package main import ( "log" "os" "time" "" "" "" ) // command line flags var ( port *int = pflag.IntP("port", "p", 9001, "getwtxt will serve from this port") logfile *string = pflag.StringP("logfile", "l", "getwtxt.log", "File for logging output") twtxtfile *string = pflag.StringP("twtxtfile", "f", "/var/twtxt/twtxt.txt", "Registry file for getwtxt") ) // config object var confObj = &configuration{} // signals to close the log file var closelog = make(chan bool, 1) func init() { initConfig() pflag.Parse() viper.BindPFlags(pflag.CommandLine) initLogging() } func initConfig() { viper.SetConfigName("getwtxt") viper.AddConfigPath(".") viper.AddConfigPath("/usr/local/getwtxt") viper.AddConfigPath("/etc") viper.AddConfigPath("/usr/local/etc") if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { log.Printf("Error reading config file: %v\n", err) log.Printf("Using defaults ...\n") } // separate thread to watch for config file changes. // will log event then run rebindConfig() viper.WatchConfig() viper.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) { log.Printf("Config file change detected. Reloading...\n") rebindConfig() }) viper.SetDefault("port", 9001) viper.SetDefault("logfile", "getwtxt.log") viper.SetDefault("twtxtfile", "/var/twtxt/twtxt.txt") confObj.port = viper.GetInt("port") confObj.logfile = viper.GetString("logfile") confObj.twtxtfile = viper.GetString("twtxtfile") } func initLogging() { logfile, err := os.OpenFile(confObj.logfile, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not open log file: %v\n", err) } // Listen for the signal to close the log file // in a separate thread go func() { <-closelog log.Printf("Closing log file ...\n") err = logfile.Close() if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't close log file: %v\n", err) } }() log.SetOutput(logfile) } func rebindConfig() { // reassign values to the config object confObj.port = viper.GetInt("port") confObj.logfile = viper.GetString("logfile") confObj.twtxtfile = viper.GetString("twtxtfile") // signal to close the log file then wait closelog <- true time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) // reinitialize logging initLogging() }