#!/usr/bin/awk -f # Constants and VM setup BEGIN { IMAGE_SIZE = 524288 # Amount of simulated RAM DATA_DEPTH = 8192 # Depth of data stack ADDRESS_DEPTH = 32768 # Depth of the stacks # Initialize stacks data_sp = 0 addr_sp = 0 # VM state ip = 0 # Opcode definitions OP_NOP = 0 OP_LIT = 1 OP_DUP = 2 OP_DROP = 3 OP_SWAP = 4 OP_PUSH = 5 OP_POP = 6 OP_JUMP = 7 OP_CALL = 8 OP_CCALL = 9 OP_RETURN = 10 OP_EQ = 11 OP_NEQ = 12 OP_LT = 13 OP_GT = 14 OP_FETCH = 15 OP_STORE = 16 OP_ADD = 17 OP_SUB = 18 OP_MUL = 19 OP_DIVMOD = 20 OP_AND = 21 OP_OR = 22 OP_XOR = 23 OP_SHIFT = 24 OP_ZERO_EXIT = 25 OP_HALT = 26 # Initialize VM prepare_vm() # Load and run test program load_test_program() execute(0) # Print results print "Stack contents after execution:" print_stack() } # Stack operations function stack_push(stack_name, value) { if (stack_name == "data") { data_sp++ data_stack[data_sp] = value } else if (stack_name == "addr") { addr_sp++ addr_stack[addr_sp] = value } } function stack_pop(stack_name) { if (stack_name == "data") { if (data_sp > 0) { value = data_stack[data_sp] data_sp-- return value } } else if (stack_name == "addr") { if (addr_sp > 0) { value = addr_stack[addr_sp] addr_sp-- return value } } return 0 } function stack_tos(stack_name) { if (stack_name == "data" && data_sp > 0) { return data_stack[data_sp] } return 0 } function stack_nos(stack_name) { if (stack_name == "data" && data_sp > 1) { return data_stack[data_sp - 1] } return 0 } # Bitwise operations function bitwise_and(x, y, i, result, a, b) { result = 0 for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2 b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2 if (a == 1 && b == 1) result += 2 ^ i } return result } function bitwise_or(x, y, i, result, a, b) { result = 0 for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2 b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2 if (a == 1 || b == 1) result += 2 ^ i } return result } function bitwise_xor(x, y, i, result, a, b) { result = 0 for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { a = int(x / (2 ^ i)) % 2 b = int(y / (2 ^ i)) % 2 if (a != b) result += 2 ^ i } return result } # Helper functions function abs(x) { return x < 0 ? -x : x } function lshift(x, n) { return int(x * (2 ^ n)) } function rshift(x, n) { return int(x / (2 ^ n)) } # VM core functions function process_opcode(opcode) { if (opcode == OP_NOP) { return } else if (opcode == OP_LIT) { ip++ stack_push("data", image[ip]) } else if (opcode == OP_DUP) { stack_push("data", stack_tos("data")) } else if (opcode == OP_DROP) { stack_pop("data") } else if (opcode == OP_SWAP) { temp = stack_pop("data") temp2 = stack_pop("data") stack_push("data", temp) stack_push("data", temp2) } else if (opcode == OP_ADD) { x = stack_pop("data") y = stack_pop("data") stack_push("data", x + y) } else if (opcode == OP_SUB) { x = stack_pop("data") y = stack_pop("data") stack_push("data", y - x) } else if (opcode == OP_MUL) { x = stack_pop("data") y = stack_pop("data") stack_push("data", x * y) } else if (opcode == OP_HALT) { ip = IMAGE_SIZE } } function check_stack() { if (data_sp < 0 || addr_sp < 0 || data_sp > DATA_DEPTH || addr_sp > ADDRESS_DEPTH) { ip = 0 data_sp = 0 addr_sp = 0 } } function process_packed_opcodes(packed) { ops[0] = bitwise_and(packed, 255) ops[1] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 8), 255) ops[2] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 16), 255) ops[3] = bitwise_and(rshift(packed, 24), 255) for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (ops[i] != 0) { process_opcode(ops[i]) } } } function execute(offset) { addr_sp = 1 ip = offset while (ip < IMAGE_SIZE) { opcode = image[ip] process_packed_opcodes(opcode) if (addr_sp == 0) ip = IMAGE_SIZE ip++ } } function prepare_vm() { ip = 0 data_sp = 0 addr_sp = 0 } # Test program loader function pack_opcodes(op1, op2, op3, op4) { return op1 + (op2 * 256) + (op3 * 65536) + (op4 * 16777216) } function load_test_program() { # Simple test program that adds 10 and 5 image[0] = pack_opcodes(OP_LIT, 0, 0, 0) # Push literal image[1] = 10 # Value 10 image[2] = pack_opcodes(OP_LIT, 0, 0, 0) # Push literal image[3] = 5 # Value 5 image[4] = pack_opcodes(OP_ADD, 0, 0, 0) # Add them image[5] = pack_opcodes(OP_HALT, 0, 0, 0) # Halt } # Debug helper function print_stack() { for (i = 1; i <= data_sp; i++) { print "Item", i ":", data_stack[i] } }