# sets set shell sh set shellopts '-eu' set ifs "\n" set promptfmt "\033[1;31m%u\033[0;32m@\033[1;34m%h\033[0m\033[0;36m▐\033[7m%w/f\033[0;36m▍\033[0m" # cmds cmd ttmsh ${{ TTMURL="$(curl -F 'file=@'$f https://ttm.sh)" if [ -n "$TTMURL" ]; then echo "$TTMURL"|tee "$HOME/ttmsh"|xclip -r notify-send 'successfully uploaded to ttm!' 'link copied to selection, backup is in $HOME/ttmsh' fi }} cmd rename %[ -e $1 ] && printf "file exists" || mv $f $1 # binds map D delete map a push %mkdir map r push :rename map shell map R reload map x $$f map X !$f map t ttmsh