use std::io; use crate::conf; use crate::db; use crate::error; use crate::user; #[cfg(not(test))] use crate::ed; // Make sure nobody encodes narsty characters // into a message to negatively affect other // users fn str_to_utf8(str: &str) -> String { str.chars() .map(|c| { let mut buf = [0; 4]; c.encode_utf8(&mut buf).to_string() }) .collect::() } // First handler for creating a new post. pub fn create() -> error::Result<()> { println!(); println!("Title of the new post: "); #[cfg(test)] let title = String::from("TEST_TITLE"); #[cfg(not(test))] let mut title = String::new(); #[cfg(not(test))] io::stdin().read_line(&mut title)?; let title = str_to_utf8(title.trim()); let title = if title.len() > 30 { &title[..30] } else { &title }; println!(); #[cfg(not(test))] let body_raw = str_to_utf8(&ed::call("")); #[cfg(not(test))] let body = if body_raw.len() > 500 { &body_raw[..500] } else { &body_raw }; #[cfg(test)] let body = String::from("TEST_BODY"); let trimmed_body = body.trim(); let user = &*user::NAME; let mut all = db::Posts::get_all(db::PATH); let new = db::Post { author: user.into(), title: title.to_string(), body: trimmed_body.to_string(), }; all.append(new); all.write(); println!(); Ok(()) } // Shows the most recent posts. pub fn display() -> error::Result<()> { let args = &*conf::ARGS; let line_len = args .value_of("line") .unwrap_or_else(|| "80") .parse::() .unwrap_or_else(|_| 80); let all = db::Posts::get_all(db::PATH); all.hash()?; let mut postvec = Vec::new(); all.posts().iter().enumerate().for_each(|(id, post)| { let body = post .body .trim() .chars() .enumerate() .map(|(i, e)| { let i = i + 1; if line_len > 9 && i % line_len == 0 { return format!("{}\n", e); } e.to_string() }) .collect::(); let newpost = format!( "{}. {} -> by {}\n{}\n\n", id + 1, post.title.trim(),, body ); postvec.push(newpost); }); for (i, e) in postvec.iter().enumerate() { if (postvec.len() > 14 && i >= postvec.len() - 15) || postvec.len() < 15 { print!("{}", e); } } Ok(()) } // First handler to update posts. pub fn update_handler(id: usize) -> error::Result<()> { let mut id_num_in = if id == 0 { println!(); println!("ID number of your post to edit?"); let mut id_num_in = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut id_num_in)?; id_num_in.trim().parse()? } else { id }; id_num_in -= 1; #[cfg(not(test))] let user = &*user::NAME; let mut all = db::Posts::get_all(db::PATH); let post = all.get(id_num_in); #[cfg(test)] let user = &; if *user != { println!(); println!("Users don't match. Can't update post!"); println!(); std::process::exit(1); } #[cfg(test)] let new_title = String::from("TEST_TITLE"); #[cfg(not(test))] let mut new_title = String::new(); println!("Updating post {}", id_num_in); println!(); println!("Current Title: {}", post.title); println!(); println!("Enter new title:"); #[cfg(not(test))] io::stdin().read_line(&mut new_title)?; #[cfg(test)] let body_raw = String::from("TEST_BODY"); #[cfg(not(test))] let body_raw = str_to_utf8(&ed::call(&post.body)); let body = if body_raw.len() > 500 { &body_raw[..500] } else { &body_raw }; let trimmed_body = body.trim(); all.replace( id_num_in, db::Post { author: user.into(), title: new_title, body: trimmed_body.to_string(), }, ); all.write(); println!(); Ok(()) } // First handler to remove a post pub fn delete_handler(id: usize) -> error::Result<()> { let mut id_num_in = if id == 0 { println!(); println!("ID of the post to delete?"); let mut id_num_in = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut id_num_in)?; println!(); id_num_in.trim().parse()? } else { id }; id_num_in -= 1; let mut all = db::Posts::get_all(db::PATH); let post = all.get(id_num_in); if *user::NAME != { println!(); println!("Users don't match. Can't delete post!"); println!(); std::process::exit(1); } all.delete(id_num_in); all.write(); Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::fs; #[test] fn test_str_to_utf8() { let lhs = "foobar"; let rhs = str_to_utf8(lhs); assert_eq!(lhs, rhs); } #[test] fn display_doesnt_explode() { assert!(display().is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_update_handler() { fs::copy(db::PATH, "clinte_bak.json").unwrap(); update_handler(1).unwrap(); let all = db::Posts::get_all(db::PATH); let post = all.get(0); assert_eq!(post.title, "TEST_TITLE"); assert_eq!(post.body, "TEST_BODY"); fs::rename("clinte_bak.json", db::PATH).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_create_delete() { fs::copy(db::PATH, "clinte_bak.json").unwrap(); create().unwrap(); let all = db::Posts::get_all(db::PATH); let post = all.get(1); assert_eq!(post.title, "TEST_TITLE"); assert_eq!(post.body, "TEST_BODY"); delete_handler(2).unwrap(); fs::rename("clinte_bak.json", db::PATH).unwrap(); } }