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path: root/.emacs.d/lisp/init-paredit.el
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;;; init-paredit.el --- Paredit Configuration File -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; add-hooks/add-lisp-hook based on https://github.com/bodil/emacs.d/blob/master/bodil/bodil-lisp.el
;;; Code:

(defvar-local lisp-modes
 '(scheme-mode emacs-lisp-mode lisp-mode clojure-mode cider-repl-mode
   eval-expression-minibuffer-setup ielm-mode lisp-interaction-mode))

(use-package emacs
  (defun add-hooks (modes func)
    (dolist (mode modes)
      (add-hook (intern (concat (symbol-name mode) "-hook")) func)))
  (defun add-lisp-hook (func)
    (add-hooks lisp-modes func)))

(use-package paredit
  (:map paredit-mode-map
        ([remap mark-sexp] . sp-mark-sexp)
        ("M-[" . paredit-smart-wrap-square)
        ("C-c M-{" . paredit-smart-wrap-curly)
        ("C-c M-<" . paredit-smart-wrap-angled)
        ([remap paredit-wrap-round] . paredit-smart-wrap-round)
        ([remap paredit-meta-doublequote] . paredit-smart-metadouble-quote)
        ([remap paredit-splice-sexp] . paredit-smart-splice-sexp)
        ("M-W" . paredit-copy-as-kill)
        ("C-S-k" . paredit-kill-region))
  (defmacro define-paredit-smart-wrap (name)
    `(defun ,(intern (concat  "paredit-smart-wrap-" name))
         (&optional argument)
       ,(concat "Wrap the following S-expression, from the beginning of the current symbol.
See `paredit-wrap-sexp' for more details.
Falls back to smartparens in comments and strings.")
       (interactive "P")
       (if (or (paredit-in-string-p)
           (,(intern (concat "sp-wrap-" name)))
         (beginning-of-thing 'symbol)
         (,(intern (concat "paredit-wrap-" name)) argument))))

  (define-paredit-smart-wrap "round")
  (define-paredit-smart-wrap "curly")
  (define-paredit-smart-wrap "square")
  (define-paredit-smart-wrap "angled")

  ;; paredit-meta-doublequote is not like the wrap functions (but can act as one)
  (defun paredit-smart-metadouble-quote (&optional n)
    "Move to the end of the string.
If not in a string, act as `paredit-doublequote'; if not prefix argument
 is specified and the region is not active or `transient-mark-mode' is
 disabled, the default is to wrap one S-expression, however, not zero.
If wrapping, move to the beginning of the symbol first.
Falls back to smartparens in comments."
    (interactive "P")
    (if (paredit-in-comment-p)
      (when (not (paredit-in-string-p))
        (beginning-of-thing 'symbol))
      (paredit-meta-doublequote n)))

  (defmacro define-paredit-smart-sexp (name)
    `(defun ,(intern (concat  "paredit-smart-" name "-sexp"))
         (&optional argument)
       ,(concat "Splice the list that the point is on by removing its delimiters.
This version falls back to the smartparens version in scenarios that paredit will
not handle.")
       (interactive "P")
       (if (or (paredit-in-string-p)
           (,(intern (concat "sp-" name "-sexp")))
         (,(intern (concat "paredit-" name "-sexp")) argument))))

  (define-paredit-smart-sexp "splice")

  ;; From emacswiki - extreme barfage & slurpage
  (defun paredit-barf-all-the-way-backward ()
  (defun paredit-barf-all-the-way-forward ()
    (if (eolp) (delete-horizontal-space)))
  (defun paredit-slurp-all-the-way-backward ()
    (catch 'done
      (while (not (bobp))
          (if (eq (char-before) ?\()
              (throw 'done t)))
  (defun paredit-slurp-all-the-way-forward ()
    (catch 'done
      (while (not (eobp))
          (if (eq (char-after) ?\))
              (throw 'done t)))

  ;; From https://github.com/bodil/emacs.d/blob/master/bodil/bodil-paredit.el
  ;; Inverse M-(
  (defun paredit-wrap-round-from-behind ()
    (forward-sexp -1)
    (insert " ")
    (forward-char -1))
  ;; From https://github.com/bodil/emacs.d/blob/master/bodil/bodil-paredit.el
  ;; Duplicate sexp
  (defun paredit-duplicate-after-point ()
    "Duplicates the content of the line that is after the point."
    ;; skips to the next sexp
    (while (looking-at " ")
    (set-mark-command nil)
    ;; while we find sexps we move forward on the line
    (while (and (<= (point) (car (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)))
                (not (= (point) (line-end-position))))
      (while (looking-at " ")
    (kill-ring-save (mark) (point))
    ;; go to the next line and copy the sexprs we encountered
    (set-mark-command nil)

  (defun replace-paredit-binding (commands original-keys new-keys)
    (when commands
      (if (and (consp (car commands))
               (equal (caar commands) original-keys))
          (setcar (car commands) new-keys)
        (replace-paredit-binding (cdr commands) original-keys new-keys))))
  (defun paredit-commands-advice ()
    ;; Default paredit-convolute-sexp binding clashes with xref-find-references
    (replace-paredit-binding paredit-commands "M-?" "C-c M-?")

    (nconc paredit-commands
           '("Extreme Barfage & Slurpage"
              ("(foo (bar |baz) quux zot)"
               "(foo (bar |baz quux zot))")
              ("(a b ((c| d)) e f)"
               "(a b ((c| d)) e f)"))
             (("C-M-}" "M-F")
              ("(foo (bar |baz quux) zot)"
               "(foo (bar|) baz quux zot)"))
              ("(foo bar (baz| quux) zot)"
               "((foo bar baz| quux) zot)")
              ("(a b ((c| d)) e f)"
               "(a b ((c| d)) e f)"))
             (("C-M-{" "M-B")
              ("(foo (bar baz |quux) zot)"
               "(foo bar baz (|quux) zot)")))
             (("C-c M-)")
              ("(foo| bar baz" "((| foo) bar baz"))
             (("C-c C-S-d")
              ("|(foo)" "(foo)\n|(foo)"))))

    ;; Only need to do this once
    (advice-remove 'paredit-define-keys 'paredit-commands-advice))

  (advice-add 'paredit-define-keys :before 'paredit-commands-advice)
  (add-lisp-hook #'turn-off-smartparens-mode)
  (add-lisp-hook #'enable-paredit-mode))

(provide 'init-paredit)
;;; init-paredit.el ends here