# Sorry, I'm busy The rate of my blog posting went up, and then back down recently. Why? I'm busy. I feel like thats all I say anymore. So why am I so busy all of a sudden? well I came off a rough year of math (Geo) and I want to get ahead so I'm taking algebra 2 and Physics over the summer - at double speed. I got most of my subject done kinda early in the year so I got a bunch of time to contribute to FOSS projects and write this blog. I've also been trying to keep up with my summer projects and I've been writing a coding course for my robotics team (more on that later). So, I'm busy. But I've been enjoying it, I reorganized my desk and started doing actual time management, so it's not all bad, it actually kinda good :) See you next post. (Maybe about rio text windows vs. UNIX terminals) -- Fulton