#!/bin/sh # puts up a critical notification if $HOME/today exists, containing the contents of that file. if [ -z "$XFILE" ]; then if [ -f "$HOME"/.xsession ]; then XFILE="$HOME"/.xsession elif [ -f "$HOME"/.xinitrc ]; then XFILE="$HOME"/.xinitrc fi fi if grep -q "dwm" "$XFILE"; then WM=dwm elif grep -q 'exec' "$XFILE"; then WM=$(grep 'exec' "$XFILE"|cut -f 2 -d ' ') elif grep -q wm "$XFILE"; then WM=$(grep wm "$XFILE"|cut -f 2 -d ' ') else WM=$(tail -1 "$XFILE") fi if [ -f "$HOME"/today ]; then until pgrep "$WM">/dev/null do : done sleep 0.5 notif -s 0 "DO TODAY:" "$(tr '\n' '\t'<"$HOME"/today)" # notify-send -t 0 "DO TODAY:" "$(cat<"$HOME"/today)" fi