;;; The functions program

(define (functions)
  (show "Welcome to the FUNCTIONS program.")

(define (functions-loop)
  (let ((fn-name (get-fn)))
    (if (equal? fn-name 'exit)
	"Thanks for using FUNCTIONS!"
	(let ((args (get-args (arg-count fn-name))))
	  (if (not (in-domain? args fn-name))
	     (show "Argument(s) not in domain.")
	     (show-answer (apply (scheme-function fn-name) args)))

(define (get-fn)
  (display "Function: ")
  (let ((line (read-line)))
    (cond ((empty? line)
	   (show "Please type a function!")
	  ((not (= (count line) 1))
	   (show "You typed more than one thing!  Try again.")
	  ((not (valid-fn-name? (first line)))
	   (show "Sorry, that's not a function.")
	  (else (first line)))))

(define (get-args n)
  (if (= n 0)
      (let ((first (get-arg)))
	(cons first (get-args (- n 1))))))

(define (get-arg)
  (display "Argument: ")
  (let ((line (read-line)))
    (cond ((empty? line)
	   (show "Please type an argument!")
	  ((and (equal? "(" (first (first line)))
		(equal? ")" (last (last line))))
	   (let ((sent (remove-first-paren (remove-last-paren line))))
	     (if (any-parens? sent)
		  (show "Sentences can't have parentheses inside.")
		 (map booleanize sent))))
	  ((any-parens? line)
	   (show "Bad parentheses")
	  ((empty? (bf line)) (booleanize (first line)))
	  ((member? (first (first line)) "\"'")
	   (show "No quoting arguments in this program.  Try again.")
	  (else (show "You typed more than one argument!  Try again.")

(define (any-parens? line)
  (let ((letters (accumulate word line)))
    (or (member? "(" letters)
	(member? ")" letters))))

(define (remove-first-paren line)
  (if (equal? (first line) "(")
      (bf line)
      (se (bf (first line)) (bf line))))

(define (remove-last-paren line)
  (if (equal? (last line) ")")
      (bl line)
      (se (bl line) (bl (last line)))))

(define (booleanize x)
  (cond ((equal? x "#t") #t)
	((equal? x "#f") #f)
	(else x)))

(define (show-answer answer)
  (display "The result is: ")
  (if (not answer)
      (show "#F")
      (show answer))

(define (scheme-function fn-name)
  (cadr (assoc fn-name *the-functions*)))

(define (arg-count fn-name)
  (caddr (assoc fn-name *the-functions*)))

(define (type-predicate fn-name)
  (cadddr (assoc fn-name *the-functions*)))

(define (in-domain? args fn-name)
  (apply (type-predicate fn-name) args))

;; Type predicates

(define (word-or-sent? x)
  (or (word? x) (sentence? x)))

(define (not-empty? x)
  (and (word-or-sent? x) (not (empty? x))))

(define (two-numbers? x y)
  (and (number? x) (number? y)))

(define (two-reals? x y)
  (and (real? x) (real? y)))

(define (two-integers? x y)
  (and (integer? x) (integer? y)))

(define (can-divide? x y)
  (and (number? x) (number? y) (not (= y 0))))

(define (dividable-integers? x y)
  (and (two-integers? x y) (not (= y 0))))

(define (trig-range? x)
  (and (number? x) (<= (abs x) 1)))

(define (hof-types-ok? fn-name stuff range-predicate)
  (and (valid-fn-name? fn-name)
       (= 1 (arg-count fn-name))
       (word-or-sent? stuff)
       (empty? (keep (lambda (element)
		       (not ((type-predicate fn-name) element)))
       (null? (filter (lambda (element)
			(not (range-predicate element)))
		      (map (scheme-function fn-name)
			   (every (lambda (x) x) stuff))))))

(define (member-types-ok? small big)
  (and (word? small)
       (or (sentence? big) (= (count small) 1))))

;; Names of functions as functions

(define (named-every fn-name list)
  (every (scheme-function fn-name) list))

(define (named-keep fn-name list)
  (keep (scheme-function fn-name) list))

(define (valid-fn-name? name)
  (assoc name *the-functions*))

;; The list itself
(define *the-functions*
  (list (list '* * 2 two-numbers?)
	(list '+ + 2 two-numbers?)
	(list '- - 2 two-numbers?)
	(list '/ / 2 can-divide?)
	(list '< < 2 two-reals?)
	(list '<= <= 2 two-reals?)
	(list '= = 2 two-numbers?)
	(list '> > 2 two-reals?)
	(list '>= >= 2 two-reals?)
	(list 'abs abs 1 real?)

