/* base64.c - by Joe DF (joedf@ahkscript.org) Released under the MIT License See "base64.h", for more information. Thank you for inspiration: http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/813146/Fast-base-functions-for-encode-decode */ #include "base64.h" //Base64 char table - used internally for encoding unsigned char b64_chr[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; unsigned int b64_int(unsigned int ch) { // ASCII to base64_int // 65-90 Upper Case >> 0-25 // 97-122 Lower Case >> 26-51 // 48-57 Numbers >> 52-61 // 43 Plus (+) >> 62 // 47 Slash (/) >> 63 // 61 Equal (=) >> 64~ if (ch==43) return 62; if (ch==47) return 63; if (ch==61) return 64; if ((ch>47) && (ch<58)) return ch + 4; if ((ch>64) && (ch<91)) return ch - 'A'; if ((ch>96) && (ch<123)) return (ch - 'a') + 26; return 0; } unsigned int b64e_size(unsigned int in_size) { // size equals 4*floor((1/3)*(in_size+2)); int i, j = 0; for (i=0;i>2 ]; out[k+1] = b64_chr[ ((s[0]&0x03)<<4)+((s[1]&0xF0)>>4) ]; out[k+2] = b64_chr[ ((s[1]&0x0F)<<2)+((s[2]&0xC0)>>6) ]; out[k+3] = b64_chr[ s[2]&0x3F ]; j=0; k+=4; } } if (j) { if (j==1) s[1] = 0; out[k+0] = b64_chr[ (s[0]&255)>>2 ]; out[k+1] = b64_chr[ ((s[0]&0x03)<<4)+((s[1]&0xF0)>>4) ]; if (j==2) out[k+2] = b64_chr[ ((s[1]&0x0F)<<2) ]; else out[k+2] = '='; out[k+3] = '='; k+=4; } out[k] = '\0'; return k; } unsigned int b64_decode(const unsigned char* in, unsigned int in_len, unsigned int* out) { unsigned int i=0, j=0, k=0, s[4]; for (i=0;i>4); if (s[2]!=64) { out[k+1] = ((s[1]&0x0F)<<4)+((s[2]&0x3C)>>2); if ((s[3]!=64)) { out[k+2] = ((s[2]&0x03)<<6)+(s[3]); k+=3; } else { k+=2; } } else { k+=1; } j=0; } } return k; } unsigned int b64_encodef(char *InFile, char *OutFile) { FILE *pInFile = fopen(InFile,"rb"); FILE *pOutFile = fopen(OutFile,"wb"); if ( (pInFile==NULL) || (pOutFile==NULL) ) return 0; unsigned int i=0, j=0, c=0, s[3]; while(c!=EOF) { c=fgetc(pInFile); if (c==EOF) break; s[j++]=c; if (j==3) { fputc(b64_chr[ (s[0]&255)>>2 ],pOutFile); fputc(b64_chr[ ((s[0]&0x03)<<4)+((s[1]&0xF0)>>4) ],pOutFile); fputc(b64_chr[ ((s[1]&0x0F)<<2)+((s[2]&0xC0)>>6) ],pOutFile); fputc(b64_chr[ s[2]&0x3F ],pOutFile); j=0; i+=4; } } if (j) { if (j==1) s[1] = 0; fputc(b64_chr[ (s[0]&255)>>2 ],pOutFile); fputc(b64_chr[ ((s[0]&0x03)<<4)+((s[1]&0xF0)>>4) ],pOutFile); if (j==2) fputc(b64_chr[ ((s[1]&0x0F)<<2) ],pOutFile); else fputc('=',pOutFile); fputc('=',pOutFile); i+=4; } fclose(pInFile); fclose(pOutFile); return i; } unsigned int b64_decodef(char *InFile, char *OutFile) { FILE *pInFile = fopen(InFile,"rb"); FILE *pOutFile = fopen(OutFile,"wb"); if ( (pInFile==NULL) || (pOutFile==NULL) ) return 0; unsigned int c=0, j=0, k=0, s[4]; while(c!=EOF) { c=fgetc(pInFile); if (c==EOF) break; s[j++]=b64_int(c); if (j==4) { fputc(((s[0]&255)<<2)+((s[1]&0x30)>>4),pOutFile); if (s[2]!=64) { fputc(((s[1]&0x0F)<<4)+((s[2]&0x3C)>>2),pOutFile); if ((s[3]!=64)) { fputc(((s[2]&0x03)<<6)+(s[3]),pOutFile); k+=3; } else { k+=2; } } else { k+=1; } j=0; } } fclose(pInFile); fclose(pOutFile); return k; }