\input bkmacs \setpart{\null} \aprojchap{Credits} \setpart{Credits} {\parindent=0pt Many of the examples in this book revolve around titles of songs, especially \idx{Beatles} songs. Since titles aren't covered by copyright, we didn't need official permission for this, but nevertheless we want to acknowledge the debt we owe to the great musicians who've added so much pleasure to our lives. The use of their names here does not mean that they've endorsed our work; rather, we mean to show our respect for them. The cover and the illustrations on pages \hare, \pig, \crank\ (top), \plowshares, \srini, \sheba, \fish, and \santa\ were drawn by Polly Jordan. The illustration on page \graph\ was drawn using Mathematica${}^{TM}$. The illustrations on pages \bucket, \dumdee, \typing, \cabinets, and \accountant\ appear courtesy of the Bettmann Archive. The illustration on page \plugboard\ appears courtesy of the Computer Museum, Boston. Photograph by Ben G. The quotations on pages \alice\ and \dumdee\ are from {\it Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There,\/} by \swapidx{Lewis}{Carroll} (Macmillan, 1871). \justidx{Dodgson, Charles} The Far Side cartoons on page \larson\ are reprinted by permission of Chronicle Features, San Francisco, CA. All rights reserved. The photograph on page \alonzo\ appears courtesy of UCLA, Department of Philosophy. The photograph on page \tttttm\ appears courtesy of the Computer Museum, Boston. The photograph on page \trombone\ appears courtesy of UPI/Bettmann. The illustration on page \gallery\ is {\it Printgallery,\/} by M. C. Escher. \copyright\ 1956 M. C. Escher Foundation--Baarn--Holland. The quotation on page \swallow\ (top) is from ``I Know an Old Lady,'' a traditional song of which a recent version is copyright \copyright\ 1952, 1954 by \swapidx{Rose}{Bonne} (words) and \swapidx{Alan}{Mills} (music). The illustration on page \hands\ is {\it Drawing~Hands,\/} by M. C. Escher. \copyright\ 1948 M. C. Escher Foundation--Baarn--Holland. The illustration on page \fractal\ is reprinted with permission from Michael Barnsley, {\it Fractals Everywhere,\/} Academic Press, 1988, page 319. The illustration on page \bongard\ is reprinted from page 234 of M. Bongard, {\it Pattern Recognition,\/} Spartan Books, 1970. The illustration on page \mondrian\ is {\it Flowering Apple Tree,\/} by Piet Mondrian, 1912. Courtesy of Collection Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague. The illustration on page \polly\ is a photograph by Ben G. The illustration on page \oz\ is from {\it The~Wizard~of~Oz,\/} \copyright\ 1939. Courtesy of Turner Home Entertainment. %% The illustration on page \excel\ was drawn using Microsoft Excel${}^{TM}$. } \bye