import { player, grid, drawGrid, updatePlayerPosition, updatePlayerStatus, alertGameOver } from './game.js'; let commandQueue = []; let processingCommands = false; export function handleCommand(command) { const [action, itemOrSteps] = command.split(' '); if (action === 'get' || action === 'use' || action === 'scan' || isMovementCommand(action)) { commandQueue.push({ action, itemOrSteps }); } if (!processingCommands) { processCommandQueue(); } } function processCommandQueue() { if (commandQueue.length === 0) { processingCommands = false; return; } processingCommands = true; const { action, itemOrSteps } = commandQueue.shift(); if (action === 'get') { handleGetCommand(itemOrSteps, processCommandQueue); } else if (action === 'use') { handleUseCommand(itemOrSteps, processCommandQueue); } else if (action === 'scan') { handleScanCommand(processCommandQueue); } else if (isMovementCommand(action)) { const steps = parseInt(itemOrSteps, 10) || 1; handleMovement(action, steps, processCommandQueue); } } function handleGetCommand(item, callback) { const { x, y } = player.position; const cell = grid[x][y]; if (cell && cell.type === item) { player.inventory.push(cell.type); grid[x][y] = null; // remove the item from the grid console.log(`Picked up ${item}`); flashPlayer(callback); } else { -= 1; console.log(`Tried to get ${item} but it's not there, health is now ${}`); if ( <= 0) { alertGameOver(); return; } flashPlayer(callback); } } function handleUseCommand(item, callback) { const itemIndex = player.inventory.indexOf(item); if (itemIndex > -1) { player.inventory.splice(itemIndex, 1); // remove the item from the inventory if (item === 'potion') { += 1; // MOAR HEALTH (by 1) console.log(`Used ${item}, health is now ${}`); updatePlayerStatus(); flashPlayer(callback); } else if (item === 'battery') { player.power = Math.min(player.power + 2, (10 + player.level)); // Increase power by 2, up to a max of 10 + the current level. This may be tooooo gigantic a number console.log(`Used ${item}, power is now ${player.power}`); updatePlayerStatus(); flashPlayer(callback); } else { callback(); } } else { -= 1; console.log(`Tried to use ${item} but it's not in inventory. Ouch! Health is now ${}`); if ( <= 0) { alertGameOver(); return; } flashPlayer(callback); } } function handleScanCommand(callback) { if (player.power > 0) { player.didScan = true; player.power -= 3; drawGrid(grid); // redraw the grid to show the revealed traps updatePlayerStatus(); } else { -= 1; console.log(`Tried to scan but power is depleted, ouch! Health is now ${}`); if ( <= 0) { alertGameOver(); return; } } callback(); // continue processing commands } function handleMovement(direction, steps, callback) { let stepCount = 0; const moveInterval = setInterval(() => { if (stepCount >= steps) { clearInterval(moveInterval); callback(); return; } const { x, y } = player.position; if (direction === 'up' && y > 0) { updatePlayerPosition(x, y - 1); } else if (direction === 'down' && y < grid[0].length - 1) { updatePlayerPosition(x, y + 1); } else if (direction === 'left' && x > 0) { updatePlayerPosition(x - 1, y); } else if (direction === 'right' && x < grid.length - 1) { updatePlayerPosition(x + 1, y); } console.log(`Moved ${direction}, new position is (${player.position.x}, ${player.position.y})`); player.steps += 1; if (player.steps % 8 === 0) { player.power = Math.max(player.power - 1, 0); // decrease power but, don't let it go below 0 if (player.power <= 0) { -= 1; console.log(`Power depleted, health is now ${}`); if ( <= 0) { alertGameOver(); return; } } console.log(`Power decreased, power is now ${player.power}`); } drawGrid(grid); updatePlayerStatus(); stepCount++; }, 500); // this interval controls the speed of the animation } function flashPlayer(callback) { player.flashing = true; drawGrid(grid); setTimeout(() => { player.flashing = false; drawGrid(grid); updatePlayerStatus(); if (callback) callback(); }, 250); // Flash duration } function isMovementCommand(action) { return ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'].includes(action); }