use clap::{Arg, ArgMatches}; lazy_static! { pub static ref ARGS: ArgMatches<'static> = get_config(); pub static ref DEBUG: bool = ARGS.is_present("verbose"); } fn get_config() -> clap::ArgMatches<'static> { clap::App::new("clinte") .version(clap::crate_version!()) .author("Ben Morrison ") .about("Command-line community notices system") .arg( Arg::with_name("verbose") .short("v") .long("verbose") .help("Verbose logging"), ) .subcommand(clap::SubCommand::with_name("post").about("Post a new notice")) .subcommand( clap::SubCommand::with_name("update") .about("Update a notice you've posted") .arg( Arg::with_name("id") .help("Numeric ID of the post to update") .value_name("ID") .takes_value(true), ), ) .subcommand( clap::SubCommand::with_name("delete") .about("Delete a notice you've posted") .arg( Arg::with_name("id") .help("Numeric ID of the post to delete") .value_name("ID") .takes_value(true), ), ) .get_matches() }