;;; init-misc.el --- Miscellaneous Configuration File -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (use-package exec-path-from-shell :defer 5 :if (memq window-system '(mac ns)) :custom (exec-path-from-shell-arguments '("-l")) :config (exec-path-from-shell-initialize)) (use-package envrc :diminish :hook (elpaca-after-init . envrc-global-mode)) (use-package restclient :config (defvar restclient-saved-requests nil) (defun restclient-save-current (label) "Save the current request as `label' (or use a default based on method, url and entity)." (interactive "sLabel: ") (restclient-http-parse-current-and-do `(lambda (method url headers entity) (let ((lab (if (string-empty-p ,label) (format "%s %s (%s ...)" method url (substring entity 0 (min (length entity) 200))) ,label))) (push (cons lab (list method url headers entity nil nil)) restclient-saved-requests))))) (defun restclient-delete-saved-request () "Delete a saved request." (interactive) (if (= 0 (length restclient-saved-requests)) (message "No saved restclient requests to delete.") (setq restclient-saved-requests (assoc-delete-all (completing-read "Delete: " (map-keys restclient-saved-requests)) restclient-saved-requests)))) (defun restclient-call-saved-request () "Call a saved request." (interactive) (if (= 0 (length restclient-saved-requests)) (message "No saved restclient requests found.") (let ((args (if (= 1 (length restclient-saved-requests)) (cdar restclient-saved-requests) (alist-get (completing-read "Call: " (map-keys restclient-saved-requests)) restclient-saved-requests nil nil 'string-equal)))) (apply 'restclient-http-do args)))) ;; https://github.com/pashky/restclient.el/issues/288#issuecomment-1775770753 (defun my/restclient-copy-curl-command () "Formats the request as a curl command and copies the command to the clipboard." (interactive) (restclient-http-parse-current-and-do '(lambda (method url headers entity) (let* ((header-args (apply 'append (mapcar (lambda (header) (list "-H" (format "\"%s: %s\"" (car header) (cdr header)))) headers))) (header-parsed (mapconcat 'identity header-args " ")) (method-arg (concat "-X" " " method)) (entity-arg (if (> 0 (string-width entity)) "" (format "-d \x27%s\x27" entity))) (curl-command (format "curl %s %s %s %s" header-parsed method-arg url entity-arg))) (kill-new curl-command) (message "curl command copied to clipboard."))))) :bind ("C-c C-h" . restclient-call-saved-request) (:map restclient-mode-map ("C-c h" . restclient-save-current)) :mode (("\\.http\\'" . restclient-mode))) (use-package restclient-jq :after restclient :demand t) (use-package es-mode :mode "\.es\'") (use-package json-mode) (use-package jq-format) (use-package csv-mode :bind (:map csv-mode-map ("M-]" . csv-forward-field) ("M-[" . csv-backward-field))) (use-package yaml-mode :diminish :hook (yaml-mode . whitespace-mode) (yaml-mode . subword-mode)) (provide 'init-misc) ;;; init-misc.el ends here