	(list 'acos acos 1 trig-range?)
	(list 'and (lambda (x y) (and x y)) 2 
	      (lambda (x y) (and (boolean? x) (boolean? y))))
	(list 'appearances appearances 2 member-types-ok?)
	(list 'asin asin 1 trig-range?)
	(list 'atan atan 1 number?)
	(list 'bf bf 1 not-empty?)
	(list 'bl bl 1 not-empty?)
	(list 'butfirst butfirst 1 not-empty?)
	(list 'butlast butlast 1 not-empty?)
	(list 'ceiling ceiling 1 real?)
	(list 'cos cos 1 number?)
	(list 'count count 1 word-or-sent?)
	(list 'equal? equal? 2 (lambda (x y) #t))
	(list 'even? even? 1 integer?)
	(list 'every named-every 2
	      (lambda (fn stuff)
		(hof-types-ok? fn stuff word-or-sent?)))
	(list 'exit '() 0 '())
	   ; in case user applies number-of-arguments to exit
	(list 'exp exp 1 number?)
	(list 'expt expt 2
	      (lambda (x y)
		(and (number? x) (number? y)
		     (or (not (real? x)) (>= x 0) (integer? y)))))
	(list 'first first 1 not-empty?)
	(list 'floor floor 1 real?)
	(list 'gcd gcd 2 two-integers?)
	(list 'if (lambda (pred yes no) (if pred yes no)) 3
	      (lambda (pred yes no) (boolean? pred)))
	(list 'item item 2
	      (lambda (n stuff)
		(and (integer? n) (> n 0)
		     (word-or-sent? stuff) (<= n (count stuff)))))
	(list 'keep named-keep 2
	      (lambda (fn stuff)
		(hof-types-ok? fn stuff boolean?)))
	(list 'last last 1 not-empty?)
	(list 'lcm lcm 2 two-integers?)
	(list 'log log 1 (lambda (x) (and (number? x) (not (= x 0)))))
	(list 'max max 2 two-reals?)
	(list 'member? member? 2 member-types-ok?)
	(list 'min min 2 two-reals?)
	(list 'modulo modulo 2 dividable-integers?)
	(list 'not not 1 boolean?)

	(list 'number-of-arguments arg-count 1 valid-fn-name?)
	(list 'odd? odd? 1 integer?)
	(list 'or (lambda (x y) (or x y)) 2
	      (lambda (x y) (and (boolean? x) (boolean? y))))
	(list 'quotient quotient 2 dividable-integers?)
	(list 'random random 1 (lambda (x) (and (integer? x) (> x 0))))
	(list 'remainder remainder 2 dividable-integers?)
	(list 'round round 1 real?)
	(list 'se se 2
	      (lambda (x y) (and (word-or-sent? x) (word-or-sent? y))))
	(list 'sentence sentence 2
	      (lambda (x y) (and (word-or-sent? x) (word-or-sent? y))))
	(list 'sentence? sentence? 1 (lambda (x) #t))
	(list 'sin sin 1 number?)
	(list 'sqrt sqrt 1 (lambda (x) (and (real? x) (>= x 0))))
	(list 'tan tan 1 number?)
	(list 'truncate truncate 1 real?)
	(list 'vowel?
	      (lambda (x)
		(and (word? x)
		     (= (count x) 1)
		     (member? x '(a e i o u))))
	      (lambda (x) #t))
	(list 'word word 2 (lambda (x y) (and (word? x) (word? y))))
	(list 'word? word? 1 (lambda (x) #t))))