// includes
const irc = require("irc");
const lisp = require("../../lisp/js/lisp").lisp;

// create the configuration
const config = {
  channels: ["##qrxdkw", "##webpals"],
  server: "irc.libera.chat",
  port: 6667,
  botName: "huizinga",

// create the bot name
let bot = new irc.Client(config.server, config.botName, {
  channels: config.channels,

// listen for commands
bot.addListener("message", function (from, to, text, message) {
  if (text.startsWith(",echo")) {
    const content = text.substring(6); // where 6 is the length of the trigger command, !echo + 1 space
    bot.say(to, content); // to ensures that the response goes to the channel the message was sent on
  } else if (text.startsWith(",pm")) {
    bot.say(from, "yes?"); // from makes this response a private message to the sender
  } else if (text.startsWith(",lisp")) {
    const code = text.substring(6); // FIXME: if lisp crashes so does the bot
    const ret = lisp.interpret(lisp.parse(code));
    bot.say(to, ret);

// run w/
// $ node bot.js