;;; berkeley.scm 3.14 9/23/98 ;;; This version purports to work on Unix SCM, PC SCM, and Mac Gambit ;;; all without the least little version skew! ;; 3.1 add uniform graphics interface ;; 3.2 fix scm untrace messing up butlast ;; 3.3 fix setheading in scm ;; 3.4 number->string doesn't blow up if given string (for trace) ;; 3.5 fix (/) without breaking (/ 3) ;; 3.6 fix number->string in MIT Scheme (don't set! it) ;; 3.7 big rewrite for SICP second edition changes ;; 3.8 SICP concurrency features added ;; 3.9 define-handler hacked for obscure scm bug ;; 3.10 fix scm parallel-execute to start the timer! ;; 3.11 not enough primitives protected in redefinition of define in scm ;; 3.12 stream-map with multiple streams ;; 3.13 number->string extra args ;; 3.14 protect define against redefining map ;;; This file makes SCM 4e1 and Gambit 2.2 compatible with both ;;; Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Abelson, ;;; Sussman, and Sussman) and Simply Scheme (Harvey and Wright). ;;; This should be sufficient to make Scheme fully compatible with ;;; Harvey and Wright, and compatible with SICP with the exception of ;;; first-class environments and pre-R4RS stuff like false empty lists. ;;; (It should be fully compatible with SICP second edition.) (if (equal? 'foo (symbol->string 'foo)) (error "Berkeley.scm already loaded!!") #f) (define scm? (not (exact? (/ 1 3)))) ;;; Notice that *after* loading this file, (/ 1 3) is never exact, ;;; so we have to check first thing. Naked Gambit has exact rationals, ;;; but naked SCM doesn't. ;;; Let's not have any random messages please. (if scm? (begin (eval '(define *dev-null* (make-soft-port (vector (lambda (x) #f) (lambda (x) #f) #f #f #f) OPEN_WRITE))) (set-current-error-port *dev-null*))) (define nil '()) (define true #t) (define false #f) (if scm? (eval '(define (runtime) (/ (get-internal-run-time) internal-time-units-per-second)))) ;; crude timing program (time (foo..)) (if scm? (eval '(define time (procedure->macro (lambda(x env) `(let*((start (runtime)) (result ,(cadr x)) (end (- (runtime) start))) (write end)(display " seconds")(newline) result))))) (eval '(define-macro (time . args) `(let*((start (runtime)) (result ,(car args)) (end (- (runtime) start))) (write end) (display " seconds") (newline) result)))) ;; Originally from Jolly Chen. Modified by Justin Gibbs. (if (and scm? (eq? (software-type) 'unix)) (begin (eval '(define (expand-name st) ;; given a string like "~cs60a/lib" expand it to ;; "home/po/k/classes../cs60a/lib" (let ((file (tmpnam)) (res '())) (system (string-append "/bin/csh -cf \"glob " st " > " file "\"")) ;; Why read-line won't work here, I don't know (let ((port (open-io-file file))) (set! res (read-string port)) (system (string-append "/bin/rm " file)) (close-io-port port) res)))) ;;; Load. ;;; Original Code from default SCM Init.scm. Modified by Justin Gibbs. ;;; This load is identical to the load in Init.scm save that we use ;;; csh to glob our file names for us. This leaves open the option ;;; of using wild cards and "~" in the argument to load. Load does ;;; not understand multifile arguments -- a feature that would be nice ;;; to add later, since we already can glob on '*'s and '?'s. (eval '(define (load file) ;;; Only change is the addition of the following line. (define filesuf (expand-name file)) (define cep (current-error-port)) (set! file filesuf) (cond ((> (verbose) 1) (display ";loading " cep) (write file cep) (newline cep))) (force-output cep) (or (try-load file) ;;HERE is where the suffix gets specified (begin (set! filesuf (string-append file (scheme-file-suffix))) (try-load filesuf)) (and (procedure? could-not-open) (could-not-open) #f) (error "LOAD couldn't find file " file)) (errno 0) (cond ((> (verbose) 1) (display ";done loading " cep) (write filesuf cep) (newline cep) (force-output cep))))))) ;;; SICP stuff: (define (print x) (display x) (newline)) ;; Define tagged data ADT: (define (attach-tag type-tag contents) (cons type-tag contents)) (define (type-tag datum) (if (pair? datum) (car datum) (error "Bad tagged datum -- TYPE-TAG" datum))) (define (contents datum) (if (pair? datum) (cdr datum) (error "Bad tagged datum -- CONTENTS" datum))) ;;For Section 3.1.2 -- written as suggested in footnote, ;; though the values of a, b, m may not be very "appropriately chosen" (define (rand-update x) (let ((a 27) (b 26) (m 127)) (modulo (+ (* a x) b) m))) ;;For Section 3.3.4, used by and-gate ;;Note: logical-and should test for valid signals, as logical-not does (define (logical-and x y) (if (and (= x 1) (= y 1)) 1 0)) ;; concurrency stuff (if scm? (eval '(define test-and-set! (let ((arb (make-arbiter 'scratchnsniff))) (lambda (cell) (if (try-arbiter arb) (begin (process:schedule!) (test-and-set! cell)) (let ((result (car cell))) (set-car! cell #t) (release-arbiter arb) result)))))) (eval '(define test-and-set! (let ((sem (make-semaphore))) (lambda (cell) (semaphore-wait sem) (let ((result (car cell))) (set-car! cell #t) (semaphore-signal sem) result)))))) (if scm? (eval '(require 'process))) (if scm? (eval '(define (parallel-execute . thunks) (for-each (lambda (thunk) (add-process! (lambda (foo) (thunk)))) thunks) (alarm-interrupt) (process:schedule!))) (eval '(define (parallel-execute . thunks) (for-each (lambda (thunk) (future (thunk))) thunks)))) (if scm? (eval '(define (stop) (alarm 0) (set! process:queue (make-queue))))) ;;For Section 3.5.2, to check power series (exercises 3.59-3.62) ;;Evaluate and accumulate n terms of the series s at the given x ;;Uses horner-eval from ex 2.34 (define (eval-power-series s x n) (horner-eval x (first-n-of-series s n))) (define (first-n-of-series s n) (if (= n 0) '() (cons (stream-car s) (first-n-of-series (stream-cdr s) (- n 1))))) ;; Streams: ;; Reimplement delay so that promises are procedures (define (memo-proc proc) (let ((already-run? #f) (result #f)) (lambda () (if (not already-run?) (begin (set! result (proc)) (set! already-run? #t) result) result)))) (if scm? (eval '(define delay (procedure->macro (lambda (x env) `(memo-proc (lambda () ,(cadr x))))))) (eval '(define-macro (delay . args) `(memo-proc (lambda () ,(car args)))))) (define (force delayed-object) (delayed-object)) (if scm? (eval '(define cons-stream (procedure->macro (lambda(x env)`(cons ,(cadr x) (delay ,(caddr x))))))) (eval '(define-macro (cons-stream . args) `(cons ,(car args) (delay ,(cadr args)))))) (define (stream-car stream) (car stream)) (define (stream-cdr st) (force (cdr st))) (define the-empty-stream '()) (define (stream-null? stream) (eq? stream the-empty-stream)) (define (stream? obj) (or (stream-null? obj) (and (pair? obj) (procedure? (cdr obj))))) (define (stream-accumulate combiner initial-value stream) (if (stream-null? stream) initial-value (combiner (stream-car stream) (stream-accumulate combiner initial-value (stream-cdr stream))))) (define (accumulate-delayed combiner initial-value stream) (if (stream-null? stream) initial-value (combiner (stream-car stream) (delay (accumulate-delayed combiner initial-value (stream-cdr stream)))))) (define (interleave s1 s2) (if (stream-null? s1) s2 (cons-stream (stream-car s1) (interleave s2 (stream-cdr s1))))) (define (interleave-delayed s1 delayed-s2) (if (stream-null? s1) (force delayed-s2) (cons-stream (stream-car s1) (interleave-delayed (force delayed-s2) (delay (stream-cdr s1)))))) (define (stream-flatten stream) (accumulate-delayed interleave-delayed the-empty-stream stream)) (define (stream-ref s n) (if (= n 0) (stream-car s) (stream-ref (stream-cdr s) (- n 1)))) (define (stream-map proc . s) (if (stream-null? (car s)) the-empty-stream (cons-stream (apply proc (map stream-car s)) (apply stream-map proc (map stream-cdr s))))) (define (stream-for-each proc s) (if (stream-null? s) 'done (begin (proc (stream-car s)) (stream-for-each proc (stream-cdr s))))) (define (display-stream s) (stream-for-each (lambda (element) (newline) (display element)) s)) (define (stream-flatmap f s) (stream-flatten (stream-map f s))) (define (stream-append s1 s2) (if (stream-null? s1) s2 (cons-stream (stream-car s1) (stream-append (stream-cdr s1) s2)))) (define (list->stream l) (if (null? l) the-empty-stream (cons-stream (car l) (list->stream (cdr l))) )) (define (make-stream . elements) (list->stream elements)) (define (enumerate-interval low high) (if (> low high) '() (cons low (enumerate-interval (+ low 1) high)))) (define (flatmap proc seq) (accumulate append '() (map proc seq))) (define (stream-enumerate-interval low high) (if (> low high) the-empty-stream (cons-stream low (stream-enumerate-interval (+ low 1) high)))) (define range stream-enumerate-interval) (define (stream-filter pred stream) (cond ((stream-null? stream) the-empty-stream) ((pred (stream-car stream)) (cons-stream (stream-car stream) (stream-filter pred (stream-cdr stream)))) (else (stream-filter pred (stream-cdr stream))))) (define (show-stream strm . args) (if (null? args) (ss1 strm 10 10) (ss1 strm (car args) (car args)))) (define ss show-stream) (define (ss1 strm this all) (cond ((null? strm) '()) ((= this 0) '(...)) ((and (pair? strm) (procedure? (cdr strm))) (cons (ss1 (stream-car strm) all all) (ss1 (stream-cdr strm) (- this 1) all))) (else strm))) (define div quotient) (define / (let ((old/ /)) (lambda args (let ((quo (apply old/ args))) (if (integer? quo) quo (exact->inexact quo)))))) (define 1+ (let ((+ +)) (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))) (define (-1+ x) (- x 1)) (define (nth n l) (list-ref l n)) (define (load-noisily file-name) (define (iter port) (let ((the-expression (read port))) (cond ((eof-object? the-expression) #t) (else (display (eval the-expression)) (newline) (iter port))))) (let ((port (open-input-file file-name))) (iter port) (close-input-port port) 'ok)) ;;; Get and put for section 2.3 (define (get key1 key2) (let ((subtable (assoc key1 (cdr the-get/put-table)))) (if (not subtable) #f (let ((record (assoc key2 (cdr subtable)))) (if (not record) #f (cdr record)))))) (define (put key1 key2 value) (let ((subtable (assoc key1 (cdr the-get/put-table)))) (if (not subtable) (set-cdr! the-get/put-table (cons (list key1 (cons key2 value)) (cdr the-get/put-table))) (let ((record (assoc key2 (cdr subtable)))) (if (not record) (set-cdr! subtable (cons (cons key2 value) (cdr subtable))) (set-cdr! record value))))) 'ok) (define the-get/put-table (list '*table*)) ;;; simply.scm version 3.6 (4/13/94) ;;; This file uses Scheme features we don't talk about in _Simply_Scheme_. ;;; Read at your own risk. ;; Make number->string remove leading "+" if necessary (if (char=? #\+ (string-ref (number->string 1.0) 0)) (let ((old-ns number->string) (char=? char=?) (string-ref string-ref) (substring substring) (string-length string-length)) (set! number->string (lambda args (let ((result (apply old-ns args))) (if (char=? #\+ (string-ref result 0)) (substring result 1 (string-length result)) result))))) 'no-problem) (define number->string (let ((old-ns number->string) (string? string?)) (lambda args (if (string? (car args)) (car args) (apply old-ns args))))) ;; Get strings in error messages to print nicely (especially "") (define whoops (let ((string? string?) (string-append string-append) (error error) (cons cons) (map map) (apply apply)) (define (error-printform x) (if (string? x) (string-append "\"" x "\"") x)) (lambda (string . args) (apply error (cons string (map error-printform args)))))) ;; ROUND returns an inexact integer if its argument is inexact, ;; but we think it should always return an exact integer. ;; (It matters because some Schemes print inexact integers as "+1.0".) ;; The (exact 1) test is for PC Scheme, in which nothing is exact. (if (and (inexact? (round (sqrt 2))) (exact? 