! X colors. *foreground: #b7a980 *background: #14130e *.foreground: #b7a980 *.background: #14130e ! Colors 0-15. *.color0: #161510 *color0: #161510 *.color1: #a32810 *color1: #a32810 *.color2: #727a18 *color2: #727a18 *.color3: #a37720 *color3: #a37720 *.color4: #3d6266 *color4: #3d6266 *.color5: #7a4955 *color5: #7a4955 *.color6: #557a55 *color6: #557a55 *.color7: #8e8463 *color7: #8e8463 *.color8: #4c4635 *color8: #4c4635 *.color9: #cc3214 *color9: #cc3214 *.color10: #8e991e *color10: #8e991e *.color11: #cc9528 *color11: #cc9528 *.color12: #4c7b7f *color12: #4c7b7f *.color13: #995b6b *color13: #995b6b *.color14: #6b996b *color14: #6b996b *.color15: #ccbc8e *color15: #ccbc8e ! Black color that will not be affected by bold highlighting. *.color66: #161510 *color66: #161510 ! XTerm config. XTerm*faceName: Cozette:pixelsize=11 XTerm*cursorColor: #72694f XTerm*scrollBar: false XTerm*vt100.Translations: #override \ Alt Shift Y: insert-selection(PRIMARY) \n\ Alt Shift V: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\ Alt Shift C: copy-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\ Alt K: scroll-back(1,line) \n\ Alt J: scroll-forw(1,line) \n\ Alt U: scroll-back(1,halfpage) \n\ Alt D: scroll-forw(1,halfpage) XTerm*allowMouseOps: false XTerm*useClipping: false ! Xclock colors. XClock*majorColor: rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff XClock*minorColor: rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff XClock*hourColor: rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff XClock*minuteColor: rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff XClock*secondColor: rgba:cc/bc/8e/ff