/* base64.c - by Joe DF (joedf@ahkscript.org) Released under the MIT License Revision: 2015-06-12 00:02:32 Thank you for inspiration: http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/813146/Fast-base-functions-for-encode-decode */ #include //Base64 char table function - used internally for decoding unsigned int b64_int(unsigned int ch); // in_size : the number bytes to be encoded. // Returns the recommended memory size to be allocated for the output buffer excluding the null byte unsigned int b64e_size(unsigned int in_size); // in_size : the number bytes to be decoded. // Returns the recommended memory size to be allocated for the output buffer unsigned int b64d_size(unsigned int in_size); // in : buffer of "raw" binary to be encoded. // in_len : number of bytes to be encoded. // out : pointer to buffer with enough memory, user is responsible for memory allocation, receives null-terminated string // returns size of output including null byte unsigned int b64_encode(const unsigned int* in, unsigned int in_len, unsigned char* out); // in : buffer of base64 string to be decoded. // in_len : number of bytes to be decoded. // out : pointer to buffer with enough memory, user is responsible for memory allocation, receives "raw" binary // returns size of output excluding null byte unsigned int b64_decode(const unsigned char* in, unsigned int in_len, unsigned int* out); // file-version b64_encode // Input : filenames // returns size of output unsigned int b64_encodef(char *InFile, char *OutFile);