PREFIX?=/usr/local _INSTDIR=$(PREFIX) BINDIR?=$(_INSTDIR)/getwtxt VERSION?=$(shell git tag | grep ^v | sort -V | tail -n 1) GOFLAGS?=-ldflags '-X${VERSION}' getwtxt: getwtxt.go go.mod go.sum @echo @echo Building getwtxt. This may take a minute or two. @mkdir -p logs go build $(GOFLAGS) -o $@ @echo @echo ...Done\! .PHONY: clean clean: @echo @echo Cleaning build and module caches... go clean go clean -cache -modcache @echo @echo ...Done\! .PHONY: update update: @echo @echo Updating from upstream repository... @echo git pull --rebase origin master @echo @echo ...Done\! .PHONY: install install: @echo @echo Installing getwtxt... @echo @echo Creating user/group... adduser -home $(BINDIR) --system --group getwtxt @echo @echo @echo Creating directories... mkdir -p $(BINDIR)/assets/tmpl $(BINDIR)/docs $(BINDIR)/logs $(BINDIR)/static @echo @echo Copying files... install -m755 getwtxt $(BINDIR) install -m644 getwtxt.yml $(BINDIR) install -m644 assets/style.css $(BINDIR)/assets install -m644 assets/tmpl/index.html $(BINDIR)/assets/tmpl install -m644 static/kognise.water.css.dark.min.css $(BINDIR)/static install -m644 $(BINDIR)/docs install -m644 LICENSE $(BINDIR)/docs install -m644 etc/getwtxt.service /etc/systemd/system @echo @echo @echo Setting ownership... chown -R getwtxt:getwtxt $(BINDIR) @echo @echo ...Done\! Don\'t forget to run @echo ' $$ systemctl enable getwtxt' .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: @echo @echo Uninstalling getwtxt... @echo @echo Stopping service if running... @echo systemctl stop getwtxt @systemctl stop getwtxt >/dev/null 2>&1 || true @echo @echo Disabling service autostart... @echo systemctl disable getwtxt @systemctl disable getwtxt >/dev/null 2>&1 || true @echo @echo Removing files rm -rf $(BINDIR)/assets rm -rf $(BINDIR)/logs rm -f $(BINDIR)/getwtxt rm -f $(BINDIR)/getwtxt.yml rm -f /etc/systemd/system/getwtxt.service @echo @echo Removing user - userdel getwtxt @echo @echo The database is still intact in /usr/local/getwtxt/ @echo @echo ...Done\!