# Map - `algo`, I thought I was gonna do all of the problems. I am not - `bird-words`, an exploration of Markov chain generation, sort of migrated to - `blototboot`, irc bot and broken lisp interpreter - `canvas`, an exploration of the HTML canvas, lets you move a little sprite around a canvas - `game-frame`, my attempt at creating a generic starting point for HTML/JS game dev - `games`, some games from other people - `gg`, testing out how to support game controllers from the browser - `hill`, a demake of Alto's Adventure, also migrated, - `irc`, a better irc bot - `name-gen`, a funny random name generator and HTML canvas shape drawer - `notes`, really bad note taking surface - `peep`, a pulsing shape toy...not done, not nearly a complete thought - `pixel-art`, a pixel-art drawing tool - `pomo`, a sort of threatening pomodoro timer - `rotjs`, one day I gotta learn how to use [rotjs](https://ondras.github.io/rot.js/hp/) - `scripting-lang`, maybe I should make my own scripting language? - `ship-game`, what Avi has dubbed "LAZER-GATE-1" - `starting-place`, another/different attempt at making a generic starting point for HTML and JS games - `story-interpreter`, poking at making a text adventure - `text`, poking at making a text adventure...maybe with a different finger? - `toadmode`, a visual coding toy about dropping shapes near each other on a canvas