1)) (let ((old-round round) (inexact->exact inexact->exact)) (set! round (lambda (number) (inexact->exact (old-round number))))) 'no-problem) ;; Remainder and quotient blow up if their argument isn't an integer. ;; Unfortunately, in SCM, (* 365.25 24 60 60) *isn't* an integer. (if (inexact? (* .25 4)) (let ((rem remainder) (quo quotient) (inexact->exact inexact->exact) (integer? integer?)) (set! remainder (lambda (x y) (rem (if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x) (if (integer? y) (inexact->exact y) y)))) (set! quotient (lambda (x y) (quo (if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x) (if (integer? y) (inexact->exact y) y))))) 'done) ;; Random ;; If your version of Scheme has RANDOM, you should take this out. ;; (It gives the same sequence of random numbers every time.) (define random (let ((*seed* 1) (quotient quotient) (modulo modulo) (+ +) (- -) (* *) (> >)) (lambda (x) (let* ((hi (quotient *seed* 127773)) (low (modulo *seed* 127773)) (test (- (* 16807 low) (* 2836 hi)))) (if (> test 0) (set! *seed* test) (set! *seed* (+ test 2147483647)))) (modulo *seed* x)))) ;;; Logo-style word/sentence implementation (define word? (let ((number? number?) (symbol? symbol?) (string? string?)) (lambda (x) (or (symbol? x) (number? x) (string? x))))) (define sentence? (let ((null? null?) (pair? pair?) (word? word?) (car car) (cdr cdr)) (define (list-of-words? l) (cond ((null? l) #t) ((pair? l) (and (word? (car l)) (list-of-words? (cdr l)))) (else #f))) list-of-words?)) (define empty? (let ((null? null?) (string? string?) (string=? string=?)) (lambda (x) (or (null? x) (and (string? x) (string=? x "")))))) (define char-rank ;; 0 Letter in good case or special initial ;; 1 ., + or - ;; 2 Digit ;; 3 Letter in bad case or weird character (let ((*the-char-ranks* (make-vector 256 3)) (= =) (+ +) (string-ref string-ref) (string-length string-length) (vector-set! vector-set!) (char->integer char->integer) (symbol->string symbol->string) (vector-ref vector-ref)) (define (rank-string str rank) (define (helper i len) (if (= i len) 'done (begin (vector-set! *the-char-ranks* (char->integer (string-ref str i)) rank) (helper (+ i 1) len)))) (helper 0 (string-length str))) (rank-string (symbol->string 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) 0) (rank-string "!$%&*/:<=>?~_^" 0) (rank-string "+-." 1) (rank-string "0123456789" 2) (lambda (char) ;; value of char-rank (vector-ref *the-char-ranks* (char->integer char))))) (define string->word (let ((= =) (<= <=) (+ +) (- -) (char-rank char-rank) (string-ref string-ref) (string-length string-length) (string=? string=?) (not not) (char=? char=?) (string->number string->number) (string->symbol string->symbol)) (lambda (string) (define (subsequents? string i length) (cond ((= i length) #t) ((<= (char-rank (string-ref string i)) 2) (subsequents? string (+ i 1) length)) (else #f))) (define (special-id? string) (or (string=? string "+") (string=? string "-") (string=? string "..."))) (define (ok-symbol? string) (if (string=? string "") #f (let ((rank1 (char-rank (string-ref string 0)))) (cond ((= rank1 0) (subsequents? string 1 (string-length string))) ((= rank1 1) (special-id? string)) (else #f))))) (define (nn-helper string i len seen-point?) (cond ((= i len) (if seen-point? (not (char=? (string-ref string (- len 1)) #\0)) #t)) ((char=? #\. (string-ref string i)) (cond (seen-point? #f) ((= (+ i 2) len) #t) ; Accepts "23.0" (else (nn-helper string (+ i 1) len #t)))) ((= 2 (char-rank (string-ref string i))) (nn-helper string (+ i 1) len seen-point?)) (else #f))) (define (narrow-number? string) (if (string=? string "") #f (let* ((c0 (string-ref string 0)) (start 0) (len (string-length string)) (cn (string-ref string (- len 1)))) (if (and (char=? c0 #\-) (not (= len 1))) (begin (set! start 1) (set! c0 (string-ref string 1))) #f) (cond ((not (= (char-rank cn) 2)) #f) ; Rejects "-" among others ((char=? c0 #\.) #f) ((char=? c0 #\0) (cond ((= len 1) #t) ; Accepts "0" but not "-0" ((= len 2) #f) ; Rejects "-0" and "03" ((char=? (string-ref string (+ start 1)) #\.) (nn-helper string (+ start 2) len #t)) (else #f))) (else (nn-helper string start len #f)))))) ;; The body of string->word: (cond ((narrow-number? string) (string->number string)) ((ok-symbol? string) (string->symbol string)) (else string))))) (define char->word (let ((= =) (char-rank char-rank) (make-string make-string) (string->symbol string->symbol) (string->number string->number) (char=? char=?)) (lambda (char) (let ((rank (char-rank char)) (string (make-string 1 char))) (cond ((= rank 0) (string->symbol string)) ((= rank 2) (string->number string)) ((char=? char #\+) '+) ((char=? char #\-) '-) (else string)))))) (define word->string (let ((number? number?) (string? string?) (number->string number->string) (symbol->string symbol->string)) (lambda (wd) (cond ((string? wd) wd) ((number? wd) (number->string wd)) (else (symbol->string wd)))))) (define count (let ((word? word?) (string-length string-length) (word->string word->string) (length length)) (lambda (stuff) (if (word? stuff) (string-length (word->string stuff)) (length stuff))))) (define word (let ((string->word string->word) (apply apply) (string-append string-append) (map map) (word? word?) (word->string word->string) (whoops whoops)) (lambda x (string->word (apply string-append (map (lambda (arg) (if (word? arg) (word->string arg) (whoops "Invalid argument to WORD: " arg))) x)))))) (define se (let ((pair? pair?) (null? null?) (word? word?) (car car) (cons cons) (cdr cdr) (whoops whoops)) (define (paranoid-append a original-a b) (cond ((null? a) b) ((word? (car a)) (cons (car a) (paranoid-append (cdr a) original-a b))) (else (whoops "Argument to SENTENCE not a word or sentence" original-a )))) (define (combine-two a b) ;; Note: b is always a list (cond ((pair? a) (paranoid-append a a b)) ((null? a) b) ((word? a) (cons a b)) (else (whoops "Argument to SENTENCE not a word or sentence:" a)))) ;; Helper function so recursive calls don't show up in TRACE (define (real-se args) (if (null? args) '() (combine-two (car args) (real-se (cdr args))))) (lambda args (real-se args)))) (define sentence se) (define first (let ((pair? pair?) (char->word char->word) (string-ref string-ref) (word->string word->string) (car car) (empty? empty?) (whoops whoops) (word? word?)) (define (word-first wd) (char->word (string-ref (word->string wd) 0))) (lambda (x) (cond ((pair? x) (car x)) ((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to FIRST: " x)) ((word? x) (word-first x)) (else (whoops "Invalid