package main import ( "fmt" "html/template" "log" "os" "os/signal" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) const getwtxt = "0.1" var ( flagVersion *bool = pflag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "Display version information, then exit.") flagHelp *bool = pflag.BoolP("help", "h", false, "Display the quick-help screen.") flagMan *bool = pflag.BoolP("man", "m", false, "Display the configuration manual.") flagConfFile *string = pflag.StringP("config", "c", "", "The name/path of the configuration file you wish to use.") ) var confObj = &Configuration{} // signals to close the log file var closeLog = make(chan bool, 1) // used to transmit database pointer after // initialization var dbChan = make(chan *leveldb.DB, 1) var tmpls *template.Template var twtxtCache = registry.NewIndex() var remoteRegistries = &RemoteRegistries{} var staticCache = &struct { index []byte indexMod time.Time css []byte cssMod time.Time }{ index: nil, indexMod: time.Time{}, css: nil, cssMod: time.Time{}, } func initGetwtxt() { checkFlags() titleScreen() initConfig() initLogging() tmpls = initTemplates() initDatabase() watchForInterrupt() } func checkFlags() { pflag.Parse() if *flagVersion { titleScreen() os.Exit(0) } if *flagHelp { titleScreen() helpScreen() os.Exit(0) } if *flagMan { titleScreen() helpScreen() manualScreen() os.Exit(0) } } func initConfig() { if *flagConfFile == "" { viper.SetConfigName("getwtxt") viper.SetConfigType("yml") viper.AddConfigPath(".") viper.AddConfigPath("/usr/local/getwtxt") viper.AddConfigPath("/etc") viper.AddConfigPath("/usr/local/etc") } else { path, file := filepath.Split(*flagConfFile) if path == "" { path = "." } if file == "" { file = *flagConfFile } filename := strings.Split(file, ".") viper.SetConfigName(filename[0]) viper.SetConfigType(filename[1]) viper.AddConfigPath(path) } log.Printf("Loading configuration ...\n") if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { log.Printf("%v\n", err.Error()) log.Printf("Using defaults ...\n") } else { viper.WatchConfig() viper.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) { log.Printf("Config file change detected. Reloading...\n") rebindConfig() }) } viper.SetDefault("ListenPort", 9001) viper.SetDefault("LogFile", "getwtxt.log") viper.SetDefault("DatabasePath", "getwtxt.db") viper.SetDefault("StdoutLogging", false) viper.SetDefault("ReCacheInterval", "1h") viper.SetDefault("DatabasePushInterval", "5m") viper.SetDefault("Instance.SiteName", "getwtxt") viper.SetDefault("Instance.OwnerName", "Anonymous Microblogger") viper.SetDefault("Instance.Email", "nobody@knows") viper.SetDefault("Instance.URL", "") viper.SetDefault("Instance.Description", "A fast, resilient twtxt registry server written in Go!") confObj.Mu.Lock() confObj.Port = viper.GetInt("ListenPort") confObj.LogFile = viper.GetString("LogFile") confObj.DBPath = viper.GetString("DatabasePath") log.Printf("Using database: %v\n", confObj.DBPath) confObj.StdoutLogging = viper.GetBool("StdoutLogging") if confObj.StdoutLogging { log.Printf("Logging to stdout\n") } else { log.Printf("Logging to %v\n", confObj.LogFile) } confObj.CacheInterval = viper.GetDuration("StatusFetchInterval") log.Printf("User status fetch interval: %v\n", confObj.CacheInterval) confObj.DBInterval = viper.GetDuration("DatabasePushInterval") log.Printf("Database push interval: %v\n", confObj.DBInterval) confObj.LastCache = time.Now() confObj.LastPush = time.Now() confObj.Version = getwtxt confObj.Instance.Name = viper.GetString("Instance.SiteName") confObj.Instance.URL = viper.GetString("Instance.URL") confObj.Instance.Owner = viper.GetString("Instance.OwnerName") confObj.Instance.Mail = viper.GetString("Instance.Email") confObj.Instance.Desc = viper.GetString("Instance.Description") confObj.Mu.Unlock() } func initLogging() { confObj.Mu.RLock() if confObj.StdoutLogging { log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) } else { logfile, err := os.OpenFile(confObj.LogFile, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not open log file: %v\n", err.Error()) } // Listen for the signal to close the log file // in a separate thread. Passing it as an argument // to prevent race conditions when the config is // reloaded. go func(logfile *os.File) { <-closeLog log.Printf("Closing log file ...