/* Copyright (c) 2019 Ben Morrison (gbmor) This file is part of Getwtxt. Getwtxt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Getwtxt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Getwtxt. If not, see . */ package svc // import "github.com/getwtxt/getwtxt/svc" import ( "bytes" "fmt" "log" "net" "os" "strings" "sync" "testing" "github.com/getwtxt/registry" "github.com/spf13/viper" ) var ( testport string initTestOnce sync.Once initDBOnce sync.Once ) func initTestConf() { initTestOnce.Do(func() { logToNull() testConfig() tmpls = initTemplates() pingAssets() confObj.Mu.RLock() defer confObj.Mu.RUnlock() testport = fmt.Sprintf(":%v", confObj.Port) }) } func initTestDB() { initDBOnce.Do(func() { initDatabase() }) } func logToNull() { hush, err := os.Open("/dev/null") if err != nil { log.Printf("%v\n", err) } log.SetOutput(hush) reqLog = log.New(hush, "", log.LstdFlags) } func testConfig() { viper.SetConfigName("getwtxt") viper.SetConfigType("yml") viper.AddConfigPath("../") viper.SetDefault("BehindProxy", true) viper.SetDefault("UseTLS", false) viper.SetDefault("TLSCert", "/etc/ssl/getwtxt.pem") viper.SetDefault("TLSKey", "/etc/ssl/private/getwtxt.pem") viper.SetDefault("ListenPort", 9001) viper.SetDefault("DatabasePath", "getwtxt.db") viper.SetDefault("AssetsDirectory", "assets") viper.SetDefault("DatabaseType", "leveldb") viper.SetDefault("ReCacheInterval", "9m") viper.SetDefault("DatabasePushInterval", "4m") viper.SetDefault("Instance.SiteName", "getwtxt") viper.SetDefault("Instance.OwnerName", "Anonymous Microblogger") viper.SetDefault("Instance.Email", "nobody@knows") viper.SetDefault("Instance.URL", "https://twtxt.example.com") viper.SetDefault("Instance.Description", "A fast, resilient twtxt registry server written in Go!") confObj.Mu.Lock() defer confObj.Mu.Unlock() confObj.Port = viper.GetInt("ListenPort") confObj.AssetsDir = "../" + viper.GetString("AssetsDirectory") confObj.DBType = strings.ToLower(viper.GetString("DatabaseType")) confObj.DBPath = viper.GetString("DatabasePath") confObj.CacheInterval = viper.GetDuration("StatusFetchInterval") confObj.DBInterval = viper.GetDuration("DatabasePushInterval") confObj.Instance.Vers = Vers confObj.Instance.Name = viper.GetString("Instance.SiteName") confObj.Instance.URL = viper.GetString("Instance.URL") confObj.Instance.Owner = viper.GetString("Instance.OwnerName") confObj.Instance.Mail = viper.GetString("Instance.Email") confObj.Instance.Desc = viper.GetString("Instance.Description") } // Creates a fresh mock registry, with a single // user and their statuses, for testing. func mockRegistry() { twtxtCache = registry.New(nil) statuses, _, _ := registry.GetTwtxt("https://github.com/getwtxt/getwtxt/raw/master/testdata/twtxt.txt", nil) parsed, _ := registry.ParseUserTwtxt(statuses, "getwtxttest", "https://github.com/getwtxt/getwtxt/raw/master/testdata/twtxt.txt") _ = twtxtCache.AddUser("getwtxttest", "https://github.com/getwtxt/getwtxt/raw/master/testdata/twtxt.txt", net.ParseIP(""), parsed) } // Empties the mock registry's user of statuses // for functions that test status modifications func killStatuses() { twtxtCache.Mu.Lock() user := twtxtCache.Users["https://github.com/getwtxt/getwtxt/raw/master/testdata/twtxt.txt"] user.Mu.Lock() user.Status = registry.NewTimeMap() user.LastModified = "0" twtxtCache.Users["https://github.com/getwtxt/getwtxt/raw/master/testdata/twtxt.txt"] = user user.Mu.Unlock() twtxtCache.Mu.Unlock() } func Test_errLog(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Log to Buffer", func(t *testing.T) { b := []byte{} buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b) log.SetOutput(buf) err := fmt.Errorf("test error") errLog("", err) if !strings.Contains(buf.String(), "test error") { t.Errorf("Output Incorrect: %#v\n", buf.String()) } }) }