argument to FIRST: " x)))))) (define last (let ((pair? pair?) (- -) (word->string word->string) (char->word char->word) (string-ref string-ref) (string-length string-length) (empty? empty?) (cdr cdr) (car car) (whoops whoops) (word? word?)) (define (word-last wd) (let ((s (word->string wd))) (char->word (string-ref s (- (string-length s) 1))))) (define (list-last lst) (if (empty? (cdr lst)) (car lst) (list-last (cdr lst)))) (lambda (x) (cond ((pair? x) (list-last x)) ((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to LAST: " x)) ((word? x) (word-last x)) (else (whoops "Invalid argument to LAST: " x)))))) (define bf (let ((pair? pair?) (substring substring) (string-length string-length) (string->word string->word) (word->string word->string) (cdr cdr) (empty? empty?) (whoops whoops) (word? word?)) (define string-bf (lambda (s) (substring s 1 (string-length s)))) (define (word-bf wd) (string->word (string-bf (word->string wd)))) (lambda (x) (cond ((pair? x) (cdr x)) ((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTFIRST: " x)) ((word? x) (word-bf x)) (else (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTFIRST: " x)))))) (define butfirst bf) (define bl (let ((pair? pair?) (- -) (cdr cdr) (cons cons) (car car) (substring substring) (string-length string-length) (string->word string->word) (word->string word->string) (empty? empty?) (whoops whoops) (word? word?)) (define (list-bl list) (if (null? (cdr list)) '() (cons (car list) (list-bl (cdr list))))) (define (string-bl s) (substring s 0 (- (string-length s) 1))) (define (word-bl wd) (string->word (string-bl (word->string wd)))) (lambda (x) (cond ((pair? x) (list-bl x)) ((empty? x) (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTLAST: " x)) ((word? x) (word-bl x)) (else (whoops "Invalid argument to BUTLAST: " x)))))) (define butlast bl) (define item (let ((> >) (- -) (< <) (integer? integer?) (list-ref list-ref) (char->word char->word) (string-ref string-ref) (word->string word->string) (not not) (whoops whoops) (count count) (word? word?) (list? list?)) (define (word-item n wd) (char->word (string-ref (word->string wd) (- n 1)))) (lambda (n stuff) (cond ((not (integer? n)) (whoops "Invalid first argument to ITEM (must be an integer): " n)) ((< n 1) (whoops "Invalid first argument to ITEM (must be positive): " n)) ((> n (count stuff)) (whoops "No such item: " n stuff)) ((word? stuff) (word-item n stuff)) ((list? stuff) (list-ref stuff (- n 1))) (else (whoops "Invalid second argument to ITEM: " stuff)))))) (define equal? ;; Note that EQUAL? assumes strings are numbers. ;; (strings-are-numbers #f) doesn't change this behavior. (let ((vector-length vector-length) (= =) (vector-ref vector-ref) (+ +) (string? string?) (symbol? symbol?) (null? null?) (pair? pair?) (car car) (cdr cdr) (eq? eq?) (string=? string=?) (symbol->string symbol->string) (number? number?) (string->word string->word) (vector? vector?) (eqv? eqv?)) (define (vector-equal? v1 v2) (let ((len1 (vector-length v1)) (len2 (vector-length v2))) (define (helper i) (if (= i len1) #t (and (equal? (vector-ref v1 i) (vector-ref v2 i)) (helper (+ i 1))))) (if (= len1 len2) (helper 0) #f))) (lambda (x y) (cond ((null? x) (null? y)) ((null? y) #f) ((pair? x) (and (pair? y) (equal? (car x) (car y)) (equal? (cdr x) (cdr y)))) ((pair? y) #f) ((symbol? x) (or (and (symbol? y) (eq? x y)) (and (string? y) (string=? (symbol->string x) y)))) ((symbol? y) (and (string? x) (string=? x (symbol->string y)))) ((number? x) (or (and (number? y) (= x y)) (and (string? y) (let ((possible-num (string->word y))) (and (number? possible-num) (= x possible-num)))))) ((number? y) (and (string? x) (let ((possible-num (string->word x))) (and (number? possible-num) (= possible-num y))))) ((string? x) (and (string? y) (string=? x y))) ((string? y) #f) ((vector? x) (and (vector? y) (vector-equal? x y))) ((vector? y) #f) (else (eqv? x y)))))) (define member? (let ((> >) (- -) (< <) (null? null?) (symbol? symbol?) (eq? eq?) (car car) (not not) (symbol->string symbol->string) (string=? string=?) (cdr cdr) (equal? equal?) (word->string word->string) (string-length string-length) (whoops whoops) (string-ref string-ref) (char=? char=?) (list? list?) (number? number?) (empty? empty?) (word? word?) (string? string?)) (define (symbol-in-list? symbol string lst) (cond ((null? lst) #f) ((and (symbol? (car lst)) (eq? symbol (car lst)))) ((string? (car lst)) (cond ((not string) (symbol-in-list? symbol (symbol->string symbol) lst)) ((string=? string (car lst)) #t) (else (symbol-in-list? symbol string (cdr lst))))) (else (symbol-in-list? symbol string (cdr lst))))) (define (word-in-list? wd lst) (cond ((null? lst) #f) ((equal? wd (car lst)) #t) (else (word-in-list? wd (cdr lst))))) (define (word-in-word? small big) (let ((one-letter-str (word->string small))) (if (> (string-length one-letter-str) 1) (whoops "Invalid arguments to MEMBER?: " small big) (let ((big-str (word->string big))) (char-in-string? (string-ref one-letter-str 0) big-str (- (string-length big-str) 1)))))) (define (char-in-string? char string i) (cond ((< i 0) #f) ((char=? char (string-ref string i)) #t) (else (char-in-string? char string (- i 1))))) (lambda (x stuff) (cond ((empty? stuff) #f) ((word? stuff) (word-in-word? x stuff)) ((not (list? stuff)) (whoops "Invalid second argument to MEMBER?: " stuff)) ((symbol? x) (symbol-in-list? x #f stuff)) ((or (number? x) (string? x)) (word-in-list? x stuff)) (else (whoops "Invalid first argument to MEMBER?: " x)))))) (define before? (let ((not not) (word? word?) (whoops whoops) (stringstring word->string)) (lambda (wd1 wd2) (cond ((not (word? wd1)) (whoops "Invalid first argument to BEFORE? (not a word): " wd1)) ((not (word? wd2)) (whoops "Invalid second argument to BEFORE? (not a word): " wd2)) (else (stringstring wd1) (word->string wd2))))))) ;;; Higher Order Functions (define filter (let ((null? null?) (car car) (cons cons) (cdr cdr) (not not) (procedure? procedure?) (whoops whoops) (list? list?)) (lambda (pred l) ;; Helper function so recursive calls don't show up in TRACE (define (real-filter l) (cond ((null? l) '()) ((pred (car l)) (cons (car l) (real-filter (cdr l)))) (else (real-filter (cdr l))))) (cond ((not (procedure? pred)) (whoops "Invalid first argument to FILTER (not a procedure): " pred)) ((not (list? l)) (whoops "Invalid second argument to FILTER (not a list): " l)) (else (real-filter l)))))) (define keep (let ((+ +) (= =) (pair? pair?) (substring substring) (char->word char->word) (string-ref string-ref) (string-set! string-set!) (word->string word->string) (string-length string-length) (string->word string->word) (make-string make-string) (procedure? procedure?) (whoops whoops) (word? word?) (null? null?)) (lambda (pred w-or-s) (define (keep-string in i out out-len len) (cond ((= i len) (substring out 0 out-len)) ((pred (char->word (string-ref in i))) (string-set! out out-len (string-ref in i)) (keep-string in (+ i 1) out (+ out-len 1) len)) (else (keep-string in (+ i 1) out out-len len)))) (define (keep-word wd) (let* ((string (word->string wd)) (len (string-length string))) (string->word (keep-string string 0 (make-string len) 0 len)))) (cond ((not (procedure? pred)) (whoops "Invalid first argument to KEEP (not a procedure): " pred)) ((pair? w-or-s) (filter pred w-or-s)) ((word? w-or-s) (keep-word w-or-s)) ((null? w-or-s) '()) (else (whoops "Bad second argument to KEEP (not a word or sentence): " w-or-s)))))) (define appearances (let ((count count) (keep keep) (equal? equal?)) (lambda (item aggregate) (count (keep (lambda (element) (equal? item element)) aggregate))))) (define every (let ((= =) (+ +) (se se) (char->word char->word) (string-ref string-ref) (empty? empty?) (first first) (bf bf) (not not) (procedure? procedure?) (whoops whoops) (word? word?) (word->string word->string) (string-length string-length)) (lambda (fn stuff) (define (string-every string i length) (if (= i length) '() (se (fn (char->word (string-ref string i))) (string-every string (+ i 1) length)))) (define (sent-every sent) ;; This proc. can't be optimized or else it will break the ;; exercise where we ask them to reimplement sentences as ;; vectors and then see if every still works. (if (empty? sent) sent ; Can't be '() or exercise breaks. (se (fn (first sent)) (sent-every (bf sent))))) (cond ((not (procedure? fn)) (whoops "Invalid first argument to EVERY (not a procedure):" fn)) ((word? stuff) (let ((string (word->string stuff))) (string-every string 0 (string-length string)))) (else (sent-every stuff)))))) ;; In _Simply Scheme_, accumulate works on words and sentences, and takes ;; two arguments. In SICP, accumulate works on lists, and takes three ;; arguments. This version does both. Sorry. (define accumulate (let ((not not) (empty? empty?) (bf bf) (first first) (procedure? procedure?) (whoops whoops) (member member) (list list)) (lambda (combiner stuff . extra) (define (real-accumulate stuff) (if (empty? (bf stuff)) (first stuff) (combiner (first stuff) (real-accumulate (bf stuff))))) (define (sicp-accumulate initial stuff) (if (null? stuff) initial (combiner (car stuff) (sicp-accumulate initial (cdr stuff))))) (cond ((not (procedure? combiner)) (whoops "Invalid first argument to ACCUMULATE (not a procedure):" combiner)) ((null? extra) ; Simply Scheme version (cond ((not (empty? stuff)) (real-accumulate stuff)) ((member combiner (list + * word se)) (combiner)) (else (whoops "Can't accumulate empty input with that combiner")))) ((not (null? (cdr extra))) (whoops "Too many arguments to accumulate")) (else (sicp-accumulate stuff (car extra))))))) (define reduce (let ((null? null?) (cdr cdr) (car car) (not not) (procedure? procedure?) (whoops whoops) (member member) (list list)) (lambda (combiner stuff) (define (real-reduce stuff) (if (null? (cdr stuff)) (car stuff) (combiner (car stuff) (real-reduce (cdr stuff))))) (cond ((not (procedure? combiner)) (whoops "Invalid first argument to REDUCE (not a procedure):" combiner)) ((not (null? stuff)) (real-reduce stuff)) ((member combiner (list + * word se append)) (combiner)) (else (whoops "Can't reduce empty input with that combiner")))))) (define repeated (let ((= =) (- -)) (lambda (fn number) (if (= number 0) (lambda (x) x) (lambda (x) ((repeated fn (- number 1)) (fn x))))))) ;; Tree stuff (define make-node cons) (define datum car) (define children cdr) ;; I/O (define show (let ((= =) (length length) (display display) (car car) (newline newline) (not not) (output-port? output-port?) (apply apply) (whoops whoops)) (lambda args (cond ((= (length args) 1) (display (car args)) (newline)) ((= (length args) 2) (if (not (output-port? (car (cdr args)))) (whoops "Invalid second argument to SHOW (not an output port): " (car (cdr args)))) (apply display args) (newline (car (cdr args)))) (else (whoops "Incorrect number of arguments to procedure SHOW")))))) (define show-line (let ((>= >=) (length length) (whoops whoops) (null? null?) (current-output-port current-output-port) (car car) (not not) (list? list?) (display display) (for-each for-each) (cdr cdr) (newline newline)) (lambda (line . args) (if (>= (length args) 2) (whoops "Too many arguments to show-line") (let ((port (if (null? args) (current-output-port) (car args)))) (cond ((not (list? line)) (whoops "Invalid argument to SHOW-LINE (not a list):" line)) ((null? line) #f) (else (display (car line) port) (for-each (lambda (wd) (display " " port) (display wd port)) (cdr line)))) (newline port)))))) (define read-string (let ((read-char read-char) (eqv? eqv?) (apply apply) (string-append string-append) (substring substring) (reverse reverse) (cons cons) (>= >=) (+ +) (string-set! string-set!) (length length) (whoops whoops) (null? null?) (current-input-port current-input-port) (car car) (cdr cdr) (eof-object? eof-object?) (list list) (make-string make-string) (peek-char peek-char)) (define (read-string-helper chars all-length chunk-length port) (let ((char (read-char port)) (string (car chars))) (cond ((or (eof-object? char) (eqv? char #\newline)) (apply string-append (reverse (cons (substring (car chars) 0 chunk-length) (cdr chars))))) ((>= chunk-length 80) (let ((newstring (make-string 