# bbplayground FIXME: my new application. ## Installation Download from https://github.com/elioat/bbplayground ## Usage FIXME: explanation Run the project directly, via `:exec-fn`: $ clojure -X:run-x Hello, Clojure! Run the project, overriding the name to be greeted: $ clojure -X:run-x :name '"Someone"' Hello, Someone! Run the project directly, via `:main-opts` (`-m elioat.bbplayground`): $ clojure -M:run-m Hello, World! Run the project, overriding the name to be greeted: $ clojure -M:run-m Via-Main Hello, Via-Main! Run the project's tests (they'll fail until you edit them): $ clojure -T:build test Run the project's CI pipeline and build an uberjar (this will fail until you edit the tests to pass): $ clojure -T:build ci This will produce an updated `pom.xml` file with synchronized dependencies inside the `META-INF` directory inside `target/classes` and the uberjar in `target`. You can update the version (and SCM tag) information in generated `pom.xml` by updating `build.clj`. If you don't want the `pom.xml` file in your project, you can remove it. The `ci` task will still generate a minimal `pom.xml` as part of the `uber` task, unless you remove `version` from `build.clj`. Run that uberjar: $ java -jar target/bbplayground-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar If you remove `version` from `build.clj`, the uberjar will become `target/bbplayground-standalone.jar`. ## Options FIXME: listing of options this app accepts. ## Examples ... ### Bugs ... ### Any Other Sections ### That You Think ### Might be Useful ## License Copyright © 2023 Elimellen _EPLv1.0 is just the default for projects generated by `clj-new`: you are not_ _required to open source this project, nor are you required to use EPLv1.0!_ _Feel free to remove or change the `LICENSE` file and remove or update this_ _section of the `README.md` file!_ Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.