-invert-insert-eval-p t
        ;; cider-switch-to-repl-on-insert nil
        cider-repl-history-file "~/.emacs.d/cider-history"
        nrepl-log-messages t
        clojure-toplevel-inside-comment-form t)
  (unbind-key "C-c C-l" cider-mode-map)
  (:map cider-mode-map ("C-c M-l" . cider-load-file))
  (:map clojure-mode-map ("C-x p q" . project-clojure-test-switch))
  (cider-repl-mode . (lambda ()
                       (display-line-numbers-mode -1)
                       (subword-mode +1)))
  (cider-mode . eldoc-mode))

(provide 'init-clojure)
;;; init-clojure.el ends here
ID of the room :param enctext: The character to display :type roomjid: str or unicode :type enctext: str or unicode :return: ``True`` if the character was set successfully, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: boolean Example: :: prof.room_set_message_char("ohnoes@conference.chat.org", "^") """ pass def room_unset_message_char(roomjid): """Reset the message prefix character for specified room. :param roomjid: Jabber ID of the room :type roomjid: str or unicode :return: ``True`` if the char was unset successfully, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: boolean Example: :: prof.room_unset_message_char("ohnoes@conference.chat.org") """ pass def chat_show(barejid, message): """Show a message in a chat window. :param barejid: Jabber ID of the recipient :param message: the message to print :type barejid: str or unicode :type message: str or unicode :return: ``True`` if the message was printed, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: boolean Example: :: prof.chat_show("bob@server.org", "From a plugin in the chat window for bob") """ pass def chat_show_themed(barejid, group, key, default, ch, message): """Show a message a chat window, using the specified theme and prefix character.\n Themes are specified in ``~/.local/share/profanity/plugin_themes`` :param barejid: Jabber ID of the recipient :param group: the group name in the themes file or ``None`` :param key: the item name within the group or ``None`` :param default: default colour if the theme cannot be found or ``None`` :param ch: The prefix character to show, or ``None`` for default behaviour :param message: the message to print :type barejid: str or unicode :type group: str, unicode or None :type key: str, unicode or None :type default: str, unicode or None :type ch: str or unicode :type message: str or unicode :return: ``True`` if the message was printed, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: boolean Example: :: prof.chat_show_themed("bob@server.org", "myplugin", "text", None, "!", "Plugin themed message") """ pass def room_show(roomjid, message): """Show a message in a chat room window. :param roomjid: Jabber ID of the room :param message: the message to print :type roomjid: str or unicode :type message: str or unicode :return: ``True`` if the message was printed, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: boolean Example: :: prof.room_show("chat@conference.chat.org", "From a plugin in the chat room window") """ pass def room_show_themed(roomjid, group, key, default, ch, message): """Show a message a chat room window, using the specified theme and prefix character.\n Themes are specified in ``~/.local/share/profanity/plugin_themes`` :param roomjid: Jabber ID of the room :param group: the group name in the themes file or ``None`` :param key: the item name within the group or ``None`` :param default: default colour if the theme cannot be found or ``None`` :param ch: The prefix character to show, or ``None`` for default behaviour :param message: the message to print :type roomjid: str or unicode :type group: str, unicode or None :type key: str, unicode or None :type default: str, unicode or None :type ch: str or unicode :type message: str or unicode :return: ``True`` if the message was printed, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: boolean Example: :: prof.room_show_themed("chat@conference.chat.org", "myplugin", "text", None, "!", "Plugin themed message") """ pass