80))) (string-set! newstring 0 char) (read-string-helper (cons newstring chars) (+ all-length 1) 1 port))) (else (string-set! string chunk-length char) (read-string-helper chars (+ all-length 1) (+ chunk-length 1) port))))) (lambda args (if (>= (length args) 2) (whoops "Too many arguments to read-string") (let ((port (if (null? args) (current-input-port) (car args)))) (if (eof-object? (peek-char port)) (read-char port) (read-string-helper (list (make-string 80)) 0 0 port))))))) (define read-line (let ((= =) (list list) (string->word string->word) (substring substring) (char-whitespace? char-whitespace?) (string-ref string-ref) (+ +) (string-length string-length) (apply apply) (read-string read-string)) (lambda args (define (tokenize string) (define (helper i start len) (cond ((= i len) (if (= i start) '() (list (string->word (substring string start i))))) ((char-whitespace? (string-ref string i)) (if (= i start) (helper (+ i 1) (+ i 1) len) (cons (string->word (substring string start i)) (helper (+ i 1) (+ i 1) len)))) (else (helper (+ i 1) start len)))) (if (eof-object? string) string (helper 0 0 (string-length string)))) (tokenize (apply read-string args))))) (define *the-open-inports* '()) (define *the-open-outports* '()) (define align (let ((< <) (abs abs) (* *) (expt expt) (>= >=) (- -) (+ +) (= =) (null? null?) (car car) (round round) (number->string number->string) (string-length string-length) (string-append string-append) (make-string make-string) (substring substring) (string-set! string-set!) (number? number?) (word->string word->string)) (lambda (obj width . rest) (define (align-number obj width rest) (let* ((sign (< obj 0)) (num (abs obj)) (prec (if (null? rest) 0 (car rest))) (big (round (* num (expt 10 prec)))) (cvt0 (number->string big)) (cvt (if (< num 1) (string-append "0" cvt0) cvt0)) (pos-str (if (>= (string-length cvt0) prec) cvt (string-append (make-string (- prec (string-length cvt0)) #\0) cvt))) (string (if sign (string-append "-" pos-str) pos-str)) (length (+ (string-length string) (if (= prec 0) 0 1))) (left (- length (+ 1 prec))) (result (if (= prec 0) string (string-append (substring string 0 left) "." (substring string left (- length 1)))))) (cond ((= length width) result) ((< length width) (string-append (make-string (- width length) #\space) result)) (else (let ((new (substring result 0 width))) (string-set! new (- width 1) #\+) new))))) (define (align-word string) (let ((length (string-length string))) (cond ((= length width) string) ((< length width) (string-append string (make-string (- width length) #\space))) (else (let ((new (substring string 0 width))) (string-set! new (- width 1) #\+) new))))) (if (number? obj) (align-number obj width rest) (align-word (word->string obj)))))) (define open-output-file (let ((oof open-output-file) (cons cons)) (lambda (filename) (let ((port (oof filename))) (set! *the-open-outports* (cons port *the-open-outports*)) port)))) (define open-input-file (let ((oif open-input-file) (cons cons)) (lambda (filename) (let ((port (oif filename))) (set! *the-open-inports* (cons port *the-open-inports*)) port)))) (define remove! (let ((null? null?) (cdr cdr) (eq? eq?) (set-cdr! set-cdr!) (car car)) (lambda (thing lst) (define (r! prev) (cond ((null? (cdr prev)) lst) ((eq? thing (car (cdr prev))) (set-cdr! prev (cdr (cdr prev))) lst) (else (r! (cdr prev))))) (cond ((null? lst) lst) ((eq? thing (car lst)) (cdr lst)) (else (r! lst)))))) (define close-input-port (let ((cip close-input-port) (remove! remove!)) (lambda (port) (set! *the-open-inports* (remove! port *the-open-inports*)) (cip port)))) (define close-output-port (let ((cop close-output-port) (remove! remove!)) (lambda (port) (set! *the-open-outports* (remove! port *the-open-outports*)) (cop port)))) (define close-all-ports (let ((for-each for-each) (close-input-port close-input-port) (close-output-port close-output-port)) (lambda () (for-each close-input-port *the-open-inports*) (for-each close-output-port *the-open-outports*) 'closed))) ;; Make arithmetic work on numbers in string form: (define maybe-num (let ((string? string?) (string->number string->number)) (lambda (arg) (if (string? arg) (let ((num (string->number arg))) (if num num arg)) arg)))) (define logoize (let ((apply apply) (map map) (maybe-num maybe-num)) (lambda (fn) (lambda args (apply fn (map maybe-num args)))))) ;; special case versions of logoize, since (lambda args ...) is expensive (define logoize-1 (let ((maybe-num maybe-num)) (lambda (fn) (lambda (x) (fn (maybe-num x)))))) (define logoize-2 (let ((maybe-num maybe-num)) (lambda (fn) (lambda (x y) (fn (maybe-num x) (maybe-num y)))))) (define strings-are-numbers (let ((are-they? #f) (real-* *) (real-+ +) (real-- -) (real-/ /) (real-< <) (real-<= <=) (real-= =) (real-> >) (real->= >=) (real-abs abs) (real-acos acos) (real-asin asin) (real-atan atan) (real-ceiling ceiling) (real-cos cos) (real-even? even?) (real-exp exp) (real-expt expt) (real-floor floor) (real-align align) (real-gcd gcd) (real-integer? integer?) (real-item item) (real-lcm lcm) (real-list-ref list-ref) (real-log log) (real-make-vector make-vector) (real-max max) (real-min min) (real-modulo modulo) (real-negative? negative?) (real-number? number?) (real-odd? odd?) (real-positive? positive?) (real-quotient quotient) (real-random random) (real-remainder remainder) (real-repeated repeated) (real-round round) (real-sin sin) (real-sqrt sqrt) (real-tan tan) (real-truncate truncate) (real-vector-ref vector-ref) (real-vector-set! vector-set!) (real-zero? zero?) (maybe-num maybe-num) (number->string number->string) (cons cons) (car car) (cdr cdr) (eq? eq?) (show show) (logoize logoize) (logoize-1 logoize-1) (logoize-2 logoize-2) (not not) (whoops whoops)) (lambda (yesno) (cond ((and are-they? (eq? yesno #t)) (show "Strings are already numbers")) ((eq? yesno #t) (set! are-they? #t) (set! * (logoize real-*)) (set! + (logoize real-+)) (set! - (logoize real--)) (set! / (logoize real-/)) (set! < (logoize real-<)) (set! <= (logoize real-<=)) (set! = (logoize real-=)) (set! > (logoize real->)) (set! >= (logoize