\n") err = logfile.Close() if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't close log file: %v\n", err.Error()) } }(logfile) log.SetOutput(logfile) } confObj.Mu.RUnlock() } func rebindConfig() { confObj.Mu.RLock() if !confObj.StdoutLogging { closeLog <- true } confObj.Mu.RUnlock() confObj.Mu.Lock() confObj.LogFile = viper.GetString("LogFile") confObj.DBPath = viper.GetString("DatabasePath") confObj.StdoutLogging = viper.GetBool("StdoutLogging") confObj.CacheInterval = viper.GetDuration("StatusFetchInterval") confObj.DBInterval = viper.GetDuration("DatabasePushInterval") confObj.Instance.Name = viper.GetString("Instance.SiteName") confObj.Instance.URL = viper.GetString("Instance.URL") confObj.Instance.Owner = viper.GetString("Instance.OwnerName") confObj.Instance.Mail = viper.GetString("Instance.Email") confObj.Instance.Desc = viper.GetString("Instance.Description") confObj.Mu.Unlock() initLogging() } func initTemplates() *template.Template { return template.Must(template.ParseFiles("assets/tmpl/index.html")) } // Pull DB data into cache, if available. func initDatabase() { confObj.Mu.RLock() db, err := leveldb.OpenFile(confObj.DBPath, nil) confObj.Mu.RUnlock() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("%v\n", err.Error()) } dbChan <- db pullDatabase() go cacheAndPush() } // Watch for SIGINT aka ^C // Close the log file then exit func watchForInterrupt() { c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) go func() { for sigint := range c { log.Printf("\n\nCaught %v. Cleaning up ...\n", sigint) confObj.Mu.RLock() log.Printf("Closing database connection to %v...\n", confObj.DBPath) db := <-dbChan if err := db.Close(); err != nil { log.Printf("%v\n", err.Error()) } if !confObj.StdoutLogging { closeLog <- true } confObj.Mu.RUnlock() close(dbChan) close(closeLog) // Let everything catch up time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) os.Exit(0) } }() } func titleScreen() { fmt.Printf(` _ _ _ __ _ ___| |___ _| |___ _| |_ / _ |/ _ \ __\ \ /\ / / __\ \/ / __| | (_| | __/ |_ \ V V /| |_ > <| |_ \__, |\___|\__| \_/\_/ \__/_/\_\\__| |___/ version ` + getwtxt + ` GPL v3 `) } func helpScreen() { fmt.Printf(` getwtxt Help Command Line Options: -h Print this help screen. -m Print the configuration manual. -v Print the version information and quit. -c [--config] Path to an alternate configuration file to use. May be relative or absolute. `) } func manualScreen() { fmt.Printf(` Configuration File: The default configuration file is in YAML format, chosen for its clarity and its support of commenting (unlike JSON). It may be placed in any of the following locations by default: The same directory as the getwtxt executable /usr/local/getwtxt/ /etc/ /usr/local/etc/ The paths are searched in that order. The first configuration file found is used by getwtxt, while the locations further down are ignored. Multiple configuration files may be used, however, with the '-c' command line flag. The path passed to getwtxt via '-c' may be relative or absolute. For example, both of the following are allowed: ./getwtxt -c myconfig.json ./getwtxt -c /etc/ExtraConfigsDir/mysecondconfig.toml The supported configuration types are: YAML, TOML, JSON, HCL The configuration file contains several options used to customize your instance of getwtxt. None are required, they will simply use their default value unless otherwise specified. ListenPort: Defines the port getwtxt should bind to. Default: 9001 DatabasePath: The location of the LevelDB structure used by getwtxt to back up registry data. This can be a relative or absolute path. Default: getwtxt.db StdoutLogging: Boolean used to determine whether getwtxt should send logging output to stdout. This is useful for debugging, but you should probably save your logs once your instance is running. Default: false LogFile: The location of getwtxt's log file. This, like DatabasePath, can be relative or absolute. Default: getwtxt.log DatabasePushInterval: The interval on which getwtxt will push registry data from the in-memory cache to the on-disk LevelDB database. The following time suffixes may be used: ns, us, ms, s, m, h Default: 5m StatusFetchInterval: The interval on which getwtxt will crawl all users' twtxt files to retrieve new statuses. The same time suffixes as DatabasePushInterval may be used. Default: 1h Instance: Signifies the start of instance-specific meta information. The following are used only for the summary and use information displayed by the default web page for getwtxt. If desired, the assets/tmpl/index.html file may be customized. Keep in mind that in YAML, the following options must be preceded by two spaces so that they are interpreted as sub-options. SiteName: The name of your getwtxt instance. Default: getwtxt URL: The publicly-accessible URL of your getwtxt instance. Default: OwnerName: Your name. Default: Anonymous Microblogger Email: Your email address. Default: nobody@knows Description: A short description of your getwtxt instance or your site. As this likely includes whitespace, it should be in double-quotes. This can include XHTML or HTML line breaks if desired: <br /> <br> Default: "A fast, resilient twtxt registry server written in Go!" `) }