real->=)) (set! abs (logoize-1 real-abs)) (set! acos (logoize-1 real-acos)) (set! asin (logoize-1 real-asin)) (set! atan (logoize real-atan)) (set! ceiling (logoize-1 real-ceiling)) (set! cos (logoize-1 real-cos)) (set! even? (logoize-1 real-even?)) (set! exp (logoize-1 real-exp)) (set! expt (logoize-2 real-expt)) (set! floor (logoize-1 real-floor)) (set! align (logoize align)) (set! gcd (logoize real-gcd)) (set! integer? (logoize-1 real-integer?)) (set! item (lambda (n stuff) (real-item (maybe-num n) stuff))) (set! lcm (logoize real-lcm)) (set! list-ref (lambda (lst k) (real-list-ref lst (maybe-num k)))) (set! log (logoize-1 real-log)) (set! max (logoize real-max)) (set! min (logoize real-min)) (set! modulo (logoize-2 real-modulo)) (set! negative? (logoize-1 real-negative?)) (set! number? (logoize-1 real-number?)) (set! odd? (logoize-1 real-odd?)) (set! positive? (logoize-1 real-positive?)) (set! quotient (logoize-2 real-quotient)) (set! random (logoize real-random)) (set! remainder (logoize-2 real-remainder)) (set! round (logoize-1 real-round)) (set! sin (logoize-1 real-sin)) (set! sqrt (logoize-1 real-sqrt)) (set! tan (logoize-1 real-tan)) (set! truncate (logoize-1 real-truncate)) (set! zero? (logoize-1 real-zero?)) (set! vector-ref (lambda (vec i) (real-vector-ref vec (maybe-num i)))) (set! vector-set! (lambda (vec i val) (real-vector-set! vec (maybe-num i) val))) (set! make-vector (lambda (num . args) (apply real-make-vector (cons (maybe-num num) args)))) (set! list-ref (lambda (lst i) (real-list-ref lst (maybe-num i)))) (set! repeated (lambda (fn n) (real-repeated fn (maybe-num n))))) ((and (not are-they?) (not yesno)) (show "Strings are already not numbers")) ((not yesno) (set! are-they? #f) (set! * real-*) (set! + real-+) (set! - real--) (set! / real-/) (set! < real-<) (set! <= real-<=) (set! = real-=) (set! > real->) (set! >= real->=) (set! abs real-abs) (set! acos real-acos) (set! asin real-asin) (set! atan real-atan) (set! ceiling real-ceiling) (set! cos real-cos) (set! even? real-even?) (set! exp real-exp) (set! expt real-expt) (set! floor real-floor) (set! align real-align) (set! gcd real-gcd) (set! integer? real-integer?) (set! item real-item) (set! lcm real-lcm) (set! list-ref real-list-ref) (set! log real-log) (set! max real-max) (set! min real-min) (set! modulo real-modulo) (set! odd? real-odd?) (set! quotient real-quotient) (set! random real-random) (set! remainder real-remainder) (set! round real-round) (set! sin real-sin) (set! sqrt real-sqrt) (set! tan real-tan) (set! truncate real-truncate) (set! zero? real-zero?) (set! positive? real-positive?) (set! negative? real-negative?) (set! number? real-number?) (set! vector-ref real-vector-ref) (set! vector-set! real-vector-set!) (set! make-vector real-make-vector) (set! list-ref real-list-ref) (set! item real-item) (set! repeated real-repeated)) (else (whoops "Strings-are-numbers: give a #t or a #f"))) are-they?))) ;; By default, strings are numbers: (strings-are-numbers #t) (if scm? (begin (eval '(define (trace:untracef fun sym) (cond ((memq sym *traced-procedures*) (set! *traced-procedures* (remove! sym *traced-procedures*)) (untracef fun)) (else (display "WARNING: not traced " (current-error-port)) (display sym (current-error-port)) (newline (current-error-port)) fun)))) (eval '(define (edit file) (ed file) (load file))) (eval '(define read (let ((old-read read)) (lambda args (let* ((result (apply old-read args)) (char (apply peek-char args))) (if (end-of-line-char? char) (apply read-char args) '()) result))))) (eval `(define (end-of-line-char? char) (eq? char ,(integer->char 10)))) ;; Don't get confusing "unspecified", and don't allow (define ((f x) y)..) (eval '(define base:define define)) (eval '(define define-fixup (let ((pair? pair?) (map map) (eq? eq?) (car car) (list list) (cdr cdr) (cadr cadr) (caadr caadr) (cons cons) (cdadr cdadr) (cddr cddr)) (lambda (exps) (map (lambda (exp) (if (and (pair? exp) (eq? (car exp) 'define) (pair? (cdr exp)) (pair? (cadr exp))) (list 'define (caadr exp) (cons 'lambda (cons (cdadr exp) (cddr exp)))) exp)) exps))))) (eval '(define define-handler (let ((cons cons) (null? null?) (car car) (cdr cdr) (remove! remove!) (cddr cddr) (pair? pair?) (cadr cadr) (list list) (member member) (caadr caadr)) (lambda (exp env) (cond ((or (null? (cdr exp)) (null? (cddr exp))) (error "Badly formed DEFINE")) ((not (pair? (cadr exp))) (cond ((not (null? env)) (cons 'base:define (cdr exp))) ((member (cadr exp) '(define quote set! if cond else lambda and or let cons-stream delay begin quasiquote)) (error "Can't redefine special form" (cadr exp))) (else (eval (cons 'base:define (cdr exp))) (set! *traced-procedures* (remove! (cadr exp) *traced-procedures*)) (list 'quote (cadr exp))))) ((pair? (caadr exp)) (error "Badly formed DEFINE")) (else (cond ((not (null? env)) (cons 'base:define (cdr exp))) ((member (caadr exp) '(define quote set! if cond else lambda and or let cons-stream delay begin quasiquote)) (error "Can't redefine special form" (caadr exp))) (else (eval (cons 'base:define (define-fixup (cdr exp)))) (set! *traced-procedures* (remove! (caadr exp) *traced-procedures*)) (list 'quote (caadr exp)))))))))) (eval '(define define (procedure->macro define-handler))) (eval '(define fix-message (let ((cons cons) (car car) (cdr cdr) (procedure? procedure?) (eval eval) (set! set!)) (procedure->macro (lambda (exp env) (let ((old (string->symbol (string-append "base:" (symbol->string (cadr exp)))))) (eval `(define ,old ,(cadr exp))) (if (procedure? (eval (cadr exp))) `(set! ,(cadr exp) (lambda args (apply ,old args) 'okay)) `(set! ,(cadr exp) (procedure->macro (lambda (exp env) `(begin ,(cons ',old (cdr exp)) 'okay))))))))))) (fix-message load) (fix-message vector-set!) (fix-message display) (fix-message write) (fix-message newline) (fix-message close-input-port) (fix-message close-output-port) (fix-message for-each) (fix-message set-car!) (fix-message set-cdr!) (fix-message transcript-on) (fix-message transcript-off) ;; (fix-message set!) (eval '(define base:set! set!)) (eval '(set! set! (procedure->macro (lambda (exp env) (if (member (cadr exp) '(define quote set! if cond else lambda and or let cons-stream delay begin quasiquote)) (error "Can't redefine special form" (cadr exp)) `(begin (base:set! ,(cadr exp) ,(caddr exp)) 'okay)))))) (set-current-error-port (current-output-port)) (verbose 1))) (if scm? (begin (eval '(define scm-xcenter 0)) (eval '(define scm-ycenter 0)) (eval '(define pen-color 7)) (eval '(define bg-color 0)) (eval '(define color-makers '#((set-color! 0) (set-color! 9) (set-color! 10) (set-color! 11) (set-color! 12) (set-color! 13) (set-color! 14) (set-color! 15)))) (eval '(define (clearscreen) (graphics-mode!) (clear-graphics!) (goto-center!) (set! scm-xcenter (where-x)) (set! scm-ycenter (where-y)) (turn-to! -90) (setpc pen-color) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t)))) (eval '(define (internal-fd dist) (if (pendown?) (draw dist) (move dist)))) (eval '(define (internal-rt turn) (turn-left turn))) (eval '(define (internal-setxy newx newy) ((if (pendown?) draw-to! move-to!) (+ newx scm-xcenter) (- scm-ycenter newy)))) (eval '(define (internal-setheading newh) (turn-to! (+ -90 newh)))) (eval '(define (xcor) (- (where-x) scm-xcenter))) (eval '(define (ycor) (- scm-ycenter (where-y)))) (eval '(define (heading) (- 90 (what-direction))))) (begin (eval '(define gambit-xcor 0)) (eval '(define gambit-ycor 0)) (eval '(define gambit-heading 0)) (eval '(define pen-color 0)) (eval '(define bg-color 7)) (eval '(define color-makers '#((set-rgb-color 0 0 0) (set-rgb-color 0 0 1) (set-rgb-color 0 1 0) (set-rgb-color 0 1 1) (set-rgb-color 1 0 0) (set-rgb-color 1 0 1) (set-rgb-color 1 1 0) (set-rgb-color 1 1 1)))) (eval '(define (clearscreen) (clear-graphics) (position-pen 0 0) (set! gambit-xcor 0) (set! gambit-ycor 0) (set! gambit-heading 0) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t)))) (eval '(define (internal-fd dist) (set! gambit-xcor (+ gambit-xcor (* dist (degree-sin gambit-heading)))) (set! gambit-ycor (+ gambit-ycor (* dist (degree-cos gambit-heading)))) ((if (pendown?) draw-line-to position-pen) gambit-xcor gambit-ycor))) (eval '(define (internal-rt turn) (set! gambit-heading (+ gambit-heading turn)) (while (lambda () (< gambit-heading 0)) (lambda () (set! gambit-heading (+ gambit-heading 360)))) (while (lambda () (>= gambit-heading 360)) (lambda () (set! gambit-heading (- gambit-heading 360)))))) (eval '(define (while condition action) (if (condition) (begin (action) (while condition action))))) (eval '(define (degree-sin angle) (sin (/ (* angle 3.141592654) 180)))) (eval '(define (degree-cos angle) (cos (/ (* angle 3.141592654) 180)))) (eval '(define (internal-setxy newx newy) (set! gambit-xcor newx) (set! gambit-ycor newy) ((if (pendown?) draw-line-to position-pen) gambit-xcor gambit-ycor))) (eval '(define (internal-setheading newh) (set! gambit-heading newh) (while (lambda () (< gambit-heading 0)) (lambda () (set! gambit-heading (+ gambit-heading 360)))) (while (lambda () (>= gambit-heading 360)) (lambda () (set! gambit-heading (- gambit-heading 360)))))) (eval '(define (xcor) gambit-xcor)) (eval '(define (ycor) gambit-ycor)) (eval '(define (heading) gambit-heading)))) (define turtle-shown #t) (define (showturtle) (if (not turtle-shown) (show-turtle #t)) (set! turtle-shown #t)) (define st showturtle) (define (hideturtle) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f)) (set! turtle-shown #f)) (define ht hideturtle) (define (shown?) turtle-shown) (define (forward dist) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f)) (internal-fd dist) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t))) (define (right angle) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f)) (internal-rt angle) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t))) (define (setxy newx newy) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f)) (internal-setxy newx newy) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t))) (define (setheading newh) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #f)) (internal-setheading newh) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t))) (define (back dist) (forward (- dist))) (define fd forward) (define bk back) (define (left turn) (right (- turn))) (define lt left) (define rt right) (define (setx newx) (setxy newx (ycor))) (define (sety newy) (setxy (xcor) newy)) (define pendown-flag #t) (define penerase-flag #f) (define (pendown?) pendown-flag) (define (pendown) (set! pendown-flag #t) (set! penerase-flag #f) (set! true-pen-color pen-color) (eval (vector-ref color-makers true-pen-color))) (define pd pendown) (define (penup) (set! pendown-flag #f)) (define pu penup) (define (home) (setxy 0 0)) (define cs clearscreen) (define (pos) (list (xcor) (ycor))) (define (setpencolor newc) (eval (vector-ref color-makers newc)) (set! pen-color newc) (if turtle-shown (show-turtle #t)) (if penerase-flag (eval (vector-ref color-makers bg-color)) (set! true-pen-color newc))) (define setpc setpencolor) (define (pencolor) pen-color) (define pc pencolor) (define true-pen-color pen-color) (define (penerase) (set! true-pen-color bg-color) (set! pendown-flag #t) (set! penerase-flag #t) (eval (vector-ref color-makers true-pen-color))) (define pe penerase) (define turtle-base-angle (/ (* (acos (/ 1 3)) 180) 3.141592654)) (define (show-turtle show-flag) (let ((olderase penerase-flag) (olddown pendown-flag)) (if show-flag (pendown) (penerase)) (internal-rt -90) (internal-fd 5) (internal-rt (- 180 turtle-base-angle)) (internal-fd 15) (internal-rt (* 2 turtle-base-angle)) (internal-fd 15) (internal-rt (- 180 turtle-base-angle)) (internal-fd 5) (internal-rt 90) (if olddown (if olderase (penerase) (pendown)) (penup)))) (if scm? (eval '(define repeat (procedure->macro (lambda(x env) `(repeat-helper ,(cadr x) (lambda () . ,(cddr x))))))) (eval '(define-macro (repeat . args) `(repeat-helper ,(car args) (lambda () . ,(cdr args)))))) (define (repeat-helper num thunk) (if (<= num 0) 'done (begin (thunk) (repeat-helper (- num 1) thunk)))) (if scm? (eval '(define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)))